【What's wrong? 】The Cub of Light asked.

【There is, but...】

The head of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness hesitated a bit.

[Speak straight! 】

Lei Xu is not polite:

【We don't have much time! 】

【Yes! 】

Mephilas nodded respectfully:

【His Majesty Reza, I'm afraid you have to go to Ampera Star. 】

Lei Xu: ...

ha--! ? ?

108 Tiga body, YYDS! 7K three-in-one

【His Majesty Reza, I'm afraid you have to go to Ampera Star. 】

When the Mephilas star finished, the Cub of Light frowned and said concisely:

【reason? 】

After some quick communication, Lei Xu led the small Cub of Light onto the spaceship of the Mephilas star.

The starship with a weird style lifted off low-key and left the star port, leaving the heavily polluted atmosphere of the Rune star and slipping into the increasingly dark starry sky.

It adjusted its angle slightly, aiming at the center of this dark universe, and briskly disappeared into the distorted starlight.

Looking at the bridge armor plate that was gradually fading and becoming transparent, the Cub of Light patted Lily on the shoulder, indicating that she could move freely.

Little Guliang immediately became excited, and ran to the edge of the bridge with a pair of star-like eyes gazing at the colorful wonders outside the ship.

【you sure--】

With the simultaneous redshift and blueshift produced by superluminal speed, the visual effect presents a grotesque tubular channel style, and the cub of light glanced at the head of the four dark kings beside him:

[Is it enough to go in and out from Ampera Star?No extra effort is required! ? 】

According to Mephilas, the whereabouts of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe is a mystery——

So far, they have not been able to determine whether Ampera is missing or is in the dark star Ampera.

【Eh! 】

The attitude of the Mephilasians is impeccable and respectful:

[If the news of His Majesty's disappearance can be confirmed, I am sure enough to convince those two guys. 】

Those two guys, Mephilas refers to the frozen star Grozam who is also the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, and the cosmic man Disrem.

The four heavenly kings of darkness belong to the same level, and none of them is good. Mephilas does not have the power to directly order the other four heavenly kings.

Grozam, the Groza galaxy man who nailed Xiaomeng to the dam.

Relying on his immortal body to wander around, he was gank by the jungler Seventh Master who rushed over halfway.

In the end, Xiaomeng's designated plug-in, human's meteor technology took away the head.

Just talking about the way of receiving the bento, it is indeed a typical example of losing face.

Among the Four Heavenly Kings, there is no one with the worst ending, worse than the duck neck man.

By the way -

Generally, it is normal to have five of the Four Heavenly Kings, but the Dark Nebula does the opposite. There are actually only three of the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness.

Due to the "degeneration of the whole universe", the Yabo people in different dimensions were implicated, and the Yabo people who had no time to invade the earth naturally did not meet the fateful director of the meat factory.

In addition, the huge Yabo people who gathered the grievances of all the dead Yabo people were never born.

It should be based on the principle of "rather lack than excess... mainly because the Ampera star has not shown up since decades ago.

No matter what the reason is, in short, the position of the last Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness is still vacant.

This substantially reduces the workload of the Cubs of Light—

Mephilas has already been taken, and taking the other two is equivalent to taking down the Ampera Empire and the entire Dark Nebula...temporarily.

The last one, Desrem—

He almost died in the hands of the Cub of Light a few days ago!

It was only afterwards that Lei Xu found out that Desrem was on that planet, so he yelled regret——

It is also a feasible strategy to control the dark nebula by kidnapping the Four Heavenly Kings. The Cubs of Light have always acted eclecticly.

No way, who made the Desrem Fleet have no eyesight, and it really annoyed him to find faults several times.

Just in need of finding a target to make a name for themselves, the Cubs of Light unilaterally hit it off with one.

Destroyed all the warships on the entire fortress planet directly, and by the way, a little robbing the rich and giving to the poor——

This is how the dark crystal coin came about!

Speaking of dark crystal coins, there is another strange phenomenon——

The cubs of light had a little reaction to these valuable gadgets, to be precise, they had a reaction to the dark energy in the crystal coin.

Lei Xu wondered whether it might be because of the dark light stick or Di Jia's body, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

【Fine. 】

After reading the words to learn the truth, Lei Xu nodded without hesitation:

[Then do as you say. 】

Reading the words shows that the Mephilasians are hiding a little bit...it's normal.

Smart people think a lot, but they usually keep their mouths shut.

[His Majesty Reza, please remind me——]

The gentleman and the devil bow gracefully:

[Please be vigilant, even our Four Heavenly Kings can hardly set foot on the Dark Star. 】

【Oh? 】

Mephilas is unlikely to be aimless, and the Cubs of Light are interested:

【How to say? 】

[His Majesty's mother star is filled with too powerful dark energy...]

It’s a good explanation——

To put it simply, at the beginning of the birth of the Great Emperor of the Dark Universe, a mutation occurred on Ampera at the same time.

Or the Ampera star mutated, and by the way brought Ampera, the only survivor on it, making it the only beneficiary.

No one knows the exact truth except Ampera.

According to the Cubs of Light's understanding of Mephilas' tirade, Ampera Star became an existence similar to plasma sparks.

The entire planet is filled with powerful dark energy, and the radiation range is extremely wide.

While those radiated dark energies fed countless dark monsters, they also created more than N high-risk universes throughout the entire Dark Nebula.

It leads to a series of cosmic natural disasters that are very dangerous even for monsters and cosmic people, including but not limited to time and space loss, gamma ray bursts, and gravity chaos.

It can be said that the Dark Nebula is able to have the virtues of the poor mountains and rivers it is now, and it has more than 90% of the credit.

Going back to Ampera Star, there is no two brushes in that ghost place that can't really get in.

The dark energy that is too full in the environment will quickly erode the body of anyone approaching——

It corrodes and distorts the mind of those close to it, arouses the primitive animal nature, and fills its heart with the desire for destruction and destruction.

In short, it is very troublesome--

None of the current Dark Four Heavenly Kings can easily approach Ampera, let alone land on it.

There used to be one, and his name was Evil General Evil Bogaru.

The leader of the Bogaru family, a high-dimensional predator, is currently closing a small black room in a black hole near Ampera.

The reason is that they wantonly ignored the emperor's order and devoured many living planets, causing huge casualties.

Ampera was furious, and joined forces with the other three kings to seal him into a black hole.

At the same time, this is also the most powerful evidence that Mephilas is convinced that Emperor Ampera is not dead——

Once the Ampera star dies, the seal will naturally become invalid, and the evil Bogaru will escape on the spot.

The Cub of Light knows without even thinking about it. Mephilas suggested that he go to Ampera Planet with his thoughts——

He still has doubts about "Light of the Earth", and half of the ingredients here are for final confirmation!

In "Light of the Earth", 'Reza' relied on the performance of Tiga's body being completely unaffected by dark energy.

If he is Li Gui, he will be exposed immediately after walking in and out of Ampera Star.

If the trip back and forth is unscathed, that is the best proof.

When the grotesque scenery outside the bridge gradually peeled off, a particularly deep darkness permeated in an instant.


The small Cub of Light lying on the inner wall of the bridge let out a cute scream, and the surface of Xiao Guliang's body gradually glowed.

In this regard, Lily was obviously at a loss, and immediately looked in Lei Xu's direction pitifully.

"This lovely little lady is also from the Otto family?"

The gentleman devil at the side glanced at Lily in surprise.

"My apprentice."

Replying casually, the Cub of Light stepped forward and rubbed Aunt Liang's dull hair, letting out his thoughts to feel the thicker and thicker dark energy in the surrounding environment.

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