"Mr. Black, you should stay here for the time being." Dracula gently smoothed Serena's hair, and at the same time turned to look at Regulus, and said to him, "You are no longer It’s a wizard, at best it’s a special kind of corpse, a kind of dark creature.”

"The blood lake here has a very good nourishing effect on dark creatures. You should stay here for a few more days and try to rest the organs in your body that have long ceased to function."

"Cherish this opportunity, few people can enter this lake of blood!"

Pulling up the teary-eyed Serena, Dracula was going to find something else to divert his attention.How could the indifferent and ruthless Earl be moved by a young man?

"Wait a moment!"

Before taking a few steps, Dracula was stopped by Regulus behind him.

Dracula stopped and looked back at him.

"Sir, I don't know your name yet." Regulus seemed to have finally recovered from his excitement, from the ruby-like

Stand up on the seat.

He straightened his faded robe to make it look more decent.

"You rescued me from a crowd of ghosts, and even helped me find the memory of my life, which is tantamount to the grace of reinvention." He bowed deeply to Dracula, "This kindness I will definitely find an opportunity to repay you in the future."

"You can call me Dracula." Looking at the solemn Regulus, Dracula also turned around and looked at him, "As for the grace of regeneration, I don't need to mention it. I don't have any good intentions, I just want to have some fun for myself."

"No matter what your original intention for saving me is, it's a kindness for me!" Regulus said solemnly, "Members of the Black family will not ignore the kindness of others."

Then, he became a little embarrassed,

"Besides, I actually have another unfeeling request..."

"Tell me." Dracula said with interest.

"I want to see Kreacher. I don't know if he has obeyed my order to find a way to destroy the Horcrux of the Dark Lord." Regulus said softly, "I don't know that he has been here for the past 13 years without me. What's going on, what's going on with my family..."

Chapter 93 The Black Family

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His words made Regulus' face extremely ugly, and his heart was extremely heavy. He turned around and was about to leave the house that made him sad.

Just then Walburga Black spoke.

"Shut up!" she yelled angrily at the stubborn old portrait. "This is my son! I don't care what he becomes, he's my son anyway!"

Regulus stopped in his footsteps, his eyes became bright.

He couldn't believe that the mother who valued the purity of blood and cared so much about family glory would say such a thing.She admitted a son who had turned into an infernal corpse!

"Regulus, stay at home." Walburga said loudly to Regulus, "This will always be your home, no matter what you become. After you and your father left, a The years people have stayed here are enough to make me think about this matter clearly!"

"Okay." Regulus turned around, bloody tears filled his eyes again.

However, more elders of the Black family stood up and jointly accused Walburga of violating the ancestral precepts.

And Walburga also showed her swearing momentum, suppressing a group of old guys from the Black family by herself, fighting with the Confucian scholars, scolding them indistinguishably from east to west.

Dracula watched this scene with a chuckle, and said to a portrait hiding in a corner watching the excitement.

"The portraits of your family are very dynamic, Principal Black."

"Ah...Actually, they are not always so unqualified, Mr. Earl." Phineas Black with thin eyebrows and a goatee smiled awkwardly, "It's just that I saw little Regulus come back today That's what made them a little emotional."

Phineas Black is embarrassing right now.

He was dozing off in the principal's office, but he suddenly sensed some commotion in Black's ancestral house, and wanted to come and see the excitement.Who knew that when he first arrived, he saw two groups of people yelling at each other and greeting each other's family...

Moreover, these portraits seemed to have never occurred to them for a while. They all came from one family, and the family members who greeted them were all their own family members...

What made Principal Black even more embarrassed was that he also met the powerful Count Dracula who was a frequent visitor to the principal's office here!

Now all the ugliness of the family is exposed...

"Let them quarrel first, Mr. Black." Dracula listened to these portraits arguing for half an hour, and when he got tired of listening to it, he walked over to Regulus who was stunned, and patted him. shoulder, "We have other things to do, don't forget Voldemort's Horcrux."

Regulus woke up suddenly, hurriedly left the noisy corridor, and led Dracula towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

Walk past the long, worm-holed curtains on both sides of the portrait, around a large umbrella stand that looks like it was made from a broken leg of a troll, and then to the dark stairway.

Going up the dark stairs, there is a row of crumpled heads on the plaque on the wall beside the stairs.Dracula glanced at those heads indifferently, and couldn't help frowning——

They were the heads of house elves, and they all had the same distinctive big nose.

"Are these heads... all house elves who once served your family?" Dracula's face darkened.

Regulus' expression froze for a moment.

"Yes, they used to be house elves who served the Black family all their lives, and their heads were chopped off after death." He explained with some embarrassment, "It was passed down from the generation of the great-grandmother Eladora. Bad habits, most of them are left by the old guys who are fighting with my mother."

"Tsk, the house elves have dedicated their lives to you wizards, but they ended up like this." Dracula said mockingly, "It seems that the decline of pure-blood families in the magic world is not without reason."

Dracula has always believed that the existence of the house-elf race is deformed.

This race clearly possesses not low intelligence and not weak magical ability, but it relies on wizards all their lives, and regards serving wizards as the value of life.

Such a race deserves at least the most basic respect from wizards.

"In fact, we are already working hard to change these bad habits.

Yes, but time did not give us more chances. Regulus said softly, "In my mother's generation, she has always gotten along well with Kreacher, so she doesn't approve of cutting off the heads of house elves. "

"However, these heads left by the previous people are permanently glued to the wall, and there is no way for us descendants to take them down."

He looked at the neat row of house elf heads in front of him, and sighed deeply.

"Permanent sticking spell, isn't it?" Dracula looked at the wall next to him and raised the corners of his mouth coldly.

The next moment, his fingernails stretched, and he pointed to a knife, and suddenly swung his left hand.

A sharp invisible light blade cut across the wall in an instant, cutting off the heads of the row of house elves together with the entire outer layer of the wall.

"Repair as ever()."

Dracula waved his hand casually, and repaired the wall he had destroyed.

"Okay, here are the heads of these house elves." He placed the long slab that he had cut off on the stairs leading to the second floor, and said to Regulus, "When you have Remember to bury them when you are empty, and let them rest in the ground."

Regulus stared dumbfounded at Dracula's flowing movements, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"I see, Mr. Dracula." He nodded.

Chapter 94 Kreacher's Redemption

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"Ahem, Kreacher, that plaque on the wall won't be used anymore." Regulus said awkwardly, "After today, even if your lifespan comes to an end, we won't decapitate your heads again." It's hanging on the wall."

"Huh?" Kreacher seemed a little disappointed, and said in a sharp voice, "but... But Kreacher's biggest dream is to cut off his head and stick it on that plaque like my mother did. Highest honor for a house-elf of our House Black!"

Regulus supported his forehead, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dracula watching the show behind him, feeling a little ashamed.

"Kreacher, actually it's not good to cut off the head of a house elf." He tried to explain to Kreacher, "It's disrespectful and irresponsible to you."

"Master Regulus, did Kreacher do something wrong? You are dissatisfied with me." Kreacher continued to say aggrievedly in his ugly voice.

Then he seemed to suddenly think of something, and jumped up suddenly.

"It occurred to me that Master Regulus must be blaming Kreacher for not destroying that hideous locket!" he yelled.

As he spoke, he slammed his head against the fireplace next to him, chanting in pain as he slammed:

"Bad Kreacher! Stupid Kreacher!  …"

"Stop, Kreacher!" Regulus yelled.

Only then did Kreacher stop his movements because of his instinct to obey orders.

"Listen to me, Kreacher. I don't blame you at all." Regulus knelt down and came to Kreacher, looking straight into his eyes, "Not everyone can destroy the things of the Dark Lord, you It’s normal that it can’t be destroyed!”

"Give me that locket now, and I will find a way to destroy it."

Kreacher looked at the sincere expression of Master Regulus who was close by, tears flashed in his eyes.

However, at the next moment, his eyes suddenly changed, and he took a few steps back suddenly.

"No, your aura is different from that of Master Regulus!" He cried loudly, and at the same time tremblingly uttered extremely firm words, "Master Regulus is dead! You must be the Dark Lord posing as Yes, I want to trick Master Regulus into taking away the Horcrux that Master Regulus bought with his life!"

"I won't hand over that locket if I die!"

After saying this, he wiped away his tears and disappeared in place with a "bang".

Regulus watched this scene in astonishment, and then a deep sense of powerlessness emerged in his heart.

"Mr. Dracula, is it true that my infernal body is no longer my own?" He said sadly, "I never thought that even Kreacher would know my day."

"Of course the aura of an infernal corpse is different from that of a wizard, and it's normal for a house-elf to be suspicious." Dracula walked over from the tapestry and said to him, "After you and your mother passed away one after another, Kreacher actually The master should have become your elder brother, right? There is no longer a master-servant contract between you."

"What's more, he saw you die in that cave with his own eyes, and you have repeatedly asked him to destroy Voldemort's Horcrux, so he will be more vigilant about this matter."

"You should be glad your house-elf is still as alert as he should be!"

"But if Kreacher doesn't recognize me, how can we get back the Dark Lord's Horcrux?" Regulus asked worriedly, "Didn't you tell me that the Dark Lord might make a comeback at any time?"

Dracula didn't reply, but crossed his arms and walked to the place where Kreacher disappeared before.

"Even though I've seen it quite a few times, I still have to say that house-elf apparation is a lot more fun than wizards," he said with a chuckle.

Then, Dracula stretched out a hand forward, groping carefully in the air, as if looking for something.

When his hand touched the height of Kreacher's shoulder, his eyes suddenly lit up, and at the same time, he stabbed his hand into the void—

Dracula's slender fingers seemed to penetrate the space and disappeared into the living room of the Black family.Then he exerted a little force, pulled his elbow back, and retracted his fingers from the other side of the space.

He was clutching the neck of a house-elf with wrinkled skin and an ugly face in his hands.

This was Kreacher who had just Apparated away!

Kreacher looked at the familiar living room, and seemed a little dazed.

However, he was thrown out by Dracula in the next second.

"Regulus, has your house-elf not bathed in decades?" He slapped his palms in disgust, and glanced at Regulus, "Kreacher's body is covered in mud, especially It's inside the folds of the skin, I suggest you give him a good wash later!"

At this moment, Kreacher finally came to his senses and got up from the floor of the living room.

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