"Vernon, what are you doing?!" Aunt Peggy reprimanded severely, "Are you setting such an example in front of your son!"

Vernon was so anxious that he was about to cry, he reluctantly raised his hand, and gestured to Peggy for the imposing figure standing in front of him.

Peggy looked in that direction inexplicably, and then she let out a deafening scream.

"Little... Sirius Black!"

At the same time, Dudley screamed in horror along with his mother.

Seeing the ugliness of this family, a smile flashed in Sirius' eyes, and he winked at Harry.

Harry smiled knowingly.

"Sirius, they are my relatives after all, you better not kill them." He said.

In fact, Harry's acting skills were not good at all, and he couldn't hide the smile in his eyes.

But the Dursleys didn't have the time to pay attention to these details at all, they just immersed themselves in the panic of facing the wanted criminal.

"Thank you...thank you, Harry, I swear we will treat you well in the future." Vernon hurriedly raised his finger to the sky, and promised solemnly.

Aunt Paige nodded again and again.

"Okay, for the sake of my godson, I will spare your lives today." Sirius also withdrew the seriousness on his face, "I will come to visit my godson anytime in the future, I hope you can keep your promise!"

Chapter 230 Three Quidditch World Cup

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After leaving the Dursleys' house, Sirius took Harry to a suburban villa on a broomstick.

"You bought a house in Little Huijin?!"

Seeing such a luxurious single-family villa in front of him, Harry looked at Sirius beside him in surprise.

"Yeah, I wanted to buy a house on Privet Drive, but I couldn't find any tenants willing to sell it." Sirius jumped off the broomstick and said casually.

"Thinking about it this way, it's actually pretty good when I'm wanted. At least I can use the Confusion Charm on those Muggles without any psychological barriers. That's much more convenient."

He rummaged through his pockets, then shrugged, "I can't find the key, forget it..."


"Their thinking should be similar to mine." Lucius said, "Now there is only one leader missing. I think I can get this position, and I will be more confident in front of the Dark Lord by then."

"It seems that you have already thought about it." Dracula smiled softly, picked up the bottle and added a glass of wine to himself, "What is the specific method?"

"I want to start a riot in the name of Death Eaters at the upcoming Quidditch World Cup." Lucius took a deep breath and gritted his teeth.

"If things get out of control by then, Professor Dracula, I hope you can help me control the situation!"


Obviously, the Wesley family, Harry, and Sirius didn't know about the upcoming "planned" riot.

On the day of the Quidditch World Cup finals, they woke up early and went to the camp around the Quidditch pitch through the portkey.

There were hundreds of grotesque tents here, rising gently up a large expanse of ground that stretched out into the dark woods above the horizon.

There were too many wizards coming to watch the Quidditch World Cup finals, and the Ministry of Magic had to carry out "portkey landing planning and management in batches" for them to prevent teams using different portkeys from colliding together and causing major traffic accidents.

The Weiss family was not very lucky. They were allocated the portkey drop time at [-]:[-] in the morning, so they had to wait for several hours in this campsite before the Quidditch match officially started.

Of course, there were many more people who came to the family earlier than Wes, and some of them had already stayed overnight at the campsite.

Mr. Wesley proudly explained this year's Quidditch World Cup to the little wizards along the way, telling them that the World Cup stadium can accommodate [-] spectators.

Of course, the price is that the five hundred staff of the Ministry of Magic have been busy for a whole year!

"Fudge didn't handle matters related to Sirius and Buckbeak well, and he received many complaints, plus he was eager to get rid of his early image as Dumbledore's answerer, so he wanted to make a big news for a long time .”

Mr. Wesley said so.

Afterwards, he looked mysteriously at several young wizards who were still in school, "Not only this matter, but another event that is equally important and closely related to you!"

Chapter 230 Four People Who Like To Bet Even Than Twins

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"Father, don't be a fool, what is it that is closely related to us!" George asked anxiously.

"George, you are so naive!" Compared to his twin brother, Fred was a little listless, "What else can be closely related to us students in school? It must be exams, homework, assignments and the like... ..."

"If you ask me, maybe the Ministry of Magic can come up with something like a new examination regulations, which will make it even more difficult to pass the ordinary wizard level exams in the future. Let alone the advanced wizard level exams."

"You still have the guts to take the exam?" Hearing Fred's complaint, Mrs. Weasley gave him and George a vicious look, "I haven't talked about you two yet, but you have told me about your O ..How many exams did Ls pass in total? Both of them don't have as many certificates as Percy alone!"

"Yes, Percy, an excellent intern of the Ministry of Magic—" George said in a drawn out tone, "We've seen it before, he can bend his waist into a shrimp when he meets any official of the Ministry of Magic!"

"That's right, Percy is the best at this kind of thing. If you meet someone at the level of a senior Ministry of Magic official, maybe Percy can wipe the floor with his nose!" Fred said with a laugh.

"Shut up, Fred, George!" Percy flushed with anger.

"You have no right to laugh at Percy!" Obviously, Mrs. Weasley was targeting Percy who had received twelve certificates, "Percy at least has a long-term ambition, how about you?"

"I used to think about tossing your pranks all day long, but you actually told me that you want to open a joke shop in the future? I think you just want to piss me off!"

"Mom, you are discriminating against the industry! Every profession has a reason to exist." Fred shouted loudly, "Isn't Quidditch originally regarded as a pastime by wizards, and now it has become a kind of entertainment?" A decent job!"

"That's right, Mom, you and Dad still wanted Charlie to become a professional Quidditch player!" George also protested, "So why can't a joke product that is also used as a pastime be regarded as a professional career?"

Mrs. Wesley was taken aback.

She glanced at the tents all over the mountains and plains. These were all spectators who came to watch the Quidditch World Cup finals, so she couldn't find any words to refute for a while.

At this moment, Mr. Weasley suddenly jumped up, smiled and waved to a man striding forward.

"Come on, let me introduce you, this is one of the most important figures in this Quidditch World Cup final." He introduced Harry and the other children, "Ludo Bagman! He is the Director of the Sports Department."

Ludo also smiled and waved, and walked towards Mr. Weiss.

He wore a long Quidditch robe with wide yellow and black stripes and a giant wasp splashed across his chest—

This is the jersey of the Wimbourne Hornets. Bagman was a popular batsman for the Wimbourne Hornets in the 80s.

Apparently, he was originally a strong physique, but now he is starting to decline.The robe was stretched tightly on the belly, and the bridge of the nose was flat, probably broken by a Bludger.

But despite his fat body, his round blue eyes, short blond hair, and flushed face made him look like an oversized sports boy.

"Aha!" Bagman exclaimed happily.He was bouncing around as if he had springs under his feet, obviously in a state of extreme excitement.

"Arthur, old chap," he said breathlessly, coming to the tent where Wes came to live, "what a weather, isn't it? The weather is fantastic! Where can I find such weather! It must not be at night." Cloud...the whole preparations are in order...I don't have much to do!"

Behind him, a group of haggard-looking Ministry of Magic members hurried past, and there were signs in the distance that someone was playing with magic fire, purple sparks rising more than 20 feet high.They were going to stop them, to prevent the magic from being exposed to Muggles.

"Good morning, Chief Bagman!" Percy hurriedly stepped forward and bowed deeply.

He bowed too eagerly, and the glasses on his face fell to the ground with inertia.

Immediately next to it came Fred and George laughing loudly.

"What did I say, what did I say!" Fred booed excitedly, "Percy can really wipe the floor with his nose!"

Percy embarrassedly picked up his glasses that he had dropped on the floor, his face was as red as charcoal in the bonfire in front of the tent.

"Ah, that's right," Mr. Weasley smiled, and introduced to Bagman again.

"This is my son Percy. Just started working at the Ministry of Magic; this is Fred... no, it's George, sorry, that's Fred; this is my son Ron, and my daughter Ginny ; these are Ron's friends, Hermione Granger and Harry Potter."

"Oh, by the way, and Sirius Black, who is Harry's godfather."

Hearing Harry's name, Bagman showed a slightly surprised look, and his eyes immediately flicked to the scar on Harry's forehead.

Harry was used to this kind of behavior towards others, and even his expression didn't change.

And when Mr. Wesley pronounced the name of Sirius, Bagman was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously wanted to back away.

It wasn't until he saw that Sirius was not as cruel and crazy as on the wanted warrant, that he was quietly relieved.

"You should thank Ludo very much," Mr. Wesley continued, "We owe him such a good ticket—"

"Ah, hello everyone!" Bagman smiled and waved his hands, "It's nothing, Arthur and I are old buddies."

"Want to bet on the match, Arthur?" he asked eagerly.

Bagman jingled the pockets of his yellow and black robe, which seemed to contain a lot of gold coins, "I have persuaded Roddy Pontene to bet with me that Bulgaria will score the first goal - I Great odds on him because I'm considering Ireland's number three striker is the best I've seen in years... Agatha Timms Jr. has half her eel farm stock at stake Well, bet the race lasts a week."

"Oh...well then," Mr. Wesley hesitated, and then said, "Let me think... I'll bet a Galleon on Ireland to win, okay?"

"A Garen?" Ludo Bagman seemed a little disappointed, but quickly regained his interest. "Very good, very good...does anyone else want to bet?"

"They're too young to gamble." Mr. Wesley blocked the enthusiastic Fred and George, "Molly wouldn't want to..."

However, Fred and George, the two self-proclaimed Hogwarts gambling kings, would be willing to give up this great opportunity. They took out a lot of gold Galleons.

Ron stared blankly, he never knew that his two older brothers were so rich.

"Wait, where did you get so much money?" Mr. Weisley was also taken aback for a moment.

"This is thanks to those generous Slytherin bosses!" Fred said with a smile.

"Professor Dracula also kindly sponsored part of it." George added.

"Well, no matter how you saved it, but listen to me..." Mr. Weasley said in a low voice, "I don't want you to gamble. This is all your savings, you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Mrs. Weasley reprimanded him loudly.

"The two of you are still gambling at Hogwarts?!" She let out all the anger that the twins had just said to her, "I know why you failed the exam. It turns out that you spent all day Do something like this!"

"Well, it's a happy day, don't spoil it, Arthur, Molly!" said Bagman gruffly, jingling the money in his pocket excitedly, "They've grown up enough to know What do you want!"

"Well, since Ludo interceded for them..." Mrs. Weasley hesitated for a moment, then glared at the twins fiercely, "Just this time, don't make another example!"

It was mainly due to the fact that the Director of the Sports Department was in high spirits now, for the sake of Percy's popularity in the Ministry of Magic, Mrs. Weasley only compromised once.

"Got it, Mom!"

Fred and George jumped up with glee and told Bagman their options.

"Do you think

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