Inside the envelope was another piece of parchment.

He looked at it quickly, and suddenly felt warm all over and full of heart, as if he drank a bottle of warm butterbeer in one gulp.

The sentence on the parchment is simple——

"I, Sirius Black, godfather of Harry Potter, hereby give my consent to his weekend trip to Hogsmeade."

A delighted smile spread across Harry's face.

"See, Ron, Hermione, I can go to Hogsmeade with you this weekend!" He hugged his two friends vigorously.

"Cool!" exclaimed Ron equally excitedly, "how cool to have such a godfather!"

Hermione also patted Harry on the back happily, and suddenly, she looked at the letter with a surprised expression.

"Wait, Harry..." She poked Harry's arm, "There seems to be a postscript on the back of that letter, which seems to be addressed to Ron."


What?Harry's rich godfather had something else to say to me? Ron let go of Harry almost immediately, and flew to the side of the letter, "Make a wish first, I hope I can also have a Firebolt!" "

"I'm afraid you're dreaming, Ron!" Hermione rolled her eyes at him.

Ron was not shocked by her, and still picked up the letter happily, muttering:

"The kind of rich man who can casually give me a Galleon, I can make money..."

On the back of the parchment of the letter it reads——

"I thought your friend Ron Weiss might be willing to adopt the owl that sent you the letter and the broomstick. Because he lost his pet mouse because of my problems."

Ron's eyes widened.

"What? I'm going to have an owl?!" he yelled excitedly. "Where's the owl? Where's that owl?"

"It seems to be in the common room after delivering the letter." Hermione pointed to the door.

"Ow! Nobody touch that owl, it's mine!


Ron rushed out of the dormitory screaming, and ran to the owl who brought the broomstick and the letter.


Soon the weekend came, and the three little wizards rushed out of the school gate excitedly.

Among them, Harry, who had never been to Hogsmeade, was the most excited. He looked around and felt that everything was fresh.

It was snowing heavily in the sky, but it didn't dampen the enthusiasm of the three of Harry at all.

As Christmas approaches, the village of Hogsmeade looks like a Christmas card in the snow: cottages and shops are covered with crunchy snowflakes, and holly wreaths hang from every door , enchanted candles hung in strings from the tree.

"It's a bit cold, why don't we go to the Three Broomsticks?"

After visiting the screaming shack where Professor Lupine transformed into a werewolf, Ron suggested.

Both Harry and Hermione nodded in agreement.

The faces of the three of them were flushed from the cold, but they were in good spirits, and they bounced towards the tavern named Three Broomsticks.

There were obviously many people who agreed with them, and the tavern was crowded and noisy, warm and smoky.

A curvaceous, pretty-faced woman was tending a rowdy group of wizards at the bar.

"That's Ms. Rosmerta." Ron introduced with a reddish face, and Hermione rolled her eyes in disdain.

He then added, "What do you want to drink? I'll get you some wine."

However, before Ron went to order wine, Ms. Rosmerta came over very considerately.

"What do you three want to drink?" She asked with a charming smile.

"I... I'd like a butterbeer." Ron couldn't help looking and looking at Ms. Rosmerta's face.

Hermione made a small "hum" and then said, "I'd like a cup of hot cocoa juice."

Ms. Rosmerta looked at the two of them with meaningful eyes, then looked at Harry, and asked, "And you, what do you want to drink, young man?"


Before Harry could say what he wanted to drink, there was a sudden gust of wind blowing in the street outside the tavern.

A few dementors exuding a gloomy aura slammed into the door and squeezed in. They began to smoke unscrupulously in the tavern full of joy. In name, they were still searching for wanted criminals who had escaped from Azkaban.

The noisy atmosphere in the tavern was silent.

Everyone looked at the dementors coming in from the door with fear and disgust, but no one dared to make any resistance movements, for fear of being targeted by the dementors and being given a "dementor kiss" by them... …

"It's these annoying guys again, affecting my business all day." Ms. Rosmerta whispered, "You three can hide better, these dementors like to stare at you little wizards to absorb happiness Emotional..."

"Do these dementors... come here often?" Harry asked quietly.

"That's right. Basically, we inspect every store every day. They claim to be looking for criminals, but in fact they come to eat." Ms. Rosmerta said, "During these days, each of our stores

The business of the store has deteriorated a lot because of these monsters! "

Harry's eyes flickered for a moment, then met Hermione's and Ron's.

Ron looked filled with righteous indignation, and from time to time he peeked at Ms. Rosmerta out of the corner of his eye. Hermione was a little surprised at first, and then nodded firmly to Harry.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

The next moment, under the astonished gazes of Ms. Rosmerta and all the wizards present, Harry suddenly stood up.

He recalled the joy of receiving the letter from Sirius a few days ago, seeing the Firebolt, getting the signature of the godfather, and knowing that he had a relative. He raised his wand and shouted loudly——

"Call God to protect (Expe)!"

A silvery-white light gushed out from the tip of Harry's wand and spewed towards the dementor, in which a lively fawn could be vaguely seen jumping in the silvery light.

Ron and Hermione also raised their wands one after the other and said the Patronus spell.

Two thinner silver lights flashed, together with Harry's Patronus, they drove the dementors out of the door of the three broomsticks.

As if inspired by them, Hogwarts students in other shops also raised their wands.

The sound of the spell "Call God to protect you" gradually resounded throughout Hogsmeade, one after another, shallow or dark silver light spewed out from the shops, and one dementor after another was driven out .

Gradually, the silver light covered the entire Hogsmeade village, intertwined with the pure white snowflakes flying in the air, illuminating the dark atmosphere brought by the dementors!

Onion Prestige Chapter 220 Chapter [-] Blindness at the end of the school year

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"You... how can you do this?!"

Early in the morning, Fudge came to the Hogwarts principal's office from the Ministry of Magic to vent his anger and dissatisfaction with Dumbledore.

"You guys definitely did it on purpose, otherwise how could there be so many more students who can use the Patronus Charm!" Fudge said angrily, almost spraying saliva on Dumbledore's face, but he cleverly moved him aside.

"Minister Fudge, the Patronus Charm is just a normal black magic defense spell. It is normal for Hogwarts students to learn this spell." Dumbledore said with a smile.

"You tell me this is normal?!" Fudge shouted to Dumbledore, "I have never seen so many wizards who can use the Patronus Charm in my life, let alone most of the students in Hogsmeade do not exceed 17 years old..."

"The most unbelievable thing for me is that the report brought by my subordinates told me that there is even a 13-year-old wizard here, who has cast a patron saint that many Aurors can't do!"

He took out a written report from his pocket and slapped it hard on Dumbledore's desk, "Look, I thought they were joking at first, but I didn't know it until those dementors came to complain to me." It turned out to be true!"

"Dumbledore, don't you know that dementors are here to help you find wanted criminals? Don't you know that they are also employees of the Ministry of Magic?!"

Fudge was furious.

He had never seen such an obedient dementor protest to the Ministry of Magic so strongly. They told the Ministry that if the problem of the Patronus Charm at Hogwarts was not resolved, all dementors would go on strike collectively. !

If this kind of free labor went on strike, Fudge couldn't even imagine where he would find so many employees to fill the mess they left vacant.

Not to mention, if the dementors get out of control, it is very likely to cause major harm to the entire magic world.

At that time, not to mention retaining the position of Minister of Magic, Fudge can be counted as lucky not to become a sinner of the entire magic world!

"Minister Fudge, I remember that I formally mentioned to you that there was something else hidden about Sirius Black's case, and that Peter Pedilou was the culprit who bombed the Muggle streets at that time." Dumbledore had no expression on his face. Change, said lightly.

"But we are still far from finding out the truth of this matter!" Fudge retorted without hesitation, "Before we find out, we can't let a potentially dangerous person like Sirius Black wander outside, let alone It is impossible to let you drive out the dementors on your own initiative!"

"What's more, regardless of whether Sirius Black was innocent or not in that incident, he stayed in Azkaban for 12 years without any injuries! Who can guarantee that such a lunatic will not harm society? cause harm?"

Fudge said angrily, "Even if his spirit is really fine, he shouldn't have escaped from prison. This is trampling on the dignity of the Ministry of Magic and undermining the credibility of Azkaban prison security! I must not allow anyone to cover up Such a criminal!"

Dumbledore's eyes finally completely cooled down.

"Is that what you think, Fudge?" he said dryly. "In that case, there is nothing to say. I will help Sirius Black win his trial."

"Okay, you're fine, Dumbledore." Fudge's face flushed with anger, "Don't forget there is another trial related to your Hogwarts, see you then!"

Then, he strode into the fireplace beside him and left the principal's office.

Dumbledore looked indifferently at Fudge's back engulfed in the green flames, his eyes were deep.

"This Minister of Magic should also have graduated from Hogwarts, right?"

Just then, a voice sounded from the window.

"Of course, the vast majority of wizards in the British wizarding world came from Hogwarts." Dumbledore turned his head and looked at the window of the office, "Professor Dracula, you are not in Hogwarts like you." There are very few people who have read the book."

On the high window sill of the Hogwarts principal's office, Dracula's figure quietly appeared at some point.

He leaned lazily against the window frame on one side, with his arms folded,

The long legs were folded casually, and the long cloak behind was hanging under the window sill, swaying slightly with the breeze.The faint morning light in the distance hit his body, reflecting a layer of fragmented light.

"I studied at Hogwarts 1000 years ago, but no professor dared to teach me." Dracula jumped off the window sill, and said with a chuckle, "That Fudge would say "" You Hogwarts "are you really not considering yourself as a graduate of Hogwarts?"

"Theoretically speaking, the students after graduation really have nothing to do with the school." Dumbledore sighed softly, "There are too many people who graduated from Hogwarts, and some of them are inevitably bad students. I have changed, or my heart has changed..."

"...Our professors who taught them will feel sad when they look at them, but there is nothing they can do."

"Indeed, Azkaban alone has been filled for several rounds." Dracula shrugged.

"Let's not talk about this for now. Christmas is coming, so why not talk about something happy." Dumbledore shook his head and said, "Why did Professor Dracula suddenly want to find me, an old man?"

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