Harry and Ron didn't understand why Hagrid was so excited, and they didn't know how such a small box could fit Buckbeak, the size of a steed, into it. Both of them looked surprised.

"Rofe..." Harry quietly approached Rove and asked, "Your grandfather's suitcase looks like a very ordinary suitcase. Why does Hagrid still look so happy?"

"An ordinary box?!" Rove's eyes widened, with an expression of disbelief, as if he never expected that anyone would not know about Newt's famous suitcase, "That's the box that all magizoologists dream of. , I have wanted it for a long time!"

As he spoke, he glanced at the suitcase greedily.

"Of course I can't give you the box, Rove." Newt said with a smile when he saw Rove's expression, "I only brought one Winged Demon last time.

You made such a big mess at Hogwarts.Not to mention grabbing a Fantastic Beasts suitcase. "

Rove's face visibly became a little sad, and he wrinkled his face unhappily.

"Don't be upset, it would be nice if we could allow you to stay at Hogwarts." Newt chuckled, "The professors at Infalmorny are going to be pissed off by your choice, so they're going to In this academic year, several professors are going to come to Hogwarts for inspection..."

"They want to know what kind of magic is going on in this school that abducted their students."

"Ah?" Rove panicked, "Why do the professors come to Hogwarts for inspection? Don't they have classes every day?"

"As far as I know, there are also a group of exchange students who will come here together, and those professors will come to visit as the leading teachers." Newt smiled, "Maybe some of the students who will exchange to Hogwarts Some of your former friends!"

Ignoring Rove's tangled performance, Newt focused on Buckbeak.

He first picked up a piece of meat and threw it aside to attract the attention of the hippogriff, and then when it stood up to eat, he quickly grabbed the suitcase on the table and pressed it on Buck. Piccolo's back.

Under the stunned gaze of Harry, Ron and Hermione, Buckbeak's body turned into a phantom and was swallowed by the open suitcase...

The opening of this box is much narrower than that of Buckbeak in any direction!

"It's just a small spell." Newt saw the expressions of the three, and said to them with a smile, "There are many animals in this box. Buckbeak will find some good friends here!"


Time passed quickly, and snowflakes were gradually falling in the sky in the Scottish Highlands.

In the two months leading up to the Christmas holidays, Harry felt as if his bad luck had been used up by the previous time, and everything seemed to be going well.

Professor Dracula hired a professional magizoologist to help Hagrid, and put Buckbeak, who needed to be tethered, into a small, but in fact it was as big as several Quidditch pitches. in the suitcase.

That Mr. Newt Scamander also promised that after the Christmas holiday, he would personally go to deal with the Committee of Magical Creatures and help Buckbeak win the lawsuit.

In addition, Harry easily defeated the Slytherin team in the subsequent Quidditch match, allowing Gryffindor to regain the chance to compete for the championship.

Because of the influence of the dementors, Harry's Nimbus 2000 had already been smashed in the previous Quidditch match. He rode the same sweeping series broom as other teammates.

Even though there is a huge gap between the hardware equipment and the Slytherin team with all members of Nimbus 2001, Harry still relied on his flexible positioning and better flying skills to win under the nose of Draco Malfoy. The Golden Snitch was caught, and the entire game took less than 10 minutes!

The dementors hadn't left the castle yet.

In the correspondence with Sirius, Harry learned that the officials of the Ministry of Magic did not fully approve of the evidence submitted by Dumbledore that Peter Pedillo was the culprit. After the trial, it will be officially announced whether Sirius has been cleared.

Therefore, Dumbledore also concealed the news of finding the whereabouts of Sirius to prevent him from being further troubled.

Although the sight of dementors flying around not far from the castle is still depressing, Harry's progress in learning the Patronus Charm in Defense Against the Dark Arts seems to have sped up a lot...

Harry believes that this is because he learned who the real murderer of his parents was, and he also had some courage to face his childhood memories, so the dementors did not have as much influence on him as before.

After the dementor caught by Dracula releases its breath, he will no longer faint immediately, but can maintain his sanity in the process of difficult coping, and successfully raise his wand and recite the Patronus spell spell -

The silver-white mist will dispel the darkness in front of him, bringing him courage and spiritual comfort.

Before I knew it, the time came to a weekend of the Christmas holiday.

It's Hogwarts Organization Little Witch again

time for the teachers to go to Hogsmeade.

Harry watched the other students chatting in the common room, discussing which shop in Hogsmeade to play, and his mood was rarely gloomy.

"We can buy all the Christmas presents we want there!" said Hermione cheerfully. "Although my mother and father are Muggles, they also love the toothpaste mints from Honeydukes!"

At this moment, she saw Harry's expression, and her voice couldn't help but lowered.

"Harry, what do you need, we can bring some back for you," she said softly.

"No, I don't want anything." Harry's tone was a little blunt.


While Hermione was still worried about Harry, an owl suddenly flew in through the window above the Gryffindor common room.

A long package fell from the sky and landed heavily on the sofa in front of Harry.

Chapter 220 Hogsmeade is covered with silver light

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"Harry, what is this?" Ron came over from nowhere, and looked curiously at the package in front of Harry, "Wait, this shape...it looks like a broomstick!"

He jumped up excitedly, "Quickly open it and see! Harry, quickly take it apart and see what kind of broom it is!"

In fact, Harry couldn't wait in his heart. He tore open the long package, and a beautiful, shining broomstick appeared in front of them.


A burst of exclamation sounded.

Harry gasped in surprise.Ron dropped the wizard chess piece in his hand, and almost jumped over from his seat to take a closer look.

"This is, this is..." Ron pointed at the broom, trembling and speechless.

For this reason, he ran back to the dormitory like crazy, and found a newspaper on his bed.

The headline on the second page of the newspaper read: "The Most Expensive and Luxurious Flying Broom in History Has Been Launched in the Quidditch Boutique!"

Beneath the headline looms a photograph of a Quidditch boutique, with a broom on a podium erected by the shop window, which young wizards agree is the most beautiful, astonishing, State-of-the-art broom.

There is also a note hanging next to the broom——


This flying broom represents the highest level of craftsmanship at present, with a high-quality ash wood handle, polished with diamonds, and the registration number is engraved by hand.Each carefully selected birch branch at the end of the broom has been milled into a streamlined shape, giving the broom unrivaled balance and exquisite accuracy.The Firebolt can accelerate from rest to 150 miles per hour in ten seconds and is imbued with an unbreakable braking spell.Price negotiable.

"Firebolt, this must be a Firebolt!" exclaimed Ron. "Harry, this is the fastest broom in the world!"

Ron's fuss attracted the other students in the common room, and then they let out a louder exclamation than Ron.

"Merlin's big pants!" Fred's eyes widened in shock. "I heard from the owner of the Quidditch boutique that the Irish international team just ordered seven of these beautiful brooms. This product is a World Cup broom. The darling of the competition!"

"I can't believe it," Harry murmured hoarsely.

Before school started, when he lived temporarily in Diagon Alley, he used to go to the Quidditch boutique every day to watch the broom that he dreamed of.

And now the one in front of him is exactly the same as the one before!

Harry picked up the gleaming Firebolt, he could feel it quivering, and let go—

The Firebolt hung obediently in mid-air without any support, and the height from the ground was just right for him to ride on.His eyes were fascinated from the golden serial number on the top of the broomstick to the perfectly smooth, streamlined tip of the broom.

No Quidditch player could refuse this gift!

"Harry, where did you find a rich man or a rich woman to be your friend?" George said enviously, ""The price is negotiable", Merlin, I bet the price of this broom will not be less than two thousand Garen!"

Ron was also curious about this, so he tore off the wrapping paper of the Firebolt that had fallen aside for Harry.

"Come and see, Harry, here's a letter for you!" he cried suddenly.

Harry turned his head in surprise, and took the letter from Ron.

After a while, a big smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Come with me, Ron!" Harry held the Firebolt and the letter in the package with one hand, and dragged away Hermione, who was still wanting to read, with the other hand.

He called his two best friends into the boys' dormitory and carefully locked the door.

"What happened, Harry?" Hermione asked suspiciously.

Although Gryffindor girls did have the right to enter the boys' dormitory, being forcibly pulled into the boys' dormitory like this still made Hermione blush a little, so she gave Harry an angry look.

"Listen to me, Ron, Hermione..." Harry didn't pay attention to Hermione's expression, looked outside the door again, and after confirming that there was no one else, he whispered to the two of them, "This broom was given to me by Sirius in advance." A Christmas present from here!"


Star Black? ! Ron opened his mouth wide in surprise, but immediately lowered his voice, "Oh, by the way, he said he was your godfather...but I didn't expect him to be so rich!" "

"More than ten years ago, the Black family was definitely no less wealthy than the Malfoy family." Hermione, who was well-informed and knowledgeable, explained next to him, "Even if it fell, Mr. Black found a few thousand Galleons. Buying a broom should still be fine."

Of course, none of them knew that although Sirius was the last heir of the Black family in name, Master Regulus Black, whom the house-elf Kreacher recognized, was rescued and quickly mastered the Black family. The power of life and death over the wealth of the Ke family.

Sirius was stunned when he saw Regulus back at 12 Grimmauld Place!

Later, the two brothers had an in-depth chat and thoroughly explained what they had done. Only then did they realize that their final goal was to fight Voldemort, and the two of them untied a lot of knots.

However, the wealth of the Black family has been controlled by Regulus. In order to buy a new broom for Harry, Sirius begged and said a lot of good things to Regulus. When it comes to Garen who is enough to buy Firebolts...

In the Gryffindor boys' dormitory, Harry took out the parchment in the package and shook it at Ron and Hermione.

"This is a letter from Sirius. He told me that he bought this broom for me." He said excitedly, "He also told me that I am safe now and don't worry about him!"

Ron and Hermione leaned over in surprise, looking at the letter in Harry's hand.

It says on the parchment——

"Dear Harry: I hope you are well at Hogwarts. I have returned to the Black family ancestral home and I am safe.

Although the warrant hasn't been lifted, no dementors have been able to find me.I believe that Dumbledore and your Professor Dracula will be able to help me solve the wanted problem soon, and I hope that we will be able to meet upright in a short time.

This broom is a Christmas gift for you. I don’t know if you will stay in school during the Christmas holiday, so let the owl send you the gift in advance, and I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance!

By the way, you lost your Nimbus 2000 the previous game when the Dementors invaded the Quidditch pitch, but they did find me.Because I wanted to see you so much, I turned into a black dog and went to watch the game.

I also went to your last game, well done!Those Slytherins are just a mess.But the broom you used in the last game is obviously not up to your level, I hope this broom can make up for the mistake I made you lose the Nimbus 2000 earlier.

Also, I think I scare you.It was the night you left your uncle's house before school started, and I would like to apologize for that.I just wanted to see my godson, but I think you were quite frightened when you saw me.

I enclose a few things for you which I think will make your time at Hogwarts more enjoyable.Write me if you need me.Your owl will find me.Soon I will write to you again.

Your godfather, SB (Siriuk)"

When Harry saw the last paragraph, he seemed to realize something, and looked eagerly in the envelope.

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