"It used to be." Mr. Wesley corrected, "Old Barty personally convicted his son and imprisoned him in Azkaban for life. Later, Barty Crouch Jr. died in prison .”

"Already dead?" Dracula frowned again.

"Professor Dracula, don't doubt old Barty anymore, he can never be a Death Eater." Mr. Wesley said helplessly, "He has too much blood of Death Eaters on his hands, even if Voldemort is unlikely to accept his attachment."


Meanwhile, a group of figures in black robes, hoods, and masks sat around the drawing room at Malfoy Manor.

The living room went from brightly lit to dark and gloomy, as if it couldn't light a lamp.

From time to time, occasionally one or two wizards in the same costume apparated into the living room and sat in their places.

When all the seats were filled, the wizard sitting in the first seat spoke in a stern voice.

"Admit it to yourself, which idiot put the Dark Mark?" The man slowly took off the mask on his face, revealing Lucius' pale face, and glanced sullenly at everyone present.

"I remember that I said very clearly before the action, don't do anything that may expose our identity, so as not to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic." Lucius said coldly, "We are for the future to have something to say in front of the master." Say, not to attract Aurors to come and get us!"

"Lucius, don't be so serious, no one has been arrested!" A Death Eater next to him patted Lucius on the shoulder carelessly.

"From the looks of it, no one was caught." Lucius slammed his fist heavily on the table, "but that's only because I found a powerful wizard to take care of us in advance. If he wasn't there, we would have They were caught by those Ministry of Magic people!"

The Death Eater was speechless.

No matter how dull he was, he could see that there was indeed a powerful existence secretly helping them.

However, at this time another Death Eater was dissatisfied.

"Lucius, we agreed with you to be the leader not because we admire you, it's just that you were the first to propose this action—" he said eccentrically, "so don't put on that leadership air in front of us , I can't stand it!"

"If you are not convinced, you can be the leader yourself, Yaxley!" Lucius responded with a sneer, "I'm trying to find out the problem now, to see who is not following the arrangement."

"No one disobeys the arrangement, Lucius, none of us here are fools!" Yaxley suddenly slapped the table and stood up, pointing at the Death Eaters present and said, "Haven't you noticed? When the magic mark was lifted into the air, everyone here gathered together!"

"That's impossible!" Lucius retorted decisively, "If everyone is here, then who cast the Dark Mark? Could it be the officials from the Ministry of Magic?!"

At this moment, another Death Eater suddenly raised his hand and interrupted the two people who were arguing.

"Do you think there are other Death Eater companions wandering outside that have not been discovered?" He asked thoughtfully. How about making contact?"

Both Lucius and Yaxley froze for a moment.

"Or, the person who cast the Dark Mark is simply the Lord Dark Lord who has not fully recovered..."

The air suddenly became quiet.

The Death Eaters present all thought of the way they immediately chose to run away when they saw the Dark Mark.

Everyone's mood suddenly sank to the bottom.

Chapter 230 Eight News of the Triwizard Tournament

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The Quidditch World Cup came to an early end in chaos.

Interviews with journalists from various newspapers, interactions between players and spectators, and nighttime exhibitions... All these post-match activities could not go on. The spectators ran out, and the camp was almost burned down.

The participating teams left the fastest with their own team members, running and annoyed at the poor management of the British Ministry of Magic.

Poor Fudge, he originally wanted to hold a big Quidditch World Cup, use the success of this game to boost his prestige and reputation, so as to preserve his political status when the next election is over.

However, the actions taken by the Death Eaters completely defeated Fudge's wishful thinking.Instead of improving his reputation, he was directly scolded by the international community.

Now all of Europe knows that the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, is an incompetent idiot who can't even manage a Quidditch match!

"The Ministry of Magic is in a panic... The criminals are not caught... Law and order is lax... Dark wizards go unpunished... Disgrace to the country... Who wrote this, huh?"

Fudge stood behind his desk, angrily tapping on today's Daily Prophet.

"Listen to this passage: Those wizards, panicked and holding their breath, waited for news at the edge of the woods, hoping to be comforted by the Ministry of Magic. Sadly, they were greatly disappointed. Shortly after the appearance of the Dark Mark, a Ministry official showed up He said no one was harmed, but declined to say more. It remains to be seen whether his words will be enough to quell rumors that several bodies were brought out of the woods an hour later."

"This is completely setting the Ministry of Magic on fire. Those idiot-like commoner wizards will definitely think that this World Cup final is dead... But last night, no one died, and most of the injuries were trampled. caused!"

Fudge slammed the newspaper to the ground, panting heavily.

The rough breath was accompanied by angry and deafening roars from outside the office door from time to time, even through the walls and the office door, there was no sign of weakening——

There were roaring letters one after another, all sent from various magic families or magic shops, most of which were to complain about the safety of the World Cup and demand compensation.

Ordinary wizards hope that the Ministry of Magic will compensate them for damaged property such as tents and camping supplies. Magic shops hope that the Ministry of Magic will compensate them for the advertising costs they paid. Participating teams hope that the Ministry of Magic will compensate their players for mental damage and recuperation expenses... …

Throughout the morning, the members of the Ministry of Magic were like fighting a fire, scrambling to deal with all kinds of shouting letters.

If they didn't open the Howler letters right away, the dangerous letters would explode, destroying the property of the Ministry of Magic; and if they opened the Howler letters, the deafening noise would continue, enveloping the entire floor in noise.

Listening to those noisy voices, Fudge's face became even uglier.

"Mr. Minister, these reports are obviously written by that woman named Rita Skeeter." Umbridge, the pink toad, stood in front of Fudge and said sweetly, "That woman knows how to write sensational things and The Ministry of Magic is against it."

She cleared her throat and put forward her opinion, "I would say that the Ministry of Magic should set up a Public Opinion Supervision Department. Those newspapers and periodicals must be reviewed by the Ministry of Magic before they can be published..."

"Dolores, how many times have I said that we don't have any extra staff to deal with those trivial matters!" Fudge said angrily, "We must now concentrate all our efforts on another major task, if If that matter is done well, my reputation will still have a chance to come back."

Yes, in order to regain his credibility and reputation, Fudge has prepared two big moves.

One of them is the Quidditch World Cup Finals that has been completely declared a failure; as for the other, it is also a major event that has been interrupted for 200 years, and it is also closely related to them that Mr. Wesley mentioned to the little wizards event

Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the Weasley twins, learned at the opening dinner what Mr. Weasley was talking about.

dining time

After the end, the young wizards sat on the long tables of their respective colleges and watched as Principal Dumbledore, who was sitting in the middle of the professor's seat, stood up.

"Okay!" Dumbledore said, looking at everyone with a smile, "Now that we are all full and full, I must ask everyone's attention again. I have a few announcements to make—"

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to tell you that this year, several more items are added to the prohibited items in the castle. They are screaming balls, mace flying saucers, and combo boomerangs. The entire list includes about 430 seven items. , can be seen in Mr. Filch's office, and those who are interested can check it."

Dumbledore's mouth twitched a few times.

Harry glanced towards the castle gate, and sure enough, he saw Filch leaning a mop on the ground, standing there smugly looking at the little wizard in the Great Hall.

In fact, the little wizards have long been used to the list of prohibited items that increases every year, and no one has ever cared about these things.

Fred and George looked at each other even more comically, apparently they were interested in the newly added prohibited items to the list, and wanted to buy some from Hogsmeade for fun.

"As before, I want to remind everyone that students cannot enter the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the venue," Dumbledore continued, ignoring the students' modest reactions, "As for Hogsmeade Village, any three Students below the grade are not allowed to patronize."

After saying these precautions, he smiled and raised his eyes to look at the little wizards present.

"In addition, I also regret to inform you that there will be no House Cup Quidditch tournament this year!"

His expression didn't look regretful at all.

"What?" Harry gasped in astonishment, turning to look at his Quidditch teammates Fred and George, "How could this be?"

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Gryffindor just won the Quidditch Cup last school year. Although the captain Wood, who is the goalkeeper, has graduated and left, the composition of the other players has not changed much. Things are looking good.

Sure enough, Fred and George also opened their mouths wide, staring at Dumbledore silently, speechless in astonishment.

"Don't be impatient, everyone, don't be in a hurry to protest." Dumbledore pressed his palms down and continued, "This is because a large-scale event will start in October and last for the entire school year, which will occupy the teacher's time." A lot of time and effort..."

"But I'm sure you'll all have a lot of fun doing it. It's my great pleasure to announce that over the next few months we will be honored to host a fantastic event that has already It hasn't been held in over a century—”

Dumbledore deliberately paused for a few seconds, raising the sense of anticipation in the auditorium to the highest.

"I am very happy to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year!"

"Triwizard Tournament?" Fred stood up abruptly and shouted, "Are you kidding me!"

The uproar was suddenly broken by Fred.

Almost everyone laughed at this, and Dumbledore smiled slightly too.

"I'm not joking, Mr. Weasley," he laughed, "but since you mentioned joking, I did hear a very funny one about a troll, a hag and a leprechaun, and they They all went to the same tavern..."

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat loudly, and she looked a little dark.

"Oh—it's probably inappropriate to say this now...well, it's not appropriate..." Dumbledore waved his hand as if suddenly realized, "Where did I just say? Ah, yes, the Triwizard Tournament ..."

"Some of you still don't know what's going on in this competition, so I hope those who know the situation will forgive me for explaining a little bit here, and I will allow their minds to wander for a while."

"The Triwizard Tournament was created some 700 years ago as a friendly rivalry between the three largest wizarding schools in Europe. The three schools are: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. each school

Choose a warrior, and then three warriors compete in three magic items.The Triwizard Tournament is held every five years, and the three schools take turns hosting it. Everyone agrees that this is an excellent way for young wizards from different countries to build friendships—but later, too many students died, and the Triwizard Tournament The contest was interrupted. "

"Death toll?" Hermione grasped the point keenly, whispering, looking around in amazement.

But most of the students in the auditorium were not as nervous as she was, and many were chatting excitedly.Harry, too, was eager to hear the specifics of the Triwizard Tournament, neither of them interested in those who had died hundreds of years ago.

"There have been several attempts over the centuries to restore the Tournament," continued Dumbledore, "but none of them have been successful."

"However, our Ministry of Magic's Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation and the Department of Magical Sports believe that the time is ripe to try again. We have done a lot of work this summer to ensure that every warrior's life will not be in danger."

"Not only that, but this year's Triwizard Tournament will add a new school of magic -- that is the Infamorney School of Witchcraft and Magic from the United States! From then on, the Triwizard Tournament will become a Four-wizard Tournament, The competition will be fiercer!"

Rolf Scamander, who was sitting on the long Hufflepuff table, was still in a state of doing nothing, and his eyes widened suddenly when he heard this sentence.

He had a bad premonition, he always felt that among the people from Infalmorny, there would be some acquaintances of his own, and it would be a bit embarrassing to meet them at Hogwarts...

Dumbledore obviously didn't notice Rove's flustered expression instantly, and then explained:

"In October, the Headmasters of Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, and Infalmorny will lead their carefully selected contenders, and the selection ceremony will be held on the eve of Hallowe'en."

"A judge who couldn't be more impartial will decide which students are most qualified to compete for the Triwizard Cup and win honor for their school. In addition, the winning individual will also receive a bonus of one thousand Galleons."

"I'm going!" Fred said in a low voice to George from across the table.

His face lit up with excitement at the thought of the possibility of such honor and fortune.

And there is more than one person like Fred who fantasizes about becoming a Hogwarts warrior.At every house table someone could be seen gazing at Dumbledore with fanaticism or expectancy.

The entire auditorium was noisy, and everyone whispered excitedly to their neighbors, guessing who would become the Hogwarts champion.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and spoke again, and the hall slowly fell silent.

"I know you're all eager to win the Triwizard Tournament for Hogwarts," he said, "however, the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agree that there will be an age cutoff for this year's contenders!"

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