Cedric has a huge air bubble around his head, making his features look comically elongated and widened.

"Sorry, I got lost just now!" He lip-synced, with an equally nervous expression, "Fleur and Krum should be coming soon."

Harry felt a stone fell to the ground, and he watched Cedric with a little envy as he took out his wand from his pocket, used a silent spell to turn the stone into a knife, cut the rope quickly, and rescued Cho Chang.

After cutting the rope, Cedric turned his head and nodded to Harry, and pulled Cho Chang upriver, where he disappeared in no time.

Harry looked around, waiting.

He wanted to make sure that Fleur and Krum rescued their companions in time to prevent any accidents to those hostages after more than an hour

On the shore, outside the medical tent, Furong looked at the picture on the Hogwarts title deed with red eyes.

"Is this the friend Rove made at Hogwarts?" John also came to the medical tent, stood beside Fleur, and sighed softly, "He is indeed a silly boy, but he has to be admired."

He came here after rescuing Rove, and handed Rove over to Madam Pomfrey for a medical examination.

"Am I right? There will be a fool to save your sister." Dracula chuckled softly, "I may be able to guess why Dumbledore likes him so much."

In the judges' seat, Professor Hicks turned his head to look at Dumbledore and smiled slightly.

"Albus, you Hogwarts warriors handed over the No.2 you got, why do you feel so elated?" she asked.

"Oh, nothing, suddenly thought

Happy things. said Dumbledore, unable to hide the smile on his face.


In the depths of the Black Lake, another warrior came to the square where the hostages were.

Harry turned to see a huge creature swimming towards them, a human body in swimming trunks and a shark's head on top...it was Krum.

It looks like he's trying to create a body shapeshifter for himself, but it's not very successful... Or, it's only half successful.

Even so, the degree to which half of the human body can be deformed is quite remarkable.

The half-man, half-shark Krum swam straight to his Bulgarian national team-mate, Hilma Dennison.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms

Harry had a feeling that Krum seemed a bit disappointed when he saw that his "treasure" was Hilmar, as if he thought the hostage here should be someone else.

After Krum came to Hilma's side, he was a little helpless, pulling and biting the rope on him with the shark's mouth... The problem is that Krum's new teeth have a strange structure, and he can bite anything smaller than a dolphin. It all looks awkward.

And Harry can be sure that Krum's actions are not careful, he is going to tear Hilma in two... Harry rushed forward, patted Krum's shoulder hard, and lifted the piece pointed stone.

Krum grabbed it and started hacking at Hilma's rope.

As it turned out, Krum had far more strength than Harry, and he was successful in a matter of seconds.

He grabbed his teammate's waist, and without looking back, he quickly led him to the surface of the water.

Now there was only one hostage left, the little silver-haired girl.

Furong hasn't come here yet, what should I do?Harry thought anxiously.

He wasn't sure when the game time would come to an hour. It seemed that Furong must have encountered some trouble... There is no other way now, only...

Outside the medical tent, Fleur looked nervously at the picture on the land deed. Harry grabbed the stone thrown by Krum and came to Gabrielle Delacour's side.

But the mermaids gathered around Ginny and Gabriel, shaking their heads at Harry.

Harry drew his wand viciously.

"Get out of the way!" A string of bubbles came out of his mouth.

But he was well aware that the merfolk understood him, for their expressions changed suddenly, and they looked terrified with cloudy yellow eyes fixed on Harry's wand.

There were many of them, and Harry was alone.

But Harry could tell from the flustered looks on their faces that they seemed to be terrified of magic... just twenty minutes ago, the mermaid he was facing hadn't shown such emotions.

Bagman on the commentary seat had a weird expression, looking at Dracula standing on the shore.

"Obviously, these mermaids are afraid of the wand in Mr. Potter's hand..." he said, "If my guess is correct, the spell that Professor Dracula used to rescue Fleur not long ago gave the underwater mermen It left too much shock, and made them have an unprecedented awe of magic..."

In the depths of the Black Lake, Harry raised his wand high above his head.

"I'm counting to three!" he yelled, a stream of bubbles spewing from his mouth.

Harry held up three fingers to make sure they understood him.

"One!" He lowered one finger, and the mermaids looked at him blankly, but hesitated and did not move.

"Two..." He lowered his second finger.

The mermaid finally couldn't restrain the fear in his heart, and scattered in all directions, looking back at the wand in Harry's hand from time to time, for fear that he would launch a sudden attack.

Harry rushed forward, slashing Gabriel's rope as he had freed Ginny.

Finally, Gabriel is also free.

Harry picked up the two little witches, Ginny and Gabriel, one by one in each hand, kicked his feet, and left the bottom of the lake.

Even with the effect of gill grass, it is still very difficult for Harry to swim to the lake with two people, especially in this situation where both hands can't move smoothly.


Fortunately, the weight of the two little girls was so light that he could barely support them.

Harry flapped his webbed feet desperately, but within a few minutes, he found that these feet had turned back into ordinary human feet...

His heart sank suddenly, and he realized that an hour had come.

The merman swam up with him, and Harry saw them swimming around him with ease, watching him struggle in the water... Now that the time was up, would they pull him back to the bottom?Will they eat people?

Harry became more and more out of breath, and all kinds of terrible guesses kept appearing in his mind...

He began to realize very clearly how wet and cold the lake water in his mouth was... His consciousness also gradually became thinner, and the two slender little witches held by his hands seemed to have turned into two heavy shot put...

"Professor, Potter seems to have no strength..." Furong stood up from her seat with red eyes, and said anxiously to Dracula, "I beg you to save them quickly!"

Dracula frowned, seemingly dissatisfied with the result.But he finally nodded and took a step forward.

At this moment, John suddenly stopped Dracula's movements.

He picked up a leaf that had been in his hand for a long time, and played a melodious melody.

The second project ends

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Moments before Harry fell into a coma, there seemed to be a wide, whistling cry in his ears.


The chirping sound was getting closer and closer, and it seemed that a horse-shaped water monster with broad-leaf cattails as a mane broke through the waves in the lake, and in an instant came under Harry, supporting him to swim up the lake.

It could have been a few minutes, or it could have only been an instant, when Harry suddenly felt his head above the water, and the wonderful, fresh, cool air brushed against his damp face.

He woke up suddenly, gulping air, feeling that he had never breathed properly in his life.

The horse-shaped water monster put its head on Harry's back, supported Ginny and Gabriel with its body, and swam to the shore.

Then, with a flick of its tail, it slapped them off the bank, and without looking back, it turned and disappeared into the lake.

Panting heavily, Harry barely stood up on the sand on the bank, and immediately went to check on the situation of Ginny and Gabriel... He was worried that if he had more than an hour, he would let the two mermaids What happened to the captured hostages.

At this moment, a burst of cheers sounded from the stands.

The auditorium was full of people, and the little wizards were shouting and yelling, as if they all stood up.

Harry didn't know what they were cheering for. He guessed that they thought Ginny and the silver-haired little girl were dead... Fortunately, they didn't, and both Ginny and Gabriel opened their eyes.

Gabriel opened her eyes and saw an unfamiliar face, looking terrified and confused, while Ginny stroked her long fiery red hair and blinked at Harry a few times in the bright sunlight.

"You did it, right?" Then she saw Furong's younger sister, the smile on her face restrained a little, and her lips puffed up, "Why did you bring her up too?"

"Fleur didn't show up, I can't leave her behind," Harry replied panting, "What if no one saves her, and she loses her life like the mermaid sang?"

"You're stupid!" Ginny said angrily and amusedly, "How could the professors allow such a thing to happen? After more than 100 years, it's hard to hold a semifinal tournament, and the Ministry of Magic will not be willing to do anything Unexpected."

"But just in case..." Harry lowered his head and said like a mosquito.

"That song is just for you to come back within the stipulated time!" Ginny emphasized, "I hope you didn't delay your time by being a hero and affect your ranking."

Originally, Ginny was a little angry at Harry for saving others, but when she saw Harry's dejected expression, she couldn't help laughing again.

"Okay, now I know you're a good person." Ginny smiled, "At least you've successfully completed this game, and I know you can do it."

"Actually..." Harry hesitated, wanting to tell the truth that he had been helped by Cedric and John Kowalski successively.

However, at this moment, Madam Pomfrey and a few nurses from the school infirmary came over in a fuss, Krum, Fleur, Cedric, and Qiu Zhang, all those who had been in the water, came over. Most of them were wrapped in thick blankets.

Dumbledore and Ludo Bagman came down from the stands, smiling at them.

Percy's face was pale, as if he rarely showed concern for them, and he looked a little more pleasing to the eye than his usual stern-faced image, and rushed over to meet them impatiently.

At the same time, Madame Maxime was holding on to Fleur Delacour—Fleur was so worried about her sister that she was struggling desperately to jump into the water.

"Gabrielle! Gabriel! Is she alive? Is she hurt?" she asked persistently.

"She's fine..." Harry wanted to tell her aloud, but he was too tired to utter a coherent sentence, let alone yell for Fleur to hear.

Percy supported Ginny and pulled her to the shore. Ginny seemed to be reluctant to part with Harry...but Harry was immediately caught by Madam Pomfrey and wrapped in a layer of clothes similar to those of other warriors. thick blanket.

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Then, she forced a hot potion into Harry's mouth, and puffs of hot air came out of his ears.

The head nurse's booster was as effective as ever, and Harry was so exhausted that he almost passed out. At least enough to support him to walk into the medical tent.

Of course, before he passed out completely, Harry wanted to hear his score again.

The judges got together again and decided to give the final score after discussion.

The warriors and their companions were placed in a medical tent under the care of Madam Pomfrey.

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