"that is because……"

"Enough, I'll figure these things out." Dumbledore interrupted him, looking up at the sky, "Now we just have to wait for the moon to set and the sun to rise..."

Dracula also looked up at the full moon in the sky, and slightly hooked the corners of his mouth.

"Actually, we don't have to wait until dawn..."


In the staff lounge, Dumbledore and Dracula were sitting on two sofas.

Peter Pedilou didn't seem to be embarrassed by Dumbledore, and Zhengju was sitting on a chair with his back bent.

But when he tried to leave the chair and sneak away, he found that there was an inexplicable force sticking to his body on the chair, making it impossible for him to break free from here.

This bad sign made Peter even more flustered, and the despair in his small eyes could hardly be hidden.

Not long after, Professor McGonagall came in.

When she saw the figure of the author on that chair, she couldn't help covering her mouth with her hand, and looked at Peter with wide eyes.

"Merlin's beard! Peter, you're still alive!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, her eyes still full of disbelief.

"Night...good evening, no, no...good morning, Professor McGonagall." Peter said stumblingly, the near-dawn sky outside the window made him almost confused how to greet him.

"This is incredible!" Professor McGonagall covered his face with his hands and looked at Dumbledore. "Albus, did you and Professor Dracula find Peter? Where did you find him?"

"Professor McGonagall, you may not believe it, Mr. Pedilu is the mouse that Ron Weiss came to raise." Dracula hooked the corner of his mouth, "Sirius Black sneaked into the Gryffindor public It's not Potter that the waiting room is looking for, but this Mr. Pedirou."

"Wait...Professor Dracula, I don't quite understand you

What means. "Professor McGonagall didn't react for a while.

"I mean, Mr. Pediru turned into a mouse and lived in Wesley's house for 12 years," Dracula explained.

"You mean... Peter is an Animagus?" Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

Dracula nodded with a chuckle.

Professor McGonagall turned his head to look at Peter, opened his mouth, and stopped talking.

"Well...Peter, first of all, I am very happy with your achievements in Transfiguration. Not everyone can do Animagus..." After hesitating for a moment, she said.

"But why did you hide? Do you know how sad your mother was when the news of your death came out? The only body she received was your finger..."

"I... I just..." Peter wrung his hands in a wince, tears streaming down his face, "I'm really sorry, Professor, but I have to..."

"Blake...he will kill me by any means in order to please the mysterious person. They will always find a way to escape from the Ministry of Magic's arrest; not only that, other Death Eaters will not let go Me, because I... I went to stop that traitor."

Professor McGonagall's eyes gradually softened, and sad and sad emotions appeared in his eyes.

"Oh, Peter, don't be sad," she said sentimentally. "I can guess how difficult it has been for you these years...but you should at least let your mother know that you are still alive."

"I...I don't dare, I'm afraid I will hurt my mother." Peter said stumblingly with tears in his eyes.

"What a poor child, it's hard for you to be so filial and take your friend so seriously, but you were betrayed by your best partner." Professor McGonagall gently wiped the corners of his eyes, "But you forgot that you still have Huo Gwartz, and Dumbledore, we will protect you..."


When Professor McGonagall and Peter were touching each other, an unharmonious laughter came from the side.

Professor McGonagall looked at Dracula with dissatisfied eyes, and asked, "Professor Dracula, Peter is pitiful enough, why are you laughing at him?"

"It's nothing, I just suddenly thought of something funny." Dracula glanced at Peter with a half-smile and said happily.

He also didn't expect that in a short period of time, Mr. Pedilu, who had been a mouse for more than ten years, would be able to make up such a credible lie despite many loopholes.

A sentimental old witch like Professor McGonagall could easily be moved by his pathetic appearance.


Dracula looked at Dumbledore who was sitting on the sofa next door, and seeing the extremely calm expression on his face, he couldn't help but chuckled.

Presumably Dumbledore, like Dracula himself, used Legilimency to search through Peter's memories... This great wizard does have his own principles, but it doesn't mean that he will be pedantic enough to face it. In this special situation, no extraordinary measures are used.

Poor Mr. Mouse is still acting in self-pity, and wants to use Professor McGonagall as a breakthrough to play the emotional card and win a chance for himself.

"Professor Snape should be here soon?" Dracula asked suddenly.

"Severus, what is he here for?" Professor McGonagall, who had already softened his expression, froze for a moment and frowned slightly.

She knew the grievances between Dean Slytherin and Peter's foursome when he was in school.

Sure enough, as the words fell, a figure in a large black cloak opened the door abruptly, and walked into the faculty and staff lounge with steps that no relatives recognized.

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Professor McGonagall was surprised to see that there was an indescribable complexity and hatred on Snape's face, which was far beyond the grievances between him and the foursome back then.

"Heh, who do I think this is?" He hoarsely said, every word seemed to come out from between his teeth, "The great hero who fought the brutal Death Eaters to the end and died heroically, huh?"


Snape... Snape..." Seeing this former enemy, Peter shivered and shrank back into his chair. If he hadn't been unable to get out of this chair, he must have been hiding behind Professor McGonagall.

"Professor, help me, he's a Death Eater, and he wants my life too!"

"Peter, Severus is now a professor at Hogwarts, he is trustworthy." Professor McGonagall explained, but he still stood sideways between Peter and Snape.

"Severus, what are you doing?" she asked seriously.

"Don't do anything, just come and see why this great hero who sacrificed heroically is still alive!" Snape still had a half-smile tone at the beginning, but at the end, he was a little hysterical.

Before Professor McGonagall could react, he took a few steps forward and poured a bottle of transparent potion that he had already hidden in his hand into Peter's mouth!

Chapter 210 Seven

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"Severus, what are you doing?!" Snape's sudden movement surprised Professor McGonagall.

She hurried to Peter's side, and saw that he had drooped his head feebly and had fallen into a drowsy state.

"Severus, what did you feed Peter?" Professor McGonagall grabbed Snape's sleeve tightly and pursed his lips sternly, "I know you had a lot of conflicts with James and the others, but now Ten years have passed!"

"Severus, you really don't need to hold grudges to this extent..."

"There's no need to worry about him, it's just a little Veritaserum." Snape still stared fixedly at the drowsy Peter, and said in a stiff tone, "I hope it wasn't Veritaserum that was poured into his mouth. , but a poison concocted from mandrake juice."

"What are you doubting?" Professor McGonagall frowned tightly.

At this moment, Dumbledore, who had not spoken, suddenly interrupted Professor McGonagall.

"Let go of Severus first, Minerva, I made him do it," he said.

"Albus?" Professor McGonagall turned to look at the sofa where Dumbledore was, and asked in surprise, "Why did you do this?"

"I just want to confirm something." Dumbledore shook his head lightly at her, "Don't be too impulsive, Minerva, many things you see may not necessarily be the truth."

Professor McGonagall gave him a skeptical look, and finally, his trust in Dumbledore was much stronger than the touch brought by his former students.

So she let go of Snape's sleeve and took two steps slightly to the side.

Snape didn't let go of his staring at Peter from the beginning to the end, his eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his eye sockets became red.

"Tell me, 12 years ago... who on earth betrayed Lily, who betrayed that arrogant idiot Potter!" He tried to calm down his tone, but his words were visibly trembling.

All the people present looked at the short, fat figure with his head down and a haggard expression, wanting to see what kind of answer he would give.

"It was me...I was the one who betrayed James..." Peter said in a tone without any emotion.

His first words made Professor McGonagall's eyes widen, and he covered his mouth in disbelief.

"But... Isn't James and Lily's secret agent Sirius Black?" Professor McGonagall stepped forward and asked urgently.

"In the original plan, he was chosen...but Sirius felt that he was too conspicuous. Anyone could have imagined that James would choose the clever Sirius as the secret keeper, so he persuaded James and Lily to keep the secret at the last moment. People replaced me..."

Professor McGonagall suddenly tightened his grip, and Snape clenched his fists and grabbed Peter's collar.

"Tell me, Pediru, why did you seek refuge with the Dark Lord?!" He said viciously with a trembling voice, "How can you seek refuge with the Dark Lord?! How can you be worthy of Lily's trust in you!"

"The Dark Lord is too powerful, I can't summon up the courage to fight him at all, I'm a coward, I don't deserve to stay in Gryffindor." Peter said, "It's really a coincidence, I just promised the Dark Lord not long ago, little Sirius persuaded James and Lily to replace the secret keeper with me..."

"I thought I'd get a lot of credit, and I wouldn't have to worry about my safety anymore. But the Dark Lord disappeared the night he went to Godric's Hollow, and no one could contact him..."

"I was terrified, because I had to bear the pursuit of two camps at the same time-Sirius asked me why I betrayed James; the supporters of the Dark Lord thought I was still working for the Order of the Phoenix, and deliberately tricked the Dark Lord into Godery Ke Valley made him miss..."

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"So I have to think of a way, a way to make myself survive."

"At that time, Sirius had already found me. He always knew where I would hide... So when I was facing a life-and-death crisis, I had a flash of inspiration, and I took advantage of the opportunity to shout on that street, "You betrayed James and me." Lily," and blew up the entire street before he could do it, leaving dozens of feet of rubble in the vicinity.


"Sirius is so good, naturally he wouldn't die easily under such an attack. But he didn't know that I was not as weak as they imagined. He thought that I was just emotionally out of control and caused my magic to lose control. That street was blown up together..."

"But I didn't, I saved myself under that spell, and cut off my index finger to make him think I was dead, and turned into a rat and fled into the sewer, mixed with other real rats Together...until being adopted by the Weiss family."

"I've been totally a pet rat since then, but at least I survived."

Under the influence of Veritaserum, Peter's tone was still unhurried and without ups and downs, which made the few people present sound even more depressed.

Professor McGonagall couldn't believe that the submissive student who couldn't speak clearly turned himself into a demon step by step, causing the death of dozens of people including his own friends!

She took a deep breath for a long time before finally letting it out.

"But... But if you are afraid, why don't you tell Dumbledore? We don't necessarily let you join the Order of the Phoenix, you can withdraw at any time!" Professor McGonagall said sadly, "What's more, Dumbledore can clearly protect you……"

"Dumbledore can't protect everyone." Peter continued deadpan. "As a friend of the three loyal members of the Order of the Phoenix, James, Sirius, and Remus, I naturally stand on the opposite side of the obvious Death Eaters." , they will come to me no matter what.”

"Becoming a Death Eater and being captured by Dumbledore, at least I can spend the rest of my life in Azkaban; but if members of the Order of the Phoenix are captured by Death Eaters, then I will definitely die in their hands..."

"I didn't want to die, so I chose Death Eaters."

"My God! I really can't believe it..." Professor McGonagall turned his back and took off his glasses, and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a handkerchief.

Snape on the other side couldn't bear it anymore, his face seemed to be distorted.

"Don't want to die? Hahaha..." Snape grabbed Peter by the collar with one hand, and raised his wand with the other hand, "Have you ever thought that there are also people in the Order of the Phoenix who don't care about those ridiculous things?" rule!"

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