From the beginning to the end of the ground battle, except for the photon rejuvenation of a few planes, ahem.

The energy is gradually depleted, and the timer starts to flash red.

Force Speed ​​X5!

However, this is of no use.jpg

Elrobpa seems to have the ability to see the future, and can always dodge Lei Xu's attack in advance.

Its combat awareness is very sophisticated, and it is purely a waste of Lei Xu's transformation time.

The pre-stored light energy in the ring was exhausted.

At the end of the battle, Lei Xu's consciousness began to blur.

What happened next, I don't have too many details in my memory.

There seemed to be some kind of strange power pouring in from the outside, and Lei Xu vaguely felt that he had been stuffed into the washing machine and thrown wildly again.


And here he is.

The middle process... is missing!

He raised his hand and patted his head, confirming that the old-fashioned home appliance repair method could not work on his head, Lei Xu planned to get up and go to the village behind the jungle to have a look.


Can Lei Xu, the universal language of the Austrian special photography universe?

Besides, Lei Xu could understand it originally.

With his learning ability, he took a day to chat with an astronaut from the island of the GDI Lunar Branch, and there were basically no problems in the conversation.

"Ah Nuo, Simi Masai."

A polite greeting suddenly came from his ear, and Lei Xu let out a strange cry in shock. He was about to get up but found that his limbs were weak for a while, and instead fell sideways on the beach.

2 minutes later--

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please forgive me!"

Lei Xu looked at the middle-aged man in front of him who kept greeting him with a headache, and felt uncomfortable with the island country's too... politeness.

"So I'm fine, you don't have to apologize, and you don't have to bow."

"Ah, that's really nice."

The middle-aged man wears a pair of glasses and a white shirt. He looks honest and polite:

"I'm Gao Shan from the township office. I just received a report from a few children that they saw a fainted person by the sea, so I came here to check. It's great that you're all right!"

Lei Xu nodded to express his understanding, "...Where is this place?"

"and many more!"

Lei Xu suddenly caught a key word that people had to care about, "What did you say your name is?"

The middle-aged man was still in a daze, and then he heard Lei Xu's questioning, and subconsciously bowed again:

"This is Chiba County, I, Takayama, the only one in Takayama, may I ask who you are..."

Lei Xu looked up at the sky, and slapped himself on the forehead.

On the first day of coming to the Gaia universe, the first person I met was the father of Ultra, the old bean of the Earth Destroyer. What kind of luck is this?

3 scenes collection one

Gaia, the human body of Gaoshan Gaimeng, has the reputation of "Earth Destroyer" and "Heisei Referee" among fans.

Gaoshan Imeng, nicknamed Chewing Gum, one of the founders of Alchemy Star, the absolute protagonist of Gaia's Austrian series.

A super genius who received a Ph.D. in quantum physics at the age of 17, he gave up his studies in order to fight against the disillusionment-referring to obtaining a Ph.D. and a Nobel Prize-level achievement.

With scientists, XIG scientific analysts, a human body that has never crashed, Feiyan No. [-] & Victory Condor Alpha, the SSR-level pilots you can't ask for.

tell a joke--

Heisei's three outstanding human bodies, two first-line pilots, and two scientists who can't even fly an airplane before the plot begins.

Scientists have a crash rate of 0 (doge).

In the Austrian world view, attributes such as scientists and civil servants may have extremely high combat power and luck bonuses.

Lei Xu thought about whether he should work hard to get an attribute like a scientist for himself, and get a little attribute bonus for nothing.

Cough cough, less gossip, back to the topic.

Right in front of my eyes is the absolute protagonist of the Gaia plot, the father of Gao Shan Gaimeng, the only one in Gao Shan.

There really is no one left... Lei Xu's mood is very strange at the moment, and he can't help but doubt——

Could it be that I am the protagonist of some vulgar Owen fan fiction?

Otherwise, how could luck be so outrageous, landing and bumping into the father of the protagonist of the plot.

Lei Xu would really believe it if he saw the scene where I dreamed of going home, met King B for the first time, and the light of the ocean was beaten up by seafood!

The next second—


The violent roar of the spray explosion came from a distance accompanied by the slight vibration of the feet, which shocked Lei Xu and Gao Shanyi to turn their heads immediately.

A ferocious, huge fish head half-shrouded in steaming water vapor looms on the other side of the green hill at the far end.

Behind him, a clear evacuation alarm was simultaneously sent from the direction of the village.

Lei Xu stared at the sky speechlessly.

Even if it's just a big fish head, and the appearance looks far from the leather case in the Gaia plot he has seen.

But Lei Xu is sure that this thing must be the seafood monster that beat up Ocean Light——

The Great Sea Demon Bokuragu!

Well, originally I was going to confirm the timeline of the plot through Gao Shan only, to save trouble.

Chapter five, the early stage of the plot.

Huh——, Lei Xu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Well, that's plenty of time.


The middle-aged man Gao Shanyi couldn't help but put Lei Xu's arms around his neck, supporting his weight with all his strength.

"Quick, I'll support you!"

"You have limited mobility, I will send you to a safe place to take refuge."

"no need!"

Resisting the faint pain coming from all over his body, Lei Xu pulled his hand, "Mr. Gao Shan, aren't you from the township office? Go and evacuate the villagers, I can walk by myself, don't worry."

Said, Lei Xu took two steps to show that he did not lie.

Only Gao Shan didn't hesitate, or indeed, he didn't have time to hesitate.

The 'Father of Ultra' bowed again under Lei Xu's pained eyes:

"Then please!"

After speaking, he quickly ran to the black bicycle parked outside the beach, crookedly disappeared behind the shade of trees.


Lei Xu raised his head, squinted his eyes and looked at the sky, confirming that XIG's lightning team hadn't arrived yet, and dragging his still aching body, he walked towards the direction where the sea monster landed.

Lei Xu didn't go to capture the black historical scene where Ocean Light was beaten up by least not the main purpose, ahem.

This is the first meeting of the two Ultraman human bodies, Gaia and Aguru, in the Gaia plot.

Golden opportunity!

The progress of three to five minutes in the plot may be more than three to ten minutes in actual conversion...except for the battle.

The lightning team's plane has not yet arrived, and there is still a plot of collecting samples for analysis after the missiles are invalid.

King B, who was far away in Tokyo, saw the breaking news and rushed to the scene. Adding up all kinds of things, half an hour was the shortest estimate.

If I don't take this opportunity to find Fujimiya Hirono, who is elusive, God knows how much energy Lei Xu will spend on finding him.

Keep Reiko waiting for King B?

Identity! ! !

KCB is in Tokyo.

With Lei Xu's status as a black household from outside, in the early stage, I Meng was still stared at by XIG's Shishi Commander.

The earth in Gaia is also a modern society, and the plot timeline is the turn of the century, yes, but the actual technological level is outrageous, and the ghost knows how strict the population and household registration system is.

Check the account, all kinds of tentative attitudes.

Shishi and Qianye, two old and cunning middle-aged men, could reach a cooperation with just one look.

Lei Xu felt that these two were not inferior to Zhang Wei, so he gave me Meng, this innocent young man, to die.

Fortunately, my dream is really pure and innocent, otherwise Commander Shishi would let him stay in the air base?

Therefore, apart from confessing to Fujimiya and asking him to help with the operation.

Lei Xu couldn't think of any other convenient and worry-free way to obtain a legal identity and integrate into the Gaia Earth society.

Walking under the scorching sun for a while——

Above the head, three anti-Newton anti-aerodynamics, the design style highlights a strange-shaped fighter plane flying by with great strength.

Lei Xu subconsciously quickened his pace - the famous scene is ahead!

Fortunately, the direction of the Great Sea Demon was almost opposite to Lei Xu, which greatly saved his time spent on the road.

Until Lei Xu arrived and used the super vision of the human body to see two figures standing on the rocks by the sea, one flower and one black.

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