Fujimiya flew forward and Lei Xu chased after him.

One blue and one red landed one after another in the dark, plain and empty courtyard.

To put it bluntly, although Fujimiya is an Ultraman recognized by the light of the earth, his action mode is closer to the natural Ottoman, no matter how convenient it is.

Otto is on the road, Otto is digging holes, Otto is running, Otto is driving, Otto is picking up girls.

Unlike my dream, daily activities are flying planes and cars.

Gaia's power is basically used to fight and deal with monsters, and Ultraman's power is not easily used when it is not necessary.

Of course, this may be related to my dream of being in the official organization of XIG, and there are many constraints in my actions.

Walking into the only building in the courtyard, what you see is an all-too-familiar scene.

——The filming of the plot scene is quite restored.

This house, with a high emotional intelligence, is a simple style, but it is actually a rough house with no decoration at all.

Standing at the door, Lei Xu began to doubt his life, why not... go straight to Shishi for a showdown?

At least you don't have to worry about food, housing and transportation.

Keke, just kidding.

The XIG of Gaia Earth is not comparable to the TPC of Didi Universe.

If you have to say it hard, the XIG organization is a military organization, which is about equal to the victory team.

Commander Ishishi is just the military chief of the XIG air base, equivalent to Jujian Hui, and cannot be compared with Director Sawai of Didi Universe.

Sawai is a super boss who single-handedly persuaded the top leaders of countries around the world to create the TPC organization and lead global peace.

To use an analogy, Sawai is equivalent to establishing the Earth Human Federation through negotiations.

In Lei Xu's view, the difficulty is actually no lower than the scene where the light of hope gathers in the finale of Tiga.

Miracles of miracles belong to yes.

The actual development has already explained everything——

Even with the pressure of an imperial invasion, it took so long to set up a mere GDI.

After that, it seemed to be in harmony with each other, and it was not until Lei Xu appeared alone without the rabbit country that he entered the rapid construction track.

On Gaia's side, the big bald man who appeared in the finale asked XIG to disarm, hand over Ultraman, and surrender to the source of destruction.

It represents the will of the high-level human beings on the Gaia earth.

This is enough to show that it is not reliable to directly rely on XIG and the high-level human beings.

Besides, Lei Xu thought silently, his actions are not only related to himself.

As a local-born Ou, Gamu and Fujimiya have too many concerns here.

Compared with Lei Xu, who has nothing to worry about, the two of them actually don't want their identities to be exposed.

"How long are you going to stand at the door?" Fujimiya's impatient voice came from inside.

Lei Xu: ...

After silently saying "I have a plan" ten times in his heart, Lei Xu regained his confidence and walked in.

Immediately shocked by the sight——

Lei Xu tried his best not to look at the Gaia posters and news plastered all over the wall.

I didn’t think so when I watched the film before, but now I’m shocked when I see the real scene——

Isn't this TM like a groupie who licks a dog?

This big ass display immediately has a sense of age.

The conditions are even simpler than Lei Xu imagined... Isn't it true that King B is so short of money?

So the first step that plagues the execution of the plan is actually funding?

Lei Xu was dumbfounded.

"...that's about it."

Rough housing or something, it’s just like that when I’m used to it, Lei Xu glanced at the time on the computer—three o’clock in the morning.

The status quo of the empire, the wounds in time and space, several universes, the world view of Austrian special photography, plus the experience of myself and Unikin along the way.

Before I knew it, it took 5 hours to explain a general idea.

"That is to say..."

Fujimiya frowned:

"Not only the universe you are in, but even our...Gaia universe is likely to usher in the invasion of the empire?"

He had a hard time saying the word 'Gaia'.

Lei Xu nodded silently.

"But it's not necessarily—"

Lei Xu rubbed the center of his brows, and added:

"If Younijin can successfully bring the warship back to his own universe, the Kingdom of Light...

Oh yes, as I told you before, the super cosmic civilization that has 100 billion Ultramen and regards the earth as an irreplaceable planet should intervene. "

"Also, if the empire first chooses the Kingdom of Light universe as an invasion point, I'm afraid it might be returned to the sixth universe by the gang of alien villains from the Austrian worldview."

"This kind of thing can't be based on probability!" Fujimiya was amused.

Speaking up to now, he didn't say that he believed in the man in front of him 100%, ninety-nine percent still had it.

Two hours ago, tool people around the world have sent feedback——

Before today, there was no such person as 'Lei Xu' on this earth!

and also--

Lei Xu carried a bunch of data storage devices called USB flash drives that were beyond the current hardware level.

Its application technology is obviously made by human beings, but it is completely different from the current cutting-edge information technology.

The large amount of scientific and technological data and blueprints stored in the USB flash drive are completely different from the current technology of human beings.

They are basically two completely different technological systems, and their advanced level is beyond words.

Unless he is from the future, what this man said is true!

——This is Fujimiya's current cognition.

"You also said that Yunijin's concept of time is different from that of human beings. What is timely for it may not be for you and me!"


Lei Xu's voice was not loud, but there was an undeniable determination:

"I believe in Unikin!"

"Even if the Kingdom of Light really appears—"

Fujimiya raised his voice for emphasis:

"It doesn't mean that we can only wait for their arrival. After all, they are just a group of aliens. The so-called plot does not mean that they are really so selfless!"

Lei Xu doesn't agree with this, but he doesn't agree with Fujimiya.

After all, the Gaia universe doesn't have an Austrian system at all, and Fujimiya naturally has no way of understanding what the name Kingdom of Light means.

For Fujimiya, I Meng, and anyone in the current Gaia universe.

The Kingdom of Light is an alien civilization with an unknown attitude, nothing more.

Be wary of the unknown...normal!

If Lei Xu is now on the earth that was protected by the Kingdom of Light and the Otto brothers all the way.

Lei Xu felt that just by swiping his face, the gang of GUYS could pack up the technological materials he needed.

It is not impossible to directly assign a fleet to support the real universe with a wave of the hand.

Of course, it was estimated that there was no need to do this at that time - Lei Xu yelled Lao Wang's name directly on the spot, and he might be teleported to the Kingdom of Light in the next second.

——The ball on King Ao's head can receive everything that happens in this universe.

The wall cracked and suspected that the old man Ao Wang was fishing when L77 was destroyed!

With a bang, the pressure from both shoulders brought Lei Xu back to reality.

What catches the eye is Fujimiya's face, the eyes are dark and expressionless, only the more and more force from the shoulder can make Lei Xu feel his mood at the moment.

"Tell me your plan!"

Fujimiya paused every word, his voice was thunderous.

8 This feud must be ended!

Lei Xu obtained his new identity on the third day——

People from the Celestial Dynasty with the same name, all identities can stand scrutiny, the kind that XIG may not necessarily find the problem when he comes to the door to check.

My dream, Fujinomiya, the efficiency of the two scientists and the light of the earth is really not covered.

Lei Xu raised a few words.

Originally, the smart phone that the Gaia universe will have to come out in a few years appeared ahead of schedule.

Or the Seiko handmade version——

This guy Fujimiya knows so many things, it's outrageous.

To use the current popular saying:

As a leading scientist, is it difficult to change a system overnight after drawing a picture, compatible with a mobile phone, and solve the problem from design to manufacture?

Lei Xu stared straight at him, wishing he could reincarnate Gaia and live on Earth again—Mother Earth, I also want to become smarter!

Although there are not so many colorful apps, watching the news and chatting about the sky really makes Lei Xu, the half of the future, not so boring.

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