Speaking of which, seal script... Lei Xu suddenly had a guess——

These three, shouldn't the future Tianchao Company undertake the design and manufacture?

Tsk, that artistic word has all sorts of strange flavors in the era of mobile Internet.

The three natural machines must be brittle and brittle at the same time - the azure blue light blade cut horizontally and vertically, and then with a flying kick, Fujimiya flew into it first.

Lei Xu looked at the hall in front of him in amazement, and quickly followed Fujimiya flying ahead.

Along the way, even Lei Xu, who is not very sensitive, can find that the layout, structure, passage width, and steps in the heaven are all designed to facilitate the entry and exit of creatures of human body and structure.

In this way, the creators of the three nature-controlled machines are the setting of future human beings, it is true!

Mankind is forced to create such self-disciplined machines with certain combat capabilities...

Leaving that review aside, the branch speculation report also states the following:

Two possibilities -

Negative: In the future, the earth's environment is so bad that it needs to be rebuilt.

Positive: Human beings have reached the height of interstellar colonization, and need to carry out environmental modification on alien planets, which are obviously threatening to a certain extent.

Things like the three natural control machines are basically assembly line industrial products, specially designed to transform the surface of the colonial planet.

Lei Xu tends to be positive-Wameng and Fujimiya even have enough time to support Uub in the later stage, and there is a high probability that this situation will not happen on the mainland.

Moreover, the earth in the Gaia universe is not exclusively owned by humans - the Renlong is still there!

Lei Xu was thinking wildly while looking at it.

[Sure enough, it was Li's design. 】

Fujimiya stopped at some point, and Lei Xu almost missed him.

【plum? 】

Lei Xu subconsciously asked:

[People from the Celestial Dynasty?Alchemy Star? 】

Due to certain factors, Lei Xu saw very few episodes related to the Celestial Dynasty, and basically only appeared in the background introduction, or the live news footage that disappeared in a flash.

[Well, after you mentioned the heavens, I have guessed... Li is No.1 in the direction of air purification. The goal of his project is to achieve carbon neutrality for the Celestial Dynasty 30 years in advance, and completely eliminate the nationwide smog and Air Pollution. 】

Well, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

Lei Xu immediately thought of the sky near the capital of Rabbit Country whose color tone was different from other places, and nodded quite speechlessly.

[The design of this core is very similar to the 'Fengbo' system proposed by Li Gang not long ago. 】

[Catherine's original shield corresponds to dark green, and Li's Fengbo corresponds to heaven...]

Lei Xu was thoughtful:

[So, by finding Li and Catherine, we can quickly decipher the systems of Heaven Realm and Dark Green, and then truly control these two natural machines. 】

[Where is Ke Yanshan?Is there a corresponding target of suspicion? 】

Lei Xu suddenly remembered the natural control machine that should still be in a certain mountain in Chiba, my dream hometown.

Then I thought of the big seafood that was ruthlessly blown away by the liquidator, ahem, sea monster.

I feel sorry for you, Big Seafood.

【Yanshan Mountain is different. There are too many ways to do simple high-temperature heating, and the technical content cannot be compared with Heavenly Yanshan Mountain. 】

That’s right, Lei Xu had an epiphany——

No wonder Yanshan is the only nature control machine that will actively change into combat mode.

Fujimiya also seemed to have thought of the sea monster that theoretically seemed to be his subordinate.

After Lei Xu popularized the concept that earth monsters are colleagues, at this moment Otto concealed... a rare explanation:

[On the side of the Gangbei Science and Technology Park, the dark green trail will be found immediately. When will the child be sent to find Catherine? 】

【...Take care of Renlong first, otherwise I'm afraid there will be earth monsters chasing up to fight no matter where I go. 】

Borrowing the donkey down the slope... Lei Xu's emotional intelligence is very good and he didn't mention the previous matter.

【Um! 】

Otter embarrassing...

11 Bring food for Renlong~

The three natural control machines are not only part of the current plan, but also an indispensable environmental stabilization and recovery tool for the large-scale rollout of industry in the later stage and full combat readiness.

Furthermore, as Lei Xu guessed, it can also be used in alien colonization, such as the modification of the habitable environment of Mars.

However, the real problem with Mars is that the magnetic field generated by the core is not strong enough to maintain the atmosphere, and thus cannot hold the atmosphere... There is a long way to go...


"Mr. Tabata, someone is looking for him and said he has an appointment with you."

In the KCB building, Tabata, who was editing a film at his workstation, raised his head when he heard the words:

"I know, I'll be there soon."

"What are you looking around for?"

Lei Xu's tone was full of ridicule:

"Don't look for it, I've inquired, Reiko Yoshii is not in KCB today."


Fujimiya's expression was a little unnatural, and even the mantra was unreliable.

Lei Xu chuckled inwardly—he is a professional in the CP line of the Austrian department.

Seeing many Otto escaped marriages, naturally he is happy to see the few successful Otto marriages.

When explaining the plot, he completely wiped out the love between the two Lights of Earth.

The peach blossom luck of my dream——

The two correspondents, Dunzi Qiaoji, won or lost in the early stage, and both had C-position highlights.

And Catherine, I remember when I first mentioned this, I dreamed that my face was as red as if it was about to explode on the spot.

As for Fujimiya——

The words of the old and the young wives had already made him realize that it was not good, but he couldn't stop Lei Xu's mouth even though he tried his best.

Leaving aside the eldest wife, Dr. Inamori, the love between Fujimiya and Reiko was directly blown away by Lei Xu.

The CP in the play, the actors outside the play are husband and wife, even the voice actors of Rabbit Country are husband and wife, outrageous!

"Hey, I said Fujimiya Amen, have you thought about it yet?"

Lei Xu smiled a bit maliciously:

"Dr. Inamori or Reiko, which one do you choose?"

Fujimiya: ...

"Yeah, you don't want to want them all, do you?"

Lei Xu gave a look that men can understand, and joked:

"Children will want all of them, and adults know that their bodies can't hold on."

Fujimiya: ...

Fortunately, Tian Bata arrived in time before Fujinomiya erupted, and Lei Xu immediately diverted his attention——

The appearance of this reporter and news director is really similar to that of Hiroshi Tsuburaya who has passed away in the real universe.

It is unrealistic to expect Fujimiya to deal with each other, Lei Xu took the initiative to shake hands:

"Hello, we have an appointment in advance..."

"Yes, Kuroda Megumi, right?"

Tabata slapped his head and shook hands enthusiastically:

"I'll take you to..."

The car of KCB is speeding all the way...

There is a reason why he went to Megumi Kuroda directly through an acquaintance like Tabata.

Part of it is Lei Xu's subconscious habit of "acquaintances are easy to handle" as a native of Rabbit Country, and the other part is because Kuroda Megumi is really unusual.

There were a few times when Lei Xu watched related plots, he subconsciously thought that Kuroda Megumi was also Renlong.

There are not many performances in the play, and there are very few lines.

Renlong Miko, spokesperson.

Perceive the future of the earth, perceive Renlong's mood, calm down Renlong's anger with his own power, call Gaia the guardian of the earth, and predict the arrival of the angel Zog earlier than me and Mengtenggong.

One by one, combined with her status as an amateur Feng Shui master, Lei Xu strongly doubts whether she has kept any ancient records.

For example, ancient writings such as Taiping Fengtuji are read as bugs in scripts.

In short, if you want to find Renlong, you must first greet Kuroda Megumi, and there may be unexpected surprises.

The place was a Confucian temple, and Tabata readily recommended them:

"Miss Kuroda, these two are..."

After the introduction, Tian Bata left with a wink - he still has something to do.

Just like the plot of Gaia, the real Megumi Kuroda is also a very elegant, attractive, and sexy woman.

With three-dimensional facial features, gentle eyebrows and eyes, and a body like a willow, Lei Xu's eyes are full of appreciation.

Cough, don't get me wrong, I just appreciate beautiful things... and the character information sent by Alchemy Star says that she is married.

"Excuse me..." Kuroda Megumi bowed his head politely, and his voice was very soft: "You found me in particular, what's the matter?"

"I'll just say it straight, Ms. Kuroda."

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