"rest assured."

Lei Xu condensed a cloud of rainbow light and shot it into Lili's body, watching her body gradually glow with a layer of rainbow light:

"The light within you is activated and it will protect you from dark energies...this is for you."

The Cub of Light pulled out a shining crystal from his bosom and stuffed it into Lily's hand——

Younijin is not suitable to enter the range of Ampera Star, so he has to stay.

【Man of Light~? 】

The cute house beast peeked out half of its head from the crystal, and looked over worriedly.

【It's okay, Yuni. 】

Lei Xu rubbed Rua's big white parrot's head to appease him:

【People of light will be fine, protect Lily. 】


Yunijin didn't speak, but the worry was still clearly conveyed.

"Your Majesty Reza, please look, Ampera Star is right there."

Mephilas called out and signaled Lei Xu to look at the 'empty' starry sky.

In the deep and dense darkness that cannot be melted away, there is no trace of starlight.

Ke Leixu had a strong feeling——

There's something in there, that's...attracting him! ?

The distance in the physical sense is still about half a light-year, and the dark energy in the surrounding starry sky is already so dense that the crew members on the bridge look embarrassed.

"For safety reasons, this ship cannot continue..."

"It's ok."

Lei Xu nodded lightly, and unknowingly started with the dark artifact:

"I'll go, do I need to bring you any evidence?"

The Cub of Light thought to himself, if the Ampera star had a throne or something, it would be good to take it back and give it to the first brother as a gift.

Sha Fulin, the emperor of the universe, undoubtedly needs a throne worthy of his identity!

"Need not."

Mephilas bowed gracefully, and the anticipation and weirdness that Lei Xu couldn't understand flashed in the blue evil eyes:

"You can return safely is the greatest evidence."

Lei Xu shrugged his shoulders, and the purple-black lightning had flowed from the radiating wings of the dark artifact to his whole body when he raised his hand.

From the very beginning, the Cubs of Light had a strange touch, and the surrounding dark energy seemed to be... cheering?

"That's it. I'll bring back whatever I want."

In the diffuse iridescence, purple-black spots of light passed through the transparent outer wall of the bridge in an instant, and fell towards the deep and dark center at an incredible speed.


When the purple-black shadow representing the Cub of Light disappeared into the deep darkness, the gentleman demon couldn't wait to order:

"Link to the base near Ampera star, and the observation screen will be projected!"

Under Lily's vigilant eyes, a three-dimensional darkness rapidly changed in the center of the bridge.

Almost in the next instant, a bit of purple-black light broke into the edge of the darkness and moved towards the center.

"Follow him!"

In the light and shadow that changes synchronously with the order, the black and silver figure shines and takes shape on a shadow that seems to contain all the despair in the world.

Sarah, let me see!

Mephilas stared intently at the dark giant standing motionless in the projection.

The gentleman devil has no doubts about the content of "Light of the Earth", except...


This is Ampera Star?

The Cub of Light stared at the giant star that was almost pure black below, and couldn't help frowning.


It's so weird!

What is this familiar closeness?

With Heidi's transformation, it's not a problem to go back and forth to Ampera Star.

However, the strange sense of intimacy in his heart made the Cub of Light subconsciously raise his vigilance.

Lei Xu is no stranger to this kind of intimacy——

That's how Mother Earth felt to him!

Earth, or L77, or the Kingdom of Light.

Cubs of Light will not be surprised if this feeling appears in any of the above places!

But why can it appear on Ampera Star! ?

something wrong! ! !

But if there are any problems, this trip must be done.

Now it can be said that the arrow is on the string, and I have to launch——

No matter what kind of dragon's den and tiger's den Ampera Star is, someone from Lei must go there!

The Cub of Light sank decisively, and the graceful and slender black and gray figure quickly sank into the deep and dark atmosphere.

When crossing the atmosphere and really touching the atmosphere of the dark star, the cub of light felt in all directions...Everything around him has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It's not just that the dark energy is more intense, Lei Xu almost has the illusion of falling into a different world suddenly.

His senses were sharpened—

The surrounding breath, gravity, the dark energy blowing gently in the breeze, that deep and desperate atmosphere...

The chill that went deep into the bone marrow hit his mind almost instantly, so that the Cub of Light subconsciously felt that he was being attacked.

But he soon discovered that it wasn't—

This chill is not a real physical sensation, but a huge, unusually familiar and intimate force that is spying on him.

This feeling, Cub of Light is both familiar and strange——

The sense of familiarity comes from the mothers of the earth. This feeling is a bit like soaking in the molten iron in the core of the earth.

It is the kind of natural intimacy that will never be hurt.

What is strange is that this force is extremely cold and dark compared to the energy of the mothers of the earth.

A sense of despair that came from nowhere, accompanied by a bone-chilling touch, turned into dark energy that was so thick that it was almost substantive, permeating his body.

Despite such a sense of intimacy, it is definitely not a good experience to be immersed in negative dark energy.

I'm afraid it wasn't Di Juro's body that caused Ambella Star to misunderstand, Lei Xu didn't want to find out.

"What a ghost place!"

The cub of light complained subconsciously, and the black gray giant turned its body, habitually confirming the surrounding environment with vision.

Black, a piece of pure black without the slightest variegation.

The only light source here may be the dark giant's milky eyes and the blue timer on his chest.

But strangely, Lei Xu found that he could see through the emptiness of that darkness.

It wasn't Ott's vision, he didn't mobilize the energy in his body at all.

In this case, even the Ultra form needs to follow the basic law——

In addition to the wider color gamut and observation range, there is not much difference with human vision.

Low-light vision has limits, and cubs of light should not see darkness as nothing.

A very strange sense of dislocation struck——

Psychologically, Lei Xu knew that this place was dark.

But visually, it seems that there is an invisible source of light that fills the world, and the deep and thick darkness is like a layer of mist, the texture is so thin that it almost does not exist.

With the help of this strange perspective, Lei Xu found himself standing on a dark and desolate land.

As far as I could see, the only building was an empty and flat square at the entrance of the canyon not far away.

Then go there!

The moment the decision was made, the figure of the black gray giant appeared at the foot of the two silent towering mountains.

On the edge of the rugged cliff-like mountain, below the canyon like a line of sky, slightly lower than the ground in the distance, the black crystal-like land extends under your feet.

this is......

The Cubs of Light immediately noticed the unusual texture of the ground in the square.

After preliminary confirmation, Lei Xu can confirm——

This whole piece of land uses the same material as the dark crystal coin!

Hold on, slightly below the ground...

Lei Xu was startled, and quickly jumped to the edge of the square.

With one foot, step on a piece of rock that is higher than the ground of the square.


Amidst the crisp crackling sound, a small piece of the black crystal-like texture stretched out.

Lei Xu: ...

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