Of course, it is only limited to the time limit of a human body, and the time limit has not completely disappeared after being gigantic...or it depends on the energy.

Lei Xu could clearly perceive that the consumption rate of light energy in his body after becoming gigantic was not much different from that of the time in the universe.

For this reason, Lei Xu specially took the time to go to the cosmic environment to try it out, and it was indeed right.

This refers to normal activities, excluding receiving starlight and radiation while incarnating as a red ball.

Emmmmm, Lei Xu probably guessed the reason——

The earth in the Gaia universe is different from the earth in other Austrian universes. It is pointed out more than once in the plot that the earth is alive and similar to creatures.

The two Lights of Earth, Gaia and Aguru, are similar to the white blood cells in the living being Earth.

The destruction of the root causes the invasion of hosts (foreign bacteria), and the biological instinct of the earth awakens the immune mechanism to challenge.

Lei Xu remembered that there was a report based on this point of view, digging deep and trying to build Gaia——

The earth as a living creature, the monsters and human beings living on it, and the destructiveness of the root causes the connection between the three.

First of all, in this report, the earth is not an image of an amiable mother.

She was mimicked as a creature with normal thinking logic and a human-like mind whose core purpose is survival.

There is a story in the Gaia episode: [46 billion years of undead]

Among them, Anaimos and the Klaboga that coexisted with it are ancient extinct creatures eliminated by the earth.

Combined with the known murals found on the Norwegian island of Seria, it is not the first time that the source of destruction has come to the earth.

The fact that the giant beast Zolim, Gaia and Aguru, the two lights of the earth did not appear on the earth just today.

Linking cold scrutiny—

Whether it is a monster or a human being, it is nothing but the immune system produced by the earth in order to survive.

Who said that human beings must not be the white blood cells of Mother Earth?

In order to fight against the destructive hosts, the earth spawned batches of creatures on itself.

As a creature, as the overlord of the earth, and as a white blood cell——

Anaimos and Klaboga were but a few of the thousands who were eliminated.

But who can say that human beings must not be the next species to be eliminated?

There are many places in the Gaia plot that are worthy of scrutiny.

In the play, I Meng also thought about whether the root cause of "the overlord creature that dominates the earth disappeared suddenly" was eliminated by the earth, or it was caused by the erosion of the body caused by the extinction of the root (Chapter 20).

As Gaia, I dream that this is due to the erosion of the body caused by the destruction of the root.

That's true, but not rigorous enough.

My dream is subconsciously ignoring the possibility that the earth will take the initiative to make the "overlord" species perish.

Remember the three machines of nature?

Clean the sky and purify the atmosphere, melt the glaciers to reclaim the land, and cover the forest to sow the earth.

The Heaven Realm and Yanshan Mountain cannot be tested, but the dark green core is indeed exactly the same as Catherine's original shield.

This just confirms the plot in the setting that the three natural machines come from the hands of future humans.

The three natural machines are just summoned from the future by the shattered summoning body.

Does this mean that—

Future humans have been recognized by the earth as a eliminated species?

In order to save themselves, human beings have to take the initiative to create these natural control machines at all costs?

After reading the whole report, Lei Xu felt cold all over his body.

The report ends with an open-ended thinking question——

As the big villain throughout, what is the essence of the root cause?

Is it an enemy from the depths of the universe?

Even though there are so many planets in the universe, why do they stare at the earth so hard that wormholes are like drinking water?

As the plot said, is it afraid of the development potential of human civilization?


In the field of quantum science, the resentment of biological species unwilling to be eliminated by the earth, the union of consciousness?


"Well, what's scheduled for today..."

Lei Xuzai swallowed the last bit of 'pig food' carefully, gulped down a few mouthfuls of milk, got up and asked.

"Have you made an appointment with Kuroda Megumi, the Renlong Priestess?"

Lei Xu was keenly aware that the 'pig food' in Fujimiya's hand did not move, his attention was focused on...


Curiously, he turned behind Fujimiya, and what caught his eye was a satellite cloud image that was changing in real time.

Really said Cao Cao Cao Cao to -

The only typhoon that can be paid attention to by Fujimiya is the one that can't go wrong!

Nature controls the machine, Celestial.

Kuroda Megumi can't visit for the time being.

The appearance of the Celestial Realm means that the plan to eliminate the giant beast Zolim has officially entered the first stage——

Otto breaks!

10 奥特尴尬~

After the first appearance of Eye Q, the enemy of Ge Ge's life, it is indeed the plot of the first appearance of the three nature-controlled machines and the heavenly world.


Lei Xu never expected that the heavens would come so quickly.

Eye Q was just covered to death yesterday, today...

Huh, no!

Lei Xu suddenly realized a problem - Fujimiya Ameng just watched the satellite cloud image, not the news.

L77 Survivor: [Gum, where are you now? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Air base. 】

L77 Survivor: 【...Understood. 】

The Light of the Ocean: [Don't blow it up, the coordinates are located, hurry up! 】

L77 Survivor: [Hey, I'll be there soon. 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Senior, Fujimiya, what are you two doing, can I help? 】

Guardian of the Earth: [Hey——, hey, hey...]

The air base, I dreamed that I was tired of looking at the screen that was no longer moving.

It's so sad, my little friend left me to play alone again, I really want to...

Over the Pacific—

On the clouds, there is a red and blue two-color glow suddenly shining.

In the next moment, two human figures stood abnormally above the clouds.

Layer upon layer, the sea of ​​clouds is stacked with waves, and the gray-black surge and cloud tide slowly rotate clockwise. The dark clouds of black are shrouded inside, and they move like living creatures.

Otto saw through——

After a while, Lei Xu nodded.

The center of the eye of the typhoon is indeed the natural control machine heaven, that's right.

Among the three natural machines, only the heavenly realm appeared inexplicably, and the other two stayed underground, and it was unknown how long they had been buried.

【How did you find out? 】

Lei Xu uttered Ott words to the blue figure beside him.

【Hmph, you are too slow. 】

Fujimiya Otto tilted his head:

【The plot can only be used as a reference. If the sudden typhoon cannot last until a meteorite penetrates the building before it is discovered, then there is only one result...】

Lei Xu had an ominous premonition:

【In such a short time... you used Chrysis? 】

[If you simply calculate, Chrysis can still be used, and by the way, I will reveal the news to the destructive body. The stronger the effect of the heavens, the more irreconcilable the conflict between me and the child will seem... Isn't this your plan? ? 】

Lei Xu: ...was this my plan?

Hiss——, what a subtle feeling.

The main line is roughly like this, yes, but...

Lei Xu stared at the sky speechlessly, Fujimiya Ameng, did you add a scene to yourself without authorization, and even took the initiative to invite Chrissis, the ghost computer, to watch?

But I can't find a reasonable reason to refute, so angry.

With such a change of plan, it seems... a little more perfect?

So should I give up thinking?

【gone! 】The words echoed, and the brilliant blue light pierced into the pitch-black eye of the wind.

[Hey, hey, King B, wait for me! 】The red streamer followed closely behind.

It is not difficult to enter the body of Tianjie. Lei Xu remembered that the dark green outer wall was once smashed by the Bison.

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