At this moment, he saw a pink-haired witch suddenly come out from the opposite fireplace, so his eyes moved.

"Tonks, this way!" Dracula waved to her.

Tonks turned her head, showing a surprised expression when she saw Dracula.

"Professor Dracula, how did you come to the Ministry of Magic?" She trotted to Dracula and asked cautiously.

Her spirits were a little tense, as if she was afraid that Dracula would suddenly blow up the Ministry of Magic.

"Do you know where the Wizengamot courtroom is? We seem to have lost our way." Seeing Tonks' nervous expression, Dracula shook his head with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm here to attend a trial. "

"Oh, that's it." Tonks breathed a long sigh of relief, "That's easy, come with me! It's just a few minutes before work time, enough to bring you there."

While speaking, she glanced at Sirius, feeling that the masked man looked familiar, so she asked curiously, "Is this also a professor at Hogwarts?"

"No," said Dracula, "this is Sirius Black."

"Oh...ah?" Tonks jumped up suddenly, "He...he is..."

"Hush——" Sirius was startled, and gave Dracula a dissatisfied look, and then hurriedly gestured to Tonks to calm her down, "Tonks, keep your voice down..."

He was going to the court to surprise those members of the Wizengamot. It would be a bit funny if he was caught by the Ministry of Magic before he arrived in the courtroom...

"Don't worry, Sirius is not a bad guy, I'm here to help him get rid of his crimes." Dracula said with a light smile, "Don't you believe me?"

"Of course I believe you, Professor Dracula. But..."

Tonks looked at Sirius again and again, fearful and curious at the same time, his face turned blue and pale at times, and he didn't know whether it was the effect of Transfiguration Magus or her own expression.

"Since you believe in me, don't be too bad, just lead the way." Dracula interrupted her.

Tonks' words caught in his throat.

Now she regrets that she promised Dracula to lead him the way...

Led by Tonks, Dracula and Sirius followed the crowd to the end of the main hall of the Ministry of Magic.

At the end of the main hall, the long and narrow space suddenly becomes open, forming a spacious circular square.There is a fountain in the middle, and several huge golden statues stand in the middle of a circular pool.

The tallest of the statues is a wizard with his wand pointed straight into the air.

Around the wizard gathered a beautiful witch, a centaur, a goblin and a house-elf, and all three looked adoringly at the two wizards.And the sparkling water of the fountain flows from the ends of the wands of the two wizards.

Seeing this fountain, Dracula frowned slightly.

"Magic Brothers Fountain? Huh..." he sneered.

Although he doesn't like the horse people very much, he also knows that they and the goblins are all very arrogant,

Disdain to be in the company of wizards at all—

The goblins have rebelled several times in the past centuries, and they have not convinced the wizards so far; let alone the centaurs, they even refuse to accept the identity of "human".I want them to look at the wizard with the kind of adoring eyes portrayed in the statue, I am afraid that it is not an exaggeration to describe it with the Arabian Nights.

"Professor Dracula, what's wrong?" Tonks looked at Dracula in confusion.

"It's okay, let's go." Dracula waved his hands mockingly.

The greatest stupidity of human beings is self-righteousness.

Thinking about it this way, wizards like Dumbledore, Sirius, and Regulus who can treat werewolves, house elves, and other groups of wizards equally are indeed quite remarkable.

Dracula turned his attention away from the fountain and stepped into a magical elevator with Tonks and Sirius.

The metal folding door of the elevator slammed shut, and with the creaking sound and the cool breeze blowing in from time to time, the three of them arrived at the ninth basement floor of the Ministry of Magic.

The style here is very different from that of the main hall. There is only a simple corridor leading to a black door in the whole building. The floor and walls are covered with dark tiles. secluded.

Two rows of torches are inserted on the dark tiles on the wall, shining blue and white light, adding a bit of mystery to the whole space.

"The courtroom is quite special. You have to walk through the ninth floor to reach the tenth floor underground, and you need to walk a little longer." Tonks explained to Dracula.

Afterwards, she led the two of them around a corner, preparing to walk towards the steps leading to the tenth floor.

At this moment, Dracula suddenly stopped.

He turned his head suddenly and looked at a lonely, black door at the end of the corridor.There seemed to be a kind of power that he was very familiar with sealed in that door, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Where is that door?" Dracula asked softly.

"There is...the Department of Mysteries." Tonks was stunned for a moment, glanced at the lonely black door with some embarrassment, and whispered, "Professor Dracula, that is the top secret institution of the Ministry of Magic. No authority to know what's inside."

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"Department of Mysteries?" Dracula was lost in thought.

Nicole Flamel told him that the time converter was manufactured in this department, and this department also invited Flamel, a master alchemist, to help them with the research of time energy.

Was that aura just now time energy?

"Professor Dracula, what are you thinking?" Tonks' voice rang in Dracula's ear.

Dracula looked up and saw her looking at him in a panic.

"Professor Dracula, please don't think about the Department of Mysteries!" Tonks said aggrievedly, "I brought you here this time, and I don't want to be fired from the Auror Office..."

"Don't worry, I didn't have the idea of ​​the Department of Mysteries." Dracula shook his head amusedly, "Who do you think I am?"

Tonks' worry was not unreasonable, after all, he did have the idea of ​​going in for a walk just now...

Well, the crime of helping Sirius crucify Peter is more important.

Now that he knows the specific position of the Department of Mysteries, he can be teleported at any time. These rough anti-apparition spells from the Ministry of Magic are obviously impossible to stop him!


Walking through the corridor outside the Department of Mysteries, Tonks led Dracula and Sirius down the stairs to the tenth floor underground.

There is no elevator to get here directly.

Compared with the previous floors, the tenth floor seems to be an unfinished architectural sketch. The corridor is composed of rough stone walls, and old-fashioned torches are stuck on the brackets on the wall.

The doors to the courtroom on either side of the corridor were heavy wooden doors with iron latches and thick keyholes.

Under Tonks' introduction, Dracula learned that the Wizengamot has a total of ten courtrooms, and the doors of different numbered courtrooms are opened depending on the importance of the case.

This case has a level of resurrection from the dead

Peter Pedirou, the winner of the Order of Merlin, also had the first Sirius Black to escape from Azkaban, so it was only natural that the first courtroom was opened.

"This is Judgment Room No. [-], so I won't send you in." Tonks sent Dracula and Sirius to the door of No. [-] Trial Room, and whispered to them, "I don't dare to let Fudge The minister saw me."

"Okay, thank you." Dracula nodded slightly, and walked into the open heavy wooden door together with Sirius.

An oppressive atmosphere came over us.

The walls around No. [-] courtroom are made of ink-black stone, and the torchlight is dim and gloomy. There are rows of dense benches on all sides, which are arranged in steps, and can be clearly seen from all seats. Go to the chair in the middle with the chain.

At this moment, Peter was sitting huddled in that chair, sobbing softly.

Chapter 220 How can you still defend like this?

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In the deep Wizengamot courtroom, Dumbledore had already taken Harry and Ron to the plaintiff's seat.

There were about fifty people in the entire courtroom, mostly wearing fuchsia robes with a delicate silver "" embroidered on the left front chest.

Few of them cared about Peter, the defendant. Instead, they all looked down at Harry, who was sitting in the plaintiff's seat below. Some of them restrained themselves a little, while others made no secret of their inner curiosity about the boy who survived the catastrophe.

Harry and Ron seldom saw such a scene. At this time, their expressions were a little apprehensive. They moved as close to Dumbledore as possible, and looked back at the chained chair in the middle of the courtroom from time to time.

Peter sat on the chair, his hands were chained to the chair, his fat and rough face was wrinkled together, sobbing timidly.

However, to Sirius' surprise, the resurrected Order of Merlin, First Class, was not alone.

There was an old woman standing by, quietly watching Peter crouching in the chair, her expression was a little sad, but more of a broken can and a broken determination.

"This is Peter's did she come?" Sirius walked into the courtroom, and frowned after seeing the old woman.

"The son is going to be judged, so it's normal for the mother to accompany him?" Dracula said nonchalantly.

"It's not like that." Sirius shook his head, "Among the four robbers of our time, apart from the mother who kicked me out of Black's ancestral home, Peter's mother is the most difficult to deal with...I'm afraid of her What happened."

"It doesn't matter, since I promised to help you, then I won't let others make trouble." Dracula glanced at the old woman, and curled up his mouth coldly, "I want to see if she can do it." something happened."

Sirius nodded slightly, straightened his collar a little nervously, walked slowly to the plaintiff's seat, and stood beside Harry.

Then, he gently took off the mask on his face.

As the recognized savior of the wizarding world and the Boy Who Lived who expelled Voldemort, Harry has always been one of the people who received the most attention in the entire courtroom, and the position around him naturally received more attention.

Sirius' actions immediately attracted the attention of many members of the Wizengamot.

"Wait, that's Sirius Black?!" A witch sitting on the jury seat was sizing up Harry when she caught a glimpse of Sirius' face and exclaimed in surprise.

"What? How did he come here?"

"What is he doing here?!"


In an instant, the courtroom became chaotic.

Some people began to whisper loudly; some were looking back and forth between Sirius and the door of the court room with fearful eyes, as if looking for the best escape route; some timid jury members were even frightened and fell off their seats ...

"Sirius..." Harry looked up at Sirius with some concern.

"Don't worry, Harry, your parents will be avenged soon."

Sirius calmed down under the eyes of many doubts, scrutiny and fear, smiled softly at his godson, and calmly looked at Cornelius Fudge who was at the front of the courtroom.

In the important trial ceremony, the Minister of Magic will preside over the entire trial as the chief wizard of the Wizengamot.

For the arrival of Sirius, Fudge was also taken aback.

Subconsciously, he thought that Sirius was here to make trouble, and almost turned his head to find Auror to protect him.

It wasn't until seeing the calm eyes of Sirius that Fudge realized that he was standing on the plaintiff's seat, obviously not wanting to use violence to solve the problem.

"Ahem... all quiet!" Fudge coughed a little shamelessly, and then shouted angrily, "This is the Wizengamot courtroom! What is it like to be so noisy?"

Only then did the courtroom gradually quiet down, but all kinds of worried, apprehensive, and fearful eyes still swept over Sirius from time to time.

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