"Okay, then I won't ask this." Dracula said, "but I want to know, what kind of force did you use to pull me back from the other side in the end? The so-called "Death God" seemed very surprised. "

"You will know when you should know. Telling it now will only make you lose the surprise when that day comes in the future." The hooded man laughed.

"... After talking for a long time, it's as if I didn't say anything." The corner of Dracula's mouth twitched.

"Although you may sound unhappy, I find it very interesting." The hooded man said happily, "I understand why Dumbledore always likes to speak in secret, it's really interesting to talk like this ..."

"You can shut up now..." Dracula said through gritted teeth.

At this moment, the two turned their heads to look at the door of the death hall where they were.

They all sensed that there were a few silent people coming here, and they were already standing in the round hall with twelve portals that were constantly changing.

"Okay, it's time for me to go back." The hooded man smiled softly and said, "You don't have to be unhappy... just think about how depressed you are at this time. In the future, when you go back to the past What a day it will be!"

After all, he snapped his fingers lightly.

"By the way," before leaving, he seemed to suddenly recall something, and said suddenly, "There is no need to think too much about what happened today, just enjoy your life as a professor in the next year."

"There are still many interesting things in Hogwarts Castle!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figure of the hooded man suddenly disappeared in the hall of death, as if he had never appeared before.

Dracula stared at the place where he disappeared for a moment, then laughed, and also snapped his fingers.

Dark Moon quietly emerged behind.

Before the Silent Man entered the Hall of Death to inspect, Dracula's figure returned to Hogwarts Castle under the cold moonlight, and sat on the sofa in the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's office again...

Although it was only a short day, Dracula's harvest was unexpectedly large.

Needless to say, the conviction of Peter Pedillo's crimes, the rehabilitation of Sirius Black's reputation, and, most importantly, the realization that the world is not as small and uninteresting as he once believed it to be.

Different worlds out of sight, and more fun awaits his exploration.

Dracula lowered his head, looking at the ray of dark gray in the crimson magic power beating in his palm, his eyes were full of interest.

If what the so-called "Death God" said is true, then some of the previous questions have also been answered——

Why do many different types of dark energy, such as silence, horcruxes, and the magic power of blood races, have the same nature?

Probably only because... the power of darkness comes from the world behind the arch, so it is possible to seek help from the god of death and borrow the purest power of death.

In this way, some of the original

Things that don't understand make sense, too.

The despicable Haierbo was sealed in the secret place on the top of Mount Olympus for thousands of years, and was killed countless times by Andros, but his power never faded, and instead gradually forced Andros to gamble The faith and future of the Greek magic world can barely suppress it.

Hai Erbo must have borrowed the power of death.

So, without going to the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries, how can we connect to the world behind the arch and borrow the power of death?

Dracula rummaged through his pockets thoughtfully for a while, and took out a locket from it.

This is Slytherin's locket more than 1000 years ago. Voldemort later made it into a Horcrux, and Regulus took it out at the cost of his life, and finally fell into Dracula's hands.

He stared quietly at the locket in his hand, and a faint smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.

To make a Horcrux, one needs to rely on killing to split the soul.

And in the process of killing and splitting the soul, it is obvious that a dead soul will also be sent to the world of the dead.

This is the time when the current dark wizard is closest to the world of death except before he completely passes away.

And after their accidental death, even if they can rely on the horcruxes to turn into remnant souls, the world of death will still open the door to them... This is the best time to borrow the power of the god of death.

It is conceivable that Haierbo borrowed the power of the god of death several times when he died, so that instead of weakening himself in countless deaths, he gradually overwhelmed Andros.

Thinking of this, Dracula frowned slightly.

If this inference is true...then the time for Voldemort to recover his strength is likely to be faster than he imagined.


On the last day of term, Hogwarts announced the exam results.

Hermione got honors in all twelve subjects, and Harry and Ron were lucky enough to pass every one of them.

Harry hadn't expected him to pass the Potions exam, he couldn't believe that Snape would let him pass, and he even suspected that Dumbledore had intervened to keep Snape from messing with him.

He hadn't known what had happened in the last few weeks, and Snape's attitude towards Harry had been quite frightening.

Of course Harry didn't expect that, because of Sirius and Peter, the deep wound in Snape's heart was stung again.Every time Snape saw Harry, especially his eyes, he felt a twinge of guilt and pain.

For this reason, every time Snape met Harry, a muscle next to his thin lips twisted uncomfortably, and he kept flexing his fingers, as if he wanted to strangle Harry's throat of.

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It was to protect this child that Lily was sacrificed at the hands of Voldemort.

Snape thought so, but he didn't tell anyone.

As the president of the student union, Percy lived up to expectations and passed the Advanced Wizarding Level Examination (s); Fred and George in the fifth grade also barely gathered a handful of Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination (0..Ls) certificates.

This year, Hogwarts' Defense Against the Dark Arts score, driven by the Dueling Club and the promotion of devil training, successfully created a record high in the past 30 years, which surprised many other magic schools who were waiting to see the joke.

At the same time, the Gryffindor Quidditch team won this year's Quidditch championship due to Harry's excellent state and the Firebolt's top hardware advantages!

Captain Wood, who was about to graduate, was very happy, and invited all the team members to Hogsmeade for a big meal.

Because of the large amount of bonus points from the Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor College also won the House Cup as a matter of course.That meant red and gold for the end-of-term feast, and it meant the tables in Gryffindor House were extra bustling because everyone was celebrating.

The next day, the students who had been partying all night got up from their beds in a daze, carried their luggage and boarded the Thestral carriage from the north gate of the castle, and the carriage took them to Hogsmeade station.

When the Hogwarts Express left the station, ha

Leigh and Ron were staring at Hermione in amazement.

"I went to see Professor McGonagall this morning, just before breakfast," said Hermione. "I have decided not to take Muggle Studies and Divination."

"Forget about divination, but your Muggle studies test scores are perfect!" Ron said in surprise.

"I know," Hermione said with a sigh, "but next year I can't stand being like this year. You guys don't know what I've been through, and I might go crazy if this goes on."

Of course, there was another reason why she didn't tell the two friends——

The Ministry of Magic suddenly reclaimed all Time-Turners.

Professor McGonagall explained to her that the Ministry of Magic had somehow lost a Time-Turner, and the staff there had no idea when it was lost.

For prudent consideration, they decided to take back the Time Converter for students to prevent unknown accidents.

Hermione thought it was good, at least she could have a normal class timetable.

She looked back at Harry, who was watching Hogwarts Castle being obscured by a mountain.

He was a little sad, seeing Hogwarts suffering for another two full months...

"Harry, why don't you seem very happy?" Hermione asked, "Aren't you going to live with your godfather?"

"Don't mention it," Harry said gloomily, "Dumbledore said that although the arrest warrant for Sirius in the Ministry of Magic has been lifted, the Ministry of Magic has already notified the Muggles. The arrest warrant over there is not easy to deal with... ..."

"But Sirius can wear a mask, or ask Fred and George for some magic props." Ron said, "As long as you don't take the initiative to expose it, isn't it fine?"

"I thought so too." Harry sighed, "But Dumbledore didn't agree with anything, and I don't know what he thinks."

"Oh, cheer up, Harry!" said Hermione sympathetically.

"I'm fine," said Harry dryly, "it's been years anyway."

"By the way, Sirius has a wanted warrant, but our family doesn't have one!" Ron said happily, "Harry, you must come and live with us during the holidays. I will make an agreement with my parents, and then I will call "Dropped" to you. Now I know how to drop a call..."

"It's a phone call, Ron," Hermione corrected. "Seriously, you should take Muggle Studies next year..."

Ron rolled his eyes and ignored her.

"There's the Quidditch World Cup this summer! How's it going, Harry?" he asked cheerfully. "Come and stay with me and we'll go to the games! Dad always gets tickets from the office."

The suggestion cheered Harry up again.

"Yes! I bet the Dursleys would be happy to let me go... especially after what I did to Aunt Marge!"

While talking, he took out the paper and pen, "I think I can also ask Sirius if he wants to join us. There will be no Muggles in the Quidditch World Cup, right?"

When the train arrived, Harry saw Uncle Vernon and Aunt Paige outside the station.

Uncle Vernon and the others stood quite far away from Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Weasley, and looked at them suspiciously from time to time, feeling that the clothes of these two people were a little out of sync with the others.

Uncle Vernon's suspicions about them seemed confirmed when Mrs. Weasley welcomed Harry with a hug.

"I'll call about the World Cup!" Ron yelled after Harry.

Harry nodded to Ron, then turned to say goodbye to Hermione, then pushed the box and carried Hedwig's cage to Uncle Vernon.

Uncle Vernon greeted him in his usual way.

"What's that?" He growled filially, staring at the stationery that Harry was clutching in his hand and hadn't had time to mail to Sirius, "If that's another form for me to sign, then don't even think about it..."

"It's not a form," said Harry with a smile, "it's a letter I'm going to send to my godfather!"

"Godfather?" Uncle Vernon's saliva splashed, "You don't have any godfather!"

"No, I have," said Harry suddenly

Brilliant thought, "He's my mom's and my dad's best friend. Oh yeah, maybe you know...you've heard the name Sirius Black, he's in the papers and on TV information, he is a wanted criminal who has been convicted.”

"In fact, he is not only a prisoner from the Muggle side, but also a criminal from the magic world. He has escaped from the magic prison. The Ministry of Magic has nothing to do with him, so they can only turn to the Muggle government for help."

"Sirius would love to keep in touch with me, keep track of how I'm doing by...seeing if I'm having a good time!"

Harry watched Uncle Vernon's terrified expression and smiled happily.

He pushed his luggage and walked towards the station exit, Hedwig flew briskly in front of him, and together they went to spend a summer that would look much better than last year.

Chapter 230 Voldemort in the Riddle House

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