At the same time, Dumbledore's speech came to an end——

"The Four-wizard Tournament will officially begin at the end of the banquet." Dumbledore said, "I invite everyone to eat and drink as much as they want, as if they were at home!"

Then he sat down and chatted happily with Professor Hicks on the right, smiling from time to time and glanced at Rove who was surrounded by a group of Inflawmorny students with an embarrassed face.

The plates in front of the little wizards were full of food as usual.

The house-elves in the kitchen seemed to be pulling out all the stops, and today the dishes were richer than ever, and there was a great variety of dishes before them, some of which were sure to be foreign.

"What's that?" Ron asked.

He pointed to a large plate of what looked like a seafood hodgepodge next to a large steak and a cup of pudding.

"Bouillabaisse," said Hermione.

"Is it for the Beauxbatons?" Ron asked.

"It should be." Hermione nodded and said, "This is French food. I ate it during the summer vacation the year before last. It tastes delicious."

"It's you, our Miss Know-It-All." Ron joked noncommittally, and then filled himself with some black pudding.

Facts have proved that the young British wizards are not very interested in French dishes, and no one has touched the French fish soup for a long time.

At this moment, a voice said: "Excuse me, do you still eat this plate of fish soup?"

It was the Beauxbaton girl who laughed when Dumbledore spoke just now.

At this point, she finally took off the scarf.

A long cascade of silvery hair hangs down to her waist, and her beautiful and coquettish face has a pair of big blue eyes and a mouthful of white and neat teeth.

Ron's face flushed all of a sudden, he stared blankly at her, and opened his mouth to answer, but only made some strange small noises, as if his throat was stuck.

"Okay, you take it." Harry said for Ron, and pushed the plate to the girl.

"Have you finished eating?" the girl asked.

"It's over," Ron said with difficulty, a little out of breath, "it's over, it's delicious."

The girl carefully carried the plate and walked to Ravenclaw's table.Ron was still staring at the girl with wide eyes, as if he had never seen a female classmate before.

Harry laughed cheerfully, and his laughter finally brought Ron back to his senses.

"She's a Veela!"

Ron said hoarsely to Harry.

"Certainly not!" Hermione poked the steak in front of her with a fork, and said through gritted teeth, "I don't see anyone staring at her like an idiot!"

She wasn't quite right.

As the girl walked through the auditorium, many boys turned their heads to look at her, and several of them seemed to have lost their voice for a moment, just like Ron.

"This is a mixed Veela." Hermione thought to herself.

She suddenly realized why Professor Dracula had said that before—the veela really had a bad temper. In the previous Quidditch World Cup, the veela, the mascot of Bulgaria, almost got into a fight with the mascot of Ireland.

Hermione looked again at Dracula's long silver hair, which was brighter than that girl's, and suddenly felt that she had discovered something extraordinary.

Could it be that Professor Dracula is also a mixed Veela...?

"That girl is really extraordinary!" Ron on the side didn't know what Hermione was thinking, but he turned his body sideways while talking so that he could still clearly look in the direction of the girl, "Hogwarts There is no such beautiful person!"

"The girls at Hogwarts are also good." Harry said without thinking.

Subconsciously, he followed Ron's gaze to look at Ravenclaw's long table, and saw Qiu Zhang with smooth black hair sitting not far from the silver-haired girl.

Harry's eyes paused for a moment, then he shook his head with a sudden smile, and turned his gaze back to the Gryffindor table.

He saw that Ginny, who was sitting not far away, was staring at him eagerly, and when she found his gaze, she blushed and lowered her head again.

Yeah, the Hogwarts girls are pretty good too.

Not just Ravenclaw girls, but Gryffindor girls too.

Chapter 240 Three Goblet of Fire

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Not long after, the two always vacant seats near Dumbledore were filled in the professor's chair.

Ludo Bagman, the director of the Department of Magical Sports, sat on the other side of Karkaroff, and Percy's immediate boss, Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation, sat next to Madam Maxim. beside.

"What are they two Ministry of Magic people doing here?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Is it because they organized the Final Four Tournament?" Hermione guessed, "I guess they are guests and are going to witness the opening ceremony of the Tournament with their own eyes."

At this time, they noticed that Dracula suddenly stood up from his seat, walked over to Bagman and pressed his shoulder.

"Oh, Fred, look!" An excited voice sounded from the side of the Gryffindor table, it was George slapping Fred's arm like crazy, "Professor Dracula took Bagman Pull away!"

"Nice job, Professor Dracula!" Fred jumped up, pumping his fists excitedly.

The others looked at the twins inexplicably, not knowing what they were excited about.

Some officials of the Ministry of Magic are really abominable, but apart from the fact that Director Bagman didn't handle the Quidditch World Cup very well, he doesn't seem to have done anything outrageous, right?Why are these two Wess so happy?

"What happened to your two brothers?" Seamus Finnigan, who shared the dormitory with Harry and Ron, approached Ron and asked curiously.

Ron still didn't want to move his eyes away from the silver-haired girl, but he glanced at his two elder brothers in a hurry, and said with a smile:

"They won the bet... Bagman owed them a lot of bet money, and Professor Dracula should help them get it back by the way."

"It's a pity, why didn't I spend all my wealth with them at that time?" He muttered regretfully.

After listening to Ron's explanation, the other little wizards of Gryffindor stared in the direction of Professor Dracula and Ludo Bagman, wanting to see what their Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would use The same way to collect debts.

However, the process is destined to disappoint the little wizards.

Ludo Bagman didn't have any ability to resist Dracula at all. He didn't even persist until the next dish was served under Dracula's indifferent gaze. Passed over the exquisite metal key.

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Afterwards, Dracula didn't know what he said to Bagman, so he went around in a gray circle, transferred from the professor's seat to the front of the Gryffindor long table, and handed it to the Wesley twins. Put the metal key.

"This is the key to warehouse 592 of Gringotts, and the wealth inside is enough to pay for the Galleons you won." Bagman looked at the key in Fred's hand reluctantly, and said disappointedly.

"Are there really enough Galleons here?" George looked at him suspiciously. "We know that you still have a lot of unpaid gambling debts... You won't lie to us, will you?"

"What do you two think of me?!" Bagman said dissatisfiedly, "As the director of the Department of Magical Sports, I promised to pay you enough Galleons, and I will definitely not go back on my word! "

After that, he turned his head with a heartache and stopped looking at the key.

"I should have thought of it a long time ago, how could the first professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts who can be re-elected, or even re-elected for several years, be easy to provoke..." Bagman was still muttering on the way to the professor's seat. with.

"It's still those greedy goblins who are easy to deceive. You only need to reveal your identity as an official of the Ministry of Magic to borrow enough Gallon to pay back to that professor..."

Bagman made up his mind in his heart that he must start a big game in this semi-wizard competition and earn back all the previous losses!


The banquet is still going on.

The next few dishes were also served one after another, not only the previous French fish soup, but also a strange, blanched blancmange, and many other dishes that the little British wizards didn't know.

ron guess

Guessing that they were foreign dishes, he carefully moved the plates a few inches from his right hand, so that it could be clearly seen from the side of the Ravencrouch table.

But his prudence did not succeed.

The girl who looks like a Veela may be full, or maybe these dishes are not from France, and she has no intention of coming over to serve these foods...

When the golden plates became brand new again under the effect of magic, Dumbledore stood up again, smiling and looking at the students of various schools who gradually became quiet in the audience.

A mixture of excitement and tension seemed to pervade the auditorium.

"The moment has finally come," Dumbledore said loudly, with an expectant smile on his upturned face, "The Four-wild Tournament is about to begin. I want to explain a few words before bringing the box in— —”

"Bring what in?" Harry asked in a low voice, stunned for a moment.

"He only said the box, who knows what it is." Ron shrugged.

"First of all, I will explain our program of activities for this school year. But first, please allow me to introduce two guests, because there are still people who don't know them. This is Mr. Barty Crouch, Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Magic .”

There was sparse applause in the auditorium.

And Crouch also seemed a little absent-minded, just nodded casually to the students in the audience.

It's a bit strange to say that when Dracula just dragged Bagman away, the former director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, who was known for his toughness, didn't have any objections. Instead, he didn't seem to see it.

However, not many people in the room paid attention to Crouch's behavior, and the opening ceremony of the Final Four continued:

"This is Mr. Ludo Bagman, Director of the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore pointed to Bagman and introduced to the students.

The applause was much louder for Bagman than for Mr. Crouch, perhaps because he had been a hitter once, or simply because he was much more genial.

Bagman seemed to have completely forgotten the sadness of losing a large sum of money just now, and waved his hands happily to everyone to express his gratitude.

"Mr Bagman and Mr Crouch have worked tirelessly over the past few months to arrange the Tournament," Dumbledore continued, "and they will join me, Professor Hicks, Card Together, Professor Karloff and Madame Maxime formed a panel of judges to judge the efforts of the warriors."

As soon as they heard the word "warrior", the students immediately sat upright and became more attentive.

Dumbledore also seemed to notice that they suddenly fell silent, and he smiled slightly and said:

"Mr. Filch, please bring up the box."

No one noticed that Filch, the gatekeeper, who had been squatting in a corner of the hall just now, stood up and walked towards Dumbledore, holding a large wooden box studded with jewels in his hand.

The box looked old, at least a few decades old.

The little wizards watched in rapt attention, discussing with great interest.

In order to see more clearly, some junior wizards simply stood on the chairs.But those little wizards are often too small, even if they are standing, their heads are not much higher than others.

"Mr. Crouch and Mr. Bagman have carefully reviewed the specific items of this year's Warriors competition," Dumbledore motioned Filch to put the box on the table in front of him, and then said, "They returned Each project made many necessary arrangements—”

"There are three events in this four-wizard competition, which will be held at different times throughout the school year. They will test the warriors in many different ways... Test their magical talents, their courage, and their reasoning ability .”

"Of course, it will also test the warriors' ability to overcome danger."

At the end, Dumbledore's expression became serious.

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