He covered his head in pain, his looming voice seemed hoarse, "I...my name...my name should be..."

"It's okay, just forget it." Dracula interrupted the illusory wizard, the light in his eyes kept flowing, "I want to ask you a few questions, listen carefully..."

As if under control, the wizard suddenly stopped hoarsely, and looked at Dracula solemnly.

"You said." He said in a stiff voice without ups and downs.

"How long have you lived in this cemetery?" Dracula asked casually.

The illusory wizard frowned unconsciously, lost in thought.

"About 30 years." After a long time, the Illusory Wizard slowly spit out these words from his mouth.

It can be seen that the wizard's consciousness is not sure how many years he has been here, so under the control of Dracula's necromancy, he can only give an approximate value.

"30 years...then you must know Barty Crouch Jr., right?" Dracula asked, "He also died on this island more than ten years ago, I still have some questions to ask he."

However, the transparent wizard shook his head.

"I don't know anyone named Barty Crouch Jr. in this cemetery," he said.

Dracula frowned.

"Do you know other people?" He asked softly, "Or, you have no way of contacting other broken souls who died nearby, so you don't know Barty Crouch Jr.?"

"No, I know anyone who is buried here." The transparent wizard retorted, "But I haven't seen a wizard named Barty Crouch Jr."

"Is that so?" Dracula's eyes showed a bit of intriguing color.

Now there are only two possibilities——

The first type, the body of Barty Crouch Jr. was taken away by his father, and was not buried here at all; the second type, Barty Crouch Jr. did not die at all, and has been hiding in the dark...

"Very well, I still need to find someone else to confirm." Dracula nodded.

Next, he found other broken soul bodies with clearer consciousness in turn to inquire, and the answers he got were similar.

The tomb specially set up on this island of Azkaban seems to have never really contained any information about Barty Crouch Jr....

Until I asked a slightly older witch with gray hair.

"I need to ask, do you know a wizard named Barty Crouch Jr.?" Dracula asked as usual, standing in front of the ghostly figure of the witch.

However, unlike other wizards, the moment this witch heard the name of "Barty Crouch Jr.", her child's hole suddenly enlarged, and then she turned her eyes to the side as if nothing had happened.

"Looking at you, you should know Barty Crouch Jr., right?" The red light in Dracula's eyes flickered again, and the witch's eyes gradually lost focus.

Just when Dracula thought she would tell the truth like the souls he had asked before, the witch's eyes suddenly regained consciousness.

There was a trace of panic and agility in her eyes that shouldn't belong to these remnants at all, and she turned her eyes aside, trying to escape from Dracula's side.

"Stop!" Dracula said coldly.

An accident happened to his good necromancer, which made him a little embarrassed.

So, Dracula raised his finger and pointed at the witch——

"Soul out of body (I)

So, at 08:30 that night, Harry separated from Ron and Hermione, who had reconciled as before, in the Gryffindor Tower and went downstairs.Cedric was coming out of the Hufflepuff common room when he walked across the hall.

"What do you think the third project will be?" Cedric asked Harry as they walked down the stone steps together into the overcast night. "Cho and Fleur both think it's going to be an underground tunnel." , they thought we were looking for treasure."

"That's not bad.

said Harry, thinking he'd just have to borrow a Niffler from Rove and let it do the work.

They walked down the pitch-black lawn towards the Quidditch pitch and entered through a gap between the stands.

"What did they do here?" Cedric suddenly stopped and said angrily.

Quidditch pitches are no longer flat and smooth.

It seems that someone has built countless long low walls here, and these low walls are intricate, winding and extending in all directions.

Both Cedric and Harry are loyal fans of Quidditch, and of course they can't accept that the Quidditch pitch they are familiar with has been transformed into this look.

"Looks like a fence!" said Harry, looking down at the low wall closest to him.

"Hello!" shouted a cheerful voice.

Ludo Bagman stands in the middle of the court, next to John, Klum and Fleur.

Harry and Cedric stepped over the low walls towards them.Fleur smiled brightly at Harry as he approached - she'd done a 180-degree turn on him since he rescued her sister from the lake.

"Looks good, don't you think?" Bagman asked cheerfully as Harry and Cedric climbed the last low wall. "It's going pretty fast, isn't it? Two more months, Hagrid." would make them twenty feet tall."

Seeing the unhappy expressions on Harry and Cedric's faces, he smiled and comforted, "Oh, don't worry, your Quidditch pitch will be back to normal as soon as the Tournament is over!"

"Well, I think you can probably guess what we're going to do here?"

Bagman looked at everyone expectantly.

"Maze." After a moment of silence, Krum said in a rough voice.

"By the way!" Bagman clapped his hands together, "It's a maze! The third item is very simple and clear. The Triwizard Tournament Cup is placed in the center of the maze. Whoever touches it first will win the final prize." champion."

"We just need to go through the maze?" Fu Rong asked suspiciously.

This doesn't seem too difficult.

"There's going to be a lot of obstacles," said Bagman cheerfully, hopping on tiptoe, "Hagrid has a whole bunch of animals to offer... and some spells that have to be broken... and stuff like that, you know. "

"In addition, the warrior with the leading score enters the maze first." Bagman glanced at John, "But it doesn't mean that the first to enter will definitely be the first to pass the level. You all have to do your best!"

Harry and the other warriors couldn't help looking at John.

Harry knew all too well what kind of animal Hagrid would offer on such an occasion, and it wasn't fun at all...

In addition, he later learned from Rove that John had studied under the most outstanding magizoologist, Newt Scamander, for a long time. It's his.

"Don't worry, magical animals won't be the only ones." Bagman seemed to see their worries, and explained, "There are other barriers such as protective magic and alchemy products waiting for you!"

After explaining the content of the game, everyone walked over the ever-growing low wall and walked towards the castle.

Bagman hurried beside Harry... Harry felt that he was about to offer to help him again.

Sure enough, Bagman made excuses and dragged Harry to a remote place close to the Forbidden Forest, and he looked a little distraught.

"Listen, Harry, do you think you'll be able to win the championship against the other warriors?" he asked.

"Of course I don't think so." Harry shook his head, but smiled relievedly, "Actually, I'm quite satisfied that I can get to this point, and I don't insist on No.1."

"No, how can you not pursue No.1..." Bagman said urgently, "I can get you No.1!"

Harry shook his head, not wanting to pay any more attention to the referee who didn't know what he was thinking.

At this moment, a rustling sound suddenly came from the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Harry turned his head, staring at the place where there had been movement.He reached inside his robes, fumbling for his wand.

At this time, a man in ragged clothes suddenly stumbled out from behind a tall oak tree.

Harry didn't recognize it for a moment...then he realized it was the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Mr Barty Crouch.

Chapter 270: Insanity

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Mr. Crouch appeared to have been adrift for many days, his robes torn at the knees and bloodstained, his face also bruised, unshaven, gray and haggard.

His otherwise meticulously groomed hair and beard are in a mess and look like they haven't been washed or trimmed in a while.

However, although his image is quite different from usual, his behavior is even more eccentric than his appearance.

Mr. Crouch seemed to be talking to someone whom only he could see.He kept gurgling and gesticulating from time to time, and his mood was sometimes calm and sometimes agitated. Harry and Bagman couldn't understand what he was doing at all.

When Harry saw him, he remembered an old homeless man he met with the Dursleys once when he was out shopping with the Dursleys before he entered Hogwarts... That mentally disturbed homeless man also frantically said to the air non-stop.

That's when Aunt Petunia grabbed Dudley's hand and pulled him across the road to get away from the maniac.Uncle Vernon, on the other hand, took advantage of the topic and babbled endlessly to the whole family about how he was going to treat beggars and bums...

"Mr. Crouch, what's the matter with you?" Bagman also looked startled, and asked Mr. Crouch as he stepped forward at a loss.

Crouch didn't seem to see him at all, just talking to a nearby tree.

"...Wetherby, after you've done this, send an owl to Dumbledore to confirm the number of students Durmstrang participated in the competition. Karkaroff sent a letter that there were twelve indivual……"

Harry remembered that Wetherby was Percy's name which Crouch misremembered, and Fred and George laughed at Percy for a long time because of it.

"Mr. Crouch?" Bagman asked cautiously again.

"...and then send an owl to Madam Maxime to deliver a letter. She may also increase the number of students, since Karkaroff's number has increased to twelve..." Crouch still seemed to have heard nothing, Gu Zi said, "Let's do it this way, Wetherby, okay? Okay..."

Bagman: "..."

"Why is Mr. Crouch here?" Harry walked to Bagman, and asked with some doubts, "Didn't Percy say that he was not feeling well and had been staying at home to rest?"

"I don't know either." Bagman shook his head blankly, "Could it be that his work pressure has caused him to lose his mind?"

Crouch still didn't hear the two people's discussion. He stood there stiffly with protruding eyes, staring straight at a tree in front of him, muttering silently.

Then, he suddenly staggered a few steps to the side, and fell to his knees with a "plop".

"Mr. Crouch?" cried Harry. "Are you all right?"

Crouch's eyeballs rolled up, revealing most of the whites.

Harry turned to look at Bagman, who gritted his teeth and rushed into the bushes with Harry, looking down at Crouch who was kneeling on the ground in panic.

"There must be something wrong with him... what should we do?" Faced with such a situation, Bagman did not look like a Ministry of Magic official at all, and he lost his mind, like an ant on a hot pot pacing.

"I think we'd better call someone," Harry whispered to Bagman, seeing that Bagman was unreliable and had to find his own way. "Look, Mr. Bagman, we'd better call Madam Pomfrey. ..."

"Dumbledore!" At this moment, Crouch suddenly shouted.

Gasping for breath, he lunged at Harry, grabbed hold of Hogwarts robes, and pulled him to his side.

But Crouch's eyes were fixed on the top of Harry's head, as if there was something there.

"I want to... see... Dumbledore..." he said gruffly.

"Okay," Harry said hastily, "as soon as you get up, Mr. Crouch, we'll go find Dumbledore right away..."

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