Dracula: "..."

"My name is Ronald Weiss, other Wess can go back." The corners of his mouth twitched a little, and he waved his hands to the other Wess except Ron, "Ron Weiss stay here , I have some questions to ask you."

Ron pointed his finger at himself in surprise, and after getting Dracula's affirmative answer, he walked over from the stairs.

"Professor, are you looking for me?" His face was still pale, and he asked in a hoarse voice.

"Yes, Potter should stay together too." Dracula pointed to Harry who was not far away.

Ron and Harry came to Dracula's side together. Seeing this, Hermione quietly followed the two friends and stood in front of the fireplace.

"Wes, come on, think about what happened." Looking at the three little wizards in pajamas with dazed expressions, Dracula asked Ron, "Did you see Sirius Boo when you woke up?" What does Luke look like and what is he doing?"

Hearing Dracula's question, the other little wizards were no longer sleepy. They all pricked up their ears, or sat on the sofa in the common room and pretended to study, or stood on the steps in front of the dormitory door to eavesdrop.

They all want to know the details of this shocking event.

Ron also seemed to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by people, and his face of fear was diluted a lot, and he recounted beamingly:

"I was still asleep at the time, and then I vaguely heard the sound of tearing something, I thought I was dreaming,

So he ignored him.But then another gust of drafts hit me, and I woke up to see that one side of the curtain beside the bed had been torn off..."

"Then I rolled over and saw him standing in front of me...like a skeleton, with a big mess of filthy hair, and holding a big long knife in his hand, I must have looked twelve inches long ...he looked at me, I looked at him, and I yelled and he ran away."

"Escaped?" Dracula raised his eyebrows, "He is a dangerous Death Eater, why did he escape because of your screams?"

"Yeah, Black went to the wrong bed, why didn't he kill Ron and continue looking for me?" Harry was also very confused about this, "What Black did 12 years ago showed that he didn't Don't care about killing innocent people, this time there are only five unarmed little wizards in front of him, and four of them are still fast asleep!"

"Yeah, he can kill all five of us, so Harry won't be missed, right?" Ron echoed.

Dracula fell silent, thinking silently.

Harry was still racking his brains for reasoning.

"Blake must know that if you wake everyone up, it will be difficult for him to get out of the castle." He thought for a while, and then said, "To get back through the hole in that portrait, he must kill The whole school, and then you might meet the professors..."

"Wait, what did Wes say before he came... Your bed was turned upside down, and there were several holes in the mattress?" Dracula suddenly interrupted Harry and asked.

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Ron froze for a moment.

"I'm wondering if what Black is looking for is not Potter, but something in Wes." Dracula guessed, "Wes, what precious or special things do you have?" something?"

"No...no." Ron was full of doubts. "My family never allows me to bring any valuables. I even have to wait for my dad to win the big prize to change my wand."

Then, he suddenly yelled, "By the way, my Scabbers is gone, it must be frightened... By the way, Hermione, watch your cat, don't let it sneak into the men's bedroom and take away Scabbers." It happened again!"

"Ron, it's natural for cats to catch mice, you can't be so selfish and kill Crookshanks' freedom!" Hermione replied unconvinced.

"It's not that you have to buy a cat from the pet store!" Ron yelled, "I've had Scabbers for three years, and it's only during the semester you've had the cat that he looks so depressed!"


Dracula subconsciously looked at the ginger-yellow mixed-breed cat Lizi in Hermione's arms, and suddenly noticed some inconsistencies in the conversation between the two just now——

"Come on, Wes, you mean...have you had your mouse for three years?" he asked with a frown.

Rats usually live between 1 and 3 years, while pet mice mostly live up to two years.

A pet mouse that lives for three years is considered a pretty long lifespan.

"Yes, Scabbers was Percy's pet before, but when I came to Hogwarts to study, Percy became a prefect, and my mother bought him a new owl..." Ron's tone was somewhat Jealous, "And then Percy gave Scabbers to me."

"Wait, you said that mouse was Percy's pet before?" Dracula's frown tightened.

"Yeah, I can only use my brothers' things, whether it's clothes, wands, textbooks or pets..." Ron said resentfully.

At this time, Dumbledore, who was next to him, was also keenly aware of the problem, and came to Dracula's side.

"Professor Dracula, you mean..." Dumbledore asked softly.

"Whether I'm overreacting or not, in short, it shouldn't be too difficult to find a mouse." Dracula shook his head lightly.

He raised his wand, nodded at Ron, and read:

"Trace to the Source (Avensegiu."

A pale yellow line appeared on the ground, one end was connected to Ron's body, and the other end extended to the door opening of the common room.

Ron looked at the pale yellow line for no reason, thinking that Professor Dracula, who had never been very talkative, was willing to personally

Help him find his pet, with a very excited look on his face.

As everyone knows, Dracula really wanted to find his pet, but he didn't intend to return it to him...

The burgundy light flowed in his eyes, and Dracula's gaze moved forward infinitely along this line, and then saw the end of its connection——

It was the path leading to the northeast of Hogwarts Castle, and a gray mouse was trying to crawl quickly in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

It didn't run away aimlessly like a normal pet mouse, but it crawled straight to the thickest bush and the most suitable place for hiding as if it had a clear goal.


Dracula withdrew his gaze and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.

He and Dumbledore looked at each other and nodded.

Immediately, the two disappeared in the Gryffindor common room at the same time, and reappeared in an instant on the path that the gray mouse was advancing.

Chapter 210 Peter Pedirou

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"Is this the pet mouse that Wes came to raise?"

Dracula opened his palm, and there seemed to be an irresistible suction in his palm. The big gray-black mouse suddenly floated up from the ground uncontrollably and flew towards Dracula.

Suddenly rising from the ground, Banban's eyes showed a bit of astonishment, and then, it saw the two professors in front of it, and extreme fear surfaced on that pointed mouse face.

It flapped its four paws, twisted its head, and struggled violently.

Banban's struggle obviously had no effect, Dracula easily held it in his hands, and pinched the fat mouse's neck with his thumb and index finger with some disgust.

Panicked, it struggled to turn the mouse's head, and bit Dracula's index finger with its sharp teeth.


The upper and lower four long front teeth shattered together, and there was not even a tooth mark left on Dracula's index finger.

"Hey, this mouse is quite fierce." Dracula glanced at Scabbers in his hand, and threw it at Dumbledore, "You are better at transfiguration, see if there is anything wrong with it place."

"Does Professor Dracula think that Banban is an unregistered Animagus?" Dumbledore took Banban and asked with a frown.

He was not as big-hearted as Dracula, and wrapped an iron armor spell around his hand before taking over Banban.

"Who knows?" Dracula shrugged. "In short, it seems that Sirius Black sneaked into the common room not for Potter, but to find this mouse. There should be some problems with it."

Dumbledore nodded in approval, then looked down at Scabbers who was struggling violently in his hands.

Looking at this long-lived pet mouse, his eyes were a little surprised at first, and then became fierce.

"You may be right, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore said softly.

He took out his wand with the other hand, pointed at the mouse in his hand, and a circle of blue-white light slowly emerged in front of the wand.

At the same time as the light came on, Banban was suspended in mid-air, its small gray-black body twisted and struggled crazily...

After a moment, the mouse in the light fell down and landed on the ground.

There was another blinding flash, and then... It was like a fast shot of observing the growth of plants in front of my eyes——

The mouse's body gradually swelled, and first a head appeared on the ground, and then limbs protruded from the body. After a while, a man stood where Scabbers was just now, wringing his hands in fear.

This man was very short, not much taller than the little wizards of the lower grades.His thin, blond hair was disheveled, with a large patch of baldness on top.

His body shape is not in harmony with his body, like an obese person who has lost a lot of weight in a short period of time, and there are many fat folds on the dirty skin, which is almost the same as the fur of a mouse.

Not only that, but his pointed nose and small watery eyes have some mouse characteristics.

The man looked at Dracula who was full of interest and Dumbledore who was surprised, and his breathing was short and weak.His small eyes subconsciously glanced at the Forbidden Forest, and quickly retracted them.

Looking at the man in front of him, Dumbledore quietly put away the surprise in his eyes, and his eyes became extraordinarily deep.

"Long time no see, Peter." He let out a breath slowly and said softly.

"Do you know this mouse, Dumbledore?" Dracula asked Dumbledore as he looked at the little man curiously, "Tsk, this guy looks ugly, Sirius Black Why did you come here to catch him?"

"Hi, hello... Principal Dumbledore..." The voice of the man named Peter was also sharp, and he glanced at Dracula with some fear in his eyes, "Professor Dracula...I, I I also know you..."

"Oh?" Dracula put on a playful smile on his face, "It seems that I am quite famous in Wesley and Potter's dormitory, and even a pet knows my name."

"Professor Dracula, this is not a pet..." Dumbledore's voice sounded beside him.

His voice was soft, but Dracula was surprised to feel the anger lurking in it.

"This is the recipient of the Order of Merlin, First Class, Peter Pedillo." Dumbledore said softly. "A 'hero' who should have died 12 years ago."

"Peter Pedilou?" Dracula was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became more playful, "Professor Lupine and that friend of Sirius Black, right?"

"That's right." Dumbledore nodded lightly. "I'm actually curious, Peter, what is it that supports you to live in Wes's house as a pet mouse for 12 years."

"Principal!" Peter did not answer Dumbledore's question directly, but shouted out of breath, with large beads of sweat bursting out of his pale face, "Principal Dumbledore, you should know that he... at that time he Wanted to kill me, he..."

"Yes, I know." Dumbledore's voice became a little cold.

"He's here again to kill me!" Peter screamed suddenly, "Sirius Black, he killed Lily and James, and now he's going to kill me... You must help me, Mr. Headmaster... ..."

"Don't worry, I won't let him do anything to you until I figure out a few things," Dumbledore said.

"Clear things up?" screamed Peter, looking wildly around again, his eyes looking at all the suitable hiding places around him, "I knew he was after me! I knew he was coming for me! I've been hiding , I have been hiding for 12 years!"

"Did you know Sirius would escape from Azkaban?" Dumbledore shook his head, "No one has ever escaped before."

"He must have tricks the rest of us can't imagine!" screamed Peter, "how else would he get out of there? I guess the man who can't even mention his name taught him some tricks!"

"The conclusion you said is not valid." Dracula chuckled suddenly, "There is no reason for Voldemort to only teach the method of escaping from Azkaban to a wizard who temporarily defected to the Death Eaters, but not to those who followed him. He has been his confidant for decades."

Judging from the fact that Voldemort had to rescue his former subordinates from Azkaban without fully recovering his strength, he obviously trusted those prisoners very much, and it made no sense to only value Sirius Black alone.

Hearing Dracula say the name "Voldemort", Peter trembled all over, but under the strong desire to survive, he still mustered up the courage to retort:

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