"What's wrong with Rove?" Harry glanced over there suspiciously.

The next moment, there was a sudden violent vibration from the ground. When he subconsciously turned his head to look at the lake where the vibration came from, he was startled.

In addition to the Beauxbaton house-sized carriage parked on the shore, and the luxurious big boat parked on the lake, a tall tower appeared in front of him at some point, standing abruptly on the beach of the lake.

The surrounding wet sand is very soft, and it doesn't look like it can support such a building at all.

However, the tower stood there unphysically, without the slightest sign of falling down.

"How...how did it come out?" Harry swallowed, and stammered to Ron.

"No... I don't know, it suddenly came up from the ground." Ron also stammered.

As if a competition had already begun, each of the three magic schools played out better and better than the other.

The gate of the tower opened, and out came an elderly, dark-skinned, white-haired witch.As soon as she saw Dumbledore, she waved her arms enthusiastically and beckoned him.

"Long time no see, Professor Hicks." Dumbledore also waved his hand with a smile, and hugged the professor named Hicks.

It can be seen that Dumbledore is more familiar with the Infalmorny headmaster than the previous two headmasters.

"Oh, it's true that we haven't seen each other for a long time. The two of us are separated." Professor Hicks blinked teasingly, "Albus, I remember you should always call me Larry?"

"Ah, it's my problem, Larry." Dumbledore also laughed, "After all, it is a formal occasion representing the meeting of the two schools. I thought you would be a little more solemn."

"Really?" Professor Hicks smiled, and suddenly lowered his voice, "If you were really serious, you wouldn't try to trick my outstanding student away!"

While talking, she looked at the Hufflepuff team, "It's still easy to identify, it's the same color as the scarf that Newt often wears. Hmm... Brat, don't hide, I saw you!"

Luo who has been hiding behind Cedric

The husband poked his head out helplessly, and sighed deeply.

"Good evening, grandma Hicks." He greeted Professor Hicks with a bitter face.

"You still know that I am your god-grandmother?" Professor Hicks scolded with an annoyed smile, "Rove, when you carried your grandma to Hogwarts to go to school, why didn't I realize that you thought of us? ?”

Rove stood there weakly, not daring to speak. The young wizards around him looked at him in amazement. They didn't expect that the little badger who transferred from another school would have such a similar relationship with the principal of the Inflation Magic School on the other side of the ocean. Relationship.

Faced with this situation, Dumbledore had no choice but to speak as a peacemaker.

"Ahem..." He coughed dryly, "Larry, Rove was only influenced by Newt, and wanted to come to Hogwarts to experience the life of a Hufflepuff... It turns out that Hogwarts was the one that treated him the most." A little more attractive."

"Hmph, since you've said that, Albus, I'll save face for that kid and save the punishment for him later." Professor Hicks said, "But I'm going to see how Hogwarts is going to be. What an attractive place!"

Whores and Whores Chapter 240 [-] Mixed-race Veela

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Rove escaped Professor Hicks, but not the other.

Compared with Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, Infalmorny didn't have many students who came to Hogwarts, and they could be counted on one hand.

But when Rove saw the blond-haired, muscular young boy with a funny moustache, his whole body trembled, and he kept sneaking behind Cedric.

However, Rove's position had been exposed by Professor Hicks long ago. The student from Inlfamaney saw Rove at a glance and walked over with a big smile.

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"Ah, it's been a long time, Rove!" He said boldly.

Cedric was pushed in front of Rove, and he wasn't sure whether the boy in front of him had good intentions or wanted to harm Rove, so he dutifully protected Rove behind him and fulfilled the duty of a prefect.

"Excuse me, Infalmorny's classmate, I'm Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff prefect." He said politely, "I want to ask, what do you want from Rove?" something?"

Contrary to Cedric's expectations, this muscular wizard with a moustache was unexpectedly easy to talk to.

"Oh, nice to meet you, Prefect Diggory." He smiled and held out his hand to Cedric. "I'm John Kowalski, Rove's cousin. My grandmother and Rove's grandmother They are sisters."

"Hello, Mr. Kowalski." Cedric shook hands with John, then turned to look at Rove, "Rove, is this your cousin?"

Rove didn't want to admit it, but under John's smiling eyes, he couldn't deny it after all, so he nodded reluctantly.

His admission, however, confused Cedric.

"I wonder if there is...a problem between the two of you cousins?" he asked.

"It's nothing, the relationship between the two of us has always been very good." John said with a smile, "It's just that this kid seems to be a little guilty recently, and he dare not face me. Am I right, Rove?"

Rove didn't say anything.

John didn't take it seriously, and then said to Cedric: "I originally wanted to train Rove to succeed me and become the president of the student union after Infalmorny, but he went to Hogwarts to go to school... So he I'm guilty!"

Cedric thought about it carefully and made a judgment secretly.

So he nodded and let Rove hide behind him.

"You two brothers, you should settle it yourself." He gave Rove a sympathetic look.

Rove was shocked.But without Cedric's obstruction, he was immediately arrested by this strong cousin, and pushed towards Hogwarts Castle with his arms around his shoulders.

Now, all the people from the last wizarding school had arrived, and the Hogwarts "greeters" finally didn't have to continue to be stuck like a log in the cold lake wind, and returned to the hall shivering one by one.

Harry and the others walked to the Gryffindor table and sat down, while Ron deliberately sat on the side facing the door, because Krum and his Durmstrang alumni were still gathered at the door, seeming to take Not allowed where they should sit.

Under the leadership of John Kowalski, the president of the student union, Infalmorny's students naturally sat at the long Hufflepuff table, and a group of people surrounded the lonely Rove.

Harry silently mourned for two seconds for this good fellow who used to explore together...

Otherwise, Beauxbatons' students were quick to take their seats at the least crowded and quietest Ravenclaw table.

After they sat down, they looked around the auditorium with sullen expressions on their faces. It seemed that Hogwarts did not meet their imagination.Three of the students had their heads tightly wrapped in scarves and hoods.

"It's not that cold." Hermione glanced at them and said dissatisfiedly, "Why don't they wear cloaks?"

"Here! Come and sit here!" But Ron didn't notice what Hermione was saying, and shouted hoarsely, "Here! Hermione, move over a little bit,

Make room for-"


"Oh, it's too late!" Ron said regretfully.

Viktor Krum and his Durmstrang schoolmates were already seated at Slytherin's table.

Draco Malfoy and his two henchmen, Crabbe and Goyle, were elated.Malfoy even stood up and leaned over to talk to Krum.

"Ah, yes, Malfoy is sucking up to him," said Ron sharply. "I bet Krum can see right away who he is...I bet there are people everywhere Krum goes." Please him, flatter him..."

"Where will they sleep, you say? We can give him a bed in our dormitory, Harry... I'll give him my bed. I'll sleep on a camp bed."

Hermione snorted.

"They look much happier than Beauxbaton's gang," Harry commented pertinently.

Durmstrang's students looked up at the dark, star-studded ceiling with gusto as they shed their fur cloaks.Two of the students also picked up the golden plates and goblets and held them carefully, obviously very interested.

Over there at the staff table, Filch the Janitor was adding some chairs.For today's grand occasion, he put on a musty old tuxedo.

Harry was surprised to see that he had added five chairs, two to the left of Dumbledore's head seat and three to the right.

It's a bit strange to say that Filch's physical fitness seems to be much worse than before. He used to be able to chase the little wizard who wandered the night and run the doorman all night, but now he is tired and out of breath after moving five chairs.

"But there are only three more professors," Harry said suspiciously. "Why did Filch bring out four chairs, and who else would come?"

"Huh?" Ron replied halfheartedly, still staring at Krum eagerly.

After all the students entered the auditorium and took their seats at the tables of their respective colleges, the faculty members also came in and filed to sit down at the guest table.

The last ones were Dumbledore, Professor Hicks, Karkaroff and Madame Maxime.

Beauxbaton's school rules seemed to be very strict. The students of Beauxbatons stood up quickly when they saw their headmaster appeared, and they dared not sit down when the headmaster was standing.

Seeing this scene, several young Hogwarts wizards couldn't help laughing.But the representatives of Beauxbatons did not look embarrassed at all, and they did not sit down again until Madame Maxime sat down to Dumbledore's left.

Dumbledore did not sit down, but stood in front of his seat and waited for the auditorium to gradually quiet down.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts, and—especially our honored guests," said Dumbledore, smiling at the students from other schools, "it is with great joy that I welcome you to To Hogwarts. I hope and trust that you will be comfortable and happy here."

A girl from Beauxbatons still wrapped her scarf tightly around her cheeks, and let out a doubtful sneer.

"No one is forcing you to stay!" Hermione whispered.

At this time, a familiar voice suddenly came from her ear:

"The hardware facilities of Beauxbatons are indeed much better than those of Hogwarts. It's normal for them to look down on them."

Hermione turned her head and saw Dracula standing beside him with a chuckle, looking at those Beauxbaton girls who covered their faces with great interest.

"Professor Dracula?" Hermione asked in surprise, "I thought you were supposed to be in the professor's seat now?"

"It was originally like this, but Potter cooperated well with me before, so I think he should be rewarded." Dracula said, "I might forget it in a few minutes, so I might as well just give it to him."

As he spoke, he took out a small object from his pocket and threw it to Harry.

"Professor, this is..." Harry caught the little thing, but couldn't figure out what it was.

"Oh, I just suddenly had an idea and made a portable hand lamp." Dracula glanced at Harry's forehead and said with interest, "There is a little magic on it, when the light shines on a certain place

When the light is on, the people around will unconsciously look at the place where the light shines. "

"For example, when you meet Krum head-on, in order not to be overwhelmed by his limelight, you can use this hand lamp to shine on your forehead, so that others will focus on your scars. Come up. Make sure it’s practical!”

Harry couldn't help covering his face.

This kind of operation is too shameful...

"Professor, you just said that Beauxbaton's hardware facilities are better than Hogwarts, is that true?" Hermione gave full play to the characteristics of a curious baby, asking like a classroom question.

"Of course, after all, they are much richer than Hogwarts." Dracula chuckled, "Nicole Flamel, that is the master alchemist that Potter and Wes came to chat remotely before. Sparton's trustee."

"As you know, Nico has a magic stone that can turn stones into gold, and he has so much money that he can't run out. So he donates a large amount of Galleons to Beauxbatons every year, so that the school has the confidence to A major refurbishment will take place every year.”

"I've visited there a few times, and their school is really beautiful... At least it's not Hogwarts, which relies on a few stingy pure-blood families and a small amount of donations from alumni to barely maintain its operation. The school is comparable."

"Then they can't look down on Hogwarts, can they?" Hermione was still a little annoyed.

"Indeed. But according to the personalities of these little guys, it's pretty good endurance not to taunt."

Dracula left the long Gryffindor table with a smile, and returned to his professor's seat, leaving only Hermione, Harry and Ron sitting there blankly, not understanding why Professor Dracula changed It's so easy to talk.

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