Today's Halloween dinner seemed to take a lot longer than usual.

Maybe it was because there were banquets for two consecutive days, and the little wizards didn't seem to like those well-prepared and sumptuous dishes as much as usual.

Of course, the bigger reason is that the auditorium

The students in the school are constantly looking up, with anxious expressions on every face.

There seemed to be nails on their chairs, and they all fidgeted, standing up from time to time to look at Dumbledore in the middle of the professor's seat——

The old headmaster's action of eating slowly made the little wizards very impatient. They wished that he would finish the food on the plate quickly and announce which four students would be selected as the final warriors.

Finally, all the golden plates on the four long tables returned to their original spotless state, and the voice of discussion in the auditorium suddenly increased a lot.

Immediately, Dumbledore stood up, and the auditorium suddenly became silent again.

Karkaroff and Mrs. Maxime on both sides of Dumbledore looked as nervous and full of expectations as everyone else, while Professor Hicks looked indifferent, as if he was still thinking about the dishes just now.

In addition to several principals, Ludo Bagman, who came to watch the opening ceremony, was all smiles, winking at the students of various magic schools, while Mr. Crouch looked uninterested, and could even say It's a little annoying.

"Okay, the Goblet is about to make a decision," Dumbledore said, glancing at the Goblet of Fire, "It will take another minute."

"Everyone heard clearly, after the names of the warriors are announced, I hope they can walk to the front of the auditorium, then walk along the faculty seats, and enter the next room—"

He pointed to the door behind the instructor's seat, "—they will get initial guidance on this semi-final competition there."

Dumbledore then took out his wand and waved it in the air.

In an instant, except for the drowsy candles in the jack-o-lanterns, all the bright candles that illuminated the entire auditorium were extinguished, and the auditorium suddenly fell into a state of semi-darkness.

At the same time, the Goblet of Fire emitted a dazzling light, brighter than anything in the entire auditorium, and the blue-white flames bursting out sparks were almost dazzling.

Everyone resisted the dazzling light, watched with wide eyes, and waited...

"One minute is almost up." On the Gryffindor long table, someone glanced at the clock and whispered.

The next moment, the flame in the goblet suddenly turned red, and crackling sparks burst out.

Then, a tongue of flame shot into the air, and a piece of parchment with burnt edges flew out from it—except for the edge of the paper, the inside was intact, and it was clearly the note with the name written on it that was thrown in!

Everyone in the auditorium held their breath.

Dumbledore stretched out his hand high and caught the piece of parchment accurately.

Then he held the note far away, and looked at the name on it by the light of the flame—the flame was now blue and white again.

"Well, the first warrior is born! This is a warrior of Durmstrang," he said in a clear and forceful tone, "Viktor Krum!"

Applause and cheers instantly swept the entire auditorium.

Viktor Krum stood up from Slytherin's table, looking listless and unsurprised, and walked in the direction Dumbledore had said before.

He walked along the professor's seat, and entered the next room through the door in front.

"It's no surprise that Krum is a warrior!" Ron shouted.

He seemed even more excited to see Krum elected than Krum himself.

"Great, Viktor!" Karkaroff shouted loudly, and despite the loud applause in the auditorium, everyone could still hear his voice, "I know you are destined to become a warrior!"

Even the other Durmstrang students were not too surprised, at most they showed a slightly disappointed look.

It can be seen that Krum is the most likely candidate to become a warrior in their hearts.

After the applause fell, the chatter, cheers and discussions gradually subsided.

Now everyone's attention is once again on the goblet.

After a few seconds, the flame turned red again—the second piece of parchment jumped out of the cup under the impetus of the flame.

"This time it's Beauxbaton's warrior," Dumbledore glanced at the note and read aloud, "

Fleur Delacour! "

"It's her, Ron!" Harry patted Ron's arm hard.

The Veela-like girl stood up gracefully, flicked her shiny silver hair, and walked lightly between the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables.

"Fleur...Her name is Fleur Delacour, what a nice name." Ron seemed dumbfounded, and murmured repeatedly.

"Oh, look, everyone else is disappointed," said Hermione over the din, without looking at Fleur at all.

She lifted her chin to the other representatives of Beauxbatons—the two girls who hadn't been chosen burst into tears and buried their heads in their arms, weeping bitterly.

When Fleur Delacour, who looked like a veela, also entered the next room, the auditorium fell silent again.

Everyone is waiting for the next hero, whether it will be from Infalmorny...or Hogwarts?

The flames turned red again.

Dumbledore caught the slipping note and read aloud:

"The champion of Infalmorny is John Kowalski!"

John Kowalski, who was sitting at the long Hufflepuff table, stood up, hugged all the Infalmorny students one by one, and then rubbed the head of Rove, who was sulking next to him. , strode towards the front of the auditorium.

Dumbledore seemed to know this boy too, and nodded with a smile to John who was walking towards him.

Harry had some impressions of him, remembering that this boy from Infalmorny should be Rove Scamander's cousin.

Speaking of which, this Infamoney warrior should be the most low-key among the three warriors that have been selected.

Needless to say, Victor Krum, as the talented Seeker of the Bulgarian Quidditch team and the player who personally ended the Quidditch World Cup, his popularity can almost cover the entire auditorium.

Although Fleur Delacour is not as famous as Krum, her veela-like attractiveness and pretty face that is so beautiful can naturally bring her great momentum.

It was only one day since she came to Hogwarts, and a large number of students remembered her.

John Kowalski, with his funny moustache and unremarkable looks, looked pretty average by comparison.

When John also entered the next room, the hall fell silent again, this time filled with a palpable excitement.

Now it's the turn of the Hogwarts warriors...

At this time, under the expectant eyes of many young Hogwarts wizards, the Goblet of Fire turned red again, sparks burst out, and flames shot high into the air.

Dumbledore drew the fourth parchment from the tip of the flames.

"The heroes of Hogwarts—" he read aloud,

"Cedric Diggory!"

The cheers from the Hufflepuff table were deafening!

Every Hufflepuff student is jumping up and down, screaming and stomping. As the house with the largest number of people in Hogwarts, every little badger feels proud and gives the auditorium with practical actions. Added another fire to the warm atmosphere here.

Cedric walked past them, a big smile on his face.

Professor Sprout, who was sitting on the professor's chair, blushed happily, hugged Professor Flitwick, who was sitting next to him on a stack of books, and kissed him.

Professor Flitwick's face also turned red, and he cast his eyes for help to Dracula on the other side, but Dracula had no idea of ​​helping at all, but looked at him with a look of watching a show.

Professor McGonagall seemed a little disappointed that the Gryffindor students did not become warriors, but he immediately became happy again and applauded Cedric.

And Snape was not as magnanimous as Professor McGonagall, he glanced in the direction of the Slytherin table with dissatisfaction, as if he was blaming the Slytherin prefect, why didn't Warrington become A warrior representing Hogwarts.

The applause for Cedric lasted a long time.

It was a long time before Dumbledore calmed everyone down and listened to him.

"Great!" said Dumbledore cheerfully when the uproar finally died down. "Now our four warriors have been chosen. I can understand everyone

I am very excited and hope that in the future, everyone will go all out to support the warriors of your schools! "

"Those who were not selected as Warriors don't need to be disappointed, you will also make a great contribution to this Final Four by cheering for the Warriors—"

However, at the next moment, Dumbledore suddenly stopped talking.

The students in the audience also saw what attracted his attention——

To everyone's surprise, the flame in the goblet turned red again.Sparks sputtered out, a long tongue of flame suddenly jumped into the air, and a piece of parchment with burnt edges flew out of it.

Dumbledore stretched out a slender hand as if subconsciously, and grabbed the parchment.

He held it far away, staring at the name written on it.

The auditorium fell into a long silence, Dumbledore stared at the note in his hand, everyone in the auditorium stared at Dumbledore, and everyone looked extremely puzzled.

Finally, in the silence, Dumbledore cleared his throat and read aloud——

"Harry Potter."

The Goblet of Fire with the Confusion Curse on Chapter 240

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Harry sat there stunned, aware that everyone in the Great Hall was turning their heads to look at him.

He froze, his mind blank.

Unlike when the previous four warriors were selected, there was no applause in the auditorium at this moment.

A buzz of discussion began to fill the auditorium, as if countless angry bees were chirping.

Some students even stood up, in order to get a better view of Harry, while Harry sat frozen in his seat, as if under a petrification spell.

They looked at Harry's immature face, full of doubts in their hearts... Even if he was the Boy Who Lived, he was still too young at this time.

Moreover, Hogwarts, as the host, actually gave birth to two warriors. Doesn't this prove that the competition is unfair?Isn't that age line also useless?

The first to break the silence were Fred and George.

After a brief shock, the twins suddenly jumped up and strode towards the Slytherin table.

"Malfoy, your Gallon is now ours!" Fred laughed loudly, "Have you seen that Harry has really become a warrior!"

"That's impossible!" Malfoy blurted out.

He looked at the note in Dumbledore's hand in disbelief, and then at Harry, who was sitting by the Gryffindor table with a dazed expression, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Shady! Absolutely shady!" Malfoy protested loudly, "I remember clearly that Potter is only 14 years old! He is younger than me, why can he cross the age line!"

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