As they went deeper into the cave, there were more and more people inside, but they all looked ferocious and ferocious.They looked at Voldemort and the many Inferi eagerly, as if waiting for an order, they would rush up and bite them to their heart's content.

"Who dares to come here to make trouble?" A tall man came out from the deepest part of the cave aggressively, "Is there anyone in this area who doesn't know whose territory this is?"

The tall man with gray hair and beard had a ferocious expression, and his sharp teeth and long yellow nails on his fingers made him look almost like a beast.

However, when he saw the person coming, he froze in place for an instant, losing the momentum he had just now.

" are..." His voice trembled, and then he knelt on the ground on one knee, "Master Dark Lord, are not dead!"

"Long time no see, Fenrir Greyback." Voldemort said coldly, "Is this how you welcome my return?"

"It's because I didn't manage my subordinates well, I made you laugh." Fenrir Greyback lowered his head, his eyes sharpened, and then he jumped to the side of the leader at the beginning.

A bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes, he opened his bloody mouth, and suddenly bit the man's neck, directly biting it into two pieces.

"Lord Dark Lord, will this calm your anger?" Greyback raised his blood-stained face from the pool of blood and looked at Voldemort.

"Very well." Voldemort laughed, "Since you are so sensible, I have an important opportunity for you."

Chapter 82 The end of the first academic year (5k word chapter)

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Fred and George didn't win their bet this time.

Cedric Diggory did live up to expectations. He passed the No. 1 exam in the third-year Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, and successfully got the spooky wooden amulet made by Dracula.

No.1 in the second grade was won by a Ravenclaw girl named Qiu Zhang.

However, to their surprise, Hermione Granger, a first-year student, achieved No.1 in all other subjects, but she did not get the No. 1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts as they expected. [-].

The No.1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts in the first grade is Harry Potter!

"Harry, do you think we usually treat you well?" Fred and George asked seriously with their arms around Harry's shoulders on the night of the results.

"It's... very good... Whether it's in the Gryffindor common room or on the Quidditch pitch, you all take good care of me." Harry didn't know what the two meant, and said in a daze, "What... what's wrong, did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong." George said bitterly, "but you did us serious harm!"

"I... what's wrong with me?" The kind-hearted Harry suddenly felt guilty, not knowing what he had done unintentionally.

"Harry, how could you steal Hermione's Defense Against the Dark Arts No.1?" Fred patted Harry's shoulder and said in grief.


Terrified in Harry's heart, he subconsciously glanced at the schoolbag in his arms, thinking that he had exposed a diary to help with homework.

However, what George said next directly made him lose the desire to communicate with the two——

"The two of us made a bet on Hermione to get Professor Dracula's talisman with those stupid rich guys in Slytherin. You know what's going on with those purebloods who claim to be great? They don't believe it anyway, It must be said that it is impossible for a young Muggle-born wizard to get No.1, so they bet me with a full ten Galleons."

"At first we all thought we were safe, but in the end it was you who got the amulet..."

George gestured exaggeratedly with both hands, and cried exaggeratedly while wiping his tears. "That's ten Galleons, Harry! That's what my father earns for a week!"

Hearing George's complaints, a red light seemed to flash in Harry's eyes.

"Fred, George, I think you should quit gambling!" He suddenly shouted, "You also know that ten Galleons is Mr. Wesley's salary for a week. Have you ever thought that if you will How much more do you lose?!"

"The Slytherins can afford to lose! If they lose money, they can only go back and be scolded. And what about you? If you lose to a level that you can't afford, you may implicate your younger brothers, sisters, and even you." There's the whole Wes family life!"

Fred and George looked at the agitated Harry and stayed where they were in a daze.

"We knew we were wrong, Harry." George said confidently, "Why are you yelling so loudly? It scared us to death."

Harry also felt his gaffe at this moment.He hastily straightened his glasses that were crooked to one side, said "I'm sorry", and hurriedly bid farewell to the twins with his schoolbag in his arms.

The twins looked at each other with a question mark in their eyes.

"Was that really Harry just now?" Fred asked George. "He didn't yell like that before, did he?"

"I don't know. Maybe he took No. 1 in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which is a little different?" George shrugged noncommittally.


The final Quidditch match takes place on the third day after final exams.

This match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw will determine whether Gryffindor can win the Quidditch Cup and the Academy Cup.

This can be described as a crucial game.

Slytherin College is currently No.1 in the college score ranking. Thanks to Snape's "unremitting efforts", Slytherin has scored a total of 440 two points, followed by Ravenk Law's 420 six points, Gryffindor ranked third with 410 two points.

Although Gryffindor is only No.3, the gap between them and Slytherin is not too big. As long as the Gryffindor team can win the Quidditch Cup, they can get [-] points A large amount of extra points, thus surpassing Slytherin and winning the Academy Cup!

And the Gryffindor team has a great chance of winning.

Under Harry's outstanding performance, they have successively defeated the Hufflepuff team and the Slytherin team, and they have opened up a big gap with the No.2 Slytherin team.

Therefore, as long as they can defeat Ravenclaw, or even as long as they don't get too far behind, they can get the final Quidditch trophy!

In this crucial game, Harry, who defeated Quirrell and drove away Voldemort, was in very good condition. Within an hour, he successfully caught the Golden Snitch and won the Gryffindor Quidditch team. victory.

Including the 460 points of the Quidditch Cup, Gryffindor's house reached 1 points in one time, surpassing Slytherin and Ravenclaw, ranking No.[-]!

As soon as the game was over, the Gryffindor cubs couldn't wait to lift Harry up and throw him high into the sky.

In the evening, the Gryffindor Tower is decorated with lights and festoons, and the celebration has already begun in advance.

They warmly celebrated that Gryffindor had broken Slytherin's record of winning the House Cup for six consecutive years, and successfully took over the honor of the House Cup!


However, they forgot that there are still three days before the official opening of the year-end banquet——

Snape didn't know if he really wanted Slytherin to hold on to the House Cup, or if he wanted Harry to switch his gratitude for him back to disgust, or both.

For the remaining three days, he was like crazy, deducting points from Gryffindor day and night, and deducting five points and ten points for even a little problem. Soon, Gryffindor It was basically on par with Slytherin's score.

So, on the afternoon of the last day of the first year, Harry came to Snape's Potions Professor's office and had a heated argument with him—

"Professor Snape, why did you do this?" Harry asked with a painful expression, "You can clearly be a good person, why do you have to make me hate you?"

On the one hand, Snape's usual behavior is indeed very unpleasant, especially the little lions of Gryffindor, who have a deep dislike for him, and Harry used to be the same; on the other hand, Snape Nepe had tried to save his life twice in a row, so Harry couldn't hold any hatred for him now.

Snape sorted out his potion ingredients as if nothing had happened, as if he didn't hear Harry's question.

However, if you look closely, you can see that his expression is very stiff, and the movements of his hands are just unconsciously breaking off one herb after another.

"You're overthinking, Potter." After a long silence, he said slowly, "Isn't it normal for me to want my house to win the House Cup? Or do you think I should help Gryffin instead?" Get more trophies, so that you can be regarded as a so-called "good guy"?"

"Don't be so self-righteous, Potter, don't think the whole world revolves around you!"

Snape threw the last two herbs into the jar in front of him, and said wordlessly.

Facing Snape's taunt, Harry's face flushed red.

A red light flashed from his eyes, and his emotions suddenly became agitated.

"Don't you just want me to hate you? Come on, deduct my points!" He shouted out of control, "I tell you, I was really blind to appreciate you!"

Snape's movements stopped, and the corners of his mouth curled up indifferently.

"Sure enough, the Potter family has always been so stupid, arrogant, and self-righteous." He said coldly, "Then as you wish..."

"Contradict the professor, fifty points will be deducted from Gryffindor!"


Distraught and alone, Harry left the Potions Master's office that night, climbed the winding staircase leading to the entrance courtyard, and made his way to the Great Hall for the end-of-year feast.

When he arrived at the auditorium, it was already full of people.

The Great Hall was decked out in Slytherin's green and silver to celebrate their seventh straight House Cup win.wall behind the guest seat

Above, hung a huge banner with a snake painted on it.

As soon as Harry walked in, Ron and Hermione pulled him to the Gryffindor table.

"Harry, did you know? Gryffindor was suddenly deducted fifty points just now!" Ron said to Harry angrily, "Now we won't be able to catch up with Stan even if we get another Quidditch Cup." Tring."

"Yeah, I don't know who made Snape grab such a big opportunity." Hermione slapped the book in her hand on the table angrily, not in the mood to read anymore.

Harry froze for a moment, feeling suddenly depressed.

"Stop talking, that person is me." He said softly.

Ron and Hermione fell silent, looking at Harry in surprise.

"What happened, Harry?" Ron asked. "Haven't you reconciled with Snape?"

"I feel like we'll never reconcile in our lifetime." Harry said sadly, he didn't know why he was so emotional these days, "I want to talk to him about the deduction of points from Gryffindor We talked about it... but I couldn't control my emotions, and then I quarreled with him..."

Hermione wanted to continue asking, but at this moment, Dumbledore walked into the auditorium.

He smiled and walked out from the side of the professor's seat, waving enthusiastically with everyone.The noise in the auditorium gradually subsided, and Hermione also chose not to ask any more questions, after all, the deal was done.

"Another year has passed!" said Dumbledore, walking to his seat, standing there cheerfully instead of sitting down, "Before I can indulge in these delicious meals, I must ask everyone to listen to an old man's speech. It’s a cliché, let me just say a few words…”

Unlike the speeches of the headmasters of various Muggle schools, what Dumbledore said about speaking a few words is actually speaking a few words.

After he finished his two-sentence speech and motivational speech, he immediately began the part that Slytherin's little snakes were most looking forward to, and also the part that Gryffindor's little lions least wanted to face—

"Now, as far as I know, we will first hold the Academy Cup awards ceremony. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: No.4, Hufflepuff, 350 two points; No.3, Gryffindor, 380 seven points; Ravenclaw 420 six points, Slytherin 440 two points."

There was a thunderous cheer and stomping on the Slytherin table, and Draco Malfoy even slammed his goblet on the table, making a crisp "ding ding bang bang" sound.

At the same time, on the professor's seat, Dracula was holding a goblet, drinking the bright red wine comfortably.

He heard Slytherin's deafening cheers, subconsciously glanced over there, and happened to see Draco trashing the goblet.

Dracula frowned dissatisfiedly, and snapped his fingers casually.

An entire Slytherin house goblet disappeared from the dining table in an instant, so that a group of little Slytherin wizards who were cheering so hard that their throats hurt and were drinking water did not react, and sucked fiercely into their palms. Take a breath.

Chapter 83 Gilderoy Lockhart

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Gilderoy Lockhart was in a good mood.

Once again, he was selected by "Witch Weekly" as the most charming smile award, published on the cover of this magazine with a wide audience.

To celebrate the good news, or rather, to use it to create a wave of heat, Lockhart decided to hold a tea party at Mrs. Puddiffe's Tea House in Hogsmeade Village to talk face-to-face with his loyal fans.

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