There is an old and dilapidated big house on a hillside. Several windows of the house are sealed, the tiles on the roof are incomplete, and ivy crawls all over the wall with its teeth and claws.

But the villagers here knew that the house was called the Riddle House, and that it had been a very handsome mansion, the largest and grandest for miles around, and that it was now damp, desolate, and perennially deserted. people live.

Villagers in Little Hangleton agreed that the old house was "scary".

Half a century ago, a strange and terrible thing happened here, until now, when the elders in the village have nothing else to talk about, they still like to talk about it——

Fifty years ago, when the Riddle House was still gorgeous, bright and magnificent, at dawn on a sunny summer day, a maid walked into the living room and found that the three members of the Riddle family were all dead.

The villagers suspected that Frank, the gardener of the Riddle family, killed the family of three because he had a weird temper and could easily get the key to the inner courtyard.

However, when the autopsy report came out, Frank was cleared of suspicion:

No one in the Riddle family was harmed by poison, sharp weapon, gun, smothered or strangled.In fact, all three of the Riddle family looked healthy—except for one thing, they were all dead.

The doctors who performed the autopsy noticed that everyone in the Riddle family had a frightened expression on their faces... But, who has ever heard of three people being frightened to death at the same time?

Later, the Riddles were buried in the churchyard at Little Hangleton, and Frank Bryce returned to the Riddle House to live in his log cabin in the grounds.

The gardener Frank did not leave, but stayed in the Riddle Mansion, and chose to continue to take care of the garden for the next owner who bought the Riddle Mansion, and then worked for the next family...

Later, the manor came into the hands of the last owner.

He did not live here, but still hired Frank to continue as the gardener of the manor.

But because of the lack of people, the plants in the courtyard are growing rapidly. Even the experienced old gardener Frank can't stop their growth. He can only watch this once luxurious mansion become dilapidated .

One night in the summer of 1994, Frank woke up with a bad leg.

He got up from the bed and limped downstairs into the kitchen, trying to fill the hot water bottle and warm his stiff knees.Standing by the sink, filling the jug, he looked up towards the Riddle House.

There seemed to be a glimmer of light in the upstairs windows.

Frank thought the boys from the village had broken into the old house again, and there was a flickering, dimming light, and he could tell they had started a fire.

Frank quickly put down the kettle, dragged his bad leg, and returned upstairs as quickly as possible, took out an old rusty key from the hook beside the door, picked up the crutch leaning against the wall, and walked into the night among.

Although the current owner of this house doesn't care much, he is employed after all, so he can't just sit back and watch those naughty children tossing around here, and he is even more worried that they will set fire to the old house that he has lived in for decades.

Frank walked to the front door of the Riddle House and found no signs of forced entry, and the windows were intact.

So he limped around to the back of the house again, stopped by a door that was almost completely hidden by creepers, took out the old key, inserted it into the lock, and opened the door noiselessly.

Leaning on crutches, Frank walked into the cave-like dark kitchen.

He hasn't been in for many years.But, despite the darkness, he remembered where the door to the corridor was.He groped and walked over, a rotten smell came to his nostrils.

Frank's ears pricked up, picking up every sound of footsteps or voices overhead.He came to the corridor, where the light from the moon came in somewhat because of the tall windows on either side of the front door.

He started up the stairs, thinking that thanks to the thick dust on the stone steps, the sound of his footsteps and crutches was muffled and imperceptible.

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On the landing, Frank turned right and saw immediately where the intruder was.

At the very front of the corridor, a door was ajar, and a flickering light came out of the door, casting an orange-yellow shadow on the dark floor.

Frank leaned sideways and approached cautiously, holding his cane tightly in his hand.A few steps from the door, he could see the scene through a narrow gap in the room.

He saw now that the fire was lit in the hearth.This surprised him, because naughty boys usually like to light fires everywhere, but not in the fireplace.

He stopped in his tracks and pricked up his ears, only to hear the voice of a younger man coming from the room. Compared to those mischievous boys, that voice seemed very respectful.

"Master, how is your current strength recovery?" He asked.

Frank froze for a moment.

In this era, is there still someone who uses the title "Master" that was only used in the old days?

"It's okay, not too good, but not too bad," said another voice.

It was a man, too—but with a hoarse and strange voice, and as cold as the wind.Somehow, just the sound, made the thinning hair on the back of Frank's neck stand on end.

"Speaking of it... I would also like to thank that nasty guy Dracula." The cold voice sneered, "If he hadn't pushed me into a corner, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get in touch with that other world so quickly. "

"The master of that world told me personally that the ring on my hand is a remarkable thing..."

The dialogue inside made the elderly Frank very curious. He pressed his right ear to the door, trying to hear it more clearly.

There was a sound of footsteps in the room, and then the sound of water being poured into a glass.Frank caught a glimpse of a pale young man with flaxen hair through the crack of the door. He was holding two glasses of water and handing them to the other side of the room.

He was wearing a long black cloak, and his expression and demeanor were indescribably insane and abnormal. In short, he was completely incompatible with a sober, rational and normal person.

"How's the plan going?" the cold voice asked.

"I'm fine now, Master." The first one said confidently, "But I don't understand something, aren't you able to restore your body and strength now? Why do you want to..."

"Because there is blood magic cast by his mother on me in the body of that obstructive Potter." The second cold voice said, "I must use Potter's blood to restore my body, so that I can avoid being untouchable. What happened to him happened again!"

Frank frowned, and put his fairly good hearing ear against the door again, listening intently.

He couldn't figure out what the two people were discussing, who they were, where they came from, and why they came to the Riddle Mansion.

There was a moment of silence in the room, and then the young voice spoke again.

"Master, can I ask, how long are we going to stay here?"

"A week," said the chilly voice, "maybe longer. The place is comfortable enough, and the plan can't be carried out, and it would be unwise to rush until the Quidditch World Cup is over."

Frank stuck a gnarled finger into his ear and twirled it a few times.

It must have accumulated too much earwax, but he heard such a strange word as "Quidditch", which didn't seem like a serious word at all...

"The Quidditch World Cup, Master?" said the young voice. "While you're waiting for the World Cup, you want to cause chaos where the most people are?"

"No, I don't have the idea of ​​scaring the snake for a while." The cold voice said, "I just don't want to run into those Aurors who increase their patrols."

"At times like this, wizards flood into this country from all over the world, and all those nosy guys from the Ministry of Magic are dispatched. They stand guard, pay attention to any unusual activities, and repeatedly check everyone's identity."

“They are all about safety, stability, life,

Afraid the Muggles would notice something.So we have to wait a little longer, and it doesn't matter if we wait until the World Cup is over. "

Outside the door, Frank stopped picking his ears.

He heard the words 'Ministry of Magic', 'wizard' and 'Muggle' without fail.

Obviously, these words all have occult meanings, and as far as Frank knows, there are only two kinds of people who speak code words: spies, criminals, or psychopaths.

Frank clutched his cane tightly and listened intently.

"Master, I think you should look for another obedient servant to take care of you," the young voice said softly, "I'm going to carry out my mission soon, and you need someone else to take care of you during this period."

"Why don't you bring those hidden Death Eaters to serve you?" he asked.

"No need, Batty." The cold voice finally called out the name of the young voice owner, "Who knows what those scumbags are thinking? Maybe some people still want me to die, and then they will completely No burden..."

There was a moment of silence - and then the young man named Barty spoke again.

"Those who choose to betray will get what they deserve." He said, "When I complete this mission, I will personally help you clean up those traitors!"

"Very well, I appreciate your kindness, Batty." The cold voice said softly, "But you don't need to think so much now, you just need to complete the things I told you, and I will talk about the rest later..."

"Yes, master." Batty said.

"By the way, when you go to Hogwarts, besides keeping an eye on Dumbledore and Dracula, you can help me focus on Severus." The cold voice said softly, "Severus Snape, Potions Professor and Dean of Slytherin...there are quite a few titles, go and help me find out what he thinks."

"Okay, master." Barty nodded, "If Snape shows any signs of betrayal, I will kill him with my own hands!"


In the corridor outside, Frank suddenly realized that his hand holding the cane was soaked with sweat.These two people didn't seem to have any shyness about killing people, and when they talked about it, they didn't care about it at all.

These two are dangerous - they are definitely two outlaws.

And they are still planning to kill and capture more people - that boy, a student named Harry Potter, Frank doesn't know who he is, but knows that he is in danger now...

Frank knew what he had to do.At this time, the police must be called. He wants to sneak out of the old house and run straight to the telephone booth in the village...

But the cold voice spoke again, and after that, Frank stayed where he was, as if frozen, trying to concentrate and listen.

"Wait, Batty, don't make a sound...I seem to hear someone else's breathing outside the door..." The cold voice said suddenly, "Just in time, I still lack a Horcrux, and I am looking for one to come to the door Dead guy!"

Hearing this sentence, Frank froze.

What he desires most now is that he never got off the bed, and went directly back to the bed with the hot water bottle in his arms.

His legs seemed unable to move, his heart was beating fast, and he stood there stiffly, trembling all over.He tried to control himself, but failed repeatedly.

Frank had no chance to hide, footsteps came from inside, and then the door was suddenly opened!

The blond-haired, pale-faced, mad-looking young man stood at the door, and Frank walked behind him, seeing a strange man with no nose and no hair looking at him with a sneer.

That strange man even has a somewhat transparent body!

Batty beckoned and motioned Frank to enter the house.

Frank limped across the threshold, clutching his crutches tightly despite the terrific tremors all over his body.

The fire was the only source of light in the room, and it cast long, cobweb-like shadows on the walls.

"Did you hear everything, Muggle?" asked the cold voice.

"What did you call me?" Frank forced himself to say loudly.He has served in the army before, and he can still raise his hand in a crisis.

Take some courage.

"I call you a Muggle," said the voice coldly, "that is, you're not a wizard."

"I don't know what you mean by wizards," said Frank, his voice getting evener, "I just know that what I heard tonight was enough to get the attention of the police—you're plotting to kill! "

"And I'll tell you," he said, suddenly, "that my wife knows I'm here, and if I don't go back—"

"You have no wife," said the cold voice slowly. "No one knows you are here. You have not told anyone that you are here. Muggle, don't lie to Lord Voldemort, he knows everything... what all know……"

"What did you say?" said Frank gruffly. "Your Excellency, are you? Well, I don't think you look like a grown-up, but rather a monster! I've never seen such an ugly, strange-looking creature like you." !"

The next moment, the strange-looking guy suddenly raised a stick.

"Avada Kedavra!"

A blinding green light flashed, and Frank Bryce collapsed to the ground.He was dead before he fell to the ground.

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