A blinding green light suddenly shot out from the wand in Snape's hand, illuminating Peter's small, out-of-focus eyes green.

Just when the Death Curse was about to hit Peter's face, a burst of red light suddenly came first, hit Peter's face first, and knocked it out of Snape's hand heavily.

Similarly, it also made him fly out of the range of the death curse.

The stone foam splashed, and the green beam of light viciously bombarded the wall behind, making a hideous gap in the solid stone wall.

"Albus, do you want to cover up this shameful traitor?" Snape turned his head and looked at Dumbledore fiercely. "You know, he killed Lily!"

"Yes, I know, Severus." Dumbledore sighed softly, "But he has other uses, and I cannot allow you to kill him like this."

"What else can he be useful for?!" Snape roared loudly, no longer cold and gloomy as usual, "Do you still want to use this traitor to kill that wanted man, Sirius Black?"

"Severus, now that the truth has been revealed, we can confirm that Sirius is innocent." Dumbledore said softly, "He sneaked into Hogwarts just to catch Peter and avenge James and Lily. "

"But isn't he wrong?" Snape said in a cold tone, "If that megalomaniac didn't think he was so majestic and conspicuous, how could he have thought of handing over the Secret Keeper to such a traitor!"

"Severus, your prejudice against Sirius is still too deep." Dumbledore shook his head helplessly.

"I'm just stating a fact!" Snape said through gritted teeth.

"I have seen their essence clearly since 20 years ago... Arrogant, arrogant, pushy, never take other people's emotions and feelings into account, and now they are to blame for this fate!"

Snape angrily strode back and forth in the staff lounge, spit out one ugly adjective after another, all of them were held in the original

On the heads of the group of four, he vented the emotions that had been accumulated in his heart for more than ten years.

Dumbledore watched him quietly without interruption.

Dracula also watched with great interest the furious behavior of the potions professor, who had always been sullen, and found it very interesting.

The first one who couldn't stand it was Professor McGonagall.

"Severus, James and Sirius were indeed self-willed and mischievous when they were in school. I also admit that they are the most troublesome students I have ever taught, but they did pay a lot to fight against the mysterious man."

Professor McGonagall has wiped away her tears, put on her glasses again, and regained her capable and neat image. Only the reddish eye sockets showed that she was still not in a peaceful mood.

Snape's snarl faltered.

He was one of the partisans of the mysterious people who were fought against by James and Sirius back then, and he was a little bit emboldened in the face of Professor McGonagall's rebuttal at this time.

"Since you think so, then so be it." He curled his lips, and pushed open the door of the lounge, "You can do whatever you want, but I don't think the Ministry of Magic will compromise so easily for an ex-criminal!"

After all, he left the staff lounge without looking back.

Every time he took a look at the culprit who caused Lily's death, his heart would throb again... After all, it was himself who really inspired the Dark Lord to kill the James family.

"Albus, what are we going to do next?"

In the faculty lounge, Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore hesitantly and asked.

"Anyway, let's let go of the martial law in the castle." Dumbledore said softly, looking at the sky outside the window, "It's almost dawn, and it's time for another important person to wake up."


In a small bedroom, the curtains are closed all around, and the walls are full of soundproof spells.

At this moment, Remus Lupine was pale and haggard, and awoke painfully from his stupor.

Even with the Wolfsbane potion that Snape made for him at the request of Dumbledore, so that he could stay awake on a full moon night, the transformation process was still not easy.

It's not because of the pain of transformation, but the psychological pressure.

Lupine always regarded himself as a wizard, not a werewolf, so when he changed into a wolf form, he always had a kind of disgust for his body.

This kind of mentality has been born since he was in school. Fortunately, three good friends are willing to transform into animals to accompany him through every full moon night, which prevents him from collapsing in this kind of torture year after year.

After completely integrating into the werewolf group in the past two years, he chose to fight to resolve the discrimination against werewolves in the wizarding society, and this psychological burden was gradually relieved.

"Professor Lupine, are you awake?"

At this moment, a mellow voice passed through the soundproof spell and came in from outside the door.

Lupine stood up with difficulty, adjusted his clothes a little, then went to open the door.

"Professor Dracula, you woke up early enough." Seeing the silver-haired figure outside the door, he greeted casually.

"You can't say that." Dracula chuckled, "To be precise, Dumbledore and I didn't sleep the whole night."

"More than one major event happened last night, Professor Lupine!"

Dracula took Lupine to the staff lounge, and along the way gave a general introduction of what happened that night——

Includes Sirius infiltrating the Gryffindor common room, him and Dumbledore catching a mouse that turns out to be Peter Pedyloo, Snape using Veritaserum on Peter and learning that he is the real traitor ...

Lupine's mood changed from surprise to astonishment, to shock, and then to bewilderment.

"I should have thought of it earlier," he murmured, "At that time, Sirius and I actually had some scruples about each other..."

"Sirius thought I was a werewolf, and most werewolves joined Voldemort's camp at that time; and I thought he was a member of the Black family, and his brother and cousin were the most loyal Death Eaters at the time..."

"The two of us can't give each other full trust. Unexpectedly, it is the most inconspicuous and most trustworthy Peter.

Betrayed James. "

Lupine's eyes were full of shame, as if he thought he was a sinner.

"More than ten years have passed, there is no need to regret it now, Professor Lupine." Dracula turned his head and glanced at Lupine, "Why don't you take this time to tell me what you all had at that time?" Interesting thing to think about where the hell Sirius Black might be hiding..."

Dracula raised the corner of his mouth, "You are the person who knows him best in the entire magic world, and your ideas are of great reference value to us."

Chapter 210: The Wolf, the Mice and the Black Dog

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After listening to Dracula's question, Lu Ping thought for a moment.

"If I had to guess where Sirius would be, I'd think he'd be in the Shrieking Shack," he said slowly, "there's a secret passage to the Whomping Willow, and that's where it all started ..."

"Screaming Shack?" Dracula raised his eyebrows. "The haunted house in Hogsmeade's rumors?"

A well-known Hogsmeade attraction, the haunted Shrieking Shack naturally piqued Dracula's interest.

But when he stayed there for a few nights and found that it was just an ordinary shack, he lost interest in it.

At this moment, when Lupine suddenly mentioned the hut, Dracula's curiosity was aroused again.

"Actually, the Screaming Shack has never been haunted..." Lupine said, shaking his head slightly, "The screams and howls that the villagers often hear are actually my transformation into a werewolf on the night of the full moon. It was sent out in time."

"Is that so?" Dracula nodded thoughtfully.

No wonder the villagers of Hogsmeade say that there have been no ghostly screams in the Shrieking Shack for more than ten years.Lupine had already graduated from Hogwarts, so the Shrieking Shack would not be used anymore.

"Professor Dracula, you know that I am a werewolf, but you must not know how I became a werewolf." Lupine continued, "At that time, my father offended a werewolf in the court of the Ministry of Magic. Revenge him, sneaked into my house on the night of the full moon and bit me when I was still very young."

"That werewolf is Fenrir Greyback, who was captured by you in Dracula's Castle in Romania."

"Is it such a coincidence?" Dracula was a little surprised.

If Lupine hadn't mentioned it suddenly, he would have almost forgotten that there was a werewolf locked in a dog cage, and he wondered if Serena had forgotten to arrange for his subordinates to bring him food.

It would be kind of funny to let him starve to death in a cage...

"At that time, my parents tried various methods to prevent the transformation into a werewolf, but it never had any effect." Lupine continued, "After all, the wolfsbane potion appeared only recently, and Damocles Belby made it It was gradually popularized after improvements were made.”

"This potion does make werewolves safe. If you take this potion a week before the full moon, you will stay sane when you change shape. With this potion, I can curl up indoors and be a harmless animal. Human wolf, wait for the full moon to pass..."

"However, before the invention of the wolfbane potion, I would turn into a real wolf one day every month, brutal and bloodthirsty. I would never have come to Hogwarts, and neither would other parents. May be willing to let their children touch me."

"But I was lucky enough to meet Principal Dumbledore, who was very sympathetic. He said that as long as certain precautions are taken, there is no reason why I should not be allowed to come to school." Lupine sighed and said to Degu Ra said.

"The Whomping Willow was actually planted to allow me to come to Hogwarts smoothly. The shed was also built for me..." He pointed to the direction of the Whomping Willow on the northeast side of the castle, "The Whomping Willow There is a passage next to the roots of the Man Willow that leads from Hogwarts to the Shrieking Shack..."

"That passage was opened for my use. Once a month, I was secretly sent out of the castle and sent here to be transformed. The Whomping Willow was planted at the entrance of the passage, so that no one would be in my way. Meet me in danger."

Dracula nodded slightly.

"That makes sense, otherwise it would be unreasonable to plant a dangerous plant near the teaching area." He chuckled, "Of course, there are many unreasonable things in this school. .”

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Lupine also smiled heartily, and then went on to tell his own story back then:

"In those days, my metamorphosis was... horrible. Being a werewolf was very painful, without any sanity, only bloodthirsty, destructive desire, wanted to bite but stayed away from the crowd, so I just bit , scratching yourself."

"The villagers of Hogsmeade heard all the noise and screams I made from the Shrieking Shack and thought

What they heard was the sound of a particularly ferocious ghost.Instead of stopping it, Dumbledore encouraged people to spread such rumors, thinking that this would further prevent others from approaching the shed..."

"Of course, I didn't expect that even now, even though the house has not had this sound for many years, the villagers still dare not approach it."

"If you think about it this way, it's really not easy for werewolves." Dracula nodded, "In contrast, vampires don't have so many things. They are in whatever state they should be, and there will be no monthly pain of werewolves. .”

"It's not that painful..." Lupine shook his head with a smile. "At that time, except for the time when I was transformed into a werewolf, I was happier than before. I had friends for the first time, and they were three good friends. .James Potter, Sirius Black . . . and, of course, Peter Pedillo."

"It's impossible for three of my best friends not to notice that I'm missing once a month."

"I made up all kinds of stories - telling them my mum was sick and I had to go home to see her...I was so worried that they would ignore me if they found out I was a werewolf. But, they were smart and passed on quickly. The Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks revealed the truth of the matter..."

"But what I didn't expect was that they didn't ignore me at all, but did a lot of things for me, so that I could not only endure the pain of being transformed, but also made my time at Hogwarts the happiest in my life. time—they learned Animagus and spent the full moon night with me in the form of animals.”

"Are all three of them Animagus?" Dracula asked in surprise.

"Yes, indeed," Lupine said, "it took them nearly three years to do this. James and Sirius are the brightest students in the school, and they did their best to help Peter complete Arnie's Magus transforms."

"Fortunately for them, they didn't go crazy during the Animagus transfiguration, and they didn't make any huge mistakes—after successfully learning Animagus, they didn't choose to register with the Ministry of Magic...so very few people You know, there are three more Animagus in the magic world."

"What a touching friendship!" Dracula said with emotion, "You can't keep company with your friends in the form of a human, so they become companions in the form of animals... I can't believe that such a combination will have a traitor one day. "

Lupine's face became a little heavy again.

"Well, thank you for your story, Professor Lupine." Dracula said clearly, "I probably understand that the reason why Sirius Black can avoid the sight of Dumbledore and me is actually very simple, just because He's just an Animagus."

"If you think about it this way...the reason for escaping from Azkaban is probably the same. Those brainless dementors have never been interested in an animal, and the entrance and exit of Azkaban dementors have never been blocked. An animal."

When Dracula sneaked into Azkaban to find information about Sirius Black, he turned into a bat and entered the prison through the long and narrow entrance of the dementor.

"So you always knew where Black might be? Then why didn't you tell Dumbledore about it for so long?" Thinking this way, Dracula squinted at Lupine, "Are you still willing to believe that He was wronged, to believe that despite his escape, he was actually a good man?"

"Because of this factor, I have never believed that Sirius would betray James..." Lupine said softly, "But on the other hand, I have always felt guilty in my heart, feeling that I have failed Dumbledore's trust... "

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