It's awkward to chat with only two people.

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior Lei Xu, you asked me to pay attention. The Falcons and Lightning are practicing today. Is something going to happen? 】

L77 Survivor: [Hmm!This is chewing gum's exclusive trial, neither Fujimiya nor I will interfere. 】

Light of the Ocean: [Third-rate...]

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, what have you been up to lately?Alchemy Star seems to have received a lot of requests for collaborative research recently, is it you? 】

L77 Survivor: [Don't ask me, this is all arranged by Fujimiya, I am only in charge of OMO. 】

The Light of the Ocean: [You have the nerve to say so! ! ! 】

L77 Survivor: 【When will you two arrange a time to play...a show again? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [I can do it anytime! 】

The Light of the Ocean: [You will still lose this time, my dream! 】

L77 survivor: [Stop talking, Fujimiya and I are looking for something. 】

Norway, Selja Island——

"Is it okay to let that child face it alone?" Fujimiya's voice was distorted in the communicator.

"At least he can come out independently in the plot...I didn't tell him the plot of this episode because of this reason."

Lei Xu said in the channel while searching the cave:

"Although I have been saying that my dream should be to study hyperspace robots, Gaia SV's combat power can almost reach the peak of the normal Ultraman, comparable to Taro and Zoffy."

"My dream just needs time to grow, whether it's body or mind... Come to me, I seem to have found it."

Just as he was talking, Lei Xu suddenly discovered the lifelike murals on the cave wall, and suddenly turned around.

"almost there!"

In less than three seconds, azure blue light suddenly flashed from the top of the solid rock wall.

Fujimiya, dressed in black, walked out of it, and said coldly:

"I still don't believe that kid is better than me."

"Hey, don't believe it, this is the truth."

"That's also the fact in the plot that you knew before."

Fujimiya is not to be outdone:

"It's not a plot now!"

Lei Xu stared intently at the ferocious animal head on the wall, and didn't answer:

"The key we want, we found it... Let's get started!"

Fujimiya obviously also noticed the mural in front of him, he took out the camera from the backpack he was carrying, and clicked.

——This will be the last original record of this mural.

On the PDI, several scanning lines quickly filter through the photos, and the set program starts to run.

Soon, a brand new picture appeared on the screen.

Looking at Fujimiya who took out the carving knife and various paints, Lei Xu held his old mouth in his throat and spit out a sentence for a long time:

"I said, Fujimiya Amen, besides having children, what else do you know?"

Fujimiya's eyes quickly switched between PDI and the mural, his body surface was glowing with a faint blue light, the carving knife in his hand was opened and closed, and stone chips were flying everywhere on the rock wall.

"If you have nothing to do, go and watch the news, and if you can't, chat with the kid. The news has vibrated several times."

"it's okay no problem!"

Lei Xu cheerfully waved his hands:

"You don't understand, this is the beginning of the dream of Gai Zi and Yan Q's love and hatred, the death of the fifth brother and the enmity between Yan Q must be settled, otherwise there will be a lot of scenes lost..."

"Hmph, boring!"

Fujimiya couldn't understand, and he didn't want to understand. He had roughly drawn the figure, and took the paint to describe it in detail.

"By the way, Daniel, is there any reply?"

Lei Xu suddenly remembered his business.


Fujimiya changed to a larger brush, and the action of dipping the paint was quite bold:

"I haven't found anything related to the special time-space turbulent space you mentioned so far. I'm afraid you really have to wait until the Falcon team dies... It's done!"

"So fast?"

Lei Xu stood up in surprise, Fujimiya smiled confidently and moved away so that Lei Xu could observe the whole picture of the revised mural.

The original murals are still there, but they are quite different from before——

On the mural, the giant beast Zolim is clearly visible.

However, if it is compared with the densely packed outline of starships piled up on it, and a terrifying giant claw falling from the sky.

Zollim the Behemoth is almost equivalent to a harmless pet dog.


Lei Xu looked at it for a long time, hesitant:

"Isn't that a little too exaggerated?"

"What if the people above lose their will to resist in advance?"

"Then make them believe that empires bring nothing but destruction."

Fujimiya had an indifferent face, his left fist was clenched on the face, and the blue jeweled bracelet flapped its wings and twirled for a circle.

Under the shining blue light, the bright murals that have just formed quickly fade until the naked eye can't tell the old from the new.

Lei Xu raised the camera on one side, clicked twice again, and nodded:


A blue and black figure gradually appeared in the azure blue light, and the brilliant light stream flashed, and the precious murals that were originally lifelike suddenly melted into a meaningless mass of scorching hot magma, slowly flowing down.

Aguru turned to Lei Xu, and Otto tilted his head.

Who is pretending to be B?So dazzling!

[Without the full support of the whole earth, your plan would be an impossible dream. 】

Lei Xu was still on the skin, and Fujimiya's voice rang directly in his mind:

[When the giant beast Zolim dies, we can start full-scale combat preparations... No matter whether the empire will come or not, human beings must be prepared to fight everything to defend the earth! 】

Lei Xu nodded and said:

"Tomorrow we are going to visit Megumi Kuroda, the maiden of Renlong. With her help to make a deal, maybe Renlong is willing to communicate with us."

"Earth monsters are also a force that cannot be ignored. You two, including XIG, can't continue to attack your colleagues!"


At the same time, Makuda City——

"I don't have any reason to be afraid of you, I'm not afraid!!!"

A giant of red and silver alternated across the sky, and the terrifying wind and vacuum followed it like a shadow. It hit the surface of a giant-eyed monster with two legs hard, and fell heavily into the ground...

9 The plan to destroy Zollim the Behemoth is...

The Pacific Ocean, the bottom of the sea—

The deep and dark ocean bottom suddenly rolled up a raging undercurrent, which shocked a large number of deep-sea fish that migrated here to flee in a hurry, followed by several sharks shaking their heads and tails.

[Fujimiya, as the light of the ocean, you can't beat me in your own home court, is this in the Joan of Arc River? 】

On the dark seabed without light, the red figure stands proudly, the bright yellow shimmer and the azure blue on the chest are the only eye-catching signs.

On the opposite side, the blue-black giant who was struggling to get up did not say a word, and suddenly there was a blue light shining and condensing between the folded hands.

[...Ahem, just kidding, it's not good to draw a knife...Wow—Fujimiya, you don't talk about martial arts! 】

Lei Xu used an iron bridge to avoid the sharp lightsaber that came with the huge tide, wiped his head to wipe off the non-existent sweat, and once again bullied him.

Unlike the procrastination and slow motion of the submarine warfare scene in the plot, the resistance of the sea water can't cause any hindrance to the actions of the two Ultramans——

Between the fists and kicks, the huge amount of seawater was emptied for a short time and then rolled back and gathered in an instant, repeating continuously.

Lei Xu tilted his head to avoid the attacking lightsaber blade, leaned over into Aguru's arms, and with a sudden force from his elbow, a heavy blow hit the blue-black giant's lower abdomen neatly.

The pure white illusory light wheel was held sideways, and the faint waning moon touched the swiping bright blue lightsaber, disappearing at the same time as if it had never existed.


"Okay... what a shame!"

On the edge of the beach, Lei Xu viciously unpacked the compressed military rations and took a bite, panting and complaining:

"Why do you look like nothing is wrong?"

"eat fast!"

With a stinky face, Fujimiya was also biting the military rations:

"Come with me after eating!"

"do not fight!"

Lei Xu flatly refused:

"The emperor is not short of hungry soldiers, but he still wants to feed me pig food..."

Since coming to Gaia Earth, the strangest thing that has happened to Lei Xu is the time limit for his transformation that mysteriously disappeared.

Yes, you heard that right--

Now Lei Xu's transformation time limit of 1 minute and 33 seconds on the earth has disappeared, which is quite inexplicable.

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