Hearing what Dean said, he shook his head in disgust, "We can't let a Slytherin be a Hogwarts warrior!"

"People in Hufflepuff are talking about Digory," Seamus said next to him, "but in my opinion, a guy with a handsome face like Digory's strength must not be commendable. "

"Cedric is still very good, at least he plays Quidditch well..." Harry wanted to say a few more words, but found that Ron had already covered Seamus' mouth in horror.

"You dare to say that!" Ron said in a low voice, "Didn't you find that Professor Dracula is also what you described? And Fred and George once told me that Cedric is Professor Dracula's favorite. s student."

Dean and Seamus immediately closed their mouths, not daring to breathe out.

They glanced cautiously at the professor's seat, and were slightly relieved to find that Professor Dracula hadn't noticed this side.

"Listen!" said Hermione suddenly.

There was sudden loud applause from the foyer outside the auditorium.

Everyone turned around in their seats to see Angelina Johnson enter the auditorium, grinning a little sheepishly.

Angelina was a fairly good Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team and had a good relationship with Harry, Fred and George.

She went straight to Harry's side, sat down and said, "I was so nervous, I actually worked up the courage to put my name in!"

"You're kidding!" Ron looked surprised.

"So, are you seventeen yet?" Harry asked.

"Needless to say, you didn't see a beard, did you?" Ron said gloatingly, "Although I don't know if girls will grow beards after using aging agents..."


After breakfast, Harry, Ron and Hermione were going to visit Hagrid together.

When they walked out through the gate of the auditorium, they ran into Beauxbaton's students head-on.

These guests from France are passing through the front door from the entrance courtyard

Come in, and there is a girl who looks like a Veela among them.The young wizards who were still watching the Goblet of Fire stepped back to let them pass, and watched eagerly.

"Look, Ron, the veela you've been thinking about." Harry tugged at Ron's arm.

Ron immediately looked over eagerly, and Hermione next to him moved two steps away from him in disgust.

Madame Maxime followed her pupils into the hall and ordered them to line up.One by one, Booth Barton's students crossed the age line, throwing their parchments into the blue-and-white flames.

As each name was thrown into the flames, the flames quickly turned red and sparkled.

"You say, what will happen to those who are not chosen?" Ron asked Harry in a low voice when the girl who looked like a Veela threw her note into the Goblet of Fire, "They returned to themselves. School, or stay here to watch the game?"

"I don't know," Harry said, "I guess it's probably staying here... Madam Maxime is going to be the referee here, isn't she?"

"So... where do they sleep?" said Ron, taking a few steps towards the front door, watching their backs, "Maybe they'll want to come and borrow the Gryffindor common room..."

The mystery of where the students of Beauxbatons slept was quickly solved.

When they approached Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, the huge powder blue carriage that Beauxbatons came in had stopped about five hundred feet away from the main entrance of Hagrid's hut, Beauxbatons The students are getting into the carriage one by one.

The elephant-sized flying horses pulling the carriage were grazing in a makeshift paddock next to the carriage.

Harry knocked on Hagrid's door, and the muffled bark of the hound Fang came from inside the room immediately.

"Finally!" said Hagrid, opening the door. "I thought you little fellows had forgotten where I lived!"

"We're so busy, Ha--" Hermione was halfway through, then suddenly stopped, looking up at Hagrid, speechless in astonishment.

Hagrid was wearing his best, and not so good-looking, shaggy brown suit with a yellow and orange checked tie.

That's not the worst, though: he's clearly tried to straighten his hair, using a lot of machine grease and the like.

Now Hagrid's hair was slicked back slicked back—perhaps he had intended to let it hang loosely like Dracula's, only to find he had too much, and tangle it a little, and ended up in a tangled mess. got a broom...

The attire clearly didn't suit Hagrid.

Hermione stared at him blankly for a moment, then decided not to make any comment lest it hurt Hagrid's pride.

"Hmm... I heard that you have successfully bred a few snails?" she asked.

Meanwhile, Hermione shot Ron just in time to stop him from speaking... Ron had been staring at Hagrid's odd haircut and was just about to open his mouth to make a comment.


Harry and the three little wizards stayed in Hagrid's hut until evening.

At around 05:30, it was getting dark, and they felt it was time to return to the castle to attend the Halloween banquet, and more importantly, to attend the announcement ceremony of the warrior candidates of various magic schools.

"I'll go with you," Hagrid stood up, putting the half-eaten rock cake in his hands aside, "wait for me a while."

He went to the chest of drawers next to the bed and began looking for something in it.

Harry and the others didn't pay much attention at first, and they didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until a particularly unpleasant smell penetrated their nostrils.

"Hagrid, what's that smell?" Ron asked, coughing violently.

"Huh?" Hagrid turned around, holding a large bottle in his hand. "Don't you like it?"

"Like it?" Harry choked, "I thought it was some poor-quality essence that Neville concocted in Potions class."

"Is it the body perfume you put on after shaving?" Hermione guessed a little closer, and asked in a somewhat stifled voice.

"Well... it's actually cologne," Hagrid muttered, his face flushed, "probably spilled too much, I'll wash it off, wait


He came out of the cabin with plodding steps and they saw him washing his face desperately in the bucket outside the window.

"Cologne?" Hermione looked at Harry and Ron in surprise. "Is he really Hagrid, not Malfoy?"

"And what about the hair and the suit?" Harry asked in a low voice.

"Look!" said Ron, pointing out the window suddenly.

Hagrid had straightened up and turned around, his face flushed like a big apple.

Through the window, Harry and Hermione saw Madame Maxime and Beauxbaton's students just getting out of the carriage, apparently preparing to attend the banquet.

They couldn't hear what Hagrid was saying, but when he talked to Madame Maxime, his expression was fascinated and his eyes were foggy.He had never had this look before.

"It turns out that Hagrid is going to the castle with Madam Maxime!" Hermione said angrily, "He just said he was with us!"

Hagrid didn't even look back at his hut, and walked across the field with Madame Maxime with heavy steps.

Beauxbatons' students followed, trotting to keep up with their strides.

"He's in love with her!" said Ron incredulously. "Oh, and if they ever have kids, they'll set a world record—I dare say they'll weigh a ton each!"

Hagrid left them and left, and the three of Harry had to leave the shed by themselves, helping Hagrid close the door by the way.

Just as he was walking up the slope leading to the castle, Harry suddenly saw a familiar figure appearing beside him, watching with great interest the direction in which Hagrid and Madam Maxime left.

"Tsk tsk, poor Hagrid, being played with by Maxim." The figure chuckled lightly.

The list of warriors in Chapter 240 [-] is released.

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"Professor Dracula, why are you here?" Harry asked in surprise.

"Obviously, I'm here to have fun." Dracula turned to face the three little wizards and said happily.

"Fun? What's the fun here?" Hermione looked a little confused.

"What else can it be, of course it's about Hagrid." Ron muttered in a low voice, "Poor Hagrid, being treated as a joke by Professor Dracula..."

Why does this sentence sound familiar?

Dracula glanced at Ron.

"Actually, Hagrid came to see me last night...well, to ask me how to take care of my image." He said with great interest, "I realized at that time that he had something to do with him, so come here today It really does look like that.”

"So... Professor, have you told Hagrid how you take care of your image?" Hermione said expectantly.

"Of course, I'm still very helpful...so I told him to leave it alone, and it naturally became like this." Dracula said, "Yes, Miss Granger, Hagrid's eyes were the same as yours now. Almost, obviously don't believe me."

Hermione nodded approvingly.

She also didn't believe that Professor Dracula could maintain such a good-looking appearance without taking care of it.

"But I didn't expect it. It's fine if he doesn't believe me. What kind of operation is it to do the hairstyle like me..." Dracula seemed to be a little funny, "Now it's nondescript."

"It's a bit subtle to describe it as nondescript, Professor." Ron corrected him beside him, "Hagrid is exactly like a thermos with a broom stuck in the bottle now."

"Ron!" Hermione glared at him. "It's very rude of you to talk like that!"

"Although it does look alike..." Harry whispered.

Dracula gave Ron a weird look.

I have to admit that he understands metaphors...

"Okay, stop chatting here," Dracula waved his hand, and said to the three little wizards, "If you don't go back to the Halloween dinner, maybe the Goblet of Fire has already selected the warrior."


Before Harry, Ron and Hermione could react, Dracula disappeared in an instant.

They originally wanted to ask how Hagrid was being played in the palm of their hands, but now they could only leave the lawn near Hagrid's hut resentfully and walk back to the auditorium on foot.

When the three little wizards walked into the candlelit auditorium, which was almost full of people——

The Goblet of Fire had been moved from the foyer to the professor's chair, right in front of Dumbledore's tall chair.

They noticed that the white beards on Fred and George's chins were gone, and the chins were smooth again.It can only be said that Madam Pomfrey's medical level is as good as ever.

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And the twins seem to have embraced their defeat and are tricking others into joining their bet on who will be Hogwarts champions.

"I wish it was Angelina," said Fred when Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat down, "but we've already bet on him being a Hogwarts champion to help Harry out... Pushing Angelina down again would have blown Harry off a bit."

"Don't be kidding," Harry said with a slightly embarrassed expression, "I didn't even put my name into the Goblet of Fire."

"Oh, yes." George sighed in disappointment, "We originally wanted you to try the aging agent we worked so hard to refine, but we didn't expect that age line to be such a scam, and we didn't even give us a chance .”

"Shut up, the banquet is about to begin," Hermione reminded, "and we'll soon find out who will be chosen as a Hogwarts champion."

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