However, except for the Durmstrang students he brought and Krum's die-hard fans, everyone else was looking at him with disdain.

The most unfair place in the Big Four Tournament is you, the judge...

Professor Hicks, who has always been very good-tempered, was also a little annoyed by Karkaroff's protest. She turned her head and glared at Karkaroff.

"All dragons were carefully selected in the Romanian Dragon Reserve before the competition, and the process of drawing lots was completely open. Why do you think John took advantage?" Professor Hicks asked sternly.

"What's more, even though this fire dragon is indeed a little more docile than the others, its weakness was discovered by John himself! Can you guarantee that other people can achieve the same effect as John?"

Karkaroff was left speechless by what Professor Hicks said, so he had to attribute the problem to the wrong selection of dragons in the Romanian Fire Dragon Reserve.

"I don't think those who train dragons pick their dragons properly."

He looked at Dumbledore and Ms. Maxim, trying to unite with them, "Don't you think? The strength of these fire dragons is so different, it is a very unfair thing..."

"Oh, Professor Karkaroff, the staff of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary are professional, and they have worked hard to select fire dragons with similar difficulty." Dumbledore smiled, "I think this game is fair."

As the discoverer of "The Twelve Uses of Dragon's Blood", Dumbledore himself has extensive research on fire dragons. He can naturally see that these fire dragons have different abilities and sizes.

But relatively speaking, the difference in difficulty for the Warriors is not that great.

Karkaroff snorted coldly, then turned to look at Ms. Maxim.

"The Hogwarts students are rated No.1 now, so of course Dumbledore won't have any objections." He said dissatisfiedly, "What do you think, Maxim?"

Ms. Maxim hesitated for a moment, but in the end, she was worried about the safety of the students and she didn't want to make any further details, for she was afraid of encountering more dangerous situations in the rematch...

In addition, Ms. Maxim is not as thick-skinned as Karkaroff. She felt a little guilty about telling Furong about the content of the game in advance, so she didn't agree with Karkaroff's opinion.

"I have no problem with the fairness of this match, Karkaroff," she said.

"Okay, very good! It seems that you are all satisfied with the scores of your students." Karkaroff said angrily, "But the fire dragon that Victor met is obviously the most difficult. If his opponent is Hua National Fireball..."

"You are a little too strong, Professor Karkaroff!"

At this moment, the voice of a young wizard sounded from behind the judges' bench.

As one of the leaders of the Fire Dragon Reserve in this competition, Charlie Weiss hurried up the steps when he discovered the dispute over the judges' bench, ready to explain to the judges how they selected the fire dragons.

When Karkaroff jumped angrily, he happened to be at the jury table.

"Professor Karkaroff, in fact, Australian Opaleye is the most tempered of the five dragons!" Charlie said bluntly, "If your student didn't use the eye sickness spell to anger it, it would be The easiest fire dragon to deal with."

He has never had a good impression of Karkaroff, who is messing around, so there is no room for him to speak.

"On the contrary, Huaguo Fireball is one of the best among the five fire dragons in terms of flame temperature, physical strength, and temper. Except for the Hungarian Horntail that has not yet appeared, it is definitely the most difficult fire dragon!"

"Listen to my advice, Professor Karkaroff, the different ways the warriors deal with the fire dragons finally determine the different difficulties we see in our eyes!"

Charlie stared straight into Karkaroff's eyes, and said every word.

After hearing Charlie's statement, Karkaroff's face was a little stiff, but he was still unwilling to let Krum get the lowest score.

"Empty words have no proof, who can speak with their mouths alone..." His confidence was a little weak, but his words were still stubborn.

"That's enough, Karkaroff!" Barty Crouch, the director of the Department of International Magic Exchange who had been silent on the judging panel, suddenly looked at Karkaroff coldly, "Why are you messing around so much?" When? Do you really want to ruin this game?!"

Seeing Mr. Crouch's cold eyes, Karkaroff shivered unconsciously.

As a member of the Death Eaters in the war 13 years ago, his fear of the Iron-Blooded Law Enforcement Director hadn't diminished much. Facing Crouch's cold stare, Karkaroff suddenly I didn't have the courage to raise any objections at all.

Seeing that Karkaroff stopped talking, Crouch held up his scoreboard with a cold face - "10 points".

Next, except for Karkaroff who was not convinced and only scored 5 points because John's dance was not beautiful enough, the other judges gave John 10 points.

In the end, John got an excellent score of 55 points, ranking the current No.1.

"Ludo, continue the game." After scoring, Crouch said to Bagman with a cold face.

He immediately returned to his indifferent expression and looked at the field indifferently.

"Ah, ahem... that's good, we have invited the next warrior to come on stage!" Bagman nodded quickly, and shouted at the tent on the edge of the arena.

"This is the last warrior to appear, Harry Potter from Hogwarts!" Under the effect of the amplifying spell, his voice spread throughout the audience, "The opponent Mr. Potter will face is A Hungarian Horntail—"

"This breed of dragon is widely considered by dragon trainers to be the most dangerous

Fire Dragon... I have to say that Mr. Potter's luck is not very good..."

In the voice of Bagman's commentary, Harry walked towards the field with complicated emotions.

He already knew that John Kowalski, who was ahead of him, had finished the race, but he didn't know what happened afterwards, so he waited a long time in the tent.

This long wait almost exhausted his courage.

Harry stepped outside through the tent's entrance, the tension in his heart building up until it couldn't be increased.

At last he was on the field and saw everything around him as if in a brightly colored dream—hundreds of faces watching him from the stands above as if in a life-and-death drama.

At the other end of the field, the Hungarian Horntail stood impressively.

It crouched low, guarding its nest of eggs, its wings half-folded, its vicious yellow eyes fixed on Harry.

The Hungarian Horntail is enormous, covered in black scales, with yellow eyes and bronze horns.

Seeing Harry walking slowly in the distance, it violently twisted its spiked tail, leaving several meters of potholes on the hard ground.

There was an uproar in the audience, whether these voices were friendly or malicious, Harry had no way of knowing, and he no longer cared.

Now he does what he has to do...

He raised his wand—

"Firebolt (ioFirebolt)!"

Hearing Harry's Flying Curse, Dracula glanced over the barriers and glanced at the willow tree outside the auditorium where Ron hid his broom before.

He saw that behind the willow tree, an exquisite broom suddenly floated up, and then quickly flew towards the field of the semi-finals.

It deftly bypassed the surrounding thick trees, passed through the rows of seats in the auditorium, and flew over the gradually rising sunset in the sky... Its speed was getting faster and faster, and then it stopped suddenly, steadily The ground was taken in Harry's hand.

"Look! Mr. Potter uttered a spell, it's... the Flying Curse!" Bagman's voice resounded throughout the arena, "Potter got a broomstick, oh my god, what an incredible idea !"

"I remembered that Mr. Potter is the youngest Seeker at Hogwarts. Within three years of enrolling, he won two Quidditch Cups for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. Great credit..."

But Bagman's voice was barely heard by Harry, who now felt more relaxed than ever with his broom tightly gripped.

He lifted his legs onto the broomstick, kicked off the ground, and flew into the air.

Harry circled up quickly, the wind blew his hair, and the audience below turned into little people who couldn't see clearly, and the huge hornet shrank to the size of a dog.

He suddenly realized-

What he abandoned was not only the ground, but also his fear... He returned to the place where he was at home...

Just another Quidditch match, nothing more, the Horntails just another tough team.

Looking down at the clutch of eggs guarded by the dragon, Harry made out the golden egg, gleaming like a star among its lime-gray companions lying securely between the dragon's forelegs. The Golden Snitch in the game.

"Very well," Harry said to himself, "tricks, plus Ronsky feints . . . come on!"

He swooped down, and the Horntail's head swung with him.

Harry knew what it was going to do, and just in time it stopped its dive and jumped up.A mass of fire burst out, and if he didn't avoid it in time, he would be caught in the spray.

But Harry didn't care, as if he was just dodging a Bludger.

"My God, he flies really well!" cried Bagman. "Did you see that, Mr. Krum? Too bad you didn't think of doing that..."

The audience in the audience were also screaming and cheering. Harry's Gryffindor friends held up a banner with "Harry Potter" written on it, and two little wizards on the Hufflepuff side held up the flag. A funny lion head hat cheers Harry on.

Even the students who didn't get along well with Harry couldn't help being amazed by his movements, and even some Slytherin students

The students couldn't help waving the flag with Harry's name on it...

Of course, they forgot that in addition to the name, there was also the words "smelly shit"...

After a series of tugging and probing, everything went smoothly for Harry except for one arm being scratched by the sharp and stinging tail of the Hungarian Horntail.

Enraged by his success, the hornet spread its wings and rattled the chains.

At the same time, Harry rushed to the nest of eggs with lightning speed, released the Firebolt, and freed his hands—

He caught the golden egg as accurately as he had caught the Snitch so many times.

Immediately, he soared into the sky with a "swoosh", flew away from the giant dragon, and hovered over the sky where the fire dragon could not reach.

The heavy golden egg lay under the uninjured arm.

Chapter 260 The Caster Who Was Nowhere to Be Found

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"Oh, look!" Bagman shouted loudly, "Our youngest warrior got the golden egg at the fastest speed! Facts have proved that Mr. Potter is no less than other warriors!"

Bagman was going to be overjoyed.

He thought that the first game would not be easy to operate, and Harry refused his help, probably because he couldn't get the golden egg that represented success.

However, to Bagman's surprise, Harry, as the youngest warrior, not only got the golden egg, but also accomplished it very well!

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Harry slowly landed on the periphery of the auditorium. Seeing the dragon trainers rushing to the arena to appease the anger of the Hungarian Horntail, Ron and Hermione rushed down from their seats with expressions full of excitement. Hagrid and Professor McGonagall also hurried over to meet him.

For the first time in months, Harry felt so relaxed that the wound on his arm was almost painless... because he passed the first task, he survived.

"That's wonderful, Potter!" cried Professor McGonagall as soon as he dismounted from the Firebolt.

These words came from the mouth of the stern Professor McGonagall, which is already a rare and extremely high praise.

Harry noticed that her hand on his shoulder was trembling slightly, "Before the referee scores, you need to go to Madam Pomfrey... Right there, Digory has passed away, the injury on your arm needs to be Get her to help you heal."

"You did it, Harry!" Hagrid said excitedly beside him, "Did you hear that just now? Charlie said the Horntail was the fiercest of them all!"

"Thank you, Hagrid," said Harry loudly, and kept winking at Hagrid lest he go on rashly and give away the fact that he had taken himself to see the dragons beforehand.

Hermione and Ron hugged Harry in turn, and Hermione even cried with joy for Harry's success in surviving the fire dragon.

As Harry sat outside the emergency tent, receiving treatment from Madam Pomfrey, the scoring for the final match began.

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