"Professor!" Harry took a quick step forward, and said to Dumbledore, "Mr. Crouch has appeared—in the forest, and he has something to tell you!"

Harry thought Dumbledore was going to ask some questions, but he was relieved that Dumbledore didn't ask anything - Dracula had told Dunk Crouch's questions long after he had discovered the smoking gun. Bullido.

Now, Dumbledore was as anxious as Dracula to see the Director of International Magic Exchange and Cooperation who had disappeared for months.

"Lead the way ahead." Dumbledore frowned slightly and said without hesitation.

"Don't lead the way, it's a waste of time." Dracula grabbed Harry's hood again, "I'll wait for you at the Quidditch pitch, and it won't be too late to think about leading the way when we get there."

After all, Dracula and Harry disappeared in place again.

Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, and looked at the big golden-red bird on the shelf beside him:

"Please, Fox."

Immediately, the phoenix Fawkes landed on Dumbledore's shoulder, leading him to disappear in a golden-red flame.


The three of them appeared on the edge of the Quidditch pitch in an instant.

Harry was no stranger to Dracula's ability to apparate at Hogwarts, and as soon as his feet landed on the ground, he hurriedly led the two professors in the direction where Crouch had appeared before.

"What did Mr. Crouch say, Harry?" asked Dumbledore as they hurried down a winding path.

"He said he wanted to remind you that he had done a terrible thing..." Harry said thoughtfully, "Mr. Crouch also mentioned his son, and... and Voldemort, it seems to mean that Voldemort recovered coming……"

He hadn't noticed the meaning of Crouch's words just now, and after repeating it again, Harry was suddenly surprised.

"Is it true?" Dumbledore said solemnly, quickening his pace, and hurried into the dark and gloomy woods.

"His behavior was very erratic," Harry said.

Harry walked quickly beside Dumbledore, and Dracula was on the other side of Dumbledore. I didn't see how he moved, but he followed the speed of the two striding forward like a ghost.

"Mr. Crouch didn't seem to know where he was. He kept talking, as if he thought Percy was there... and then he changed suddenly, became scary, and said he wanted to see you..."

Harry said with some concern: "I asked Mr. Bagman to watch him in the Forbidden Forest."

"Really?" Dumbledore's eyes gradually became extraordinarily deep.

He and Dracula looked at each other, and they nodded to each other.

"It should be the Imperius Curse." Dracula said softly.

"Professor Dracula, I remember that you specially checked Crouch's mind before." Dumbledore asked, "Although you have always suspected Crouch, you have never been sure that he is controlled by the Imperius Curse... ..."

"Voldemort should have found some way to prevent the Imperius Curse from being discovered." Dracula said thoughtfully, "but I'm a little puzzled, his power is far from the peak... Then, what to do with that level of power? How can you fool me?"

"In short, we're afraid we're going to be ready for another war." Dumbledore said in a deep voice.

Then, Dumbledore looked at Harry: "Do you know who else saw Mr. Crouch?"

His steps got bigger and Harry had to run to keep up.

"there is none left.

"Harry was a little breathless, and said intermittently, "Mr. Bagman was talking to me at the time... He had just finished explaining the content of the third project to the warriors, and then dragged me to the Forbidden Forest. "

"Later, we saw Mr. Crouch coming out from the depths of the Forbidden Forest—"

"Where is it?" Dumbledore asked.

At this time, the lights of Hagrid's cabin and Beauxbaton's carriage in the distance have almost disappeared into the darkness, only the faint starlight in the sky shines on the ground through the scattered branches and leaves, and Fox on Dumbledore's shoulder Pieces of flames emanated from his body, allowing Harry to identify the direction of travel.

"Over there." Harry raised his hand and pointed forward, striding forward in front of Dumbledore and Dracula, leading them through the bushes.

As a little Gryffindor wizard who often comes to the Forbidden Forest, Harry is quite familiar with this area, and he is confident that he will not go wrong.

"Mr. Bagman?" Harry called into the Forbidden Forest, "Mr. Crouch? I brought Professor Dumbledore over to see you!"

No one answered.

"They were here just now." Harry said to Dumbledore in a panic, "They must be around here, I don't know what's wrong..."

Dumbledore suddenly raised his wand—

"Luminescence (Lus)."

A narrow beam of light emerged from the tip of the wand, moving to and fro among the dark tree trunks, illuminating the land below.

However, before Dumbledore and Harry found Crouch and Bagman through the fluorescent light, the silver-haired figure beside them discovered the traces of the two Ministry of Magic officials.

Dracula's figure disappeared beside Dumbledore, and then flashed behind a thick tree.

"Here." He snapped his fingers lightly.

A white, bright flame appeared in Dracula's palm, and immediately began to revolve around him, illuminating a large space in the surrounding forest.

Harry and Dumbledore hurried forward and looked at the roots of the big tree where Dracula was.

There, Bagman lay curled up at the foot of the tree, looking delirious—and there was no sign of Mr. Crouch around.

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Dumbledore bent down and gently opened one of Bagman's eyelids.

"He's passed out," said Dumbledore softly.

He peered toward the surrounding trees, the half-moon mirrors glinting in the dim light of his wand.

"Should I call someone?" Harry asked with some concern, "Should I call Madam Pomfrey?"

"No," said Dumbledore quickly, "stay here."

As he spoke, he looked at Dracula on the side.

Dracula nodded, his figure suddenly soared into the air, and flew to a place above the Forbidden Forest that was higher than all the trees.

The next moment, a silver-white blade of light swept across the entire Forbidden Forest, and Harry felt a chill all over, as if something had scanned his entire body.

Dumbledore raised his wand high and pointed in the direction of Hagrid's cabin.

A silver phoenix shot out from the wand, flashing among the trees.Then Dumbledore leaned over Bagman again, pointed his wand at him, and whispered:

"Resuscitate quickly (Ee)."

The recovery spell worked well, and Bagman quickly opened his eyes with a dazed look on his face.

He struggled to sit up as soon as he saw Dumbledore, but Dumbledore put a hand on his shoulder and told him to lie still.

"Mr. Crouch is completely crazy!" Bagman murmured, covering his head with his hands, "He suddenly attacked me... Even in this state, I am not his opponent, and then I was beaten by him fainted."

"Okay, you lie down for a while." Dumbledore said, his voice getting deeper and deeper, "I hope we have a chance to find Crouch again."

Then, Dracula also fell from the sky.

"How is it, have you gained anything?" Dumbledore asked.

"The area covered by the anti-apparition spell has been searched, but there is no one." Dracula said softly, "Of course, it is not ruled out that someone like

Like the Imperius Curse in Crouch, there would be a way around my perception. "

"It's not easy to bypass your perception, Professor Dracula." Dumbledore shook his head lightly, "I'm more inclined that Crouch has left the range of Hogwarts, and Apparation has left... …Can you capture the space fluctuations of Apparition?"

"I'm afraid you're embarrassing me," Dracula said while leaning on the tree trunk next to him with his arms around him, "tell me, how can I find a space fluctuation that has dissipated a few minutes ago in such a large area? "

Just then, a thunderous sound of footsteps reached their ears, and Hagrid appeared out of breath, followed by Fang.

He held his bow and arrow in his hand and looked around warily.

"Professor Dumbledore!" After seeing the people present, his eyes widened, "Professor Dracula, Harry...why are you all here?"

"Hagrid, please help me send Mr. Bagman to the school infirmary," Dumbledore interrupted his question, and quickly arranged, "He has a very powerful stun spell, and his body will be weak for a while. "

"Then, tell Minerva and the others that they must take care of the students of each academy, and no one should come out of the common room!"

"Oh, ok...no problem, Professor..." Hagrid was a little dazed, but he still carried out Dumbledore's orders as quickly as possible.

After he finished speaking, he picked up Bagman on his back, turned around and disappeared into the dark bushes, Fangfang trotted behind.

In the distance, Harry seemed to hear someone Hagrid met at the exit of the Forbidden Forest, and greeted him: "Oh, good evening, Mr. Filch... I don't need to help, you just do your own thing ...Oh! Thank you so much!"

After Hagrid left, Dumbledore took a deep breath.

"Professor Dracula," he said softly, "please send Harry back to his common room... I want to find out again. Mr. Crouch's escape from the Imperius Curse will definitely be caught by Voldemort." I don't know, he should be very dangerous now."

"Let's find it together." Dracula was silent for a moment, and then said, "Anyway, I'm also very interested in what Crouch experienced."

He snapped his fingers lightly.

A dark moon appeared next to Harry, and Dracula pushed Harry into the dark moon with his hands, sending him directly back to the Gryffindor common room.


If the news of what happened that night is spread, most wizards in the magic world may be shocked——

It is rare in the world for two great wizards to join forces, but they did not find a delirious person...

The sun rose from the end of the Black Lake again. In the headmaster's office of Hogwarts, Dracula and Dumbledore sat on the sofa and chairs in silence, neither of them looked very good.

"Professor Dracula, do you still remember? How long did it take Harry to get from the Forbidden Forest to the castle?" Dumbledore asked, breaking the silence.

"I know what you want to say," Dracula nodded, and said, "I asked Potter, he ran back from the Forbidden Forest almost non-stop, according to his speed, within about 10 minutes can Run the full distance..."

"Even including the time spent in the castle, the time from Potter's departure from Crouch to the time we entered the Forbidden Forest was no more than 10 minutes at most... I don't believe he can get out of the range of the anti-apparition spell in 10 minutes .”

Dracula took out the Hogwarts title deed and looked at the vast forest northeast of the castle.

He is well aware of the boundaries of Hogwarts, and he is fully aware of the vast area covered by the anti-apparition spell here... This is definitely not a distance that can be covered in 10 minutes with just two legs .

"What if Crouch rode a broomstick?" Dumbledore frowned, guessing.

"If it's a broom that's as fast as the Nimbus 2000, 10 minutes is indeed enough for him to leave Hogwarts..." Dracula said, "but a broom that is fighting against the Imperius Curse and is extremely unconscious Do you really think he can handle a broomstick?"

Dumbledore's brow furrowed even tighter.

He got up from his chair and paced the office, thinking about the

strange thing.

"If the possibility of Crouch being able to leave by himself is excluded, that is to say..." Dumbledore suddenly turned his head and looked at Dracula, "There was probably another person in the Forbidden Forest at that time, he Hide Crouch!"

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