The incarnation of the light sphere essentially converts one's body into light particles (guess), and then obtains the speed of light.

But in this weird time-space wound, Lei Xu was afraid that he would be shattered by the unstable time-space energy in the environment the moment he melted into light.

It is because of the power of Unikin that he can move freely, Huaguang is very likely to lose the protection of Unikin's space-time power.

Younijin had also specifically warned before not to use any light skills that would interfere with the energy stability of the environment in the space-time wound.

Can we only remain vigilant and deterrent?

The extreme tension in his heart did not show the slightest bit, while locking his eyes on El Robpa, Lei Xu told Unikin:

[Take me back slowly, leaving this guy's territory. 】

【Um! 】

Unikin responded obediently, and the holy silver light on his body surface shone again, dragging Lei Xu's body forward slowly.

Perhaps because Lei Xu, an unknown existence, was not easy to mess with, El Robpa slowly turned his ferocious body, and along with the thick space-time cumulus cloud beside him, he distorted it into an infinitely smaller point, and then faded away and disappeared.


It's okay, okay, Lei Xu sighed in his heart, but fortunately he was scared away.

If you guessed right, someone as strong as El Robber can't do whatever he wants in the space-time wound.

This guy is terrified of his life, if it is not a fatal situation in the plot, it is impossible for him to try to change the timeline again and again, and in the end he will not hesitate to fight Gaia.

[Okay~! 】

Seeing the scary monster that blocked him leave several times, the cute new house beast couldn't stop jumping for joy:

【Man of Light, you are so powerful, you scared away that scary monster in no time~. 】

[In this case, let's get out of here quickly. 】

[?do not!etc! 】

Maybe it was too excited, Lei Xu heard that it was not good, but he didn't have time to stop it, and Unikin's speed had soared.

【Eh--? 】

Yunijin, who was flying ahead, turned his head to look blankly:

【why? 】

【Be careful! 】

Seeing a bit of gray and black suddenly appear in the illusion in front of him, the invisible distortion spread instantly.

Lei Xu pushed away Younijin and the beast ship under it, and put on a posture of punching, ready to attack.

In the next second, in the distorted gray-black space-time clouds that suddenly spread, the horns of Elrobpa's head lit up with orange-yellow light, and the ferocious face was infinitely magnified in the field of vision.

A series of bright sparks bloomed on the body surface, and severe pain hit. On the surface of the tough metal skin on the red giant's chest, a dark scratch extended to the upper abdomen.


Lei Xu endured the excruciating pain to stabilize his body, and regained his stance to meet the enemy.

The high IQ setting of El Robber——

Ordinary beasts would pretend to leave or pretend to drink water to paralyze their prey. How could real monsters be worse than wild beasts!

There is no time to hesitate, Lei Xu knows that if the deterrence plan fails, he can only...

【PlanB——, Younikin, take the spaceship with you! 】

[I hold it back and go back the same way, don't worry about me, you must go back to your own universe! 】

【Create more space-time storms on the way, find people of light like me, and give them the things in the spaceship! 】

【remember! ! ! 】

Leaving aside Nianhua, the red giant stepped forward without hesitation...


At the same time, the Gaia universe, the earth—

"FightTestOne, Yoneda, get ready!"

"Fight Test Two, Lin."

"FightTestThree, Tsukamori."


A clear command came from the channel:

[Mission objective, fully loaded with extreme mobility and thermal missile power test--attack! 】

2 What kind of luck is this?


Dazzling light shines through the slightly raised eyelids, and Lei Xu wakes up faintly.

"I'm... that's right!"

The ear-piercing sounds of beasts could still be heard, and the ferocious and terrifying face of Elrobpa was vividly remembered.

In an instant, Lei Xu remembered everything that happened not long ago.

He jumped up and looked around, trying to find the trace of the space-time monster.

What catches the eye is the sparkling sea under the warm sun, and a sea breeze with a slightly salty smell rolls over the tip of the nose.

With one step, the golden beach stretches to the end of the horizon.

Turning around, it is not a dense jungle, and you can vaguely see a few low Japanese-style houses in the distance, like a village.

Lei Xu looked at everything around him in a daze.

where is this place?

And that fight just now... so weird!

Hiss——, it hurts so much.

He didn't feel it just now, but the pain returned to his body along with the memory, Lei Xu only felt that there was no place in his body that didn't hurt.

Raising your hand, the golden ring engraved with a lion's head is shining brightly in the sun.

Touching his chest, the hard texture of the bronze divine light rod remains the same as before.

Energy in the body...full?


Lei Xu sat cross-legged on the beach, lowered his head and reviewed his last memorable memory.

I have to say that El Robber is really a terrible enemy.

Whether it is the tricky time and space ability, or the speed that is almost impalpable, or the keen combat awareness and skills, the current Lei Xu cannot match.

If its target wasn't Unikin, Lei Xu wouldn't even be qualified to entangle El Robpa.

That's right!

Elrobpa's target is Unikin, which seems to have a very strong desire to prey on cute new house beasts.

In order to prevent it from catching up with the cute new house beast, I had to hug El Robpa tightly at the cost of enduring the attack, and finally even took the initiative to enter its lair of time-space cumulus cloud.

Thinking of the time and space warping that he followed El Robpa more than once, and being led by the latter to fly to the front of Mengxin House Beast, Lei Xu suddenly felt a little dizzy.

Distortion of time and space or something, it's too damn uncomfortable!

Similar to spinning twenty times on the spot with a high fever of 39°C, Lei Xu experienced this feeling more than a dozen times until he confirmed that Eugene had escaped.

Perhaps Elrobpa is also aware of the taboos in the time-space wound, and has never used any energy attacks.

Therefore, Lei Xu mainly suffered more physical injuries, and the pain in his body must have been caused at that time.

Younijin was still obedient, although in the end it was sad and crying in the words it called to itself, but it still abided by the agreement with itself...

I remember that because of time and space transfers time and time again, El Robber has been refusing to let Unikin go. In a hurry, he tried to pull the guy's horns.

The cute new house beast should have escaped safely, otherwise Elrobpa would not turn back to deal with him in anger.

and also--

When I was shifted by El Robpa with time-space distortion, I seemed to have seen the blue sky more than once.

It was at those few times that the warm and broad feeling permeated the body and mind.

It silently relieved Lei Xu's mental state that was becoming more and more depressed due to multiple time and space distortions.

Seems like... there was a ground battle?

It seems that several planes supported him, and he seemed to block one of the planes.

No way, the pilot seemed a little desperate.

Pay tribute to the human body with scientists, and the plane hits the monster.

It's really... If you don't learn anything well, you have to learn this.

By the way, the structure and shape, those three should be XIG's FightSS and SG.

The anti-gravity fighter used by the Gaia aircraft team was so black that Newton died in place.

So... I am now on the earth of the Gaia universe?

I don't know if it's the Lightning or the Falcons, but if it doesn't work, the three girls from the Crows can do it, Lei Xu thought wildly.

During the ground battle, Lei Xu couldn't hide his intention to attack the double-headed horns of El Robpa because of poor spirits.

This monster is really cunning!

Not slippery.

In fact, El Robber's physical strength is not high.

The ability to drive time and space, so that the timeline can be changed at will, and even the hot missiles of FightSS can explode-this is how the plot develops.

However, since the intention of attacking the pair of horns was exposed, Lei Xu forcibly did not touch this guy.

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