"No, I can't..."

Harry gently put down his wand, took out his quill and wrote in his diary:

"Tom, can you teach me the Cutting Charm? I don't want to use it."

"The cutting curse is not simple. It is difficult for me to teach you in a short period of time with words alone." wrote in the diary.

In the diary, Tom's handwriting was a little messy, as if he was a little angry at Harry's hesitation.

"That spell I taught you is easy to use, just needs a little bit of anger," he continued, "Think about how that fat pig named Vernon Dursley locked you up Come on! Think how this family treats you like a prisoner!"

"Harry, don't you feel angry? Don't you want to get out of this cage at once?"

"Come on, raise your magic wand, your future is up to you!"

The diary contained fanciful words and sentences, and the wand in Harry's hand was raised and lowered repeatedly, many times.

In the end, it seemed that the feeling of longing for freedom overcame the suspicion of spells, and a red light flashed in Harry's eyes.

He squeezed his wand tightly, and raised it violently, pointing at the window bars that prevented him from going free.


As Harry spoke half of the spell, the wand in his hand shook violently, and at the same time, there was a chaotic sound, as if invisible evil objects flew silently through the air.

At this moment, a dark, upside-down cross pendant on Harry's neck suddenly emitted a wine-red light.

Its short and sloping horizontal bars resembled a pair of spreading demon wings. At this moment, the wings seemed to be stained with blood, instantly expelling the scarlet light in Harry's eyes from his body...

Harry's eyes immediately regained clarity, and at the same time, he immediately closed his mouth and swallowed the second half of the spell in his throat.

He lowered his trembling hands, and then his whole body fell heavily on the bed behind him, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

"No... I can't..." Harry murmured bitterly, "I can't use that spell, Tom, I can't..."

The reverse cross pendant on Harry's neck slowly dimmed, and the blood red on those wings also gradually faded, leaving only a deep jet black.

After a long time, the diary by the window was slowly opened, revealing a line of slightly vague handwriting——

"You've disappointed me so much, Harry."


At this moment, the trapdoor rang.

Exit Harry

Consciousness hid the wand under the pillow, and then realized that the people outside didn't bother to look in through the small trap door, they didn't care about the poor man inside.

Aunt Petunia's hand pushed a bowl of soup through the hole.

In fact, Harry was already so hungry that his stomach hurt. He hurriedly put his wand away, then jumped out of bed and picked up the broken bowl specially for him.

The soup was cold, but he drank half of the bowl in one gulp, then stopped, walked to Hedwig's cage, and poured the soaked vegetables at the bottom of the bowl into her empty food plate .

Hedwig puffed up her feathers and gave him a disgusted look.

"Don't turn your beak up, that's all we have," Harry said sternly.

He put the empty bowl back by the trapdoor, and lay down on the bed again, feeling hungrier than before the soup.

What if a month had passed and he hadn't starved to death and hadn't reported to Hogwarts?Will Professor Dumbledore send someone to investigate why he didn't go back?Could the professors ask the Dursleys to let him go?

If Professor Dracula is willing to come here in person, it must be fine, right?He never cared about those rules and regulations, maybe he would directly turn the Dursleys into two big fat pigs and a carrot...

The street lamps outside the window grilles also gradually went out, and the room was completely dark.

Harry was exhausted, the hunger in his stomach mingled with a deeper pain in his heart.He didn't know if he did the right thing in not using the spell in the end, and he didn't know what his future would be like.

He was in the Mimi Lake, thinking about those questions that could not be answered, and fell asleep unknowingly, and his sleep was very restless.

Harry dreamed that he was standing again at the grille that had separated him from freedom, and raised his wand again.

This time, he recited the dangerous spell completely——

A dazzling and eerie green light shot out from his wand, attacking the solid cage.

However, at the next moment, a teenager with red hair and freckles appeared outside the window and was hit hard by his spell.

He fell down blankly.

"No, Ron!


Harry woke up suddenly, covered in cold sweat.

He opened his eyes and saw the moonlight coming in through the window bars, and someone was staring at him through the bars—a boy with red hair, freckles, and a long nose.

Just like in the dream, Ron Weisley actually appeared outside Harry's window.

"Are you thinking of me even in your dreams, Harry?"

Ron tapped on the glass and smiled at Harry.


Under the dim night, the starry sky hangs down, connecting with the blood-colored lake, and a majestic ancient pagoda stands on the edge of the bright red flat mirror.

Behind Dracula's castle, there is a huge lake made of blood, lying quietly next to an ancient tower.

Dracula and Serena, who were dressed in black and red robes, stood on the shore of the lake. There was also a puffy corpse floating beside them, floating with the movement of the two of them.

The infernal corpse's expression was dull, his eyes were cloudy, but a trace of pride still remained on the corners of his lips.

"So you know necromancy?" Serena asked curiously, "I haven't seen you use it before."

"It can't be counted." Dracula smiled lightly and waved his hand, soaking the corpse in the blood lake, "I can only say...very good at it!"

After a long absence, he took out the wand made of spooky wood, and used the tip of the wand to write and draw in the air, gradually drawing a complex pattern.

Afterwards, Dracula waved again and divided the pattern into two——

One part was submerged between the eyebrows of the Yin Corpse, and the other was slammed into the Yin Corpse's heart.

After doing this, endless blood-red lake water surged up, covering the arms, chest, cheeks of the Infernal Corpse, and finally submerging the tip of his nose.

The next moment, the ghost suddenly moved.

He slowly stood up from the blood-colored lake, and then moved towards Dracula and Serena on the shore, stiffly

He stretched out his hand, as if trying to pull the two of them into the lake.

"Hey, is there any movement in necromancy so soon?" Serena stared at this scene with wide eyes.

"No, the necromancy hasn't had time to take effect yet." Dracula said in amazement, "It seems that when it was made, the instructions received by this infernal corpse were related to water. It looks paraedema."

"What do you mean?" Serena pushed the Yin Corpse back casually, her expression still a little dazed, "Has he been soaked in the water all this time? Then why did he come to attack us?"

"This is a problem related to the mechanism of making Yin corpses." Dracula waved his wand, bound Yin corpses firmly, pushed him back into the blood lake, and then explained to Serena, "There are two main mechanisms for creating ghost corpses. One is to awaken corpses that have died a long time ago..."

"...This kind of corpse is already dead, and there will be no remnants of any actions and habits in life. It is like a blank piece of paper. It can only be ordered by the master who summoned the corpse. The advantage is that it has [-]% One hundred obedience."

"But this kind of yin corpse also lost all plasticity at the same time, and can only act according to the master's instructions. Without human control, they are like aimless walking dead, and they are easy to deal with."

"As for the other one, it's like the corpse in front of us." Dracula pointed to the corpse that was completely soaked in the blood lake, and only a silhouette could be seen. Before he died, he was first issued an order by the black wizard using necromancy, and whenever this order is triggered, he will act in a unique way of action."

"Didn't you also see it just now? The moment the corpse was submerged in the lake, it seemed to be activated. It immediately moved towards the two of us and launched an attack."

"So I guess, his action instructions are probably to attack all the life on the shore when he is in the lake, and try to drag all the life on the shore into the lake where he is."

Serena nodded thoughtfully, and looked at the Yin Corpse, which was originally honest but now immersed in the lake water but began to struggle violently, slightly frowned her slender eyebrows.

"Wait a minute, I have a question." She asked, "If the command is triggered to act, why does this kind of ghost appear in the plain area under our Dracula castle? Is this so-called command to attack life on the shore?" , can you make the distance so far?"

"This is the second benefit of this kind of ghoul." Dracula chuckled, "They can not only act according to instructions in the absence of the summoner, but also can act like the walking dead without any consciousness. , obey the summoner's orders."

Chapter 92 Regulus Black

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"It wasn't until that time that I finally found out that the Dark Lord wanted to use Horcruxes to obtain eternal life." Regulus' mood became a little resentful again, "He is such a person, even the closest subordinates will not Care, he doesn't deserve eternal life!"

"So I went back home and got someone to make a locket that was almost exactly like the Dark Lord's Horcrux. Then I asked Kreacher to take me again to the cave where he kept the Horcrux."

"I personally drank the poison he prepared, and took away the Dark Lord's Horcrux."

Regulus fell silent, and the air fell into silence for a moment.

"So... you knew you were going to die from that moment on?" Dracula asked after a while.

"Yes. But I am willing to die." Regulus said, "I should be the only one besides the Dark Lord who knows about Horcruxes, and this has become my mission."

"If the Dark Lord really rules the whole world, there will be no happiness in the world. Even the Black family will eventually be reduced to black dogs at his mercy. What's more, the Dark Lord will find out sooner or later. The Horcrux has been exchanged, he will definitely not let me go, and I will even implicate the entire family."

"So I can only die. This is my best ending. My parents and family members don't know anything. As long as Voldemort doesn't want to expose the fact of the Horcrux, he will not implicate the powerful Black family for no reason. "

The air was quiet again.

Suddenly, a seat rose from the lake water, supporting Regulus' body still submerged in the lake water.

This seat is identical to the ruby-shaped seat beneath both Dracula and Serena.

"You are a hero, Mr. Black." Dracula stood up and patted Regulus on the shoulder emotionally, "I never thought that a corpse that was resurrected casually would bring such a Wonderful story."

At the beginning, I was interested in Regulus, the infernal corpse, only because he was the only fish that slipped through the net in that war.This made Dracula feel very embarrassed, so he wanted to study the reason.

Later, when he found the crest of the Black family on Regulus and the Dark Mark on the inside of his left arm, he was curious, wondering why such a Death Eater, who obviously had a high status, was killed by Voldemort. Crafted into a corpse.

So Dracula "resurrected" Regulus, wanting to have some fun with what memories he might have left.

However, he did not expect that such a humble ghost would bring such a touching story.

Dracula, who was looking for fun, was moved instead, and he felt a little ashamed.

He turned his head and glanced at Serena secretly, only to find that she was burying her face in her hands, and her shoulders were twitching.

"Little Serena was moved to tears?" Dracula raised the corners of his mouth, rubbed Serena's hair with a light smile, and messed up the part of her head where the black and white hair colors meet.

Dracula compared his performance with Serena's, and immediately felt no shame.

"Not at all!" Selina murmured from between her two hands.

She shook her head in resistance, trying to shake Dracula's hand off, but failed.

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