First of all, let's be clear-

The Will of the Stars is not stupid!

Although their life forms are special, there is at least one huge biological group behind the will of every planet.

It may not necessarily form the civilization in the usual cognition, but it must be a huge life group——

The so-called 'intelligence', the psychology of fear, and the instinctive rejection of death can already be called 'intellectual life'.

That's why big beibei can be born, and monsters and ordinary animals can brew the flow of life.

Therefore, although not all of the will of the stars have formed civilizations and human-like intelligent life and thinking methods, they all have animal-like cunning.

Stellaris first performed an experiment to confirm that Ghroth could be imprisoned, as the Cubs of Light see it now.

It was an accident to choose the M78 nebula where the Star of Light is located——

Since Gehros woke up near L77, the most suitable place was Leo.

As an agent of the stars, L77's will should not have done that for cubs and cubs.

She, who can integrate the life flow of L77 people, can't just sit back and watch the last L77 people die.

At least in the eyes of L77's will at that time, Lei Xu and the cub's mother were indeed the last L77 people.

After reaching the Star of Light, I found two more——

Brother Leo in the fleet of the Star Cluster Council!

So when the entire M78 was cut as a cage, L77 intentionally spared the fleet of the Star Cluster Council.

This is the truth of what the Star Cluster Council claimed, 'successfully destroyed the Star of Light'.

After confirming that the method provided by outsiders is effective, the plan of the will of the stars began to implement the plan——

Destroying Gehros is not feasible. The crazy outer god body can easily destroy the will of countless planets.

Therefore, an absolutely safe battle cage is needed——

A mirror universe!

The Cub of Light was stunned when he heard this.


Stars, make the universe! ?

What kind of concept is this like, it is equivalent to creating a new earth for human beings!

Is this really reasonable?

What is unreasonable is yet to come——

Stellaris succeeded.

They really mirrored a universe, and even released their own planetary projections in the past.

The Cubs of Light are skeptical—

Where is TM so simple! ?

Unless there is a legendary existence to help, Lei Xu can't imagine the possibility of the success of the stars.

But the truth is...

【what? 】

The Cub of Light stared in shock at the shining figure in front of his mother:

[You have absorbed the power of more than a dozen universes that are merging! ? 】

[Geheros is not just our threat. 】

L77's will was indifferent, and she threw a familiar starry sky picture into Lei Xu's mind.

[This space domain is the link point where many universes first began to merge, through this planet——]

The lights and shadows of the Milky Way and the solar system appear in the picture in turn, and finally freeze on a blue planet that Lei Xu is too familiar with.

[Life on this planet likes to die, and the stars consider that this is the most suitable for the birth of the will of the planet and as a key node. 】

Lei Xu: ...

It's kind of hard to argue with that.

Let's go along with this outrageous plan with a billion points——

The earth as the bait is successful, and the mirror universe is the cage.

Unsuccessful, the universe itself is a cage, and the planets in the whole universe are seamlessly transferred to the mirror universe with the earth as the node.

The Cub of Light almost stopped thinking—

Mother Earth, He De He Neng, can transfer the life and planet will of all planets within at least 930 billion light-years in the universe! ?

According to the will of L77, the two universes themselves are in an overlapping state, and only when the plan is successful can they truly separate.

Even so, Lei Xu seemed to be listening to a scripture.

After the separation, the universe that imprisoned Gehros is the cage.

The ultimate plan of the will of the stars is not limited to imprisonment, they want to completely strip the essence of the Judgment Star, and take away Ghroth's ability to reincarnate the planet for his own use.

And this is exactly the core reason why the earth is supported by so many cosmic stars——

The wills of the stars in this universe borrow from their companions in many universes.

Promise to the companions through the earth, after success, use the ability of Gehros to repay the loan!

Hearing this, the Cub of Light was dumbfounded.

NND, co-author Earth Mama is the guarantor! ?

Lei Xu really wanted to ask the will of the stars——

Have you ever thought about what will happen to Mother Earth if you fail! ?

[Although I did a good job, but...]

L77 Will showed a helpless expression on her goddess-like beautiful face:

[But I don't know when, the will of the earth has her own ideas. 】

【My own opinion? 】

The Cub of Light frowned, realizing that things were not that simple.

【She doesn't want her child to perish, the absorbed cosmic energy is largely intercepted, and the mirror universe takes shape slowly, awakening the will of other earths beyond the necessary amount, and consciously reducing the energy supply...】

L77 willed to snap fingers:

[Especially recently, it seems to often link to other universes in the distance...]

Hiss——, one after another, it seems to be completely pointing at his own son.

Lei Xu couldn't help showing a guilty expression.

Wait a minute, the little girl with red shoes is also involved!

【correct. 】

L77 Will came over curiously:

【You are from outside, do you know why! ? 】

【do not know! 】

The denial of light cub conditioned reflex:

[Sorry, I don't know anything! 】

【Oh. 】

L77 responded with a will, and muttered as if he believed it:

【It's so strange...】

[That's it! 】

The Cub of Light forcefully let out a chant:

[Since we can't help, let's go first! 】

After all, in the subtle expression of the big horned bull and Bei Laohei in the consciousness space, the red and silver horned giant pulled the superman Taro, who had been dumbfounded for a long time, to retreat at the speed of light.

After leaving the dark red demon nebula completely, the Cub of Light held down his beating heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

Obviously, Mother Earth is a little bit influenced by humans.

Not only did he gain benefits for himself in the process, he probably also found out that there was something wrong with this whole thing!

Lei Xu: ...


Hehehehe, Mother Earth, you did a great job!

148 MMP, the Unlucky One Is Myself!?

After leaving the Demon Nebula, the Cub of Light didn't turn back in a hurry.

For the time being, Lei Xu lifted the unity of one mind and found a random place to meditate cross-legged. The Bighorn Bull & Beria and the six brothers who lifted the Chaotai fusion looked at each other, and chose to be quiet in tacit understanding.

No one is better equipped to sort out what has happened so far than the insider, along the way, Cub, and it is.

Great harvest!

For the Cub of Light, this brief communication with L77's will solved many mysteries that he had been wondering all along.

Although L77's will has not been clearly stated, there are many things that are fundamentally obvious now——

The mobile universe is not in the universe cluster of 'Didai & Reza & Gaia' from the very beginning, it is a latecomer!

This can be seen in the huge time lag from when the 'kid' is thrown out into Diddy Universe, to when Reza and the fuck catch up.

Less than a few days before and after the mobile Austrian universe, when Reza and his mother set off and arrived in the Didi universe, the 'child' had already passed 3000 million years.

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