
"I'm your son!" he yelled to Crouch. "Your son!"

"You're not my son!" Crouch shouted loudly, his eyes popping out suddenly, "I don't have a son!"

The thin witch gasped, collapsed on the stool, and passed out.And Crouch didn't seem to see it.

"Take them away!" He waved his hand, yelling at the dementor, "Take them away, let them rot there!"


The picture in the Pensieve freezes at this moment.

In the frozen picture, Dracula and Dumbledore looked at each other, and their brows were tightly knit together.

Chapter 280 Before the final match

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"It's cruel enough, isn't it?"

Dracula stared at Crouch's frozen face in the picture, and said in a slightly mocking tone, "I tried my best to stabilize the situation in the magic world, but my child became mad."

"Old Batty has done a good job, at least he didn't favor his son at all." Dumbledore sighed.

"Perhaps in his eyes, his son was supposed to be a top student who didn't need to worry about himself, and it wouldn't be too late to care about him when the situation in the magic world stabilized... But he was wrong. When it came to this trial, everything It's too late."

"Heh..." Dracula suddenly sneered, "If he is really so selfless, why did I see the remnant soul of Mrs. Crouch in the cemetery of Azkaban in the end? "

Dumbledore fell silent again.

"I can actually guess what old Barty was thinking at the time." After a while, he said, "Mrs. He is seriously ill, and time is running out..."

"I guess, she should be begging old Barty to exchange her son from Azkaban with her dying life—"

"The compound decoction can do it. As long as she is buried within the time limit of the compound decoction, she will not be discovered by others. Everyone will only think that little Barty died in the cell."

"That's right, then the following things make sense." Dracula said with a smile, "Crouch locked up his son, but he didn't expect that Voldemort regained his strength and found out about Barty Crow Jr. Qi did not die, and personally rescued his faithful servant."

"It's a pity that old Barty has been tough all his life," Dumbledore shook his head and sighed. "He only softened his heart once, but put himself in it."

"Okay, there's nothing to say about this matter." Dracula waved his hands uninterestedly, and floated into the air, "Let's check the facilities of the third project, maybe Barty Crouch Jr. Hidden somewhere near the castle."

After all, he broke through the frozen scene of the courtroom and flipped the space.

The next moment, Dracula returned to the Hogwarts principal's office, standing next to the Pensieve, no different from the position before entering the courtroom.

The Pensieve gleamed in the cabinet in front of Dracula, and Dumbledore stood beside him, turning to look at him.

"Professor Dracula, after the third project, I entrust the safety of the warriors to you."

Dumbledore said solemnly.


Entering June, the atmosphere in the castle became tense and excited again.

Everyone is looking forward to the last event of the Four-wizard Tournament that will be held one week before the holiday. This will determine who will win the final victory for their school, and it will also prove in disguise which magic school is the best among the four schools. the best.

As a warrior, Harry took Ron and Hermione to practice spells whenever he had time.

He felt more confident than the previous two times——

While the race was sure to be fraught with peril, Harry had already sailed through the large magical animals and magical obstacles, and this time he was given advance notice and had the opportunity to prepare accordingly.

Professor McGonagall caught Harry, Hermione, and Ron practicing around the school several times, so she made an exception and allowed them to use the Transfiguration classroom to practice magic at lunchtime.

At the same time, Hermione got another loan note from Dracula leading to the *** area——

Hermione thinks that Professor Dracula may think that the books in the *** area are not a big deal at all, and don't take them seriously, so it is very easy to criticize them.

Under such excellent conditions, Harry quickly mastered the Obstacle Spell, which can be used to stop attackers; the Smash Spell, which can blow up solid obstacles; and the Orientation Spell that Hermione found in a spell book. , can make Harry's wand point to the true north, and he can use it to judge whether the direction is correct in the maze.

It's a pity that he hasn't fully mastered the very practical Iron Armor Curse, which can temporarily form an invisible solid wall, but it's a pity that Hermione cleverly used a Soft Legs Curse to break it during sparring.

"You've done well," said Hermione encouragingly,

Looking at her spell list, check off the spells they have learned, "Some of these spells will definitely come in handy."

In addition, during this time Harry often corresponded with his godfather Sirius.

Sirius, like Hermione, seems hell-bent on helping Harry get through the third project safely - he reminds Harry in every letter that it's not your responsibility or ability to do anything beyond the walls of Hogwarts influence them.

"If Voldemort is really regaining his strength, I think you must first ensure your safety. With Dumbledore's protection, he can't attack you directly, but you have to be careful and don't take risks."

"Now what you want to think about is how to get out of the maze safely, and other issues will be discussed later."

Sirius warned Harry so in the letter.

As June 6 approached, Harry also became more and more nervous, but his mentality was better than before the first and second projects.

First of all, he believed that he had done his best to prepare this time.Moreover, this is the last event, no matter whether the results are good or bad, the hegemony competition is coming to an end, and this big burden can be unloaded.

More importantly, in the first two events, Harry has proved himself to everyone. Even if he did not perform well in the last game, he will not be easily laughed at.


Time passed quickly, and the day of the final exam came quietly.

Triwizard Tournament champions are exempt from final exams, so Harry sits at the back of the room every exam, looking for useful spells for the third project.

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, no surprises, Professor Dracula was not in the classroom when faced with such a boring thing as the invigilator, and he was replaced by Assistant Teacher Riddle, who looked no older than the senior students.

"Harry, I guess you should have gotten some news...about that person." After the exam was over, Riddle collected all the test papers and walked straight to Harry's side.

"That person?" Harry asked suspiciously.

"Mysterious Man, I heard that his strength has recovered." Riddle drove away Ron and Hermione who wanted to get closer, and only whispered to Harry after everyone in the classroom had left.

"Well, I heard Mr. Crouch say that before." Harry said, "But Mr. Crouch's mind is not normal, so Sirius and I think that what he said cannot be trusted."

"It's always right to be careful." Riddle said with a frown. "If I were that person, I would definitely choose to do something in the third project. There is no more suitable place to do it than that maze."

Riddle has been a little uneasy recently, because he feels that his main soul has experienced something, and the power of the soul has become extremely strong in a short period of time, as if it has returned to its peak.

As the same person at different times, he can easily guess what Voldemort wants to do next most—

After the soul is restored, obtaining the physical body becomes the top priority.

As for the method of obtaining the body, Riddle is also quite clear, after all, his current body was made by Voldemort at that time.

The flesh of the servant, the bones of the father, the blood of the enemy.

Among them, in order to resist the blood magic created by Lily Potter with love, Voldemort will inevitably choose to use Harry's blood for the enemy's blood, so the maze in the third project is probably the best time he chose to take Harry away.

[The novel app that has been running stably for many years is comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, which is used by old bookworms

Riddle was a little scared. He had already torn face with his main soul, and Voldemort had regained the power of his soul. If Voldemort regained his physical body, he would have no resistance against his main soul at all.

This was unacceptable to Riddle, who wanted to be independent.

"Tom, are you thinking too much?" Harry couldn't think of such a complicated thing, so he smiled and joked with Riddle, "Professor Dracula is the security officer, and Professor Dumbledore is not far away. How dare Voldemort come to Hogwarts in the jury seat?"

"Be serious, Harry, I'm not joking." Riddle said with a straight face, "What if he has other ways to hide Professor Dracula and Dumbledore?"


Don't worry, Tom, I'll be more careful. Harry replied, "Sirius told me that too. Getting out of the maze safely is the primary goal... I will send out a distress signal in time if I encounter danger!" "

Only then did Riddle feel a little relieved, and nodded to Harry, but his expression still looked a little worried.


The next day is also the day when the last event of the Four-Strike Tournament begins.

Harry was informed by Professor McGonagall at breakfast.

"Potter, the warriors assembled in the conference room next to the auditorium after breakfast," she said.

"But the game didn't start until tonight!" Harry was stunned for a moment, he thought he had misremembered the time, and his heart missed half a beat.

"I know, Potter," Professor McGonagall nodded, "This gathering has nothing to do with the competition... The relatives of the warriors have been invited to watch the final, so you can meet."

She walks away.Harry stared blankly at her back.

"A relative? She won't call the Dursleys over, will she?" he asked blankly to Ron beside him.

"I don't know," Ron replied casually, hastily packing his schoolbag, "Harry, I have to hurry, I'm going to be late for the exam. See you later."

In the gradually deserted auditorium, Harry finished his breakfast.

Not long after, Fleur Delacour stood up from the long Ravenclaw table and walked into the conference room with Cedric.After a while Krum slouched away too.

But Harry sat still.

He really didn't want to see any relatives, he had no relatives -- no relatives who would come and see him risk his life for a match.

But just as he stood up, planning to go to the library to study some spells, the door of the conference room opened, and Cedric poked his head out.

"Harry, come on, your family is waiting for you!"

Harry stood up in bewilderment. He thought it was impossible for the Dursleys to come, so who was it?

He walked through the hall, opened the door and walked into the conference room.

Cedric stood by the door with his parents, Mr Amos Diggory, Head of the Department of Magical Creatures at the Ministry of Magic, who fought Death Eaters with Mr Weasley at the Quidditch World Cup;

Viktor Krum in the corner of the room, speaking rapid Bulgarian to his dark-haired parents;

On the other side, Fleur was chatting non-stop with her mother in French. Fleur's younger sister, Gabriel, took her mother's hand and waved the other hand at Harry, who waved back. grin.

Then he turned his head and saw three unexpected people.

Mrs. Weasley, Bill Weasley, and Sirius stood in front of the fireplace, looking at him with big smiles.

"Surprise!" said Sirius with a cheeky grin, opening his arms to Harry.

The big stone in Harry's heart was immediately put down, and he walked forward with a smile on his face, and hugged Sirius.

"We want to come and watch your game, Harry!" Mrs. Weasley also leaned over and kissed Harry on the cheek, "Thanks to Professor McGonagall, she allowed us to come here as relatives."

"How are you?" Bill also smiled and shook Harry's hand. "Charlie would like to come too, but he couldn't leave. He said your match against the Horntail was so wonderful, it was unbelievable!"

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