At the same time, two hundred miles away, Harry Potter suddenly woke up from his dream.

Chapter 230 Two: When Uncle Meets Godfather

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Harry lay stiff on the bed, panting heavily.

The dream just now was so realistic that he couldn't tell whether it was reality or not.

He stretched out a hand and pressed it firmly to his forehead, and under his fingers, the lightning-shaped scar burned and ached, as if someone had just pressed a roasted wire to his skin.

Harry sat up, put on his glasses, and tried to recall the scene in his dream just now——

Everything is so realistic... There is a terrifying figure that is so familiar that you can recognize it at a glance, and there are two unknown ones who are old and young... He frowned, concentrated his thoughts, and tried his best to remember...

A dimly lit room loomed before him... Before the fireplace sat a hideous, hairless, noseless Voldemort, the face Harry had seen countless times in dementor-induced hallucinations.

The younger one was very respectful to Voldemort, he should be a Death Eater, and he and Voldemort were discussing some plans.As for the old man who finally appeared outside the door, he was brutally killed by Voldemort with the Death Curse...

Thinking like this, Harry walked aimlessly to the window, opened the curtains, and stared blankly at the street below.

It seemed that Privet Drive was exactly what an ordinary suburban street should look like in the early hours of Sunday morning, with no lights, and the curtains on both sides of the street were tightly drawn.

The sky is still dark as a whole, but the horizon in the distance is gradually turning white, so that the street is not completely dark.

Unstoppable panic suddenly surged in Harry's heart.

Subconsciously, he felt that the dream he had was something that actually happened... If this thing really happened, it could only prove that Voldemort had returned, and an innocent old man had already been killed in reality.

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Not only that, but the Death Eaters and Voldemort have joined together, and the two are discussing a plan together, and this plan is very likely aimed at Harry...

Harry's face turned pale unconsciously.

He turned on the desk lamp, took out a piece of parchment and a quill from his suitcase, and wanted to write down his dream last night and send it to Sirius.

Fortunately, whether it was because of Uncle Vernon's conscience, or because the name of the wanted man, Sirius, really frightened him, Harry had a fairly free summer vacation.

His belongings were not locked in a locker like in previous years, and Hedwig was allowed to fly out of the cage, allowing him to deliver letters to his godfather and friends.

When Harry wrote "Dear Sirius" on the top of the parchment, suddenly a long-missed face appeared at the window of his room.

"Hey, Harry! Are you writing to me?"

Harry looked up, and the first thing he saw was a head of beautiful black hair and a pair of striking gray eyes, and he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"Sirius! Why are you here, aren't you afraid of being seen by Muggles?" Harry asked excitedly.

Sirius grabbed the guardrail by the window with one hand, picked up the broomstick under him with the other, and jumped in from the window.

"Of course I won't be seen by those Muggles. If you want me to say, Dumbledore is too careful." He said, "I just need to use a simple Disillusionment Charm, and I can avoid all Muggles. line of sight."

While talking, he put the broomstick against the wall, then smiled and hugged Harry.

"What's the matter, what can I do for you?" Sirius asked gently.

"It's nothing...just, my scar hurts a bit." Harry moved his lips, then whispered.

I didn’t feel it when I wrote the letter before, but now I’m talking to Sirius face to face about the pain of his scar, he feels like a child who is injured and seeks comfort from his parents.

"The scar hurts?" Sirius frowned. "Is it the scar that Voldemort gave you?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded slightly, "I

I also had a nightmare, dreaming that Voldemort came back and he killed an innocent Muggle..."

Sirius' originally playful expression gradually became serious.

"Harry, Dumbledore mentioned to me that there may be a secret connection between you and Voldemort." He said, "So I don't think this matter is that simple, we need to ask Dumbledore about it." ask."

"Uh... Actually, you don't have to trouble Principal Dumbledore, do you?" Harry hesitated.

"No, this matter is very important. If Voldemort really comes back, we must make preparations in advance!" Sirius said seriously, "And it is also very easy to verify, just check whether there were any Muggle bizarre last night." Just die."

At this moment, the door of Harry's room was suddenly pushed open heavily.

"Boy, what are you talking to yourself if you don't sleep at night? If you don't sleep, we will still sleep!" Uncle Vernon, who was so big that he could barely get in the door, roared, "I think it's me who treats you this summer vacation. It's too conniving, I'm used to you..."

Uncle Vernon finally squeezed through the door, and when he saw Sirius for the first time, the words he was about to say suddenly stuck in his throat.

"You, you are... Boo, Black..." He blushed and stammered, "That Sirius Boo... Black!"

Uncle Vernon was so impressed with the face that for a while, every time he turned the pages of the paper, he saw the picture of the notoriously wanted man on the first few pages.

Not only that, he also imagined that he would find this Sirius Black, and then go to collect a large bounty!

But Vernon never expected that Harry actually had a most wanted criminal as his godfather, and this godfather even came to his home!

He originally thought that Harry was making up nonsense, and he restrained himself a little just in case, not going too far as he did before...

"It's a good thing there's a silver lining." Vernon thought to himself.

But now there is still a problem, that is, he was just woken up by Harry's voice, got up and got angry, and yelled at Harry a few times, only to bump into the muzzle of Sirius...

Uncle Vernon felt like his life was on the line.

"You are my godson's uncle?" Sirius glanced at Vernon, his expression full of free and unrestrained arrogance, "Listen, you have been too indulgent to my godson this summer vacation, so what did you do in the first place? "

The cold sweat on Vernon's forehead flowed down instantly.

"No... no, I don't, absolutely not!" He said tremblingly, "I'm just joking with Harry, after all, I'm his uncle, and I'm close to him!"

"But why did I hear Harry have been treating him very badly since you were a child?" Sirius said coldly, "Look at Harry's clothes, the sleeves can fit his thighs , that's obviously left over from your fat pig-like son!"

"B... Mr. Black, I'm going to buy Harry a... no! Buy ten new suits, and I won't let him wear Dudley's old clothes again!" Vernon patted his chest Said.

"Hey, then you have to hurry up, I will see Harry put on brand new clothes in 10 minutes." Sirius sneered.

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away!" Vernon said while stepping back, nodding and bowing, "You two, godfather and son, talk first..."

He was too big, and when he retreated to the door, he bumped into the door frame.

Uncle Vernon twitched in pain, then hurriedly left the horrible room and ran downstairs quickly.

But instead of buying clothes for Harry as he had promised verbally, he picked up the phone with trembling hands and called the police station.


While Vernon waited anxiously, the phone was connected.

"Hello, this is the Xiaohuijin District Police Station..."

Before the words over there were finished, Vernon rushed to say: "Listen, this is No. 4 Privet Drive... the wanted criminal, Sirius Black, is at my house now, hurry up Someone come and arrest him, I will try to hold him back as much as possible!"

"Wait a minute, sir, don't worry." A calm voice came from the other end of the phone.

Come here, "I want to confirm that Sirius Black is indeed at the residence of No. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, correct?"

"That's right, come here quickly! Move faster, understand?" Vernon growled in a low voice hastily.

He hung up the phone and looked back guiltily, but fortunately Sirius Black did not follow.

Afterwards, he took some cash out of his wallet in pain, and planned to buy a few clothes for Harry to deal with it first.

"Jingle Bell--"

The phone rang suddenly again, startling Uncle Vernon.

"Hey, who is it? I tell you, I'm not free now!" He picked up the phone and growled angrily.

"Sir, our side is the Little Whinging District Police Station."

"What? You came here so soon?" Vernon asked in surprise.

"No, please calm down a little bit." The voice on the phone said, "I just confirmed that Sirius Black has been arrested, and the person in your home may be just a person who looks like him .”

"No way!" Vernon yelled. "I'm sure it's Sirius Black! You can't be wrong!"

"Sir, I understand your fear, but Sirius Black has indeed been captured."


Just then, a thin, handsome figure appeared behind Vernon, with a haughty smile on his face.

"Mr. Dursley, is this what you call going shopping for clothes?" Sirius said playfully.

Vernon hung up the phone abruptly.

"I... I just..." He stammered for a long time, then suddenly remembered something, and said, "Wait a minute, you should not be Sirius Black, but a person who looks very similar to him, Right? The wanted man has been arrested..."

"Huh? You came to this conclusion after talking with the police for so long?" Sirius sneered.

"Harry, that's another thing I want to tell you. Dumbledore has helped me solve the Muggle warrant."

He turned his head to look at Harry, "The Ministry of Magic has contacted the Muggle Prime Minister, saying that Sirius Black has been captured and brought to justice, and I'm just a person who looks very similar to him."

Harry had a look of surprise on his face.

"Really?" He shouted excitedly, "Does this mean that I can live with you in the future?"

"It should be fine, I'll ask Dumbledore again later." Sirius smiled gently.

Uncle Vernon listened to the conversation between the two, becoming more and more frightened.

According to what the two of them meant, that is to say, the man standing in front of him who claimed to be Harry's godfather was actually Sirius Black!

And the so-called "Ministry of Magic" cleared him of his crimes, causing the Muggle police to think that the man at No. 4 Privet Drive is just a man very similar to the wanted criminal!

"You... are you really Sirius Black?" Uncle Vernon asked tremblingly.

"Yeah, do you need me to prove something to you?" Sirius took out his wand and conjured a knife in his other hand, " you want to try the murderer's viciousness for yourself? Woolen cloth?"

His expression became gloomy and crazy, as if he had just escaped from Azkaban.

Uncle Vernon sat down on the ground in fright, every piece of fat on his body trembling.

"Please... don't kill me, don't, I will treat Harry well in the future..."

His begging finally woke Aunt Paige and Dudley Dursley too.

The two of them came out of the room, their eyes widening in astonishment when they saw Uncle Vernon's movements.

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