Krum raised his head blankly, his eyes still full of shock.

"You didn't adapt in time," Dracula pointed out Krum's problem.

"Actually, Australian Opaleye's eyes without Tongren are quite obvious. The first moment you see it, you should realize that the Eye Sickness Curse may not have the expected effect on it, but you still ignore the follow-up countermeasures."

"Battle can never be foolproof by relying on a single spell..."

Dracula's reminder was over, and then, like driving away a small bug, he sorted out the whole thing.

He took off his clothes, turned around and left the arena leisurely.

The narrator, Ludo Bagman, finally recovered from his horror when he watched Dracula leave.

"Aha, this... We can see that the configuration of the Four-wizard Tournament is quite high." He smiled awkwardly, and said with a trembling tone, "It turns out that our security guards are fully protected. The Warriors have the ability to be safe, with him, the probability of problems in the game will be greatly reduced!"

The audience finally came to their senses and applauded enthusiastically. Many people's palms were red.

The scene just now was really exciting!

A tiny human being blocked the huge dragon with his bare hands, and even sent the dragon flying with a single slap...

They have never seen this scene before!

On the field, several nurses from the Hogwarts Infirmary hurriedly carried a stretcher to Krum's side and asked him if he had any injuries.

Krum held the half-broken golden egg and refused to go to the infirmary for an examination. Instead, he chose to stay in the audience and continue to watch the rest of the game.

The dragon trainers from the Romanian Fire Dragon Sanctuary hurried forward to check whether the Australian Opaleye was injured, and cooperated to drag it off the field, and then brought the fire dragon that the warriors will face in the next game to the field.

"Ahem... Next, let the judges rate Mr. Krum."

Bagman suddenly remembered his business, and then presided over the process of the game: "This is the first warrior who has led the safety off the field. What kind of score will the judges give him?"

The expression on Mr. Crouch's face was a little impatient, and he took the lead in raising the scoring board with the number "5" written on it;

Bagman thought for a while, perhaps because he and Krum were both professional Quidditch players, and gave him a score of 7;

Dumbledore, Ms. Maxim, and Professor Hicks also raised their signs one after another, with 7 points, 6 points, and 7 points respectively.

When the audience's eyes turned to the last judge, Durmstrang's headmaster Karkaroff, they were shocked to see that the headmaster shamelessly gave Krum a 9...

In the end, Krum scored 41 points and temporarily ranked third.

"Shady! Definitely shady!" Fred and George raised their loudspeakers again and shouted at Karkaroff.

"Why! Why did Cedric, who managed to get the whole golden egg, only get 6 points, and Klum, who only got the broken golden egg and let Professor Dracula rescue him, got 9 points? "

Many young wizards at Hogwarts were also yelling and protesting, complaining about the bravery of their own school.

As for those fans who want to support Krum regardless of right or wrong, they have long been condemned by other young Hogwarts wizards and drowned in the anger of Hogwarts students.

"I, Karkaroff, absolutely did not favor Victor!"

Karkaroff is still quibbling: "Although there are some small flaws in Victor's game, his courage to face the dragon is something that no other warrior has, so I think he deserves this score !"


Boos all over the place.

It's a pity that Karkaroff didn't care about the audience's comments at all. Instead, he sat triumphantly on the judge's seat and urged Bagman to start the next game.

"Okay, there was a small episode, but it's not a big problem." Bagman sighed, and immediately regained his energetic state, "Let's see... the next player is John from Infamorney Mister Kowalski!"

"The fire dragon he is going to face is the Fireball Dragon of Huaguo, which is often called "Dragon Lion" by the wizards in the East. It is a very strange-looking species among fire dragons..."

In the sound of Bagman's introduction, John had already entered the arena, staring at the fire dragon covered with smooth scarlet scales.

As Bagman said, the shape of the Huaguo Fireball Dragon is indeed quite strange. It has a snub nose on its face, surrounded by a circle of golden tassel-like spikes, and its eyes are protruding like two big light bulbs.

"Okay, after the first three rounds of competition, we have seen different ways of different warriors dealing with the fire dragon, and their performances are very exciting..." Bagman said, "Next

Come on, let's witness what Mr. Kowalski will do..."

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Bagman's voice stopped abruptly.

The audience was a little confused by the narrator's half-speaking behavior, but when they looked at John's actions, all their actions stopped in unison, just like Bagman.

Some of the audience present widened their eyes and stared blankly at John; some mouths twitched, not knowing what to say or how to react; Seeing appearance.

Amidst the strange eyes of the audience and the commentator, Dracula curiously cast his eyes on John on the field.

The next moment, Dracula's expression almost didn't tense——

He saw that John was shaking his hands, twisting his thighs and hips, shaking his waist, dancing a dance that he didn't know what it should be called... Well, maybe it can be called a dance...

"What is he doing? Is he dancing samba?" In the auditorium, Ron watched John's movements in a daze, and asked Hermione beside him.

"I don't think Samba should be like this..." The well-informed Hermione was also confused, and said hesitantly, "Maybe this is a ceremony before the start of the wizarding competition in America?"

At the judges' table, Dumbledore also had a cheerful smile on his face.

"Larry, John's tango is pretty good." He said to Professor Hicks with a smile.

"It's not tango, Albus..." Professor Hicks' already dark face became even darker, "You know exactly what he's doing!"

On the other side of the auditorium, Rolf Scamander in the Hufflepuff crowd covered his eyes incredulously.

"Did your grandpa secretly cook for him?" Dracula's voice suddenly rang in his ears.

Rove opened his eyes and saw that Professor Dracula, who was flying above the arena, appeared in the audience at some point, with a face full of laughter.

"Ah, Professor Dracula, you guessed it all..." He glanced around and said in a low voice, "John actually learned the knowledge of magical animals from his grandfather for several years. This time Harry put the content of the competition After telling me, he directly contacted my grandpa with my double-sided mirror..."

"As soon as my grandfather heard that John was going to deal with the fire dragon, he was very happy to teach him a "dance" in the mirror... Well, it's the thing John is dancing now."

Dracula laughed out loud.

He couldn't help laughing at the thought of Newt standing behind the little two-way mirror, dancing with his arms twisted and twisted.

"Your grandpa is so talented, he actually figured out how to use dancing to deal with fire dragons... Hahahahaha..." At the end of the sentence, Dracula finally couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Next time I ask him to dance for me, I really want to know how the old guy in his 90s twisted his waist..."

"My grandpa's health is good, let alone the low-difficulty dance of the fire dragon..." Luo Fu said blushing, "Even if it is the courtship dance of the rhinoceros and the dance of the manticore, he can do it." Can jump!"

"Didn't your grandma stop him from doing this weird "dance"?" Dracula asked curiously.

"My grandma didn't want it at first," Luo Fu coughed dryly, "but the more he danced, the better he became, so in the end, even my grandma joined..."

"As expected of Newt, there really is him..." Dracula gave a thumbs up silently.

Just at this moment, a little witch with messy dirty blond hair came over and inserted herself between Dracula and Rove.

"Good afternoon, Professor Dracula." She greeted in a fluttering tone.

"Good afternoon, Miss Lovegood." Dracula smiled lightly, "Are you here to find Rove?"

"Hmm!" Luna nodded, and then took out two hats out of nowhere.

Perhaps these two hats should not use the quantifier "top", but should use "only"——

Both hats are

It has the shape of a lion's head and is as big as a real lion's head. Luna holds it in her hand and makes a very realistic roar from time to time.

"Luna, what are you..." Rove glanced at the hat in Luna's hand, feeling a little ominous in his heart.

"Rove, the next game is Harry's match, let's cheer for him together!" Luna said happily, "Look, these two hats can reflect Harry's Gryffindor school." , and just enough to cover the voices of other people with the lion's roar!"

She smiled and stuffed the lion head hat into Rove's hand.

Rove looked at Professor Dracula with a desperate expression, hoping that he could say something, but...

"Very good idea, Miss Lovegood." Dracula said happily, "You will definitely become the coolest little wizards on the field today!"

The end of the first game

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Just when Rove reluctantly put on the lion hat, the surrounding audience suddenly let out bursts of astonishment and exclamation.

Dracula looked at the arena, only to find that the Huaguo Fireball Dragon was following John's movements, twisting its body in a pattern, shaking its head from time to time, jumping left and right to play.

Later, John used the Summoning Charm to conjure a big colored ball, connected with a Flying Charm, and threw the colored ball in front of the dragon's face.

The fire dragon immediately blinked its protruding bulb-like eyes, jumped forward excitedly, grabbed the colored ball with two paws, then started rolling on the ground with its arms around the colored ball.

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Everyone watched John walk towards the nest where the dragon hid the golden egg, took the golden egg away from its nest, and patted the dragon's scales along the way, with a posture of "I'll exchange the colored ball with you for the golden egg" .

And Huolong didn't have any intention of objecting. He still kept playing with the colored ball, kicking his legs excitedly from time to time.


Judge: "..."

Dragon Trainer: "..."

"This is what your grandfather taught him?" Dracula's mouth twitched, and he looked at Rove, who was wearing a lion head hat.

"No, my grandfather doesn't know what fire dragon he's going to face..."

Luo Fu shook the lion's head speechlessly. His lion's head and the head of the Huaguo Fireball Dragon looked a little bit similar.

"I guess... John may have remembered my grandfather's method of taming the Zouwu when he was in France." Rove thought for a moment, then hesitated, "At that time, Grandpa used a cat teaser in the shape of a bird to tame the Zouwu. Lied into his box..."

"I know," Luna smiled happily with a lion's head on her head, "no cat can refuse the temptation of a cat teaser and a ball of yarn!"

"Well, I know why this dragon is called "Dragon and Lion" by the orientals..." Dracula raised his hand and raised his forehead, "So the "lion" of "Dragon and Lion" is the "lion" of lion dance? "

At this point, John had left the arena holding his intact golden egg, while Bagman didn't know what to say for a while, and was racking his brains for a commentary.

Suddenly, Karkaroff slapped the table and stood up from the judges' seat.

"I protest!" he yelled, "Why is the fire dragon he is facing so docile, but Krum's is so violent? This is definitely unfair in the game!"

Karkaroff's voice was loud, as if he wanted to gain the approval of others.

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