Above the horizon, a red-painted plane just flew out of the white vapor steaming from the side of the sea monster's body.

Lei Xu used it to run.

Hurry up slowly, and finally came to the grove near the two of them.

Lei Xu subconsciously concealed his figure—in case he was found out by the inner two, he was afraid that he, a "passerby", would choose not to change his body, and the famous scene would be gone.

Good guy, these two are really telepathic.

Seeing the flowered shirt, Womeng tilted his head suddenly, and Fujimiya on the other side slowly raised his hand, Lei Xu was suddenly excited—here he is!


Comet-style landing scene ~.

By the way, isn't this destructive power a bit big?

There's a big shock wave pit! Hey!

You protected... King B, it's all right.

Forced to look back.

hateful!He installed it again.jpg

Looking at it, he wanted to go up and punch him, Lei Xu thought for a while, maybe maybe he couldn't beat him.

That's fine.

As Lei Xu expected, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the texture of Aguru's body was the same as that of his own transformation, shining with a metallic luster, without the slightest texture of a leather case.

In the past, when watching dramas, the barrage of sand sculpture netizens seemed to be fully loaded in front of my eyes.

Ahem, let me re-describe the scene of the battle that took place:

Forced to turn head→forced to contempt→forced to move

Earthlings pay attention to speaking.jpg

Forced fire → Forced demolition → Forced lightsaber

Otto is confused.jpg

Force the king → deflate the king

The light of the ocean was beaten by seafood.

Lei Xu: I'm fucking high to the point of explosion! ! !

4 奥特威胁

To be honest, even though I have watched the plot countless times, Lei Xu couldn't help the urge to burst out laughing when he saw this scene.

Ott gets angry

Fish head seafood violently beat the light of the ocean

The Great Sea Demon really didn't save any face for his superiors, no wonder he was finally given to...



The mud waves soared into the air, and the earth and rocks splashed.

Amidst the radiance, the red and silver giant of light crashed to the ground—Gaia!

Full score.jpg

Different from Lei Xu's bright red like a red flag, the red on Gaia's body is more pink and lighter.

The muscles all over his body were bulging, and he was full of Brother Otto's noble aura.

Lei Xu was a little melancholy, he looked slimmer after his transformation.

It was good that there was no comparison before, but now that I see Gaia, I am afraid that I am not properly stunted.

Even Aguru looks stronger than himself, how can he repair it!

Just two against one, Ott gang fights.

It belongs to the famous scene of pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Laughter turns to laughter, Lei Xu gathers his mind to watch the battle.

Not only does Altman lose the holster feel, but the big seafood... oh no, the big sea monster doesn't look so stupid and clumsy.

A pair of terrifying giant tongs were bigger than a fish's head, and there was a clear and sharp sound of gold and iron clashing between opening and closing.

Although Lei Xu is also confident that he can deal with the sea monster independently, but that is based on his own exclusive big move and the Ultra High Heat Blast skill he learned from Tiga.

The sea monster's body is pure seawater, afraid of high heat evaporation, and the skill special attack, Tianke has nothing to say.

With all the fights and calculations, Lei Xu only fought three times, and he had a strong sense of participation from the first perspective.

It is the first time to really stand on the sidelines and watch the battle between Ultraman and the monster live.

The fight scene was quite shocking——

With two pink light blades and broken claws, Gaia stirred up the whistling airflow with his gestures, and a few heavy blows stunned Da Haishui, lying on the ground thinking about the life of the beast.

Tsk tsk tsk, this is bad luck.

Lei Xu substitutes into the brain supplement of the sea monster:

Isn't Ma De the minister next door?

Anyone who co-authors can bully labor and management, right?

Being late is a death, and you have to die if you work overtime early, right?

Those who are on horseback, labor and management quit!

Immediately, anger rose from the heart, and evil came to the gallbladder.

Big Seafood got up angrily. Under the watchful eyes of the two leading scientists, the clear sea water was restrained into pincers by azure blue light, and the terrifying giant pincers instantly regenerated.

Gaia kicked the head of the fish with a reflexive spin, and it regenerated without saying anything.

Lei Xu looked at the ground and raised his forehead. If there is a lack of information, whoever will come will suffer.

King B, who hadn't seen him, was stunned for a moment?

Obviously, at this moment, he finally understood the essence of big seafood.

I remember that after this information loss, Fujimiya was very well informed about all kinds of news.

However, it was useless, and being deflated seemed to be King B's fate.

The regenerative ability of the big seafood is definitely at the BUG level. If the three episodes of the final chapter have the sea monster fighting the magic insect, I am afraid that the wheel battle with Renlong can create that kind of desperate atmosphere.

Lei Xu was very happy to see it—all the people on the left and right were evacuated, and there were no casualties, so let them fight.

To be honest, Lei Xu really wanted to save Dahai Seafood.

But what about my own body...

The situation here is too complicated to explain clearly in a few words.

In the database, Lei Xu did not miss the exposition and analysis of Gaia's plot.

In Lei Xu's mind, the in-depth analysis report of Gaia's worldview with more than [-] words appeared in his mind.

In the early stage of the plot, it is not too much to say that the entire Gaia Earth is a mess.

Throughout the whole play, except for Tigulis and Renlong, there is also an El Robpa of unknown origin.

The rest of the earth monsters basically correspond to the aggression forces of the originating destructive entities.

There is no specific description of the big sea monster, but a natural control machine Yanshan appeared here in Chiba County, and I don't know if it was buried long ago or...

I dream that there is no concept of the earth monster as a colleague at this moment, and Fujimiya was deceived by the ghost computer without knowing it.

In addition, XIG watched the whole game——

The conflict between humans and monsters, the conflict between two Ultraman, the conflict between Fujimiya as an Ultraman and humans.

Different from the battle scene in the plot, 60% of the combat power of Dahai Seafood has been activated, and at least 35% of the remaining [-]% have activated the pair of giant pincers.


Gaia, a muscular brother, drank violently when his arms were pinched by the pliers, and he felt a phantom pain just looking at Lei Xu.

Being bullied by two bosses in the workplace, Big Seafood obviously hit a real fire.

Now everyone has to suffer, it is very wise to force the king, borderline OBing...

Lei Xu looked at Gaia whose neck was clamped, his expression——

Subway Elderly Mobile Phone.jpg

No, Aguru, why are you still watching?

Gaia also suffered from the same deflation as you, so please save me if you feel better!

Lei Xu complained in his heart.

Flashing lights, flashing lights, player Aguru stood up, he finally stood up!

The liquidator is ready!

Lei Xu subconsciously seeks cover——

The sea monster has a volume of [-] tons of seawater, and it is not just a joke to evaporate it in one breath.

Just the burst of water vapor generated at that moment is enough...

"Hello, where are you?"


what sound?

Lei Xu turned his head suddenly, trying to locate the source of the sound.

Now who else is on this battlefield besides myself...

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