Harry covered his face in embarrassment.

In fact, it was reasonable for Hagrid to be attracted to this lady, after all, he had never seen anyone with a body shape that matched Hagrid.


Harry looked at Hagrid's dirty moleskin coat, then at the beauxbaton's lady in bejeweled clothes, and couldn't help feeling worried for Hagrid from the bottom of his heart.

Bullido led the clapping, interrupting Harry's thoughts.

He clapped along with Dumbledore to express his welcome, and the students around him also clapped their hands. Many of them stood on tiptoe, trying to get a better view of this strange woman.

Her expression relaxed, a graceful smile spread out, and she stretched out a gleaming hand, walking towards Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was already a tall, lanky man, but he barely bent over when he kissed this lady.

"Dear Madame Maxime," said Dumbledore, "welcome you and the students of Beauxbatons School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to Hogwarts."

Chapter 240: Dumbledore's old acquaintances in Ilvermorny

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Not long after Beauxbaton's Headmaster, Madame Maxime, who was as tall as Hagrid, arrived with her pupils, Durmstrang's procession came to the confines of Hogwarts in an equally astonishing manner.

At first, there was a loud, weird sound wafting from the darkness into the crowd: a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, like a giant vacuum cleaner moving along a river bed...

Although, the water surface of the originally calm black lake suddenly fluctuated violently. There seemed to be a giant moving in the water in the middle of the lake. Huge splashes were created on the water surface, and the waves crashed against the wet lake shore——

Then, right in the middle of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake...

A long black pole slowly rose from the whirlpool, followed by sails and rigging...

Slowly, a large and magnificent ship rose out of the water, shining brightly in the moonlight.

The large ship had an eerie, skeletal appearance, as if it were the wreck of a freshly salvaged ship, and the portholes shone with dim, foggy gleams that looked like ghostly eyes.

At last, with a splash and splash, the ship came out fully, and, bouncing on the heaving water, came to the shore, where a broad plank was laid.

When the ship's people came ashore, Hogwarts students noticed that they were very tall and strong in stature and physique.Of course, it's not as exaggerated as Madame Maxime, but it's about the same as Crabbe and Gore...

The feeling of a group of strong men stepping off the boat together and walking towards the Hogwarts crowd was still very exciting, and many young wizards were a little scared.

At this time, Ron suddenly called out loudly, breaking the oppressive atmosphere.

"Harry, isn't that... isn't that Krum?" He slapped Harry's arm quickly.

"Krum? Which Krum?" Harry froze for a moment.

Without waiting for Ron to explain, when he caught a glimpse of the striking aquiline nose and two thick and black eyebrows coming down from the clothes, he recognized the figure instantly.

"It's Victor Krum!"

exclaimed Ron in surprise.

"I can't believe that he came to Hogwarts! I still have his figure in my bedroom!"

"For Merlin's sake, Ron, he's just a Quidditch player." Hermione gave Ron a disgusted look.

"Just a Quidditch player...?" Ron stared at her blankly, as if he couldn't believe his ears, "Hermione - he's one of the best Seekers in the world! To think he is still a student!"

The headmaster of Durmstrang, Ingor Karkaroff, with his mouth slanted, walked over to shake Dumbledore's hand as if he had a sense of superiority.

[The problem of slow update of the new chapter, if you can

"Dumbledore!" he called enthusiastically, as he came up the slope, "my dear old chap, how are you?"

"Excellent, thank you, Professor Karkaroff." Dumbledore smiled solemnly.

"Dear old fellow, ah, it's finally Hogwarts again..." He looked up at the castle and said with a smile.

His teeth were very yellow when he smiled, and although he was smiling, his eyes were not smiling, and he was suppressing a trace of upset.

"It's good to be here, it's good... Viktor, come here and warm up... You don't mind, Dumbledore? Viktor has a bit of a cold..."

Karkaroff's smile was more sincere only when a big celebrity like Victor Krum was embarrassed in front of Dumbledore.

Seeing this scene, Dracula, who had been standing beside him bored, frowned.

This person actually pretended to be in front of him?

Can't bear it.

Isn't he just a star student?Like no one.

"Potter, come here."

Dracula said calmly.

"...Huh? Me?"

Harry was suddenly called by name, and asked aloud with some surprise.

While asking, he was also thinking about whether he was a little emotional after seeing Krum, and he didn't grasp the basic etiquette... But the emotions of Ron and the group of girls next to him were obviously more excited?

"Besides you, is there another person named Potter here?" Dracula said impatiently, "Come here quickly!"

Harry hesitantly squeezed through the crowd in front of him and walked over to Professor Dracula.

He could see that even Dumbledore was looking at the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who didn't know what he suddenly thought of with a puzzled expression.

Just after Harry walked to the front of the line, so that everyone who came from Durmstrang could see clearly, Dracula's expression changed, and a just-right breeze hit, just enough to blow away the blob on Harry's forehead .

The well-known lightning-shaped scar in the wizarding world was exposed, and at the same time, a moonlight shining from nowhere just illuminated Harry's forehead.

The eyes of everyone present were subconsciously attracted to the past——

"My God! That scar, that's..."

"What the newspaper said is indeed true, the boy who survived the catastrophe is indeed at Hogwarts!"

"He's...he's Harry Potter!"


Sure enough, the students who came to Durmstrang started talking.

Harry's fame is not limited to the British wizarding world.

Back then, Voldemort and his Death Eaters caused a lot of trouble around the world, launching terrorist activities in many different countries.

In addition, at that time, the British Ministry of Magic's war against the Death Eaters was at a disadvantage for a long time, and it was unable to take into account other regions. The magic circles in other countries did not have the same kind of power that Dumbledore could make Voldemort feel. The feared great wizard, so the one whose name cannot be mentioned, has plunged the world into fear.

The birth of the boy who lived, Harry Potter, made everyone around the world breathe a sigh of relief.

Although more than ten years ago, on the surface, only the British wizarding world was celebrating the departure of the mysterious man, and the magical world in other countries, such as America, also celebrated the behavior of British wizards letting owls fly around and releasing weather spells on a large scale condemned them, arguing that they violated the International Statute of Wizardry Confederation of Secrecy.

But in fact, those countries that voiced their condemnation have long been happy in their hearts.

They wished that Voldemort, such a boss that no one could control, would be defeated as soon as possible, otherwise it would be okay to have another Grindelwald sweeping half of the earth?

It is precisely because of this that Harry's fame has long since rushed out of the UK and spread all over the world.

Seeing the shocked reaction of Durmstrang's students, and Karkaroff's gloomy expression after being interrupted to show off the star student, Dracula twitched the corners of his mouth in great satisfaction.

"I'm sorry, Professor Karkaroff," Dracula said with a cheerful smile, "Actually, Harry also has a little cold. I think he can talk to this Mr. Krum about his condition."

"No, I didn't..."

Before Harry could finish his subconscious retort, he saw Dracula's staring eyes, so he silently lowered his head.

Just catch a cold, it's better than letting Professor Dracula lose face...

Karkaroff nodded stiffly, looking at Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, this is...?" He asked in a low tone.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you, Karkaroff." Dumbledore glanced at Dracula with a broken smile, and secretly gave him a thumbs up behind him, then looked at Karkaroff and said, "This is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Professor Dracula!"

Karkaroff's face was sullen, and he wanted to stab a few more words at first, but when he heard Dracula's name, his face changed. He didn't know what he thought of, and he didn't dare to say any rebuttal words.

"Let's go, Victor."

With a flick of his sleeve, Krum and the other Durmstrang students walked up the steps leading to the auditorium.

Krum followed without saying a word. His performance from beginning to end was very taciturn, which was different from his vigorous performance on a broom.

But this does not affect the enthusiasm of the students of Hogwarts.

They are also celebrities, and Harry Potter gets along with them day and night, and his usual performance is not so good, and the halo effect is long gone.

But Victor Krum is different. It is the first time for many little wizards to see a live Quidditch star up close!

Durmstrang's students actually felt the same way when they saw Harry.

Karkaroff led Durmstrang's students up the steps, and as Harry pushed his way back through the crowd, he saw Lee Jordan of the Gryffindor team jumping up and down on tiptoe , wanting to see Krum's back more clearly.

A few sixth-grade girls were muttering to themselves while frantically looking for something in their pockets——

"Oh, I can't believe I didn't have a quill on me at all—"

"You mean he'll sign my hat with lipstick?"

"It's ridiculous!" Hermione raised her head proudly, dismissing the girls who were arguing over a lipstick.

"What a shame, Harry!" Ron said loudly, pulling Harry past him, "You were so close to Krum just now, why didn't you take the opportunity to ask him for an autographed photo?"

"Eh..." Harry scratched his head.

He couldn't say that Professor Dracula called him to the front to save face for Hogwarts, and he was to suppress Krum, right?

If he asked for his signature suddenly, the professor's plan would go bankrupt...

Harry shuddered, unable to imagine how cruelly he would be treated by Professor Dracula if he continued like this.

"It's okay, Ron, Krum will be staying at Hogwarts for a long time." Harry patted Ron's shoulder solemnly, "You have plenty of opportunities to ask him for autographed photos."

Last to come were the wizards of Infalmorny.

Harry inadvertently saw that on the Hufflepuff team, Rolf Scamander looked a little strange, and kept shrinking behind the tall Cedric beside him.

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