Feeling something was wrong, Fred and George turned around to look at where Ron was looking.

Mrs. Wesley came walking quickly from the other side of the yard, scaring the old hens and cocks in the yard into running away.

To Harry's amazement, Mrs. Weasley, a stocky, kind-hearted woman, could be so fierce as a grinning tigress!

"Not good," said Fred.

"It's not just bad, it's dead," George added.

Mrs. Weasley stopped in front of them, with her hands on her hips, examining the guilty faces of Fred, George and Ron one by one.

This atmosphere made Harry feel guilty, and silently lowered his head.

Mrs. Weasley wore a printed apron with a wand in her pocket.

"Okay, you three," she said.

"Good morning, Mom." George blinked and said cutely in what he thought was a relaxed and cute tone.

"Do you know how anxious I am?" Mrs. Wesley ignored him, but said in a low and heart-pounding voice.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but we have to..."

Mrs. Weasley's three sons were all taller than her, but when her anger broke out, they were all trembling, and they couldn't answer at all.

"The bed is empty! No note! The car is gone...Maybe it was a car accident, and I'm going to go crazy!" She scolded loudly, "Have you ever thought about it? I have so many children in my life, just you The three are the most worrying! Let's see how your father will deal with you when he comes back, Bill, Charlie and Percy have never had such a thing..."

Mrs. Weasley seemed to reprimand them for an hour, and Harry stood by, listening with trepidation.

In the process of reprimanding, seeing that his mother had entered a state of selflessness, Fred quietly

He elbowed George's hipbone.

"George, you are 14 years old, and you are not cute at all." His lips barely moved, but the words he said were clearly heard in George's ears, "It's useless to be cute, mom Eat this. The only one who can save us now is Harry."

George understood immediately, and pushed his hipbone against the left arm of Harry, who was standing to his right, startling him.

"Harry, our lives are in your hands!" His lips barely moved, but Harry heard his voice, "Now it's your turn, Harry, call Mommy Say hello and let her notice your presence."

"Mum will be very happy to see you over. She'll forget about our sneaky drive in no time..."

Harry's lips moved.

Looking at Mrs. Wesley, who was like a furious tigress, he hesitated, wondering if interrupting her lecture would aggravate her anger, and he didn't know if his face would really be that useful .

In short, he was a little cowardly.

"Quick, Harry, the sooner you divert Mommy's attention, the sooner she will let us go." George's voice sounded again.

Harry gritted his teeth and finally made up his mind.

After all, it was the three brothers of Weslai's family who rescued him from that cage, so what's the big deal about being scolded for them!

So he stood up without hesitation.

"Um... hello, Mrs. Weasley." Harry said weakly.

Harry's voice caught Mrs. Weasley's attention immediately.

"Ah, nice to see you, dear Harry," she shouted for a long time, her voice was a little hoarse, but she was completely different from the rage just now, and said to Harry very kindly, "Come, let's go in and eat Have some breakfast!"

She seemed to have forgotten about reprimanding the three boys who came to Wes's house, and turned around and walked into the house with a pleasant face.

Harry glanced at the three of Ron nervously, and found that they all gave him a thumbs up, and the expressions in Fred and George's eyes could be seen at a glance, as if they were saying to him——

"Good job!"


Life at the Burrow was very different from life on Privet Drive.

The Dursleys like everything to be in order, but Wes's home is full of magic and surprises—

Harry was taken aback by the mirror on the kitchen mantelpiece.

When he looked in the mirror for the first time, the mirror suddenly cried out, "Tuck your shirt into your trousers, it's sloppy!"

There are still a few ghouls living in the attic of the Burrow. Whenever they feel that the house is too quiet, they howl loudly and knock on the pipe.

Chapter 96 Knockturn Alley

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"How do you know why Professor Dracula published the book?" Ron looked at Fred and George and asked suspiciously.

In the living room, the Wesleys, Percy, and Harry also looked over with curiosity.

Fred and George nodded in satisfaction and began to tell what they knew.

"You know Cedric Diggory, don't you?" Fred said, "It's the third grade... no, it's the fourth grade now, anyway, he's the one who won the No.1 final exam of our grade!"

"Then why don't you two hurry up and learn from Cedric?" Mrs. Wesley put the pile of bowls aside, put her hands on her hips, and looked at the two naughty boys with hatred.

"Mom, that's not the point!" George protested dissatisfied, "We two are talking about things!"

"Okay, I want to see what tricks you guys can come up with." Mrs. Wesley nodded and became quiet.

Then, she picked up the bowl again and threw it into the kitchen, letting the sponge floating in the air rub the bowl to create sparkling foam.

"Harry should know about this, right?" Fred continued, "Cedric got a pendant made by Professor Dracula, and I remember you got one too."

"Not only did I remember, but I even made the twin brothers lose ten Galleons!" Harry nodded unnaturally.

He had Diary Tom tutoring him in his favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and his grades naturally improved very quickly.

"Yes, everyone knows that Cedric is No.1. But few people know that he almost became No.2!" Fred didn't know what Harry was thinking, and continued to talk to the living room The people in the room said.

"How could it be? Isn't Cedric's score far away from No.2?" At this moment, Mr. Weasley said, "Amos Diggory shows off his skills in front of me all day long." My ears are getting callused, son. Isn't Cedric as good as he says he is?"

"Father, although I really don't want to admit it, Cedric is just that good." George shrugged, "His usual grades can indeed separate No.2 by a long distance."

"Oh? Then why this time, did you make a mistake?" Mr. Wesley folded the newspaper, put it on the table he had just cleaned up, and looked at Fred and George intently.

"No, no, no, Cedric didn't make a mistake." George said mysteriously, "It's just that he went to Professor Dracula's office before the exam..."

"Come to the point, George!"

Percy couldn't listen to the twins' constant teasing, and he yelled at them.

"Percy really has no sense of humor." Fred curled his lips. "Let's get to the point, George, they might be impatient."

"The focus is on the back!" George said dissatisfiedly, squinting at Percy, "Before the final exam, Cedric went to Professor Dracula's office to ask a question. The general meaning is— "

"When answering the questions in the test paper, should you write according to the content in the textbook "Black Magic: A Guide to Self-Defense", or should you write according to the content taught by Professor Dracula in class."

"George is right, but do you know how Professor Dracula answered?" Fred smirked, imitating Dracula's tone and said, "Professor Dracula told him on the spot: "I said Only the content that has been passed is correct, and any place that conflicts with the textbook is a problem in the textbook! ""

"That's not right..." Percy said in surprise, "I filled in the answers in the textbook on the test paper, but no points were deducted!"

"This is the crux of the problem!" George said to Percy, "Professor Dracula did not write the papers for the final exam, nor did he correct them. He even forgot to talk to Dumbledore who corrected the papers. The professor clarified this matter..."

"...So, Cedric, who filled out the answers according to Professor Dracula's lecture content, was so tragically deducted a lot of points..." Fred and George said in harmony, "If it weren't for the book The content is not too different from what the professor said, and it is estimated that Cedric's No.1 will be suspended!"

"Oh, Se

Derek was pathetic too. Mr. Wesley sighed and shook his head, raised his glass and took a sip of water.

Then, his eyes suddenly changed, and he sprayed the water out of his mouth.

"Wait, you just said... who was the one who corrected the test papers?" he asked in shock.

"Father, you heard me right, it's Professor Dumbledore." George said with a playful smile, "Professor Dumbledore is also the one who gave the test, and I don't know what private deal he has made with Professor Dracula..."

"Yes, so Harry and Ron have doubts about the fact that Professor Dracula will write a book, which is actually quite reasonable." Fred said, "How can a person as lazy as Professor Dracula suddenly be How about going off to write a book?"

"Yeah, Fred." Ron asked puzzledly, "What does Professor Dracula's publication of a book have to do with Cedric being deducted from the exam?"

"You don't understand, little Luoluo." George said with a smirk, "We invited you to play Quidditch with Cedric on the opposite hillside a few days ago. That was the day, Cedric K told us the secret."

"But at that time, in order to study your wizard chess at home, you turned down our kindness!"

Hearing the shameful nickname of "Little Luo Luo", Ron stood up and wanted to fight George desperately.Harry held him tightly beside him.

"Cedric told us that he went to Professor Dracula's office again after he got his grades." Fred continued, "But this time he went to see Professor Dracula's theory and asked him why he was rejected. So many points deducted."

"That's why Professor Dracula published the book." George laughed, "Cedric told us that the professor felt very embarrassed about this matter, so he planned to publish a book himself, picking out the characters in our textbooks. All the bugs!"

Everyone present agreed with this explanation.

If it surprised them that Dracula would take the time to write a book, it would be very fitting for Professor Dracula to write a book because he lost face.

Just then, a dusty feather duster fell through the crooked window.Harry took a look at the feather duster, only to find that it was actually breathing!

"Errol!" Ron yelled.

He picked up the dirty, sickly owl from the ground, and pulled out a letter from under its wing, "It finally brought Hermione's reply. I wrote to her earlier, we're going to Dursley The family rescued you."

He carried Errol to a rail by the back door and tried to make it stand on it, but Errol was so tired that he fell straight down.

Ron had to set it down on the wider table, muttering "poor Errol".

"This feather duster... No, how old is this owl?" Harry almost said what was on his mind, and asked Fred embarrassingly in the middle of speaking.

Fortunately, the Weiss family didn't care, maybe they thought so too.

"Errol, he's the owl that Bill's family bought for him when he was just in school." Fred shrugged and said to Harry, "Now, Bill has been out of school for five years."

Harry counted on his fingers, and found that Errol was twelve years old, and the oldest owl was about the same age...

"Then it's really...not young..." Harry gave Errol a sympathetic look.

"In fact, we have long wanted it to enjoy our old age, but the family has been so poor that we can't get rid of it. Ginny will go to school this year, and there are a lot of things to buy." Mr. Wesley sighed next to him, "So we can only buy it again. How hard it has been for old Errol for a while. When the family is rich, we must find a good place for him to retire to!"

Harry took another look at the old owl slumped on the table, and only hoped that he would live until the Wes family had enough money.

By this time, Ron had finished reading Hermione's letter.

"Merlin's beard, Hermione is busy doing homework during the summer vacation!" He was taken aback.

"Yeah, so Hermione didn't get No. 1 in the final exam of Defense Against the Dark Arts class!" George said, patting Harry on the shoulder.

He was still a little bitter that Harry had cost him and Fred ten Galleons.

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