"Before that, apart from meeting and talking to Ott, it's best not to communicate between us based on any modern means of communication, even radio."

"It's okay!"

Fujimiya flicked a cool face, "Reliable means of communication, the plot has already given the idea, hasn't it?"

"You mean the inside!"

Chewing Gum's expression of "I understand" immediately confused Lei Xu.

You two can do it, have an encrypted call in private in front of me?

My dream is very exciting:

"I'll go back and study neutrino communication right away. Even without the help of Chrysis to do the calculations, it shouldn't be difficult to make a communicator for the three of us to use privately, and the results will come soon."


Hearing this, Fujimiya immediately returned a provocative look to Chewing Gum:

"I must be faster than you!"

Lei Xu:? ? ?

Human words?

Is neutrino communication technology the fruit on the tree or the Chinese cabbage in the field?

"Before then——Senior Lei Xu, what do you think we should do now?"

Chewing Gum ignored the provocation, and his gaze went straight to Lei Xu, ignoring Fujimiya, with a serious expression on his face:

"Since the purpose of the Root Destroyer is to lead the battle between Ultraman, we have now..."


Fujimiya interrupted unceremoniously, sarcastically speaking: "It is true that you are a third-rate level, I dream!"

"You—" Chewing Gum's face was full of resentment.

"Have you ever thought about it, if we don't fight, what if the one in his mouth, with a bald head, will be shattered 400 meters away, and the giant beast Zolim will appear with the monster swarm in the final general attack?" ?”


Lei Xu agreed with Fujimiya's judgment——

"...Completely ignoring the quantum flow of Gaia V2, in the plot, Zollim only appeared with a head and a half neck.

Its size is definitely many times larger than that of the last Angel Zog, and it is very likely that it is the real trump card of the root shattered summoning body. "

Lei Xu described it like this.

I dream with worries:

"But what should I do?"

"Of course it remains the same."

Fujimiya's disdainful poker face has not changed since the beginning:

"Although I don't know under what circumstances I will entrust the power of Aguru to you, but if it is for the earth... a little while is fine."

"Let's get here first today."

Lei Xu glanced at the stack of empty dinner plates on the table, and his eyes fell on the XIG communicator of Chewing Gum, "How late is it?"

"Ah—? Oh oh."

I dreamed that I opened the cover of the communication form, "22 o'clock, Yabai, Kassan must still be waiting for me...Sorry, I have to go first."

Watching the back of my dream disappear into the intertwined crowds on the street, Lei Xu couldn't help sighing that the chewing gum at this moment is really innocent.

With this trick, he can only shake my current dream, and he can't hide it from King B Fujimiya beside him.

"Now, explain your own situation." Before turning around, a cold male voice came.


"Tokusho, since specific titles and classifications have been derived, besides us, there are other Ultraman Tosho, right?"

It's so fucking sharp, Lei Xu was speechless.

But he didn't intend to hide it. He didn't tell me all about his dream because he was too simple.

I dreamed that I was in the XIG air base, and there were too many old ghosts around me, so I couldn't keep the secret.

Fujimiya is different——

In terms of standpoint, he stands on the side of the earth, is extremely independent, and does not reject some slightly radical approaches.

Moreover, Fujimiya is not as gullible as in my dream......

"First of all, you have to find a way to get me a legal identity."

As if taking it for granted, Lei Xu stated the requirements one by one with his fingers:

"I have very low requirements for wearing and living. I only need a bed board and a wardrobe. I can rub against you when I go out."

Fujimiya:? ? ?

"You can't save on food and drink. I have five meals a day, and each meal must have a lot of meat. The daily consumption should start at least [-] catties. It is best to have a chef."

Fujimiya: ...

"By the way, there is also a full set of custom-made physical exercise equipment, the kind that starts with ten times the weight, I can use it."

"And there's..."


Fujimiya finally couldn't hold back that poker face - "I didn't say I'd be responsible for you!"

"Then you really rest assured that I will be out of your sight?"

Lei Xu pointed out:

"After all, I'm not necessarily just an Ultraman, more likely, I'm an invader vanguard coveting other parallel universes... You think so, right?"

Fujimiya turned his head suddenly, only to see Lei Xu's "hehe" smile:

"Just kidding, I'm new here, I have no status and no money, if you don't take me in, I'll..."

"Go to KCB to expose my identity, hmph, do you think I care?"

Fujimiya's expression was broken, but his mood was still calm:

"It's up to you to do what you want, I don't obey..."

"...Go to your eldest wife, Dr. Inamori, and exchange your whereabouts with her for money."

Fujimiya:? ? ?

"and also--"

Lei Xu paced forward with his hands behind his back, "You can check me first to see if there is anyone like me in this world."

"When you absolutely believe what I said before, I will confess my purpose and plan to you..."

"Before then, I think it's better for me to stay where you, the light of the earth, can see."

——Lei Xu said so.


In the sixth universe, the Coordination Department under the Imperial Army——

[XII4887 star system found a suspected anti-civilization armament base. It is estimated that the enemy's garrison strength is less than [-]. Ask for permission to attack? 】

Terry frowned immediately, and suspended the offensive, and the order to strengthen the defense line and wait for the reinforcements had already been sent to the front line. How could this kind of report be released by the system?

After casually marking the report with an X, Terry clicked on the next page.

During the tug-of-war, Terry was quickly attracted by the civilized signature shown in the report.

Koro...their own?

Apart from myself, there aren't many Koro people in the sixth universe, right?

I remember that a cousin named Greg was sent in by a distant cousin, and there seemed to be his younger brother.

Didn't the brothers arrange a idle job to study with the imperial people?

After searching for relevant information from memory, Terry began to read the text of the report after confirming that it was correct.


new universe?

In the military system... there is a record!

Terry was excited at first, and then a little upset——

Not to mention the records left by the military system, there was even an imperial man in it.

There is also this signal feature, which is the signal tower of the Imperial Logistics Ship.

It seems that it is indeed difficult to have any room for manipulation.

The first contribution is definitely gone, but in this case, it will take at least 20 imperial years for the Imperial Army to go through the conventional disposal process.

Even if the imperial people are involved, no matter how accelerated, 10 imperial years may be indispensable.

It's not that the efficiency is slow, but that there are too many reports on discovering new universes.

All of them have the same appearance, and the processing process has piled up to the current bloated level without knowing it.

But since this report was sent to him, Greg definitely didn't have the guts to lie to himself.

Until then, if someone who can use his own will get a head start... Terry is lost in thought.

After a while, an order was issued from the Coordinating Department——

【Keluo Royal Guards, dispatch immediately! 】

7 Tell me the plan!

Tokyo, I don’t know which ghost place it is——

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