"You saved her!" Once inside the tent, Fleur walked quickly to Harry's side, almost breathless with excitement, "You saved my sister, Gabriel, even though she's not your partner! "

"Yeah..." Harry said a little depressed.

Now he really hopes that he didn't play this hero back then, and just let them be tied to the stone statue... If so, maybe he can get a better ranking.

But at the next moment, Fleur suddenly lowered her head and kissed Harry twice on each cheek.

Harry's face flushed instantly.

Ginny's face was also red, red with anger.

"What are you doing?!" she asked angrily.

"It's just a common etiquette in our France, little girl." Fleur turned sideways and looked at Ginny and Harry with intriguing eyes, "If you think there is a problem, you can also kiss two as a counterpoint to Ali Reward for saving you!"

Ginny blushed even more, turned around, and decided not to pay attention to this shameless woman.

"Ahem... Well, my name is Harry, not Ali." Feeling a little embarrassed, Harry didn't know what to say, so he had to use the pronunciation of his name to change the subject.

"Oh, I forgot, you need to pronounce the letter "h" here." Furong nodded knowingly, "English is really a troublesome language..."

Harry thought for a moment, then disagreed.

He always felt that the habit of not pronouncing the French consonant "h" but "r" pronouncing the English "h" sound is more troublesome...

Before they had time to start a debate on their respective language habits, Ludo Bagman's magically amplified voice suddenly sounded in their ears, which startled them and shocked the audience in the stands. Suddenly quiet down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have finally reached a decision—"

Bagman said loudly, "Referring to Professor Dracula's real-time broadcast of the situation on the surface of the Black Lake, and the retelling of what happened underwater by Mercus, the leader of the mermaid, we decided to give you a full score of [-] points. The Warriors scored as follows..."

"Fleur Delacour, despite showing excellent use of the Bubble Curse, was attacked by Green Lody as she approached her target and was unsuccessful in rescuing the hostages - we give her 32 points."

There were sparse applause from the stands, and most of them applauded because of Furong's appearance.

"I should get zero points." Fu Rong shook her pretty cheeks and said hoarsely.

"Cedric Diggory also used the Bubble Head Curse, but he also added some human body transformation applications." Bagman continued, "In addition, he was the second one to return with the hostages, and the only one The warrior who finishes the game in the one hour allotted time."

"Therefore, we give him 54 points!"

The Hufflepuffs in the crowd cheered deafeningly.

Harry saw not far from him, Cho Zhang gave Cedric a fiery look.

Immediately, Harry suddenly looked at the taciturn Krum, and realized something in his heart.

If according to what Bagman said, among the five warriors, only Cedric and John should have completed the game within the specified time, then he must have timed out long ago.

That is to say, his gills are strong enough, allowing his transformation to last for more than an hour.

"Viktor Krum used Transfiguration, incomplete but still effective," Bagman continued plausibly, "he was the third to return with the hostages.

Yes, 2 minutes overtime, but fast enough...we give him 50 points. "

Karkaroff slapped his hands very vigorously, and he looked smug. It seemed that Krum's loss in the first game had lowered his goal a lot.

"Finally, there are two warriors whose scores are more controversial, one of which is John Kowalski..." Bagman continued, "He used a tame kelpie to help him complete the first game."

"However! Some judges decided that he used tools outside the competition, and his personal ability could not be reflected, so he gave a low score...Mr. Kowalski's final score was 50 points."

There was an uproar in the audience, and Bagman in the commentary seat glanced at Karkaroff without any trace.

In fact, Karkaroff directly ignored the opinions of other judges and gave John zero points, so that he immediately lost the chance to become No.1 in this project.

It can be seen that Professor Hicks' face is very ugly, and many Infalmorny students also protested loudly.

Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will not have a good face. Professor Hicks has rated Krum fairly and justly, and then Karkaroff, who had promised to be fine, suddenly stabbed her in the back and sentenced her to John zero points...

Now, two completely unequal warriors have scored the same score.

Professor Hicks clenched his wand tightly, as if waiting for the game to be completely over at any time, and planned to teach Karkaroff a lesson he would never forget.

"Harry Potter used gill grass to amazing effect," Bagman continued, "he was the last to return, well past the one-hour time limit . . . however, Potter Mister was the second one to find the hostage."

"He didn't return in time only because he wanted to make sure that all the hostages returned safely, not just his own partners... This is a very noble character, and for me personally, I appreciate his Such behavior."

Bagman smiled smugly, making no secret of the fact that he had just given Harry a perfect [-].

"If everyone is like Bagman, there may be hope." Ginny looked at Harry with half regret and half sympathy, and said to him.

"In fact, most of the referees," said Bagman, glanced at Karkaroff very dissatisfiedly, "they all feel that this fully demonstrates noble morals. However...Mr. Porter's score is 49 point."

However, Harry was very content, his heart was beating for joy - at least this time he was not far behind Cedric and Krum, almost a tie.

Ginny stared blankly at Harry, then relaxed, laughing happily, and clapping furiously with the rest of the audience.

"It's you, Harry!" Ginny shouted, amplifying her voice over the uproar. "So you're not being a hero—you're being moral!"

Fleur was also clapping her hands vigorously, but Krum didn't seem very happy, and hardly said a word to her teammates, just looked at Hermione and Ron standing in the stands.

But Hermione was too busy cheering for Harry to notice him.

Harry thought for a while, stood up and walked towards John Kowalski.

John turned his head to look at him, with a kind smile on his face, "What's the matter, Harry?"

"The last time...you sent Porcupine to pick me up, didn't you?" Harry asked softly.

"Obviously, isn't it?" John smiled, "Actually, Professor Dracula planned to save you, but I suddenly thought that if the security officer made a move, then you would have used the opportunity to call for help and judge the game." fail……"

"At that time, you were not far from the shore. It would be too bad to judge the game as a failure in that situation. So I gave you a little help."

"But haven't you already paid back the favor before? Why do you still help me..." Harry asked in confusion.

John stood up and moved closer to Harry, patting him on the shoulder.

"I admire the fact that you can save other people who have nothing to do with you regardless of the danger." He said softly, "Maybe... I also want to have some sense of participation in this noble behavior?"

At this time, the second event of the Final Four is gradually coming to an end.

"The third—that is, the last project will be carried out on the evening of June 6," Bagman announced the start time of the last project, "The warriors will know the specific content of the project one month in advance, thank you all the audience Support for the Warriors!"

it is finally over.

There are still a few months until June 6th, and they have enough time to rest, and they don't have to worry about anything in a short time...

Thinking of this, Harry stood up confusedly, and together with other warriors and hostages, followed Madam Pomfrey back to the castle to change into dry clothes.

Walking on the road, Harry caught a glimpse of Dracula's tall figure standing on the top of the pillar at the highest point of the stand, meeting Hogwarts Castle under the reflection of the setting sun, like a beautiful silhouette.

He seemed to glance at this side, and then suddenly disappeared.

No one knows where he went.

Chapter 270 Seven Barty Crouch's Secret

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On an island where the sun cannot be seen, the sky is overcast and the sea wind howls.

The island is surrounded by waves, and there are rows of huge black waves one after another, like countless sea beasts breaking free from their cages, and the rough spines covered with seaweed almost touch the sky.

On this island, a lonely fortress is surrounded by tall steel walls.The waves beat on the iron wall, splashing high waves, but no drop of water could cross the towering walls of the island.

Countless dementors dressed in tattered black cloth wandered in the sky as if soaked in water.Wherever they pass, it seems as if all joy is sucked away, reminding one of the scariest things in life.

However, these dementors, who are almost feared and feared by the entire magic world, behaved very abnormally today.

They deliberately bypassed an open space on the island of Azkaban, far away from there, as if there was something more terrifying than these monsters appearing in that direction.

This is a cemetery on the island of Azkaban.

There is no one to take care of it, it is like an abandoned mass grave, where the dead bodies are placed in a mess.

The corpses of wizards tortured to death by dementors in Azkaban were hastily buried, and occasionally some friends or relatives who came here to visit erected a few stones here, which should be regarded as the tombstones of the dead.

A tall figure with long silver hair and burgundy eyes stood quietly beside the cemetery, with a vague thoughtful look on his face.

The countless dementors on the island dare not take a step closer to him——

Most of the dementors have experienced the patron saint curse that covered the entire island, and they have seen their almost immortal companions being completely wiped out... Their fear of Dracula has been deeply engraved on the deep in the memory of the ethnic group.

Dracula was happy not to be bothered by disgusting monsters like dementors, so that he could find someone more conveniently.

Or a ghost.

As early as the Christmas ball, Dracula wanted to come to Azkaban to take a look, but it was only after the end of the second project that he found some free time between the various funs of the Final Four.

Before the Christmas ball, Percy introduced Barty Crouch's family situation to Dracula, mentioned Crouch's death eater son who died in Azkaban, and Crouch who also died during that time wife.

Dracula already had great doubts about Crouch, so naturally he would not let go of this seemingly minor doubt.

Like Barty Crouch Jr., who obtained twelve OLs certificates during school and joined the Death Eaters shortly after graduation, how could he be tortured by dementors for just a few months? Can't bear it?

Dracula stood in front of the cemetery and snapped his fingers lightly.

Next, it seemed that a blood-red silk thread passed through Dracula's hand, hooking on all the almost unformable bones on the ground.

Gradually, these corpses began to show some movement——

In fact, every corpse may still have residual soul fragments still in the body, especially in a cruel place like Azkaban, it is almost impossible for a wizard to die peacefully, and there will be some obsessions more or less ...

These obsessions are the prerequisites for the birth of ghosts.

As Dracula once said to his cheap daughter Serena, he is the purest dark life and is very good at necromancy.

This blood-red silk thread is an application of necromancy, which evokes the broken soul and meager consciousness in the body of the dead that have not completely dissipated, so that Dracula can get some information he needs here.

Under the effect of the blood-red silk thread, one after another transparent figures floated up from among the corpses. Most of them were blind-eyed and unconscious, without any possibility of communicating with them.

However, this is a prison that has existed for an unknown number of years. There are so many dead people, there are always some souls that still retain relatively complete consciousness.

These soul fragments with relatively complete consciousness are actually only a thin line away from forming ghosts.

"What's your name?" Dracula asked softly as he walked up to a phantom wizard with the clearest eyes.

"I... yes, what's my name?" The man with an illusory body

Wu looked at Dracula blankly, and then looked at the surrounding environment, "I seem to remember... I should have died in a prison..."

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