"You...you are an evil demon, you shouldn't be included in the Black family!" There was fear and terror in his eyes.

At the same time, he took two steps back trembling, wanting to use Apparition to escape from here again.

Seeing this, Dracula raised his hand and held it falsely. Kreacher was instantly restrained by an invisible force on the ground, unable to move at all.

"You two devils, kill me!" Seeing that he couldn't resist, Kreacher simply closed his eyes and said as if dying, "I will never hand over what Master Regulus bought with my life." !"

Looking at the "easily righteous" Kreacher, Dracula looked at Regulus with a wry smile.

"Your house-elf says you're a devil!" he laughed.

Regulus also shook his head helplessly, came to Kreacher, and squatted down.

"Kreacher, I'm really your Master Regulus." He said softly to Kreacher, "Open your eyes and take a closer look, don't you really not recognize me? This will make me very sad Sad."

Kreacher didn't have the slightest intention to open his eyes, but tears were streaming down from the corners of his eyes.

"I saw it with my own eyes... Master Regulus is already dead, he was dragged into the lake by countless ghost corpses... It's all my fault, I couldn't save Master Regulus..." He sobbed loudly , "But even if he is dead, you will not let him go, he will be pretended to be him by you despicable, indecent, cruel devils, to defraud him of what he traded for with his life..."

"...I will not let you succeed!"

Regulus smiled helplessly, sat cross-legged on the ground, and looked down at Kreacher's ugly face.

"Well, Kreacher." He said gently, "I'll just sit here and tell you the story of my childhood and our experiences together, so that maybe you won't doubt my identity anymore."

Without waiting for Kreacher to respond, Regulus told his own story.

He told it very carefully, as if these stories were not for Kreacher, but slowly recovering his faint memories of his lifetime.

"I still remember that I was the youngest child of my parents, and I had a rebellious brother. Since childhood, my rebellious brother liked to fight against his father and mother, and even broke the cloth after he entered Hogwarts. The Lyker family tradition, added to Gryffindor House."

"I know my parents are angry with my older brother, and I know their expectations for my little son, so I try my best to obey them and try to live the way they want me to live. Because I know, only in this way can my parents be happy .”

"Then I went to Hogwarts too, and living up to my parents' expectations, I went to Slytherin House. In my second year, I became the Seeker for the Slytherin House Quidditch team, and I played hard Beat the Gryffindor team so badly, it made my Gryffindor brother very embarrassed."

"After I wrote this news to my mother, she was happy about it for a long time. Every time she saw me and my elder brother, she would use it to anger him. My parents also told him, "Regule He was a better son than him," and I've always been proud of that."

Kreacher's turbulent tears gradually stopped, and he pricked up his ears, listening carefully.

"Everyone knows these things, and you have no way to use these things to prove that you are Master Regulus." He muttered, but his heart had already begun to shake a little.

"That's good." Regulus smiled softly, "Then I'll tell you something few people know.


"I have always admired the Lord Dark Lord since I was a child, and I agree with his ideal of supremacy of pure blood. And I did a good job. Before I graduated, I got a Dark Mark bestowed by him personally. After graduation , I joined the Death Eaters as a matter of course. I am proud of it."

"But I realized later that I was still too young. In reality, the cruelty of Death Eaters is completely different from what I imagined..."

"At first, I thought that the Death Eaters would not torture Muggles and Muggle wizards like they did later. Everyone followed the Dark Lord just for their own blood and power. But then I discovered that under the influence of the Dark Lord, everyone Being cruel, extreme, violent... I didn't know it was wrong, but I didn't have the guts to fight it."

"What really made me decide to turn against the Death Eaters was when the Dark Lord tried to kill you."

Regulus looked at Kreacher in front of him, and said in a low tone.

"You respect my order so much, because I told you to remember to go home after completing the task of the Dark Lord, so you returned home with the last of your strength... Kreacher, I am sorry for you, I took you home with my own hands. into that abyss."

"No, Master Regulus, you didn't..." Kreacher finally opened his eyes, crying bitterly.

"Don't worry, listen to me." Regulus smiled at him with relief, "After listening to what you told me, I became suspicious that the Dark Lord was so sure that he would not die. I used to read I have been to the magic of horcruxes, and his performance also made me confirm that the locket is his horcrux."

"The Dark Lord is too arrogant. He thought that no one would know about this kind of profound magic, let alone that a young man under the age of 20 even knew about it. That's why he gave me a replacement for his Horcrux. Opportunity……"

At this time, although Kreacher was unable to move because of Dracula's imprisonment, he was already crying.

"Can you...can you tell me what you wrote...in that fake locket?" He sobbed, "Only...only Master Regulus and Kreacher knew that note... "

Regulus smiled.

"To the Dark Lord..." he read slowly, "I know I'm dead when you read this letter, but I want you to know: I discovered this secret of yours, and I've taken it away found a real Horcrux and will destroy it as soon as possible."

"I'd risk my life for you to meet a mortal man of flesh and blood when you hit your opponent."


Regulus read the last three letters word by word, and Kreacher finally burst into tears.

"You...you are really Master Regulus!" Kreacher suddenly felt that he could move, he stood up, and slammed his head against the corner of the table next to him, "Kreacher... how dare Kreacher doubt Regulus?" With the identity of Master Les, Kreacher deserves to die!"

But before he hit the corner of the table, he was wrapped in Regulus' cold arms.

Although the corpse's body is very cold, Kreacher feels that this is the warmest moment in more than ten years...

Dracula looked at the "warm scene" in front of him with disgust——

Handsome Inferi and ugly house-elf cuddle together.

He shrugged his shoulders, walked to the sofa in the living room boredly, drove away a few foxes that were hatching under the sofa, used the disappearing spell to clean up a nest of dead velvet on the sofa, and used the cleansing spell to clean the sofa. After cleaning the outside thoroughly, he lay down lazily on it.

"Now your Master Regulus is no longer a devil?"

Chapter 95 Has Professor Dracula published a book?

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Xiaohuijin District, No. [-], Privet Drive.

Harry was picked up in a flying car by Wes's three brothers, Fred, George and Ron.

Hearing Uncle Vernon howling angrily through the window, he rolled down the window happily and let the evening wind play in his hair.

Harry couldn't believe it - he was free!

"See you next summer!"

Harry stuck his head out of the window and called out to Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia, and Cousin Dudley, who stood there motionless.

Brother Wesley laughed, and Harry leaned back in his chair, mouth shut in delight.

"Harry, can you tell us what happened this holiday?" Ron asked impatiently after the car flew into the night sky. I thought something was wrong with Errol..."

"Who's Errol?" Harry asked.

"We have an owl at home," Ron explained. "He's getting old, and used to wear out delivering letters. So I wanted to borrow Hermes—"

"Who is Hermes?"

"The owl that Mom and Dad bought for Percy after he became a prefect." Fred, who was sitting in the driver's seat, turned around and said.Harry was afraid he might hit something with his car.

"But Percy won't lend it to me," said Ron, "saying he'll use it himself."

"Percy's summer vacation is very weird this year," George frowned and complained. "He asked Hermes to deliver a lot of letters, and he always shut himself in the room... I don't understand, the prefect's badge needs to be wiped." That many times...you've been driving too far west, Fred."

As he spoke, he pointed to a compass on the dashboard.

Fred turned the steering wheel.

"Then you drive the car out, does your dad know?" In fact, Harry had already guessed the truth before asking this question.

"Oh, dunno," said Ron, "he's working overtime tonight. I wish we'd slipped the car into the garage so my mum wouldn't find out. We're going to kill my dad a lot..."

Harry held a two-second silence in his heart for Mr. Weasley.

Suddenly, Ron seemed to realize something, and turned his head to look at Harry with wide eyes.

"...wait a minute, were you changing the subject just now?" he asked.

"Ah, I didn't..." Harry, whose truth had been exposed, turned his head in embarrassment, looking at the big moon outside the window.

"You're changing the subject!" Ron said firmly. "Tell us, what did you do on vacation?"

Instinctively not wanting to tell anyone about the diary, Harry hesitated, concealing Tom's role in the incident.

"I locked up my Hedwig in revenge for the Dursleys, and ruined Uncle Vernon's big business..." He murmured, "Then I was completely nailed to the room, and only Two meals, only two chances to go to the bathroom..."

"They are too hateful!" Fred clenched his fists angrily and waved them.

Scared by his actions, George next to him quickly reached out and helped straighten the empty steering wheel.

"Hedwig was locked up by them, so it's understandable for you not to send us a letter." Ron nodded thoughtfully, "But why couldn't Errol find you?"

"What? He couldn't find me?" Harry's eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah, at first I thought Old Lake Errol was painted. It wasn't until Hermione wrote to tell me that her owl couldn't find you, that Fred and George realized something was wrong," said Ron, "It's because of this problem that we decided to come to your house secretly to see if there is anything wrong with you."

"That's right, the reason why the owl can't find you is probably because of a spell called the Avoidance Curse." George said in the passenger seat, "Fred and I used to prevent mother's yelling letter from coming to our door. I have researched this spell, but unfortunately it didn’t work.”

He showed a very regretful expression.

"It's a pretty advanced spell, and it's used by wizards who don't want to be disturbed by owls, or who don't want to be found by others," Fred said, "but if this spell appears in the Muggle community, and it's still

That's a whole month of coverage, and that's not right! "

"Anyway, Fred and George were right!" Ron said happily. "If they hadn't realized they were wrong, I might not have found out you were locked up until school started."

A happy smile appeared on Harry's face.

The flying car was speeding all the way, and when the four little wizards approached the destination of the trip, a faint red glow appeared on the eastern horizon.

The rising sun gradually turned the clear and cloudless sky into a rose-like color, and this rose-colored glow seemed to indicate that a beautiful day was about to begin.

Ottery St. Catchpole Village, to--

Fred skillfully landed the car next to a dilapidated garage, and it was obvious that this was not the first time he had stolen Mr. Wesley's flying car.

Around the garage is a small yard.This small courtyard used to be a big pigsty built of stones, and later some rooms were added here and there, and the piles were as high as several floors, crooked.

No serious architect would have built a house like this, and such a crooked house is completely out of the question in the Muggle world.After all, even the Leaning Tower of Pisa can't violate physics so seriously, let alone be so different from human aesthetics!

Then there is only one answer, the house is glued together by magic...

The four got out of the car quietly, and Harry saw four or five chimneys standing on the crooked red roof, and a sign that read "The Burrow" was placed diagonally in front of the house.

"It's not very good here, Harry." Ron said anxiously, "I know the building here is... well... a bit crude, but I promise, the house will never suddenly fall down while you are sleeping!"

"What a shame!" Harry shook his head, but said excitedly, "On the contrary, this place is amazing!"

After breaking away from the prison at No. [-], Privet Drive, he felt that heaven was everywhere!What's more, this "burrow" of Weslai's family fully fits his yearning for all kinds of strange facilities in the magic world.

After hearing Harry's evaluation, the three brothers in the Wes family were very happy.

They decided to go upstairs quietly and surprise Mrs. Wesley when she called them to breakfast.

However, the next moment, Ron's introduction was stuck in his mouth, his face turned green, and his eyes were fixed on the direction of the house.

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