
Alpine unique!

Almost at the moment when Lei Xu caught sight of the figure of the middle-aged man, on the other side, I Meng, who was pinned down by the sea monster, also found the figure of my father.

He came to find him - Lei Xu had a clear understanding in his heart.

There is no such development in the plot. There is a high probability that I disappeared, causing the only one in Gaoshan who should have hid in a safe place...

Gaia raised her hand as if begging.

Lei Xu jumped out of the woods and rushed to the only one on the mountain like lightning.

Aguru also seems to have discovered the existence of Takayama Yuichi and Lei Xu.

But he, or Fujimiya, didn't stop the liquidator's energy gathering at all.

not good!

Under Gaia's eye-opening gaze, the azure liquidator pierced through the void, instantly imprinting the terrifying fish skin of the big seafood.


The sea water that made up the sea monster's body quickly evaporated.


The blazing high-temperature water vapor burst into several eye-catching circles of white gas, and the invisible shock wave swept across the ground wantonly.

In an instant, the ground was torn apart, and countless house fragments and large wooden structures were thrown into the sky.

The hot, humid steam heated the surrounding space to more than 374 degrees Celsius almost instantly, and the entire village was destroyed as a result.

[Oh Do-san! ! ! 】

The sound of my dream chanting was heart-piercing, but it stopped abruptly in the middle of the cry——

In the next moment, the shining iridescent light tore through the sky, and amidst the hazy water vapor, the red giant of light stood proudly.

Lei Xu clasped his hands together, leaped out of the envelope of the high-temperature steam, and while slowly squatting down, placed the frightened Gao Shan only on the soft sand.

Lei Xu stood up, tilted his head to the two bewildered Lights of the Earth, and read Riot's threat:

【Takayama Imeng, Fujimiya Hirono, I think we need to have a good talk...don't run away and don't deny it, otherwise I'll disclose your identities! 】

5 Ultra Showdown ~ [-] in [-]

"Damn it, Fujimiya you bastard!"

On the seaside where the sun is setting, the two light-of-earths meet for the first time in the world, which symbolizes that the dialogue between the two has quietly changed at the beginning of their confrontation.

"Gum, don't go."

Lei Xu stretched out his hand to grab Womeng who was about to approach Fujimiya, with a serious face:

"Now you can't beat him."

I dream:  …

"I dream, you are ranked third!"

Fujimiya Hirono, who was dressed in black, looked fierce, with disdain on his brows:

"For the earth, human beings are like cancer cells, depriving the earth's resources and destroying the earth's environment too greedily..."

"With all due respect, I have never seen such a weak cancer cell." Lei Xu interrupted abruptly.

Fujimiya:? ? ?

These words were like a fuse, which immediately caused Fujimiya to expand the firing range:

"Ultraman has no obligation to protect humans at all!"

These words were obviously aimed at Lei Xu's only act of protecting Gao Shan just now.

"You, and you, both of you, should come and help me!"

Lei Xu: ...

"Ocean's Light was violently beaten by seafood." Lei Xu remained expressionless.

Before Fujimiya could react, Lei Xu added again:

"The optical quantum computer Chrisis was infected by the inner ghost sent in advance by the root-disruption entity, and the result of 'eliminating the project: human beings' was wrong."

I Dream & Fujimiya: ? ? ?

"Hmph, you thought I'd..."


The growl of hunger in his stomach overwhelmed Fujimiya's disdainful denial.

Lei Xu looked down at the stomach that continued to protest, and looked up at Fujimiya who was speechless, with a blank expression:

"I'm hungry, if you don't treat me to dinner, I'll find KCB to expose your two Ultraman identities!"

My Dream & Fujimiya:  …

It is different from the glory and prosperity of Lei Xu's era.

Gaia Universe, Chiba, Japan at the turn of the century was a small city.

However, when the lanterns first come on, it is not difficult to find a place to eat.

Lei Xu took a look at the two scientists and rich men with Nobel Prizes per capita, and reluctantly chose a barbecue restaurant with few people.

Lei Xu handed back the menu, and the barbeque general behind the stage glanced at the menu and frowned when he saw that there were only a few vegetarian dishes drawn on it:

"Guest, are you sure the three of you only eat this little?"

"No, no, no, you don't need to be so economical." Chewing Gum quickly smoothed things over, "I'll..."

Lei Xu interrupted without changing his face:

"You misunderstood, don't want these vegetarian ones, and bake all the others first."

"Oh yes, the two of them order separately." Lei Xu finally added.

My Dream & Fujimiya:  …

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Lei Xu...from the Rabbit Country." While waiting for the barbecue to be served, Lei Xu introduced himself to the two Lights of the Earth.

"Rabbit...country?" Gum was lost in thought.


Fujimiya still looked cool, and said sarcastically:

"There is no country called Rabbit Country on Earth. I don't even know that. I dream that you are really third-rate."

Ah this-

Isn't the Gaia universe called the Rabbit Country?

When Lei Xu heard this, he laughed 'hehe':

"I didn't say I was from this earth."

"Also, I didn't say that my power, or what you understand, the ability to transform into Ultraman comes from the endowment of the earth."

"What do you mean?" Fujimiya's expression changed.

"meaning is......"

Lei Xu's bare hands faintly glowed with rainbow-colored brilliance, and he raised his eyebrows at the two Lights of the Earth who discovered this scene and their expressions changed dramatically:

"I am Ultraman itself!"

"Hey, the barbecue is here."

A large plate full of oily barbecue was brought to the table, and Lei Xu's eyes lit up green when he saw it.

The waiter, who seemed to be the proprietress, left, and Lei Xu happily forked a piece of charred barbecue and stuffed it into his mouth.

"The theory of parallel universes has never been proven."

Chewing Gum swallowed, and did not dare to reach out under Lei Xu's watchful eyes.

"You mean, you're from Earth in a parallel universe?"

"Hmm, almost."

Lei Xu's mouth was full, since he handed in himself, he has never been so hungry.

Obviously, even with the ring pre-stored transformation energy, maintaining the transformation for a long time will double the consumption of his own reserve energy.


Fujimiya is indeed more mature than my current dream, his expression is cold:

"Whether it is the parallel universe or the question of Chrysis, I need evidence."

"The evidence is that I know the entire plot of Gaia's special drama."

"Also, Dr. Inamori will die because of you. After your faith collapsed, you entrusted the light of Aguru to my dream, and started an endless life of redemption and deprivation."

Fujimiya:? ? ?

"Special drama?"

Not only Fujimiya, but even my dream was confused. This term touched the blind spot of knowledge between the two of them.

"It doesn't matter what the special drama is."

Lei Xu swallowed the barbecue in his mouth, picked up the frothy beer next to him and took a big gulp, and explained in a deliberate manner:

"You can understand that the general process of the two of you, Gaia and Aguru joining hands to resist the destructive summoning body is a TV series on our side."

"Series?" Chewing Gum excited:

"I know I know, Back to the Future 2, right?"

Lei Xu ignored him.

Fujimiya actually wanted to ask why the name of this special drama is 'Gaia', but considering his own personality and B character, he chose to remain silent—Lei Xu guessed it.

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