In the chaotic horizon of Mother Earth of Leisa, Lei Xu had observed the structure of the cluster universe carefully.

More than a dozen universes seem to be held tightly together by a bunch of 'ropes', and the Cubs of Light at that time couldn't see the posture of the other end clearly.

Now that I think about it, the other end of the rope is probably the mobile Austrian universe.

There must be a connection between the 'child' and Reza, and this connection provides a guide for the mobile Austrian universe to a certain extent.

Through this kind of guidance, as a latecomer, the mobile Austrian universe brought a bomb... Gheros took the initiative to join the fusion of the cluster universe.

In order to execute the mirror universe that is so crazy that there is almost no feasibility, and the subsequent plan to completely dismantle Ghroth.

The directness of this move leads to the creation of space-time wounds, the correct name is the emergence of 'space-time fusion buffer zone'.

From that time on, the time flow rate of the mobile Austrian universe gradually approached to a series of universes such as Didai until it was equal.

This part of the cubs of light is still a little bit puzzled——

In any case, the time difference of "a few days in the Mobile Austrian universe is equal to 3000 million years in the Didai universe" is too huge.

Maybe... It has something to do with the re-engraving of the mobile Austrian universe mirror image and the excessive consumption of cosmic energy! ?

What follows is a series of events that the Cubs of Light have experienced so far.

Leaving aside the 'outsider' who doesn't know the details, the most abnormal thing in the mouth of L77's will is obviously No. 3, which is the mother earth of Mobile Austria.

Mother Earth No. 3 is obviously smarter than the will of the stars, she probably doesn't believe in that outsider at all, or maybe...

It is purely influenced by children and human beings.

how to say?

so similar!

The stars' plan can be summed up in one sentence——

Using the earth as a node, draw energy from as many as a dozen universes to shape the mirror universe, and repay the loan with the ability of Gehros after success!

Don't you think that the matter itself is very similar to some ancient commercial activities of human beings?

In essence, it is to borrow money from the whole universe by overdrafting the credit of Mother Earth in each universe through the "spherical quality".

This TM is not even considered an angel investment!

Perhaps it was precisely because of this awareness that Earth Mother No. 3 realized——

MMP, if the plan fails, wouldn't it be a lot of small partners in a row?

That's why the "Earth has a mind of its own" in the mouth of L77's will.

As for what she said about 'awakening the will of the earth more than necessary'...

Lei Xu thought for a while, probably referring to those earths that his mother and he had walked on.

Mother Earth No. 3's first reaction was to be busy drawing benefits for herself while continuing the Stars Project.

She couldn't eat a ball alone, so she fed all the other mother earths in the cluster universe.

So, in the large cosmic cluster of 'Di Daiga & Reza & Super 8', all the earth mothers have self-will.

after that......

The Cub of Light sorted out the cause and effect first, then slapped his thigh excitedly——

Well, Mother Earth, you are doing well!

Everyone~everyone knows——

Debts must be paid!

Especially for the debts owed to the stars in the universe, Lei Xu couldn't think of how the will of the stars in each universe would collect the debts, but he knew very well that Mother Earth in each universe could not escape.

Therefore, from the very beginning, the mothers of the earth have launched a plan called "Light of the Earth" on the premise that the plan of the will of the stars failed.

"Light of the Earth" is a random name given by the Cubs of Light. Anyway, it is probably based on this cross-universe updated comic as the core point.

Previously, Lei Xu had never understood why the little girl with red shoes, who is the embodiment of human hope and longing, would do such a thankless job.

The little girl with red shoes who has the ability to cross the universe obviously doesn't have to worry about the 'basis of existence'.

If humans in a certain universe are on the verge of extinction, she will work hard until the end.

But sometimes hard work is not necessarily useful, such as the human beings in the universe that made the wishing red ball.

Human beings in a universe are extinct, and the little girl in the red shoes is replaced by a universe in which human beings are not extinct, and it can still exist.

As a double-faced existence with the Dark Shadow Mage, the little girl with red shoes will not really die.

At most, I will lose the will and personality formed in this universe and start over.

That's bad, of course, but it doesn't explain how the little girl with the red shoes has to be slogging around trying to get Light of the Earth out.

What if... Mother Earth made it?

No one, repeat-

No one is more qualified to call the earth mother than the little girl with red shoes!

——Except for the Cubs of Light!

Let’s not mention this for now, let’s ask:

What will happen to the human beings on Mother Earth if the debts are not repaid! ?

I'm afraid it will be very miserable!

Lei Xu doesn't need to think about it, the fate of human beings will definitely not be good!

The little girl with red shoes released "Light of the Earth" as a medium to establish contact with as many dimensional universes in hyperspace as possible, and to awaken the will of the earth more.

Obviously, since the will of the planet itself is a form of life, it is normal for them to have very different ideas.

For example, the black hole in the dark nebula wants to die, but most of the planets will want to live, and this is the conflict and difference.

The will of the earth is a natural family——

Instead of cooperating with the unreliable will of the stars, it is better to work with another self, at least there will be no disagreement.

Let the Cub of Light use his own eyes, and use human terms to change the terms that are easier to understand——

The comic "Light of the Earth" itself is not only an angel investment sent to the earth in each universe, but also a PPT for the will of many stars in the universe!

Awakening the will of the earth itself requires a huge investment, which can be called angel investment.

The awakening of the will of the earth from each universe will immediately become a natural ally through the "light of the earth", which in itself is a great reward.

Since the launch of the Light of Earth into the first extra-cluster universe, the 'Nation of Light Universe', it has been a declaration:

Transverse Earth Company is established! ! !

The opportunity for this...

The Cub of Light suddenly thought of the Ultimate Riddler.

OK, you old Pique!

Lei Xu shook his fist bitterly, the hateful Mr. Ao Wang, he, the light of the earth, has kept such a big matter from him.

Our company has gone public to collect money, and I, a shareholder, didn't know about it. Is this really reasonable? ?

Looking back now, the compilation of "Light of the Earth" probably also has a credit for the old man.

hateful! ! !

Back to "Light of the Earth" itself, an unscrupulous TV marketing picture suddenly appeared in Lei Xu's mind:

Mothers of the earth in various universes showed off to the stars with "Light of the Earth":

[Earth (??O`?)っ?: Look, look, this is my cub!

Our project (referring to the dismantling of Gheros) is steadily advancing. Once it is successful, we can provide planetary reincarnation services. Now pre-paid can be given priority at that time~.

Family members, what are you waiting for, quickly pick up the phone and order~buy~! ! ! 】

[The will of the stars in each universe (☆_☆): Shut up and take my money (referring to cosmic energy)! ! ! 】

【Earth Mothers (???) b?: Guest officer, you really know the goods...】

Compared with the will of the stars relying on the prudent lending plan of several universes, a group of earth mothers are obviously much more unrestrained, and they directly went to the market to collect money.

——The kind that doesn’t have to be paid back!

——This is the ultimate whoring!

The energy absorbed by each universe is not much, anyway, the stall is big enough, and the total amount is enough.

For the stars in various universes, this loss of energy is equivalent to losing a dollar or two while walking.

It doesn't matter if you fail, once you succeed, you will be rewarded tens of millions of times.

Lei Xu put his hand on his forehead——

In this case, no matter how much the will of the stars borrowed through the mothers of the earth, they can afford it.

The mothers of the earth are far-sighted and belong to it!

Looking back, the Cubs of Light suddenly discovered that the origins of the Earth Travelers suddenly became understandable——

Why do most of these traversers come from the earth in crisis?

It is true that the traversers come from games, novels and other works that they "know", but the reason for their time travel may not be limited to this.

Either those earth mothers on the opposite side are anxious or the stars over there are anxious, and the cubs of light tend to have both.

The core of the current situation is Mother Earth 3. If anyone does not want the plan of the stars to dismember Ghroth to fail, it must be the Earth who is in crisis.

The wills of the stars in these universes are equally anxious, if the earth is destroyed, what they lose is not the earth, but the hope of winning 500 million! ! !

- Every lost lottery ticket is a 500 million seed (for sure)!

Cough cough, all of the above are Lei Xu's random assumptions, not responsible for not being true!

Having said that, the Cub of Light suddenly discovered a blind spot——

Let's not mention the failure, but what if it succeeds?

Mother Earth repays the debt...or when it comes to delivery, which unlucky person is going to work diligently on a business trip! ?

Lei Xu: ...

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