The auditorium became silent, and everyone seemed to have stopped breathing.

"As you already know, there will be four warriors participating in the competition, and one warrior from each school will represent the school," Dumbledore said calmly, "I

They will be graded according to the quality of their completion of each event, and after three events, the warrior with the highest score will win the Final Four trophy. "

"All the students here must have known that the one who is responsible for selecting the warriors is a referee who is too fair. Now, we will reveal the true face of this referee, which is—"

Having said that, Dumbledore suddenly paused.

He drew his wand and tapped the box lid three times.

The lid opened slowly and creakingly.Dumbledore reached in and pulled out a large, rough-hewn wooden goblet.

"It's the Goblet of Fire!"

Everyone present turned their gazes to the cup in Dumbledore's hand. The cup itself was inconspicuous, but it was full of dancing blue and white flames.

The fire light is different from the magical flames that little wizards usually see. There is a mysterious atmosphere blooming in it. Anyone can feel that the flames contain many different mysterious magics.

Dumbledore closed the box and put the cup on the lid so that everyone in the Great Hall could see it clearly.

"Every student who wants to run for a warrior must write his name and school name on a piece of parchment and throw it into this goblet," said Dumbledore. Sign up within 24 hours."

"Tomorrow night, that is, the night of Halloween, the goblet will select the names of the four students it thinks best represent the four schools. Tonight, the goblet will be placed in the foyer in front of the auditorium. Students who participated in the election can have access to it."

"In order to avoid the temptation of underage students," said Dumbledore, "I will draw an age line around the goblet when it is placed in the hall. No one under the age of seventeen can cross this line. boundary."

Seeing that all the little wizards were eager to try, his face suddenly became serious.

"Finally, I would like to remind every student who wants to participate in the election - this competition is not a child's play, don't take part in it rashly. Once a warrior is selected by the Goblet of Fire, he must persevere in the competition!"

"To put it another way, whoever puts his name into the cup actually forms a magical contract that must be obeyed. Once he becomes a warrior, he is not allowed to change his mind."

"Therefore, please think twice, confirm that you really want to participate in the competition, and then put your name in the cup..."

After repeatedly emphasizing it many times, Dumbledore looked down at the time and smiled again:

"Okay, it's almost time, I think it's time for everyone to go to bed. Good night everyone!"

In the eyes of the students who were either looking forward to, or anxious, or eager, the dinner was finally over.

Dumbledore's repeated warnings did dissuade many little wizards from participating in the competition. Of course, this kind of thinking twice did not have any effect on the little lions of Gryffindor.

"Age boundary!" Fred patted the table, his eyes were sparkling, "That's easy to handle, you must be fooled by the aging agent, right, George?"

"That's right!" George's expression was also full of excitement, "As long as our names enter that cup, it will be considered a complete success - it can't tell who is over 17 years old and who is under 17 years old!"

By this time, the students had all passed through the auditorium and headed for the two doors leading to the foyer.

"But I don't think anyone under 17 can win," Hermione persuaded as they walked on the road, "We haven't learned enough..."

"It's not, didn't you listen to what Dumbledore just said?" George retorted, "The Four-Power Tournament is a test of all-round ability, and of course there are talents like the two of us who are particularly proficient in heresy. The advantages!"

"Where is he?" Among the few people present, only Ron was still out of the situation, and said confusedly, "Dumbledore didn't say where Durmstrang's representatives slept, did he?"

He didn't listen to a word of the conversation between Fred and the others, and only focused on searching for Krum in the crowd.

Yet his doubts were answered almost immediately.

Karkaroff looks good

Doesn't it look too good-looking, and he is hurrying towards his students.

"Well, go back to the ship. Are you planning to spend the night at the castle?" wine?"

Harry saw Krum shake his head and put the fur cloak back on.


The next day was Saturday, and generally speaking, the students would get up very late to have breakfast.

However, many people woke up much earlier than usual this weekend.

By the time Harry, Ron, and Hermione went downstairs into the foyer, there were already more than 20 people gathered around the theater.

A few young wizards were still eating the bread they took out from the auditorium, carefully looking at the Goblet of Fire that was burning with blue and white flames.

The cup was now in the very center of the hall, on the stool where the Sorting Hat usually stood.A thin golden line was drawn on the floor, shining with magic light, and surrounded the Goblet of Fire.

"Did someone put their name in?" Ron asked eagerly to a little wizard who had been here to watch the play.

"Yes, all representatives from Durmstrang," the little wizard replied, "but I haven't seen anyone from Hogwarts yet."

"Someone must have put the name in while we were sleeping last night." Harry said hesitantly, "If it was me, I would do it... If the Goblet of Fire won't accept you, just crumple up your name and throw it out , how embarrassing it is!"

Suddenly, someone behind the little wizards laughed loudly.

Looking back, they saw Fred, George, and Lee Jordan hurrying down the stairs, all three looking extremely excited.

"It's done!" whispered Fred to Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a triumphant tone. "We've managed to brew a cup of the Aging Potion, and we've just drank it."

"I've never seen you two have such a good potion talent..." Ron complained.

Fred and George ignored him, but excitedly walked towards the age line surrounding the Goblet of Fire.

"Look, the next is the moment to witness the miracle!"

Chapter 240 Poor Hagrid, Being Played in the Palm of His Hand

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Fred was the first to take out a piece of parchment from his pocket, on which was written the words "Fred Weiss - Hogwarts".

He walked confidently to the edge of the age line and stood there, tiptoeing, like a diver preparing to jump from a fifty-foot platform.

Then, with every eye in the hall watching, he took a deep breath and stepped across the line.

For a split second, everyone present thought that Fred had succeeded——

George obviously thought so too, so he also yelled triumphantly, and jumped forward into the age line with Fred.

Yet it was too early for both of them to rejoice.

There was a hissing sound like electric current, and the twins were thrown out of the golden circle, falling painfully to the cold stone floor ten feet away.

And not just physical pain, they were also mentally humiliated.

With a loud cracking sound, two identical long white beards sprouted from their chins, similar to the beard on Dumbledore's chin, which looked particularly ridiculous on the two young faces.

The little wizards in the hall roared with laughter.Even Fred and George couldn't help laughing when they got up and saw each other's white beards.

"I warned you." A voice seemed amused.

Everyone turned their heads and saw Dumbledore coming out of the auditorium. Dracula was walking side by side with him, both of them had uncontrollable expressions on their faces.

"I see, this age line must have been drawn by Professor Dracula!" Fred and George suddenly realized after seeing Dracula, "It is only possible to make us grow beards. He can do it!"

The smile on Dracula's face immediately stopped, the corners of his mouth twitched, and then he glanced at Dumbledore beside him.

"So that's how I look in your eyes?" He said with a sullen face.

"Isn't it?" George said wittily, "Didn't we just ask you a few days ago if there was any way to get around the age limit? You made us two think for ourselves, and probably wanted to see us make a fool of ourselves at the time." !"

Fred nodded in approval, "Sure enough, Professor Dracula just wanted to satisfy his own bad taste, so he didn't tell us how to crack it."

Dracula's face darkened completely.

"You two think you're smart, don't you?" He sneered, "But have you ever considered... If I want to make a fool of you, I have to wait until today?"

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Dracula snapped his fingers.

The white beards on Fred and George's chins that originally hung down to their chests suddenly grew again, extending from their chests to the soles of their feet, and then wrapped around their calves around their backs, wrapping them into two knots. A solid white mummy.

"Woo...Professor, we were wrong!" Fred murmured from his white beard like a callus.

"We know we were wrong, Professor!" George also shouted sullenly, "Let us out quickly, we will be out of breath..."

However, Dracula made it clear that he wanted to punish the two of them a little, so he didn't intend to pay any attention to them at all. He turned around and left the hall, and returned to the auditorium.

After Dracula left, Dumbledore coughed twice and waved his wand.

A hole was opened in the large discolored cocoon that encased Fred and George, revealing their faces.

The twins held their breath for a long time, and finally got another chance to breathe, panting heavily.

"Mr. Wesley, to tell you the truth, you really guessed wrong this time." Dumbledore looked at the two with a smile, and said happily, "This age line is indeed arranged by me, and De Professor Gula has nothing to do with it."

Fred and George stared at Dumbledore dumbfounded, completely unaware that the respected old headmaster had such a wicked side.

"Why do powerful professors have so many strange interests?" Frey

De whispered.

"Could it be that only people with unusual interests can have strong magical power? Then I will also find some wrong interests to cultivate..." George also muttered.

Dumbledore actually heard the whispers between the twins, and his expression became a little dumbfounded.

"Don't think too much about it, growing a white beard is just a small punishment for trying to cross the age line," he said. You are magnified dozens of times."

"Of course, it won't really make you older, it will only change your appearance."

He looked at Fred and George and winked at them, "As for now, I suggest you both go to Madam Pomfrey."

"Madame Pomfrey is already nursing Miss Fawcett of Ravenclaw and Mr. Somers of Hufflepuff, who are also determined to age themselves a bit. But I must say, he Their beards are far less beautiful than yours."

Fred and George set off to the school infirmary, and Lee Jordan accompanied his two roommates, laughing and laughing all the way.

The other little wizards saw that the excitement was gone, and giggled as they walked into the auditorium to have breakfast.

As the morning before Halloween, the decoration of the auditorium has changed again.

A large group of distinctively dressed bats flew around the enchanted ceiling, and it seemed that they were summoned by Professor Dracula.At the same time, there were hundreds of little figures made of withered pumpkins squinting at everyone from every corner of the auditorium.

Harry, Ron and Hermione approached fellow Gryffindor fourth-years Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, who were discussing the possible participation in the Tournament over the seventeen-year-old Classmate Gwartz.

"They say Warrington got up early in the morning and put his name in," Dean told Harry. "It's the big guy from Slytherin who looks like a sloth."

Harry had played Quidditch against Warrington once, and the big guy could foul more than Fred and George, and far more violently.

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