"Then leave those Death Eaters alone?" Sirius frowned tightly.

"Of course we can't ignore it." Mr. Wesley said solemnly, while rolling up his sleeves, "There are still quite a few upright members of the Ministry of Magic here, and we will help maintain order."

Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Harry and the other young wizards, "You little fellows, go into the woods, walk together, don't disperse! I'll go find you after the matter is resolved!"

"Harry, keep an eye on your godfather, don't let him do anything impulsive!"

After explaining this, Mr. Weasley hurriedly joined several other members of the Ministry of Magic who were not on duty, and rushed towards the place where the Death Eaters gathered together.

Harry nodded, pulled Sirius' arm vigorously, and went into the woods with Fred, George, Ginny, Ron, and Hermione, avoiding the path of the Death Eaters.

As time went on, the sun was getting lower and lower, and the sky was getting darker and darker.

When the sun completely sank to the horizon and the sky became completely black, a huge green light suddenly jumped up the treetops and flew into the night sky.

"What's this—" Ron said nervously.He raised his head, staring anxiously at the new light.

Harry looked up as well.

At first, he thought it was the figure formed by the leprechauns, the mascots of Ireland, but then he found that it was an extremely huge skeleton, which was composed of countless emerald green star-like points of light, and a big boa constrictor emerged from the skull It came out of the mouth like a tongue.

As they watched, the skeleton rose higher and higher, shining brightly in a cloud of green smoke, like a new constellation against the dark night sky.

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Suddenly, screams of terror erupted from the woods around them.

Harry didn't understand the origin of the cry, only that the only possible reason was the sudden appearance of the skeleton.Now the skull had risen high, illuminating the woods like a ghastly neon sign.

"The Dark Mark."

said Sirius suddenly.

"What?" Harry asked, not hearing clearly.

"The Dark Mark, the signal used by the Death Eaters to contact their accomplices." Sirius said, and suddenly laughed disdainfully, "These people in the woods didn't know until now that the group of wizards who were so strict were Death Eaters , It’s only now that I feel scared.”

"If you ask me, these people are also a bunch of cowards. It's been more than ten years since the Death Eaters disappeared, and you can still scare them, huh."

Sirius sneered and shook his head, and then said to Harry: "Harry, why don't you stay here, I'll go over there to have a look. The Death Eater who cast the Dark Mark should not be too far away from our position." Far."

"No!" Harry pulled Sirius subconsciously, "Mr. Wesley said, let me watch you and prevent you from doing impulsive things."

"It's not impulsive, is it?" Sirius smiled, "I'm just going to take a look, I can't just let a Death Eater go like this? Your parents wouldn't be here at this time Back off, Harry."

Hearing Sirius' words, Harry hesitated.

And Sirius quickly took a few steps diagonally when Harry hesitated, and ran to the position corresponding to the Dark Mark before Harry gave his consent.

"Time waits for no one, I will go and come back quickly." Before leaving, he turned around and shouted.

After leaving Harry and the other little wizards, Sirius first cast a Disillusionment spell on himself, then pointed at the Dark Mark in the sky, and walked quickly in the woods.

In a short while, he reached the forest below the Dark Mark.

However, here he is not

Found no sign of Death Eaters, and instead met two unexpected people.

Dracula with the iconic silver hair, and Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation.

At this time, Dracula and Barty Crouch were standing face to face in a clearing in the woods, looking at each other.

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Dracula's mouth, while Crouch's face was a little dazed.

"Mr. Crouch, please explain why you are here." Dracula broke the silence first.

At the same time, he glanced in the direction of Sirius meaningfully, and waved slightly at him.

Rebellion Chapter 230 VII Barty Crouch Discovery

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Crouch still had a bit of bewilderment on his face, but when he heard Dracula's question, he still steadily displayed his usual quick response.

"I don't know why you ask such a question, Professor Dracula." His face quickly regained his composure, and he even had time to ask back: "Not only that, but I'm also curious why you were the first one after the Dark Mark appeared. Time has come to the scene?"

"As far as I know, it's supposed to be the Ministry of Magic's job to track down dark wizards who break the law. We don't need a Hogwarts professor to intervene in this kind of emergency."

"Mr. Crouch, your question makes no sense." Dracula sneered, "As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, when I see traces of black magic, isn't it normal to come to the scene to investigate? ?"

"What's more, those who helped maintain the order on the scene just now are not all from your Ministry of Magic. I saw that Bill and Charlie from Wes's house and many other wizards are contributing, but I didn't see any of you. Refuse their help."

There was light in Dracula's eyes, and he stared coldly at Crouch's eyes.

"Maintaining order on the scene does not require professional ability, but the Dark Mark is different. Every wizard who approaches here is suspicious." Crouch also said with a cold face.

"As the director of the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation, and the former director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, I have the ability and obligation to come and arrest suspects. But you are different. Not only will non-professionals not be helpful, they may even Destroy the scene!"

"The reason is quite good." Dracula sneered, "Then, Mr. Crouch, tell me what you saw when you came to the scene. As the first person to come here, you should Did you find anything?"

In fact, the reason why Dracula had doubts about the director of the International Magic Exchange and Cooperation Department was because he arrived at the scene so efficiently.

Dracula was originally staying near a group of Death Eaters headed by Lucius Malfoy, always ready to control the field to clean up the situation, and at the same time protect Lucius, a pawn he placed next to Voldemort, from being easily captured by the Ministry of Magic. People take away.

And the sudden appearance of the Dark Mark in the night sky was completely unplanned——

The Death Eaters like Lucius didn't want to reveal their identities completely, but they just wanted to make certain actions to show Voldemort, who was hiding somewhere, that they hadn't forgotten the glory and prestige of the Death Eaters organization. So you can have some confidence when you are called again by Voldemort.

However, this Dark Mark completely tore off their masks, making everyone present realize the true identity of this group of troublemakers.

As a result, the employees of the Ministry of Magic will definitely increase their efforts to arrest them, and several purebloods who have a tacit understanding with the Ministry of Magic, such as Lucius, will also be questioned and suspected.

Because of this, Dracula apparated to the scene the first time he saw the Dark Mark appearing in the night sky.However, he didn't find any dark wizards here, only Barty Crouch stood there blankly.

Then there are only two possibilities left:

One is that the wizard who cast the Dark Mark is Barty Crouch; the other is that before the Dark Mark took off, Crouch was standing not far away.

If it is the latter case, Crouch must have found something.

"I did find something." Crouch nodded as expected, "There was indeed a figure standing in my position before the Dark Mark was cast. I was not far away at the time, and I heard his voice clearly. The ground is a little hoarse, but overall it is still young."

"Is that so?" Dracula frowned slightly, and stared at Crouch more deeply, "Then why didn't Mr. Crouch catch that dark wizard?"

"He was very cautious. After chanting the spell, he didn't even look at the mark in the sky, and immediately disapparated and left the place." Crouch shook his head and said, "Although I have come very quickly, I still missed it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Crouch suddenly felt a pain between his brows, as if a picture was about to emerge from his mind.

He subconsciously closed his eyes and his face sank.

"Professor Dracula, are you using Legilimency on a Ministry official?"

Crouch asked sharply, "Do you know what the hell you're doing?!"

"Nothing to prove, Mr. Crouch." Dracula chuckled, "Don't make people innocent based on nothing."

Crouch opened his eyes again, his face a little ugly.

At this moment, a group of people hurried over, led by Mr. Weasley and Cedric's father, Amos Diggory.

"What happened here? Who put the Dark Mark?" Mr. Wesley ran over panting, asking as he ran.

He stopped and saw two people confronting each other, "Ah, Professor Dracula, and Crouch, you are here!"

"Arthur, Amos, how is the situation on your side?" Crouch glanced at Dracula again, then quickly adjusted his mood, and turned to Mr. Wesley and Mr. Diggory. .

"Oh, our side is going well. Those Death Eaters are soft bones. After seeing our people restore order, they don't have any thoughts of fighting." Mr. Weasley said, "But I didn't want to understand, the Dark Lord Instead of getting excited when the marker went up, they Apparated away one by one."

"Originally they couldn't run away." Mr. Diggory added beside him, "but at some point there was a strong guy among the Death Eaters, and I almost got rid of the leader among them several times. But they were all easily resolved by a force."

"If it weren't for that guy who doesn't seem to be aggressive, I'm afraid there are not enough of us to fight him alone..."

Hearing this, the corners of Dracula's mouth twitched indistinctly.

The "strong guy" who broke Mr Diggory's spell was apparently Dracula himself.

He knew that Lucius had always been pampered and would not be too strong in a fight, but he didn't expect that Lucius' actual combat ability could be so poor.

Dracula had to fend off Mr. Diggory for Lucius several times before he was caught by the Ministry of Magic and spoil his fun.

"Mr. Crouch, have you found the Death Eater who cast the Dark Mark?" Mr. Diggory asked Crouch.

"Unfortunately, let him run away." Crouch shook his head and said in a deep voice.

Then, he looked at Dracula, "Professor Dracula, it's time for the Ministry of Magic to investigate. If you don't want to accept the investigation, please leave the scene of the discovery temporarily."

"I would really like to know, how are you going to conduct the investigation?" Dracula looked at Crouch, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, "Or are you going to be perfunctory and pass this matter hastily?" , and then let the "Daily Prophet" make some remarks evasively, and finally use other messy things to divert the attention of ordinary people?"

Obviously, Crouch's face sank instantly.

"Ahem...Mr. Crouch, I need to go back and find my family first." Seeing that the atmosphere between the two was not right, Mr. Wesley quickly stood up and changed the subject, "They are still alone in the woods, I don't know rest assured."

Then, without any explanation, he pulled Dracula out of the area and walked towards the other side.

"Professor Dracula, although Crouch is usually a bit strict, he is actually quite nice." On the way, Mr. Wesley persuaded, "If you have any conflicts, it is very likely that there is a misunderstanding , there is no need to further intensify it.”

"We have no conflicts." Dracula shook his head with a light smile, then looked to the other side, and said, "Sirius, the three of us are here now, we can come out."

The next moment, Sirius lifted the illusion spell, and his figure appeared in front of Dracula and Mr. Weasley.

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"I really don't know how you figured it out, I thought my disillusionment spell was pretty good." Sirius muttered.

"Sirius?!" Mr. Weasley was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Sirius, "Why did you appear here, Ron and Harry?

What about them? "

"Don't worry, their location is quite safe." Sirius said, "I rushed over after seeing the Dark Mark just now, but Dracula found me and has not allowed me to remove the illusion spell."

Then, he looked at Dracula and asked, "Professor Dracula, do you suspect that Crouch is the one who cast the Dark Mark? I heard from him...you just used Legilimency on him."

"Well, I do have some doubts about him." Dracula nodded lightly, "He arrived too fast and by coincidence, so I have to be suspicious. But his Occlumency is not bad, can't see to something specific."

"This...isn't it?" Mr. Wesley said in a daze, "Crouch was an absolute hardliner when he was the director of the Magical Law Enforcement Department, and he is the least likely to use the Dark Mark One of the wizards. He even passed a temporary rule allowing the Unforgivable Curse on Death Eaters..."

"If it weren't for his son, Barty Crouch Jr. later became a Death Eater, which brought a stain to his reputation, I'm afraid this Minister of Magic wouldn't be in Fudge's turn at all."

"His son is a Death Eater?" Dracula suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, with a look of interest on his face.

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