The storefront of Mrs. Puddiffe's Tea House is on a street corner in Hogsmeade.

The owner of the teahouse is Mrs. Puddiffe, who has the same name as the teahouse.She hangs strange ornaments on the window outside the teahouse, most of them are very tender and tender pink, just like the favorite color of little girls in the cardamom age.

The inside of the teahouse is small and cramped, and the steam from the tea makes it look foggy, and almost all the furnishings are decorated with tacky lace.

At this time, the students of Hogwarts were already on vacation, and few young wizards appeared in the Hogsmeade village.Therefore, most of the people in the teahouse came here specially to attend the tea party, and they were all free and energetic housewives and older witches.

At this time, groups of witches were already sitting in the small shop, and they looked expectantly at the small stage specially vacated in front of the teahouse.

"My dear family, how are you!"

With a loud voice, a wizard dressed like a peacock came out from behind the curtain of the teahouse.

Gilderoy Lockhart looks handsome from the outside.

He has wavy blond hair, teeth that are so white that they glisten, and the robe on his body is extremely gorgeous, covered with intricate and extravagant patterns, it looks like a peacock with its tail open.

Lockhart walked onto the stage holding a golden microphone, and warmly greeted everyone in the teahouse.

Immediately there were screams in Mrs. Puddife's teahouse. The witches shouted Lockhart's name, and moved their small benches, desperately trying to move forward.

"Everyone, don't be impatient, I deliberately leave enough free time to interact closely with fans!" Lockhart showed his signature smile, his clean and even teeth glistening, "Don't worry, I will be happy with you." Every fan is treated equally, anyone can get my autograph, and..."

"A hug!"

The witches in the audience became even more excited, and one even fainted from excitement.

Lockhart seemed to be prepared for this situation, and he waved his hand towards the inside of the teahouse counter.The owner of the teahouse waiting next to her, Mrs. Puddife, who was obese and had a shiny black bun behind her hair, immediately held a cup of herbal tea and squeezed through the crowd towards the fainted witch with difficulty.

This small episode did not affect Lockhart's interest at all. He walked onto a small specially built stage and stood surrounded by many candles.

"First of all, although everyone must know me, I still need to introduce myself routinely." He said with a smile.

"I, Gilderoy Lockhart, third class owner of the Order of Merlin, honorary member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, just a few days ago won the "Witch Weekly"'s most charming smile award for the fifth time - of course, I I won't talk about this award, I didn't drive away the banshee in Wanlun City with a smile!"

There was warm applause from the audience, and the hands of the witches were about to slap red.

"Very well, I see that everyone has already taken my complete set of works—then I will check how well the family members understand these works of mine..."

"...First of all, in my book "Traveling with the Vampire", what kind of food did the vampire become obsessed with after meeting me? Please raise your hand and answer."

Almost all the witches raised their hands. Even the witch who was so excited that she fainted just now regained some energy after drinking the herbal tea made by Mrs. Puddiffe, and raised her right hand high.

"Okay, it's just you, beautiful lady." Lockhart picked out a middle-aged witch with fiery red hair, a little pudgy, and a gentle and kind appearance.

"What's your name?" he asked.

The witch couldn't believe that she was picked, and covered her face like a shy little girl.

"Molly, Molly Weiss, Mr. Lockhart." She stood up,

He said excitedly, "The answer to that question just now is lettuce!"

"Very good! Perfect answer!" Lockhart smiled and took out a bright pink rose from his pocket and handed it to Mrs. Wesley, "This is your gift, thank you very much for reading my letter carefully." writing."

Mrs. Weasley took the pink rose with a smile on her face.Envious looks appeared in the eyes of the other witches.

In the midst of the commotion, a pleasant voice suddenly sounded from the window, breaking the chaos.

"So...why does that vampire eat lettuce?"

Lockhart froze for a moment, then looked at the window of Madam Puddife's teahouse, and found that the originally closed window had been opened at some point.

A silver-haired figure sat on the windowsill.He was standing on the window frame with one foot, and the other foot was drooping casually, holding an open copy of "Traveling with Vampires" in his hand.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of most of the witches present.

The witches looked curiously at the handsome man who appeared suddenly, and secretly compared him with Lockhart, feeling that after the comparison... Lockhart doesn't seem as handsome as before, does he?

"Mrs. Puddiffe, why is there a wizard here?" Looking at the sudden appearance, Lockhart was a little unhappy, and asked Mrs. Puddiffe with a straight face, "Didn't I say that? You must take my A full set of collector's edition books and a limited number of invitations are required to let people in, how do you do security work in your teahouse?"

Seeing that this business was about to receive bad reviews, Mrs. Puddife hurriedly squeezed from the crowd towards the window, preparing to drive the unexpected guest away.

At this moment, Mrs. Weasley, who had just received the pink rose, suddenly let out an "oops".

"You must be Professor Dracula, right?" She squeezed to the window first, and greeted Dracula enthusiastically, "Silver hair, wine red eyes, extremely handsome... You must be right!"

"You are..." Dracula looked at Mrs. Wesley's fiery red hair, and thought of her surname, and suddenly felt a little strange... It can't be such a coincidence, is it another Wesley?

"I'm Percy, Fred, George and Ron's mother!" Mrs. Weasley said happily, "The boys in my family talk about you all the time, especially Fred and George Brat, say you're the best Defense Against the Dark Arts professor they've ever seen!"

"Have you forgotten, you asked me and my husband to send that crystal ball to Romania!"

"Ah, that's right! Thank you very much for your help!" Dracula was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized.

He almost forgot about it, and Mrs. Wesley only managed to remember it after she mentioned it.

In this way, if Wes hadn't asked the parents of the twins to help send the crystal ball to Brown Castle, he would not have received any information from there now, and he would not have nothing to do with Loha. It's a special tea party.

Mrs. Weasley expressed her gratitude to Dracula warmly and cheerfully, thanking him for taking care of her sons at school, and introduced Lockhart, the so-called Defense Against the Dark Arts expert, to him. The two must have a lot in common.

On the other side of the Paddife Teahouse, after Lockhart learned that Dracula was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, he was not in a hurry to drive him away. Instead, he rolled his eyes and thought came up with a better plan.

He walked to the side of the stage and explained to the photographer who was taking pictures and the reporter who was recording the scene:

"See that Hogwarts professor over there? I'll go over to take a photo with him in a while. The content of your newspaper can be written like this-shocking! The Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, actually Also a fan of Gilderoy Lockhart, a famous defense master, member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, famous author!"

After saying these words, Lockhart still felt a little uneasy when he thought of Dracula's handsome face, and repeatedly asked the photographer:

"Remember, when you take a group photo later, you must not take pictures of the professor's face! Put my "most beautiful smile" in the center of the picture, and find him a small place in the corner."

The cameraman made an "ok" gesture.

Only then did Lockhart feel relieved, and revealed

With a smile that he thought was very appropriate, he walked towards the window where Dracula was.

"Ah, Professor Dracula, I have known you for a long time!" He said exaggeratedly.

At the same time, he graciously extended a hand to Dracula, then gave the camera position a smile that he thought was perfect.

However, Dracula frowned in disgust, and had no intention of shaking hands with Lockhart at all.

He smelled a strong perfume on Lockhart that was not inferior to Quirrell, even better!This smell is unacceptable to the vampire's sensitive sense of smell.

After the incident of stealing the Philosopher's Stone was over, everyone knew about Quirrell.

He sprayed himself with perfume just to cover up the rotten smell caused by Voldemort's parasitism. He was not the kidney-deficient and wretched man that the students always thought he was.

However, Lockhart in front of him was full of energy and emotions, and it was obvious that he was not entangled in any black magic.

Then when such a person sprays such a strong perfume on his body, it is hard not to make people wonder if he has any other physical problems...

"Katsa" sound.

The photographer took a precious image——

The famous writer Gilderoy Lockhart stretched out a hand and smiled awkwardly at the camera, while the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next to him crossed his arms and looked out of the window with a look of disgust.

"Ahem, I didn't ask you to take pictures like this!" Lockhart coughed dryly, and shouted anxiously to the photographer on the other side, "This photo will be destroyed immediately, do you hear me?!"

After saying this, in order to avoid the next embarrassment, he thought of another way.

Lockhart grabbed the book "Traveling with the Vampire" that Dracula had just casually placed on the window sill, then took out a green peacock quill from his breast pocket, and signed the title page of the book smartly. Write down your name.

He is going to let the newspaper name it like this when the time comes——

"Quick look! Well-known author and Defense Against the Dark Arts expert Gilderoy Lockhart signed the Hogwarts Defense Against the Dark Arts professor's autograph!"

After signing his name, Lockhart handed the book back to Dracula quite complacently.

"Professor Dracula, I found that you are so fascinated by reading my book just now! Presumably you are also my fan?" He said with a smile, "I am the most favorite fan, what else? If other books need to be signed, they can be taken out at any time, and I am happy to serve you!"

Dracula ignored him, but took the book and looked at the title page.

Lockhart's handwriting is quite good, very demeanor of a well-known writer.

So Dracula nodded in satisfaction, and handed the book "Traveling with Vampires" to Mrs. Wesley.

"Mrs. Weasley, could you please bring this book to your son Ron Weiss?" He said, "This is the book of his friend Hermione Granger, I borrowed it some time ago I looked at it and forgot to return it to her."

"No problem!" Mrs. Wesley readily agreed, and put the book into the vegetable basket on her arm.

Chapter 84 The Blue Danube

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On an uninhabited island in the Black Lake, there was a sudden scream.


An unsuspecting apparition caused Lockhart to fall heavily to the ground, his handsome face smashed into the wet soil.

He pulled his face out of the mud without any image, coughed twice in embarrassment, and spit the mud in his mouth on the ground.

"I... Let me tell you, your sneak attack is immoral, and you are not worthy of being a professor at Hogwarts!" Lockhart casually brushed his blond hair covered in mud, and turned to Germany with a khaki face. Gula, "I tell you, you have already provoked the world's greatest Defense Against the Dark Arts expert!"

"Then I would like to ask, the greatest expert in the can he not handle even one apparition?" Dracula shook his head with a smile.

"Is that because I can't handle it well? No, that's not it!" Lockhart said stiffly, "It's because you don't talk about martial arts! It's a clever trick to attack me, an author who trusts fans so much. What you can do! You can't touch a single hair of mine in a head-to-head confrontation!"

Dracula's mouth twitched.He didn't expect that Lockhart could continue to be stubborn at this point.

"Then it will be as you wish, great defense expert." He made a "please" gesture, "Fight head-on, let me see what the so-called Anti-Dark Arts League members are like."

Lockhart's expression became serious, with a determined look on his face.

However, most of his face was covered with mud, and this expression didn't look solemn, but rather funny.

He fumbled in his pocket with his dirty hands for a long time before he pulled out his expensive cherry wood wand, and pointed at Dracula with trembling fingers.

"Don't regret it! If you don't want to bear the wrath of the world's greatest Defense Against the Dark Arts master, apologize to me and admit defeat! Since you are my fan, maybe I will forgive you!" Lockhart Shouted sternly.

"Hurry up, you won't have a chance if you don't." Dracula said impatiently, crossing his arms.

Seeing that Dracula's attitude showed no signs of changing, Lockhart gritted his teeth.

He thought about it for a while before he finally thought of a spell to attack, and then resolutely waved his wand——

"Fire (Indio)!"


Dracula watched helplessly as a small cluster of faint flames leisurely emerged from the tip of Lockhart's wand...

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