Along the way, hundreds of people could be heard huddling around, shouting, laughing, and intermittent singing.The feverish excitement was contagious, and the Wesley family couldn't help but grin from ear to ear.

They walked through the woods for 10 minutes, talking and joking loudly, and finally came out on the other side of the woods.By this time, they were already in the shadow of the huge stadium.

From this angle, they could only see part of the magnificent golden wall that surrounded the arena, and the tall Quidditch goal frame inside was also blocked.

But it is obvious that ten cathedrals will not be a problem here.

"This place can accommodate one hundred thousand spectators." Mr. Wesley introduced, seeing the astonished expressions on the faces of the little wizards, "[-] staff members of the Ministry of Magic have been busy for a whole year. Repelling Muggles..."

"Oh, you may not have learned the Muggle Repelling Curse, but whenever a Muggle approaches here, they will suddenly think of something urgent and walk away in a hurry...May Merlin bless them."

Mr. Weasley said happily, and led everyone to the nearest entrance, which was already surrounded by many shouting wizards.

When they arrived at the entrance, they found that Dracula had disappeared again, and they didn't know where they went.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

"First-class tickets." The witch from the Ministry of Magic at the entrance looked at their tickets and said, "The top box! Go upstairs, Arthur, to the top."

The stairs to the gymnasium were covered with fuchsia carpet.The Weiss family climbed up the stairs together with the crowd, and slowly the flow of people entered the left and right stands respectively.

The top box is located at the highest point of the gymnasium, facing the golden goalposts, the one Dracula just sat on.Here are some twenty purple and gilt chairs, arranged in two rows.

The Weiss family sat in the front row, and not long after, Fudge, the Minister of Magic, also came to the scene.

When Fudge saw Sirius with Wesley's house and Harry among them, he frowned and his face darkened.

But Sirius looked indifferent, sat on his seat with his legs crossed, and didn't care about Fudge's performance at all.

As Bagman's amplified voice with the Amplifying Charm fell, the Quidditch World Cup finals officially began.

Even Harry, the talented Chaser at Hogwarts, had never seen such a wonderful Quidditch match.He pressed the binoculars so tightly on his glasses that they almost sank into the bridge of his nose.

The speed of the players on both teams is unbelievable --

The Chasers kept throwing the Quaffle to the other players, so fast that the commentator Bagman only had time to call out their names, and had no time to explain the situation on the field and the tactics used by the two teams.

Harry, who is very good at Quidditch, has read various Quidditch-related books and has experienced many actual combats, can easily judge that although both sides are very strong, the Irish team's Chaser is even more top-notch.

They cooperated seamlessly and their movements were very coordinated, as if they could see through each other's mind.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, Ireland took the lead in scoring the first goal.

In the next period of time, the Irish team almost suppressed the Bulgarian team by virtue of their tacit cooperation and strong strength, and the score continued to widen.Bulgaria only scored one goal when the Irish team scored more than 100 points.

But one thing that cannot be ignored is that Krum, as a Bulgarian Seeker, is too good.

He swooped down quickly with a Ronski feint, tricked Irish Seeker Lynch, wounded his opponent, and caught the Snitch on the second dive, ending the normal game.


After all, the gap between the chasers of the two teams was still too large, and the final score was fixed at 160:170.

Bulgaria: 160 points; Ireland: 170 points.

"Ireland won!" yelled Bagman, who also seemed dazed by the sudden end of the game. "Krum caught the Snitch...but Ireland won. God, I miss everyone." I never expected it to end like this!"

Meanwhile, Fred and George are having a blast.

The two of them actually guessed the ending of the game correctly!

And both twins believed that with the help of Professor Dracula, Ludo Bagman would not dare to renege on his debt.

The joke shop of the two of them really has start-up capital!

Chapter 230 Six Dark Mark

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As the commentator of the Quidditch World Cup, Bagman was also in the topmost box.

He had just packed up the manuscripts on the commentary booth, and before he could slip away, he was surrounded by two redheads.

Fred and George turned over directly from the backs of rows of chairs. It was almost as if the Wesley family and the group were not paying attention, and they came to Ludo Bagman.

The two smiled happily and held out their open palms to Bagman.

"Uh... well, how much should I give you?" The passionate explanation just now made his voice a little hoarse.

"This number." Fred held out three fingers.

"Oh, three hundred Galleons..." Bagman heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's not too much, let me see..."

"Don't forget about Professor Dracula's Garen." George added beside him, "You set very high odds at the time, and I guess Professor Dracula won't be too small. .”

Bagman thought of the bag of Galleons thrown to him by Dracula, and his originally relaxed expression froze completely, as if he had been cast with a powerful petrification spell.

"Come on, give us our share first," Fred urged.

"That... I can't raise that much cash for the time being, you need to give me some time." Bagman's face was a little pale, and he said with a strong posture.

"But I always feel that you have a lot of cash here." George glanced suspiciously at the bag hanging from Bagman's waist, which he used to jingle when he was in the camp.

"Aren't you trying to renege on your debt?" Fred looked alert.

"How could it be? I am the director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic. How could I deceive you two little wizards?"

Bagman laughed awkwardly, then took out from his bag the same amount of gold coins that Fred and George had bet on Galleons, and returned the weird wands they made themselves. go back.

"This is your principal," he said solemnly. "As for the Galleons you won, I will personally send them to you when I raise the funds."

After saying these words, Bagman hurriedly slipped out of the box, fleeing the scene like a frightened rabbit.

Fred and George looked at the back of Bagman's escape, spread their hands out to each other, and decided to hand over the matter of debt collection to professionals like Professor Dracula, so they turned over a few rows of chairs and returned to Wes On the seat of the family.

A group of people walked out of the box, and soon, the crowd who left the gymnasium and returned to the camp surrounded them like a tide.

As the flow of people marched, there was rough singing in the air, and the leprechauns who were the mascots of the Irish football team kept flying over their heads, waving the streamers in their hands, and laughing loudly. To express their joy at victory.

The time for this game is actually not too long. It officially started near noon, and it was over before the end of the afternoon.It was one of the fastest finals in the history of the Quidditch World Cup.

Although the game schedule has ended, after the rest time, there will be celebrations, player fan forums, interviews with newspaper reporters and other activities in the evening.

So instead of leaving now, most fans who come to watch the Quidditch World Cup will wait out the night and try their luck to find a photo opportunity with their idol.

After being squeezed close to each other in the crowd for an unknown amount of time, the Wesley family, Harry, and Sirius finally arrived at the tent of the camp, but none of them felt tired, instead they were very energetic.

The surroundings were also very noisy, and many fans were discussing about the game just now.

Some people were arguing about the charging foul, some were discussing who was the best player in the game, and some were arguing blushingly about whose idol was more powerful.

In the distance on the other side of the camp, many passionate songs and loud percussions emerged one after another, echoing in the restless air for a long time.

"Oh, fortunately it's not my turn to be on duty today..." Mr. Weasley muttered knowingly when he heard the noise outside the tent, "It's fortunate that I don't need to tell the Irish to stop celebrating their victory, otherwise

It's unimaginable. "

Harry ate the dinner Sirius had bought him from a passing peddler, and unconsciously had some brilliant Viktor Krum moves in his mind.

He fantasizes about riding on his Firebolt, trying out Krum's beautiful Ronsky feint... Although Oliver Wood, the former captain of Gryffindor, also designed a lot of messy schematics, somehow he He has never been taught how to do this kind of feint.

Of course, it's more likely that Wood himself can't do these moves...

Harry imagined, as if he saw himself wearing a robe with his name printed on the back, imagined hearing the deafening cheers of a hundred thousand spectators, and couldn't help becoming a little excited.

"Harry, Harry! Do you hear any movement outside?"

Just as Harry was immersed in his imagination, Ginny's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

"What...what's the matter?" He suddenly woke up from his imagination, turned his head and asked.

Harry noticed that Ginny's face was flustered, and her hands were tightly clutching his sleeves.

He suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The voices in the camp changed, the singing stopped, and there were screams and people running in panic.

Harry hurriedly put down his unfinished rice bowl, wanting to ask what happened outside.

At this time, Sirius was the first to lift the curtain of the tent, and said eagerly: "It's too late, Harry! You young ones, hurry up and follow us, hurry up!"

The adults used to drink a few glasses of wine around the bonfire outside, and the underage wizards were not allowed to drink, so they all stayed in the tent for dinner.

Sirius and the other adult wizards were also the first to discover the chaos in the distance.

Harry obeyed, pulled Ginny up, and hurried out of the tent, Ron and Hermione following behind him.

It was dusk now, the sky had gradually darkened, and there was no time to light the torches in the camp, so their eyes could not clearly see what happened in the distance.

Standing by the tent, Harry could only see wizards running towards the woods next to the camp, as if fleeing some group that was chasing them.

The group of people flashed light from time to time, and from time to time "crackling" sounds sounded from it - loud sneers, wild laughter, and drunken yelling, all of which moved closer as the group of people moved.

Then, a strong green light flashed, illuminating everything around.

The group, Harry saw, was a tightly packed group of wizards in black cloaks, each with their wands pointed upwards, pushing forward together, moving slowly around the camp.

These men had hoods over their heads and masks over their faces.Above their heads, four struggling figures floated in the air, distorted into various weird shapes, as if the masked wizards on the ground were puppeteers, and the people above them were marionettes, Controlled by invisible cords connected to the air from the wand.

As the group advanced, more wizards joined ***, laughing loudly and pointing wands at the floating bodies above.

As the army continued to grow, tents were constantly being squeezed down, and some wizards in the army even used magic wands to light the tents passing by.

With the spread of fire, many tents were burned.The screams in the camp grew louder.

"That's the Muggle Roberts family who manage the tents in the camp!" Mr. Weasley's face was a bit ugly, "Damn it, how could there be such a large group of **** in the World Cup?"

"Their outfits and behavior...somewhat familiar." Sirius narrowed his eyes and stared coldly at the crowd controlling the Muggle family.

The next moment, his eyes sharpened suddenly, "I see, those people are Death Eaters!"

"Death Eaters?" Mr. Weasley turned his head to look at Sirius in astonishment, "Haven't they disappeared for a long time, why did they come out today?"

"Who knows, just grab it and ask!" Sirius clenched his wand tightly in his hand, and was about to rush towards the mob.

His hatred of Death Eaters and Voldemort is unforgettable, and this

When he saw this group of people unscrupulously creating illusions at the scene of the Quidditch World Cup final, the anger in his heart could not be suppressed at all.

"Sirius, you can't go!" Mr. Wesley suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed the impulsive Sirius, "You have just cleared yourself of the suspicion of being a Death Eater, and if you appear with those Death Eaters now, Fudge and Umbridge will absolutely seize the opportunity to frame you!"

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