The fact seems to be the same-

Lei Xu fearfully looked at the phantom that suddenly appeared not far away, the color there seemed to have faded a bit just now, and he seemed to see a winding limb with a glimpse.

In a moment, Unikin has already disturbed the stability of the environment near the space-time wound, and the surrounding colors almost completely disappeared in the mouth of Unikin.

In Lei Xu's field of vision, countless fragmented and strange pictures are mixed together in a disorderly manner.

According to Mengxin House Beast, as long as it is left unattended, a long-lasting and terrifying space-time storm will immediately form here.

Sustaining time...don't know how long it will be.

The space-time wound in it will be covered by this terrible space-time storm.

Unless there are other space-time monsters, or beings with space-time abilities can refill those 'time-space XX' absorbed by Unikin?

Lei Xu couldn't accurately describe the definition of this term. Human beings don't have this concept yet, and naturally there is no corresponding term.

[Complete——, let's go. 】

When the words came, Lei Xu subconsciously raised his hand to follow Younijin who was in front of him.

He didn't know how to identify the direction in the time-space wound, even with the blessing of Unikin's power, he didn't know where to go.

[Remember to clean up Mezad's space-time wave first! 】Lei Xu never forgot what he should do.

[I'm doing it! 】

Yunijin came to a sudden standstill, with a silver-white light rippling from his body, as if something had been wiped away.

Is that Mezzard's space-time wave trace?

Lei Xu secretly kept that feeling in his heart.

Mengxin House Beast is indeed a time-space-type phantom beast, Lei Xu's is always a step behind it to perceive the traces of Mezzard's time-space wave.

This is obviously a job that requires patience, but Mezzard's quantum travel distance has a distance limit, so it is not too difficult to find.

Younijin worked very hard, and Lei Xu couldn't help in this regard, he could only be vigilant about his surroundings and observe all kinds of wonders in the space-time wound.

Along the way, the sights he saw included but were not limited to——

A silhouette of a strange city.

A few creatures that flitted far away, like devil fish.

A few flashbacks of unfamiliar mountains, or pictures of blazing stars.

Of course, the most common one is the deep and pitch-black cosmic starry sky.

These pictures often appear in the inadvertently dissipated colors, some disappear in an instant, and some will remain for a while.

Lei Xu couldn't find the law in it.

Every once in a while, Lei Xu would feel the energy reserves in his body.

Unionkin said don't worry too much until you meet that fast scary thing, few of them are faster than him.

Lei Xu has reservations about this—children, who knows how much bragging is involved, especially in what he is good at.

Of course, Unikin never lied to him, so Lei Xu actually believed it.

【Man of Light, gone. 】

【Gone? 】 Lei Xu didn't come back to his senses for a while, 【What's gone? 】

[Traces. 】

[The traces of Mezzard are gone? 】

Lei Xu was taken aback, so fast?

So here it is-

Lei Xu looked around and found nothing unusual, so he became suspicious.

Mezad comes from the Gaia universe, so there should be a passage leading to the Gaia universe, or a gap or something, otherwise...

【Younikin, feel for any passages, gaps, any cracks that can lead to the normal universe near this place. 】

[Understood~] Younijin responded and reminded:

[This is the place where the monster often haunts, so it can't stay for long. 】

[I will be more vigilant, don't worry! 】

Lei Xu immediately became vigilant—it was not the first time he had heard Eugene say how terrifying that monster was, and how fast it was.

This is still the opponent's home court, so you can't be too careful.

who knows--

[People of light, be careful! 】

The rush of words flashed by, and Lei Xu subconsciously turned around.

In the next moment, a dark floating figure flashed like lightning in the field of vision, and its ferocious claws almost slashed fiercely against Lei Xu's eyes.

Lei Xu was instantly frightened into a cold sweat.

TM, where did this thing come from?

How come there is no sound when you move?

Oh yes, there is no sound transmission condition in the space-time wound.

Moreover, the speed of this monster should be much faster than the speed of sound, even if it makes a sound, Lei Xu will not have time to react when he hears it...probably.

It wasn't until the dark Looping attack failed, and Lei Xu caught the real body with his eyes in shock that he suddenly realized it.

[Love... El Robb? 】

1 can't escape!

In the field of vision, the complex and distorted colorful blocks in the space-time wound suddenly disappeared in large swaths.

Instead, there was a mass of gray and black mixed thick vortex clouds with staggered lightning looming from time to time, which looked like the hurricane clouds encountered by Lei Xu and Mezzard during the air chase.

A pair of twinkling orange horns on the top of the head, and a ferocious monster with sharp spikes growing on the outer edges of the gray-black blade wings on both sides missed in one shot, slowly circled, and stagnated in the background of gray-black clouds.

Taking this opportunity, Lei Xu saw the whole picture of the attacker.

Sharp thorns are all over the body, the venomous snake-like face, and the reptile-like pitch-black vertical pupils reveal endless indifference and cruelty, just looking at each other can make people subconsciously stand on end.

That's right—

The eye-catching physical features, and the group of cumulonimbus clouds not far away are actually a space-time cumulonimbus nest composed of distorted space-time energy.

It is definitely the space-time monster that tried to imitate Dr. Strange and talk about conditions in Gaia Chapter 32 [The Future of Deja vu]——El Robber!

Lei Xu watched El Robpa vigilantly, and the red giant slowly retreated to the side of the mythical phantom beast.

The opponent is also looking at this side, and seems to be weighing the comparison of the combat power of the two sides.

[Is it the guy you said, so fast that you can't walk? 】 Lei Xu quickly confirmed the information.

[Woo~, it's so scary~! 】Unikin paid no attention to his question.

[Younikin! 】

[Hey, Man of Light! 】

The cute new house beast flaps its wings as if waking up from a big dream:

[It's that monster, people of light, let's run! 】

Lei Xu's heart sank, but he grabbed Younijin who was about to drag him away with his backhand.

[Man of Light? 】

[Wait, you can't run! 】

Lei Xu fixed his eyes on El Robpa who was opposite him, without turning his head.

In the face of predatory beasts, if you don't have the will to fight, you need to keep calm as much as possible, and you must not turn around and run away.

You can't open your mouth to let it see that you don't have carnivorous teeth, and you can't show your hands that you don't have sharp claws.

The way to deal with wild beasts may not be fully applicable to high-intelligence space-time monsters, but some basic principles are the same.

Unikin, who does not use strength to fight, has been hunted down by El Robpa at least twice.

Therefore, the cute new house beast has no deterrent effect in the eyes of the other party.

The fundamental reason why El Robpa is so cautious lies in Lei Xu.

——It is measuring Lei Xu's combat effectiveness!

Thanks to the special training, Lei Xu can probably guess what El Robpa is thinking at this time.

Never run away blindly——

This will only make the opponent realize that you have completed the combat power assessment and think that you cannot fight against yourself.

In other words, prey!

Although this high probability is also true-El Robb is a terrible monster that Gaia needs to drive the undefeated SV and cooperate with the fearless Falcons to defeat.

Also, something Lei Xu thought of in a flash.

Younikin said before that this is the area where El Robpa is active.

Sure enough!

This place is very close to the Gaia universe, so the space-time wave traces of Mezard will disappear here.

In the last two days before departure, Lei Xu waited tensely, but did not find the third mezzard appeared.

Come to think of it, maybe it was given by Al Robb...

What to do? What to do? What to do! ! !

Lei Xu was full of anxiety. The two defeats of Unikin proved that it is impossible to run.

As for the speed performance during the sneak attack just now, unless he turned into a red ball...

It's a pity that it would be a good solution if it was in the normal universe, but Lei Xu dared not do it here.

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