"That's right, and that person is most likely Barty Crouch Jr. who faked his death on the island of Azkaban." Dracula added in a deep voice.

Dumbledore's eyes moved, and then he sighed again.

"Unfortunately, Voldemort seems to have a long memory this time, and he didn't ask his former subordinates to help." He said helplessly, "I didn't get any information from Severus...Professor Dracula, what do you have on your side?" news?"

"Lucius has never been trusted by Voldemort, and naturally it is even more impossible to be driven under such circumstances." Dracula shook his head and said, "Voldemort probably only trusts his people who were imprisoned in Azkaban now. fans."

He then looked at Dumbledore and asked, "You should know something about your former students, right? What kind of person is Barty Crouch Jr.?"

Chapter 280 Pensieve

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"Little Barty..." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and recalled, "He is a very good student... Well, he is somewhat similar to Tom back then."

"However, there are many differences between the two. Tom has a deep mind since he was a child, and he is also very good at acting. He is very good at defrauding other people's trust..."

"Little Barty is different. He was really just a good student like Percy Weiss...but since a certain period of time, he has become more and more reticent and withdrawn."

Dumbledore rubbed the lid of the teapot with a sad expression in his eyes.

"Why, did something happen in the middle?" Dracula asked curiously.

"To be precise, those things have been happening all the time." Dumbledore corrected, "Professor Dracula, you should also know that when Barty Jr. was in school, Voldemort and the Death Eaters were most active."

Dracula nodded slightly.

"At that time, both the Ministry of Magic and the Order of the Phoenix were under considerable pressure. Of course, the Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, old Barty Crouch, carried the greatest burden." Dumbledore sighed , introduced to Dracula.

"It is precisely because of this kind of thing that Old Batty was busy presiding over the overall situation and neglected his son for a long time... In addition, Mrs. Crouch spoiled the child too much, which eventually led to such a tragedy."

"Is it another cliche story about a child who lacks love and turns into a hostile camp?" Dracula clicked his tongue.

He raised his hand and sucked a piece of plasma bonbon on Dumbledore's desk, and stuffed it into his mouth casually.

"I've seen this kind of thing a lot, and I can think of what he thinks." Dracula said casually, "Because he didn't pay attention to his father, he wanted to prove himself in front of his father, so he studied hard. ..."

"However, his achievement of twelve OLs certificates, which is rare in decades, is not even comparable to a memorandum from the Andorran Minister of Magic at that time."

Dracula shook his head with a playful smile, "Then Barty Crouch Jr. completely gave up the idea of ​​not being ignored by his father through his own efforts, and turned into a Death Eater..."

"Since there is no way to get your attention through conventional methods, then become your enemy and let old Crouch look straight at you from the perspective of a confidant."

"Do you think I'm right?" Dracula raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore stopped rubbing the lid of the pot.

He stared blankly at the white steam constantly emerging from the spout, and sighed deeply.

"There are a lot of tragedies that don't have to happen, perhaps as long as old Barty takes a few minutes off from work every week to praise his children." Dumbledore sighed softly.

"There's no need to feel sorry," Dracula said. "I've heard that Barty Crouch Jr., along with other Death Eaters, tortured Longbottom's parents with the Cruciatus Curse, and has no intention of repenting."

"You should see clearly, Dumbledore, what he pursues in his bones is the pleasure brought to him by violence, abuse and blood. He is just a whore at heart."

Dumbledore took off his glasses and shook his head helplessly.

"I hope you will understand me, Professor Dracula," he said softly, "I don't have as long a lifespan as you, and I am slowly getting old both physically and mentally... Old people always like to be sad, don't they? "

After that, Dumbledore stood up suddenly and walked to the black cabinet on the side of the office.

"Want to see what Barty Jr. was like?" he asked. "Maybe it will help us find something."

Dumbledore opened the cupboard door.

There is a shallow stone basin in the cabinet, and the mouth of the basin is covered with strangely shaped carvings, composed of various types of runes.

After the cabinet door was opened, a piece of silver light came out from the stone basin, which was both liquid and gaseous, like a piece of bright silver, but it was constantly flowing, like water ripples in the breeze, and like clouds. Spread out gracefully and swirl softly.

The things in the basin are like light that has turned into liquid, and like wind that has condensed into solid...

"This is... a Pensieve?

"Dracula got excited and stood up from the sofa.

"Yeah, the Pensieve." Dumbledore nodded lightly, "Sometimes I feel that there are too many thoughts and memories stuffed into my head, so I use the Pensieve to suck out the excess thoughts from my mind, Get into this basin, take a good look when you have time..."

He then looked at Dracula, "Professor Dracula has lived for so many years, doesn't he need a Pensieve to organize his memories?"

"I've never bothered to use this kind of thing," Dracula shook his head, "just forget the things you can't remember. Anyway, most of them are unimportant things, why should you force them to stay in your mind? trouble?"

"You're right, I actually envy your attitude." Dumbledore chuckled softly, "But life is so long, there are always some things you don't want to forget, and there are always some things you can't forget..."

It seemed that he felt that he was feeling sad a little too much today, Dumbledore shook his head, as if he wanted to get rid of some complicated emotions.

"Want to take a look together?" He looked at Dracula and asked.

Dracula glanced at the stone basin, then nodded.

In fact, he had long been curious about Dumbledore's past memories.

It's a pity that this great wizard is very good at Legilimency, and his Occlumency is quite stable. Even with Dracula's Legilimency, he can't see anything in his eyes.

Today, I have the opportunity to see some of Dumbledore's memories live, which can be said to be exactly what Dracula wanted.

The two drove their minds at the same time, and probed into the piece of silvery substance that seemed to be liquid and solid.

The next moment, the principal's office suddenly fell over.

Dracula and Dumbledore went together to a dimly lit room full of stepped benches and sat on one of them.This bench appears taller than the others.

There were at least two hundred wizards in this room, none of them looked this way, and no one seemed to notice that there were suddenly two more people here.

Dracula and Dumbledore are like two spectators who are separated from the screen and cannot be noticed by the people here, but the screen in front of them is extraordinarily real, as if they were on the scene.

"It's quite interesting here." Dracula's voice echoed in the room, but none of the wizards present heard it.

Dumbledore turned his head and found that Dracula appeared in front of an old man with a long white beard and white hair, and looked around him with interest—

It was Dumbledore, who was ten years younger. His long white beard was much shorter than it is now, and it only hung down to the abdomen.

"Ahem...Professor Dracula, our focus is not here." Dumbledore looked at this scene, and said a little bit dumbfounded, "Aren't we here to observe the condition of little Barty?"

"By the way, it's not bad to see how you looked ten years ago!"

Dracula looked at the image of Dumbledore back and forth, and said happily, "When will you show me what you were like when you were young? I want to see how ugly you were at that time, and you lived a lifetime without a wife nothing."

Dumbledore: "..."

At this moment, the door in the corner of the room suddenly opened.

Six dementors came in through the door, and among them were four unkempt wizards.

Many of those present glanced furtively at a scrupulous wizard sitting aloft—then Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Barty Crouch.

Next to Crouch sat a frail witch, who was sobbing softly, holding a handkerchief to her mouth with trembling hands.

With his excellent eyesight, Dracula could clearly see that Crouch's complexion was very haggard and gloomy in the dark room, and a vein on his temple was twitching... This haggardness was similar to when he was a judge in the semifinals. as serious as ever.

Several people around began to whisper, seeming to be talking about something.

The dementors put the four people into four chained chairs in the center of the dungeon.One of the pudgy wizards looked blankly at Crouch; the other, a thinner wizard, was more nervous, glancing toward the audience.

There is also a woman with thick black hair and long eyelashes, with a look of

Sitting madly and triumphantly in a chain chair is like sitting on a throne.

The last was a boy of seventeen or eighteen, who looked utterly petrified and trembling, with straw-coloured hair falling over his face and freckled skin as pale as paper.

Seeing the boy, the slender witch next to Crouch began to rock back and forth, whimpering with her handkerchief to her mouth.

"The two wizards in front are Rodolphus Lettrange and Rabastan Lettrange, a pair of Death Eater brothers." Dumbledore saw Dracula looking a little puzzled, and introduced him said, "That witch is..."

"Bellatrix Lettrange." Dracula suddenly took over and said.

"Does Professor Dracula know her?" Dumbledore asked with some doubts.

"Well, I saw it in the prison of Azkaban..." Dracula saw the astonished expression in Dumbledore's eyes, so he had to add, "Didn't it be to find Sirius Black? I just Sneak into Azkaban and take a look."

Of course, his curiosity about Azkaban was the most important reason for sneaking into that prison... But there is no need to tell Dumbledore about this reason, so as not to be caught by the old principal again and keep persuading him .

In front of the courtroom, Crouch had already stood up, looking down at the four people below, extreme hatred gradually gathered on his face.

"You were brought before the Council of Magical Laws to be sentenced," he enunciated, "so heinous was your crime—"

"Father," the straw-haired boy begged with a look of horror on his face, "Father...please..."

"—uncommon in the cases before this court." Mr. Crouch raised his voice over his son's, "we have heard the charges against you that four of you kidnapped an Auror. —Frank Longbottom, cast the Cruciatus Curse on him, trying to find out from him the whereabouts of your master, the mysterious man—”

"Father, I didn't!" screamed little Barty, who was tied to the chair. "I didn't, I swear! Father, don't send me back to the dementors—"

Dracula stared closely into the eyes of Barty Crouch Jr., but he couldn't see the fear and regret in his eyes. Instead, he could only see luck, cruelty, madness... and joy.

Dumbledore frowned tightly, as if he couldn't bear to look at this scene.

"The charge goes on," Mr. Crouch went on roaring, "that Frank Longbottom refused to provide information, and you used the Cruciatus Curse on his wife. You conspired to bring You-Know-Who back, to restore what you had in the days when he was powerful." That violent life. Now I ask the jury—"

"Mother!" Barty Jr. yelled, and the skinny witch next to Crouch sobbed and rocked back and forth, "Mother, stop him! Mother, I didn't do those things, it wasn't me!"

"Now I ask the jury to vote," Mr. Crouch said loudly, ignoring him at all. "Those who agree with me that these crimes should be sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban, please raise your hands!"

The wizards of the jury on the right side of the dungeon raised their hands in unison.

The surrounding audience applauded happily, with relieved expressions on their faces... After all, few people have seen two elite Aurors being tortured to the point of insanity, and they all have deep feelings for what happened to the Longbottoms.

Little Barty began to scream, and a trace of panic finally appeared in his eyes.

"No! Mother, no! It's not the fuck, it's not me, I don't know! Don't send me there, stop him!"

The dementor drifted in slowly again.

The three companions of Barty Jr. stood up from their chairs silently, and Bellatrix looked up and shouted to Crouch:

"The Dark Lord will come back, Crouch! Throw us into Azkaban, we wait! He will come back to save us. He will reward us with a special reward! Only we are loyal! Only we try to find him !"

Barty Jr. was trying to get rid of the Dementor, although the dementor's icy suction of happiness and soul was beginning to work on him.

Some of the audience laughed at him, some stood up, and some angrily applauded what happened to them.

Bellatrix had walked proudly back to the door in the corner, and Barty Jr. was still there.

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