Even though one warrior was eliminated, the game still continued.

The song of the mermaid reminding the game time rang out from under the black lake——

"Only an hour to find and retrieve what we took...don't delay, half the time is over before what you seek rots here..."

Halfway through the game time, the first warrior who discovered the "treasure" finally appeared.

Unsurprisingly, it's John Kowalski riding a kelpie.

At this time, it can be seen from the Hogwarts title deed, which once again became the tallest building on the site after the water wall disappeared, that John swam to a place like a village.

While looking around, he drove the horse-shaped water monster to swim quickly.

There are many dwellings made of stone around, and they are still increasing.Gradually, the shapes of those dwellings became more and more refined, and some dwellings were surrounded by gardens—spaces planted with aquatic plants and lotus pods.

Some small dwellings had a small Grinlody on a leash, like a watchdog.

Mermaids emerged from all directions, and they all looked at John curiously. When they saw the horse-shaped water monster under John, their eyes showed vigilance. Some mermaids took out steel forks from the house, while others covered their hands Whispering.

John quickly turned a corner and arrived at a very strange scene.

The place seemed to be the square of a small mermaid village, surrounded by houses, and in front of them a large school of mermaids floated.

Some mermaids in the middle were singing in unison, calling for the warriors to come over.Behind them stood a crude statue: a mermaid carved out of boulder.On the tail of the mermaid stone statue, five people were firmly bound.

Most of these people's faces were familiar, including Qiu Zhang, Ginny, Rove, and a little girl with cloudy silver hair.

Viewers compared this silver hair to Fleur's, and soon realized that the little girl, at most eight years old, was the sister Fleur had just mentioned, Gabrielle Delacour.

In addition to these four young wizards, there is also an older wizard wearing the uniform of the Bulgarian Quidditch National Quidditch Team.

All five of them seemed to be in a deep sleep, with their heads limply shrugged on their shoulders, and a string of thin blisters kept coming out of their mouths.

"Ginny! Why is she there?" Ron in the audience exclaimed, "Also, isn't that Hilma Dennison? It seems to be Klum's best friend in the Bulgarian national team."

He turned to look at Hermione, only to find that Hermione's face was a little red.

"What's wrong with you, Hermione?" Ron asked strangely.

"It's nothing..." Hermione covered her face with her hands and shook her head heavily.

What she didn't tell Ron was that the staff of the original Four Strong Tournament planned to find her as Krum's "treasure".

But because of the conflict with Ron some time ago, and the dilemma that Harry couldn't find a way to deal with the game, Hermione deeply realized that her two friends probably needed her more than Krum.

So she declined the staff's invitation and chose to stay in the library with Harry and Ron to find a way to deal with the second game.

The staff of the Four-wild Tournament had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and found Krum's best friend on the Bulgarian National Quidditch team...or his only friend, as Krum's "treasure" arrangement In the depths of the lake.

At this moment, in the picture on the title deed, John was keenly aware of what he should do.

So he took out his wand from his pocket, leaned close to the rope wrapped around Rove's body, and said silently:


As an experienced adult wizard, the effect of using spells in water is obviously much stronger than that of Harry.

Although this cutting curse was not as powerful as the one on the ground, it was enough to cut off the rope on Rove's body.

After rescuing Rove, John drove the horse-shaped water monster to circle above the water without hesitation, setting off violent waves.

"Okay, our first warrior has succeeded!" In the commentary, Bagman shouted, "Mr. John Kowalski, he rescued him in less than four and ten minutes." lost his partner!"

After John surfaced, the audience erupted into cheers.

He smiled wearily, put Rove on the shore, and waved at the horse-shaped water monster.

This 4X magical animal turned around in a circle before disappearing into the deep lake.

However, unlike the excited and cheering audience, Fu Rong, who was sitting in the medical tent, looked somewhat disappointed——

She thought the other warriors would help her save her sister.

"There's no need to be sullen." Dracula laughed softly and said to her.

"Even if other warriors don't save your sister, there will still be a fool in this game who will save those who have nothing to do with him despite the dissuasion of others."

Chapter 270 The idiot boy in the semifinals

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More than half of the time has passed, and the current situation on the field is that one warrior has been eliminated, and one warrior has successfully rescued his partner.

The game is still going on.

There are still three warriors in the black lake who are still struggling to swim, looking for the "treasure" in the hint given by the golden egg.

Finally, with only ten minutes left before the hour limit, Harry swung his webbed fingers, breathed through the gills on the outside of his neck, and swam to the mermaid village where John had been before.

He swam past the mermaids vigilantly, for fear that the guys who raised Grindyll would suddenly stop them, and quickly swam around the mermaids singing in the small square, and swam to the rough stone statue.

On the mermaid's tail carved out of huge stones, one of the five people who were originally tightly bound was rescued, and now there are still four people who have not been rescued.


Harry saw the little witch with fiery red hair at a glance.

He struggled to swim towards the place where the hostages were, and was careful to watch out for groups of merfolk nearby.

Harry thought that the merfolk would attack him with steel forks, but fortunately, the merfolk kept their agreement with Dumbledore and did not do so.

The rope that tied the hostages to the statue was made of water grass, thick and slippery, and very strong.Moreover, there are countless strange knots in these ropes, which cannot be untied in a short time.

However, after the test just now, Harry didn't have the ability to use spells smoothly in the water, and couldn't cut the rope with the cutting spell, after all, he couldn't even use the silent spell... Now he only wished he had a knife with him.

Harry looked around, and there were many merfolk around the hostages with sharp steel forks in their hands.

So he swam quickly to a seven-foot merman with a long green beard and a choker of shark's teeth, and begged to borrow its spear.

The mermaid laughed and shook her head.

"We can't help," he said in a husky, low voice through the water.

"Bring it here!" Harry said savagely.

But there were only some blisters coming out of his mouth, and no sound came out at all.

He swam forward a few feet quickly, grabbed the steel fork in the mermaid's hand, and tried to wrest it from him.

But even though Harry took the gills weed, which allowed him to adapt to the water environment, his strength was obviously not as strong as the mermaid who had been swimming in the water all year round.

The mermaid easily pulled back the steel fork, then threw Harry aside casually, and then burst out laughing, as if mocking the weakness of this so-called "warrior".

Harry didn't have time to get angry about it though, he turned eagerly in the water, then looked around for something sharp...anything...

Fortunately, there are some fragmented stone flakes scattered on the bottom of the lake, many of which are relatively sharp.

Harry swooped down, grabbed a particularly sharp one, and went back to the statue.

He hacked hard at the ropes that bound Ginny with stones. Even so, it took several minutes until his arms were sore that he could barely break the ropes.

With her eyes closed, Ginny floated delirious a few inches above the bottom of the lake, bobbing to and fro with the waves.

Harry took a few breaths from the cheek pouch on the side of his neck, and looked around blankly.

John should have rescued a hostage, but the other warriors are still missing.

Harry hesitated.

He heard a voice in his heart saying that as long as Ginny was rescued, the other hostages were the tasks of other warriors and had nothing to do with him.

Besides, according to the situation that there are still four people left, John must have only taken one person away...John, who has such a powerful helper, has only taken one person away, so why does he have to meddle in those nosy things?

Harry took Ginny's arm, ready to take her back to shore.

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a strand of smooth black hair that was still tied to the stone statue——

Autumn Zhang.

Harry's memory flashed back to the second grade, the age when he was obsessed with this girl.

which is

Now that he has let go of this period of youthful agitation when he was young, it is not so easy to completely let go of him as a stranger... What's more, it is thanks to Cedric that he was able to get to this point.

Harry stopped swimming with his flippers.

His eyes moved, and it suddenly occurred to him that of course John didn't need to save other people——

When John came here, it was still early before the time limit of one hour. What he thought in his heart must be to finish the game as soon as possible, rather than doubting that other warriors could not save their "treasure"...

If it weren't for the fact that there were only 10 minutes left in the hour, Harry wouldn't have questioned whether the other warriors could come to this position.

However, if, as the mermaid's song said, the hostages would "rot here" after the one-hour time limit, then he couldn't just sit idly by!

Gritting his teeth, Harry suddenly turned around and swam back to the stone statue, picked up the sharp stone before, and knocked on the rope on Qiu Zhang.

The next moment, several pairs of thick, taupe hands grabbed him.

Six or seven mermen pulled him away from Cho Chang, shaking their green-haired heads and tugging at him viciously.

"You can only take your own hostages," one of the merfolk said to him, "don't worry about the others..."

"No!" Harry yelled angrily, but only two bubbles came out of his mouth.

"Your project is to rescue your own friends, never mind the others!" said the mermaid.

"She's my friend too!" Harry yelled loudly, pointing at Cho Zhang, and a big silver bubble came out of his lips soundlessly, "And I don't want anyone else to die either!"

Qiu Zhang's face was pale, and her long hair fluttered gently in the water. The little girl with silver hair had blue cheeks and looked lifeless.

Harry struggled to get away from the merman, but they pulled harder and pulled him back.

His chest heaved violently, and he looked around in despair.

Where have all the other warriors gone?If he got Ginny to the surface and came back to rescue Cho Chang and the others, would it be too late?Will he still find them?

He looked down at his watch, wondering how much time was left...but his watch was already soaked in water, and the hands didn't move.

At this moment, the surrounding mermaids suddenly pointed excitedly at the top of Harry's head, and let out bursts of sharp screams.

Harry looked up to see Cedric swimming towards them.

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