"Nothing to apologize for."

Like a tacit understanding, Zhang Wei interrupted Lei Xu's apology without looking back:

"It's me who should say sorry and...thank you!"

"Thank you for being willing to make such a sacrifice. I respect and appreciate you making such a noble choice."

Lei Xu was silent.

"Just don't forget."

Zhang Wei's voice didn't stop:

"Even as an Ultraman, you are not a god. You were not even a soldier a few months ago."

"Think about your family and friends, Lei Xu, you don't have the obligation to protect everything, so--, be careful when you go out!"


Lei Xu suddenly looked at Zhang Wei who stopped suddenly with surprised eyes, and the expression on the latter's face that turned his head was half a smile:

"I don't know your detailed plan, but if you want to completely hide it from me, your expression management skills are not enough."

Lei Xu: ...

"As a friend, there's nothing I can do to help you... just one thing—"

Zhang Wei took out his access control card and opened the isolation door, moving away so that Lei Xu could see inside.

Five people with black cloth on their heads and their hands tied behind their backs were kneeling on the cold ground, surrounded by what appeared to be... control personnel?

Lei Xu suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"These five are from five parties and five elders, and they are all criminals on death row. Their execution...you decide whether you want to execute it yourself!"


Lei Xu felt that he couldn't do anything.

"The first one is rape and murder. There are more than 15 victims and more than 7 lives in his hands. He has been at large for five years."

Lei Xu's pupils shrank slightly.

"The second one, dealer D, has handled more than 30 tons of various DPs in ten years, and has been infected with 3 undercover lives. His lives... can't be counted."

Lei Xu clenched his fists.

"The third one, mercenaries, massacred villages and abused S. More than 170 civilians were killed, and more than 90% were old, weak, women and children."

Lei Xu's body was woven with rainbow light.

"The fourth one, underworld, killing fathers and mothers, forcing good people into C, high profit D, more than 300 direct victims, indirect statistics cannot be counted."

Lei Xu raised his hand.

"The fifth..." Zhang Wei abruptly changed his words and ordered: "It's time, let's do it!"

In the next second, the control personnel in front of the five condemned prisoners raised their guns in unison.


A gunshot sounded almost simultaneously.

In the field of vision, five condemned prisoners fell to the ground.

The rest of the scene is blocked by the closed isolation door.

"Some people are people, and they are worth saving."

"Some people, no, beast——, not worth it!"

Zhang Wei pointed out:

"You can't see a few real villains in the plot, but in reality..."

"No matter where you go, you may encounter such a beast."

"Remember—don't be as lenient as today."

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand as usual, patted Lei Xu on the shoulder, and turned around, leaving Lei Xu standing silently in place.


"The fifth is human traffickers, with more than 300 families and 15 young children killed."

The red radiance suddenly flashed and disappeared without a trace.


In the last few days before departure, Lei Xu stayed on the moon.

Turn into Tiga again and again and train your light skills.

Take a walk with Younijin regularly, turn into a ball of light, and filter the starlight to keep your energy full.

The eight planets in the solar system, plus the humiliating downgraded Pluto, were visited by Lei Xu within a week.

Not only to accompany Younijin, but also to confirm whether this can effectively expand Lei Xu's own energy reserves.

The effect... can only be regarded as a little bit, but it should be considerable if it accumulates over time.

Considering his current age, Lei Xu suddenly realized.

No wonder the gang of Ultramen in the plot are all thousands of years old at the beginning, and there is such a reason for co-authoring.

Outside the Lunar GDI branch—

All preparations are ready, several large pieces of 'battle-damaged' broken armor plates removed from the imperial logistics ship, together with the completely dismantled dimensional signal tower, are loaded on a warship not far away.

Qiao Ya wobbled towards Lei Xu, deliberated for a long time before tentatively speaking:


"Impossible!" Lei Xu turned his head alertly.

"I haven't said anything yet." Joya complained to herself.

"It's impossible to say anything!" The answer was decisive.

"Then I can only wish you the best of luck." Joya narrowed her eyes through the helmet and said with a smile.

Lei Xu: ...

The middle-aged man in a bloated spacesuit slowly raised his right hand to the side of his head, and the voice from the channel was like a clash of gold and iron:

"Salute to the hero!"


Behind Qiao Ya, the astronauts in two teams raised their hands together, and the whole process of the figure in front of them turning into a shining rainbow light was reflected in their clear pupils.

[Man of Light~. 】

A familiar voice came, and the holy silver light gradually covered the gray-black hull.

In the next moment, the bright red radiance merged with the holy radiance, and disappeared into the depths of the dark universe in an instant...

122 Into the space-time wound!

The infiltrated starlight can no longer attract Lei Xu's perception, and at the speed of light, the whispers that seem to come from the stars can no longer shake Lei Xu's spirit.

A few days ago, Lei Xu and Mengxin Zhaishou visited all the planets in the solar system in turn.

According to Unikin's guidance, Lei Xu tried to talk to the stars.


Got nothing!

Simply, Lei Xu no longer pays attention to this issue.

In the future, when I see Ao who is from the Kingdom of Light, I can ask about it.

40 minutes later, the red giant and the mythical phantom beast shining with holy light stopped outside the gravitational circle of Jupiter.

Gorgeous silver radiance from the tip of Unikin's wings spread all over his body, and soon, Lei Xu's body surface also shone with the same brilliance as Unikin.

[Man of Light, are you ready? 】

Lei Xu picked up the Otto perspective, and finally confirmed the dimensional signal tower that was still in operation on the Beast Ship beside him, as well as the broken armor pieces of the imperial logistics ship loaded on it.

and also......

Lei Xu felt the only object that existed in his body in a materialized form—the bronze divine light stick.


Otto nods!

[Let's go! 】

In other words, the radiant light on Unikin's body surface slowly flowed.

Following that, one ao, one beast, and one boat slowly approached the invisible crack wound, and disappeared without a trace at the moment of contact.

For a moment-

The star-diffused deep space universe was replaced by a scene beyond Lei Xu's comprehension.

What catches the eye is a world of light blended with complex colors that cannot be described in words.

Is this the inside of the time-space wound?

Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times, Lei Xu restrained his agitated heart in front of him.

The video logs on the imperial logistics ship, as well as the descriptions of the Keluo captives and the cute house beasts, cannot accurately describe the scene inside the time-space wound.

The same goes for Lei Xu, who is poor at words.

The surrounding environment seems to be the embodiment of countless energies of different natures, and Lei Xu can clearly feel that there is a huge energy surrounding him.

Purely from the perspective of visual effects, Lei Xu's vision is more complicated than the world he felt at the speed of light.

At the same time, it is more dangerous!

Since entering the time-space wound, Lei Xu has noticed that his body is constantly sending warnings, and danger seems to be everywhere.

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