Sirius turned a blind eye to these gazes, and just chatted with Harry on his own, asking how he was doing this semester, and whether he had won the quiz for Gryffindor.

Tricky Cup, are you having fun with your friends in Hogsmeade...

Dracula also walked to the side of the plaintiff's seat, and used transfiguration to conjure himself a luxurious chair. He sat on the chair and raised his legs, looking curiously at the scene of the courtroom.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a vicious and jealous gaze shot over from the front of the courtroom.

Dracula turned his head to look at the front of the courtroom, and found two witches sitting on both sides of Fudge.

To Fudge's left sits a tall, square-jawed witch with gray hair cut short, looking very capable, with a monocle on the bridge of her nose, and a formidable serious expression on her face.

On Fudge's right sat another witch. She was placed very far back on the bench, her whole face shrouded in shadows—that was where the jealous gaze came from.

Dracula raised the corners of his mouth with interest.

That witch might have thought she was hiding in the shadows so she wouldn't be seen, but how could Dracula's vision compare to that of an ordinary wizard?It was easy for him to see the ugly face hidden in the shadows.

Dolores Umbridge, the extremely impressive pink toad.

"I don't know what Fudge likes about Umbridge, and he keeps such a thing with him all day." Dracula thought with a wicked taste.

Unknowingly, the minute hand of the huge wall clock on the wall quietly pointed to the position of "6", and the time for the court session came quietly.

"Silence, all!" Fudge shouted loudly, "The time is up. Next, this trial officially begins!"

Peter's body trembled quite obviously, and Mrs. Pedilou beside him finally took her eyes away from her son, and looked at Sirius on the plaintiff's seat with a frightening look.

Fudge read step by step: "This trial is led by the Minister for Magic, Cornelius Oswald Fudge, the Director of Magical Law Enforcement, Amelia Susan Burns, and the Senior Deputy Minister Dolores. Jane Umbridge co-hosts—”

"The plaintiff, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, accuses Peter Pedillo of colluding with the Death Eaters during the Wizarding Wars to kill James Potter, etc. Lots of wizards; bombed the streets after the war, killed a dozen Muggles and feigned death."

"If the accusation is true, Peter Pedilou's behavior has seriously violated the "Strictly Restricting the Use of Dark Arts Regulations", "The Criminal Code of the British Wizarding World" and the "International Statute of Secrecy". Does the defendant have any objections?"

Fudge looked up from his manuscript, looking at Peter and Mrs. Pedilou.

"Mr. Minister, I have objections." Mrs. Pedirou gave Sirius a fierce look, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Please." Fudge gave her an approving look.

"Mr. Minister, I think everyone here knows that it is not my son who committed those crimes, but Sirius Black who is standing over there now!" She suddenly pointed her index finger at Sirius , said loudly.

"I don't understand why such a dark wizard and wanted criminal who has defected to Voldemort, escaped from Azkaban, and has no awe of the Ministry of Magic, now stands on the plaintiff's position, just because Albus Dumbledore's cover?!"

As soon as she opened her mouth, Mrs. Pedilou showed her strong ability to mess around and tell stories. Not only did she not steadily defend Peter's crimes, but she used offense as defense and directly attacked Sirius.

Sirius' impatient temper could not withstand this kind of provocation, so he jumped up from his stool on the spot and yelled at Mrs. Pedirou.

However, before he could act, a strong hand pressed on his shoulder ahead of time.

Dumbledore shook his head slightly at Sirius, and stood up first.

"I don't agree with Mrs. Pedilou's testimony." He said in a deep voice, "There is no evidence in her testimony to defend Mr. Peter Pedilou. She just blindly attacked our witnesses, trying to intensify the contradiction and divert attention."

"This practice seriously violates the fairness and rationality of the trial. I think Mrs. Pediru's behavior should be warned. If she still can't produce reasonable evidence that can prove Mr. Pediru's innocence

, the conclusion is already obvious. "

Obviously, compared to the extremely aggressive Mrs. Pedilou, the calmer and wiser Dumbledore's words are more logical and more in line with the trial procedure.

"Does the defendant have any evidence to add?" Fudge asked again.

"Of course there is evidence!" Mrs. Pedilou said loudly, "Our Peter is a first-class Medal of Merlin, and he is recognized by the magic world as a hero who resisted Sirius Black, so it is impossible for him to act like a mysterious man. matter!"

"In addition, Peter has no motive at all to seek refuge with the mysterious man! On the other hand, Sirius Black, their Black family has many Death Eaters, and his cousin and brother are the backbone of the Death Eaters. He seeks refuge with the mysterious People are exactly as expected..."

"Wait a minute, Mrs. Pedilou." Dumbledore interrupted, raising his hand, "With all due respect, there is absolutely no evidence in your statement to defend Peter Pedilou—"

"It turns out that the Order of Merlin, First Class, was just a misunderstanding, and he also had a complete motivation to join Voldemort, which is the fear of death! If you still can't come up with reasonable evidence to prove that Mr. Pedilou is innocent, why not Let me state the situation first."

Dumbledore glanced at Mrs. Pedirou with cold eyes, and continued to speak calmly.

"This is Mr. Ronald Weisley." He pointed to Ron, "Peter Pedilou cut off one of his fingers after blowing up the whole street, and used an illegal Animag Wes turned into a mouse and has been a pet in the Wes family for over ten years."

"I object!" Mrs. Pedilu's eyes lit up, and she shouted excitedly as if she had caught a loophole, "What evidence do you have to prove that Peter can use Animagus? He is so weak and not like his friend They are so talented, how could they possibly learn the Animagus?"

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

"Of course I have a way to transform him into an Animagus form." Dumbledore said calmly.

"Who knows if you will secretly use human body transformation to tamper with Peter?" Mrs. Pedilou retorted, "People in the entire magic world know that you are a powerful wizard and are best at shapeshifting. You can definitely Pass Peter off as an Animagus!"

"So what do you want to do, Madam Pedilou?" Dumbledore said softly, "You have not presented any substantive evidence to defend Peter from the beginning to the end, and this verbal explanation is invalid. "

"But... But there is no Dark Mark on Peter's arm, which can completely prove that he is not a Death Eater!" Mrs. Pedilou forcefully argued.

"It's just that something happened before Voldemort had time to engrave the Dark Mark on him." Dumbledore said while making Sirius roll up his sleeves, "As you can see, Sirius also has a hand on his arm. No Dark Mark. Doesn't that contradict your previous testimony?"

"you you……"

Just when Mrs. Pedirou was almost speechless, Fudge spoke suddenly.

"Two plaintiffs and defendants, please don't take care of the dispute in the courtroom, pay attention to the mood of the jury."

He puts a lot of emphasis on the word "emotion".

Dumbledore frowned slightly, and gave Fudge a cold look.

Mrs. Pedirou got the cue and immediately realized that the final trial result was determined by voting.

She knew what she should do to save Peter's life.

"I... I understand that according to Dumbledore's reputation in the wizarding world, the adults present must be more inclined to believe him than me, a bad old woman..."

Mrs. Pedirou's messy appearance suddenly changed. She took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped the corners of her eyes with extreme sadness.

Mrs. Pedilou's sadness was indeed genuine, and the tears could not stop falling down, which was very contagious, and the atmosphere of the entire court room became quiet along with her.

"I'm old, I don't have any articulate words, and I can't find any real evidence..." She cried

, choked up and said, "But I really can't lose Peter!"

"You don't know how sad I was when I received his skeleton with only one finger left, and how proud I was of him when I learned that the Ministry of Magic awarded him the Order of Merlin, First Class..."

"A few days ago, I suddenly got a message telling me that Peter was not dead! I was so excited that my dying body seemed to be alive again, but immediately I learned that Peter might be sentenced to death ..."

"The ups and downs of emotions just killed me, an old woman!"

Mrs. Pedilu wiped her tears with a touching tone, and the eyes of many emotional Wizengamot members gradually softened.

Harry and Ron stared at the scene dumbfounded, their minds full of question marks.

There is still such an operation? ?

Chapter 220 Six Dracula's So-Called "Charity"

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Mrs. Pedilou's unique way of defending caught Dumbledore a little off guard.roundabout

Unlike the highly developed social system in the Muggle world, the magic world has a relatively small population and relatively slow social development. The Wizengamot's trial method actually still has strong medieval characteristics.

Therefore, in most trials in the wizarding world, the subjective emotions of the jury account for a large proportion of them.

According to Mrs. Pedilou's method of defense, to arouse the emotions of the Wizengamot jury may really make many wizards who are inclined to sensibility lean towards Peter emotionally.

After all, the cruel, rude, and dangerous image of Sirius has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there is no way to change it in a while.

In contrast, more people would still be willing to believe an old lady who cried out in front of them with all her heart, even if she could not give any complete evidence...

"Professor Dracula, isn't this situation not good for us?" Ron secretly tugged on Dracula's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

Harry also gave Sirius a worried look, and moved closer to Dracula.roundabout

"Professor, what can you do?" He also asked.

Dracula glanced at Mrs. Pedirou with a bit of a headache, and saw that she was still weeping uncontrollably, completely venting her worries about her son.

A witch of the Wizengamot, whose eyes were already wet, stepped down from the jury box regardless of dissuasion, and put her arm around Mrs. Pedirou's shoulder to comfort her.

"Actually, if you want to talk about a solution, it's not impossible." Dracula suddenly turned his gaze to Harry, and asked without beginning and end: "Potter, do you know how to sell misery and fan love?"

"Huh?" Harry opened his mouth wide. "What does this have to do with me?"

"It has a lot to do with it. It's up to you whether you can exonerate your godfather." Dracula said, "As long as you can cry out about the injustice you received in a Muggle family, there must be many juries. Members will be touched by you."

"But...but me, I don't know how to cry." Harry was completely stunned, not knowing what Professor Dracula wanted him to do, "Although Aunt Petunia and the others really treated me badly, at least I still Can survive..." Lan

Harry's mentality has always been quite good in Muggle society, even when being bullied by Dudley and his friends, he can find some fun in the game in the process of chasing me and running away.

On weekdays, Dudley is very good at secretly using game consoles, toys, TVs and other things that Dudley doesn't want. He even counts spiders as entertainment when he sleeps in the storage room under the stairs...

So it was really embarrassing for him to force him to put on a miserable expression and tell about his experience at the Dursleys' house.

"This is indeed a problem. If the expression is wrong, it is not easy to resonate..." Dracula rubbed his chin, thinking.

"Professor Dracula, there's no need to make things difficult for Harry, I can kill that traitor myself at any time!" Sirius stared coldly at Peter's direction, and said viciously.

"No!" Harry couldn't hold back and almost amplified his voice, "Sirius, if you really do that, the Ministry of Magic will really fight you forever! It's not worth it for such a traitor!"

"Harry, they won't catch me, trust me." Sirius turned his head and smiled at Harry.roundabout

"That's not okay, do you want to stay in a dark place for the rest of your life?" Harry refused to let go.

"Okay, stop arguing, I thought of it." Dracula interrupted the two of them impatiently, "Isn't it just that you can't find sad emotions? Just create something wrong for you."

"Potter, when it's time for you to talk miserably, I will open the bag containing the dementors in your direction, and let the dementors suck away a little bit of your happiness. At that time, I will guarantee you to enter the state immediately! "

"...Is this really okay?" Ron glanced at the bag that Dracula took out at some point in his hand with some concern.

Before Ron could say anything more, Harry resolutely agreed.

"Just do it, Professor Dracula!" he said firmly, and stood up from his chair.

Everyone present was attracted by the behavior of the savior,

He looked at him curiously, not knowing what Harry was going to say when he stood up at this time.roundabout

"I... I hope everyone can listen to me. I want to tell you about my childhood." Standing suddenly under the gaze of many eyes, Harry was not used to it for a while, and he stumbled a little.

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